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import sisl
import sisl.viz

For this notebook we will create a toy “Boron nitride” tight binding:

# First, we create the geometry
BN = sisl.geom.graphene(atoms=["B", "N"])

# Create a hamiltonian with different on-site terms
H = sisl.Hamiltonian(BN)

H[0, 0] = 2
H[1, 1] = -2

H[0, 1] = -2.7
H[1, 0] = -2.7

H[0, 1, (-1, 0)] = -2.7
H[0, 1, (0, -1)] = -2.7
H[1, 0, (1, 0)] = -2.7
H[1, 0, (0, 1)] = -2.7

Note that we could have obtained this hamiltonian from any other source. Then we generate a path for the band structure:

band = sisl.BandStructure(H, [[0., 0.], [2./3, 1./3],
                              [1./2, 1./2], [1., 1.]], 301,
                              [r'$\Gamma$', 'K', 'M', r'$\Gamma$'])

And finally we just ask for the fatbands plot:

fatbands = band.plot.fatbands()

We only see the bands here, but this is a fatbands plot, and it is ready to accept your requests on what to draw!

Requesting specific weights

The fatbands that the plot draws are controlled by the groups setting.

The different groups that are displayed in the fatbands

 Each item is a dict.

 Structure of the dict: {

 Structure of the dict: {

 Structure of the dict: {

 Structure of the dict: {

This setting works exactly like the requests setting in PdosPlot, which is documented here. Therefore we won’t give an extended description of it, but just quickly show that you can autogenerate the groups:


Or write them yourself if you want the maximum flexibility:

    {"species": "N", "color": "blue", "name": "Nitrogen"},
    {"species": "B", "color": "red", "name": "Boron"}

Scaling fatbands

The visual appeal of fatbands depends a lot on the size of your plot, therefore there’s one global scale setting that scales all fatbands at the same time:


You can also use the scale_fatbands method, which additionally lets you choose if you want to rescale from the current size or just set the value of scale:

fatbands.scale_fatbands(0.5, from_current=True)

Use BandsPlot settings

All settings of BandsPlot work as well for FatbandsPlot. Even spin texture!

We hope you enjoyed what you learned!

This next cell is just to create the thumbnail for the notebook in the docs

thumbnail_plot = fatbands

if thumbnail_plot:"png")
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [10], in <cell line: 3>()
      1 thumbnail_plot = fatbands
      3 if thumbnail_plot:
----> 4"png")

File ~/checkouts/, in, listen, return_figWidget, *args, **kwargs)
   1173     except Exception as e:
   1174         warn(e)
-> 1176 return*args, **kwargs)

File ~/checkouts/, in, *args, **kwargs)
     41 def show(self, *args, **kwargs):
---> 42     return*args, **kwargs)

File ~/checkouts/, in, *args, **kwargs)
   3365 """
   3366 Show a figure using either the default renderer(s) or the renderer(s)
   3367 specified by the renderer argument
   3394 None
   3395 """
   3396 import as pio
-> 3398 return, *args, **kwargs)

File ~/checkouts/, in show(fig, renderer, validate, **kwargs)
    385 fig_dict = validate_coerce_fig_to_dict(fig, validate)
    387 # Mimetype renderers
--> 388 bundle = renderers._build_mime_bundle(fig_dict, renderers_string=renderer, **kwargs)
    389 if bundle:
    390     if not ipython_display:

File ~/checkouts/, in RenderersConfig._build_mime_bundle(self, fig_dict, renderers_string, **kwargs)
    293             if hasattr(renderer, k):
    294                 setattr(renderer, k, v)
--> 296         bundle.update(renderer.to_mimebundle(fig_dict))
    298 return bundle

File ~/checkouts/, in ImageRenderer.to_mimebundle(self, fig_dict)
    126 def to_mimebundle(self, fig_dict):
--> 127     image_bytes = to_image(
    128         fig_dict,
    129         format=self.format,
    130         width=self.width,
    131         height=self.height,
    132         scale=self.scale,
    133         validate=False,
    134         engine=self.engine,
    135     )
    137     if self.b64_encode:
    138         image_str = base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode("utf8")

File ~/checkouts/, in to_image(fig, format, width, height, scale, validate, engine)
    131     # Raise informative error message if Kaleido is not installed
    132     if scope is None:
--> 133         raise ValueError(
    134             """
    135 Image export using the "kaleido" engine requires the kaleido package,
    136 which can be installed using pip:
    137     $ pip install -U kaleido
    138 """
    139         )
    141     # Validate figure
    142     # ---------------
    143     fig_dict = validate_coerce_fig_to_dict(fig, validate)

Image export using the "kaleido" engine requires the kaleido package,
which can be installed using pip:
    $ pip install -U kaleido