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from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

from sisl import Atom, Geometry, Grid, Lattice, SislError
from sisl._internal import set_module

# Import sile objects
from import *
from sisl.messages import deprecate_argument
from sisl.unit import unit_convert

from ._help import header_to_dict

__all__ = ["cubeSile"]

class cubeSile(Sile):
    """CUBE file object

    By default the cube file is written using Bohr units.
    one can define the units by passing a respective unit argument.
    Note that the grid data is assumed unit-less and thus no conversion
    will be done for this data, only atomic coordinates and lattice vectors.

[docs] @sile_fh_open() @deprecate_argument("sc", "lattice", "use lattice= instead of sc=", "0.15", "0.16") def write_lattice( self, lattice: Lattice, fmt: str = "15.10e", size=None, origin=None, unit: str = "Bohr", *args, **kwargs, ): """Writes `Lattice` object attached to this grid Parameters ---------- lattice : lattice to be written fmt : floating point format for stored values size : (3, ), optional shape of the stored grid (``[1, 1, 1]``) origin : (3, ), optional origin of the cell (``[0, 0, 0]``) unit: what length unit should the cube file data be written in """ sile_raise_write(self) Ang2unit = unit_convert("Ang", unit) # Write header self._write("\n") self._write(f"sisl-version=1 unit={unit}\n") if size is None: size = np.ones([3], np.int32) if origin is None: origin = lattice.origin[:] _fmt = "{:d} {:15.10e} {:15.10e} {:15.10e}\n" # Add #-of atoms and origin self._write(_fmt.format(1, *(origin * Ang2unit))) # Write the cell and voxels for ix in range(3): dcell = lattice.cell[ix, :] / size[ix] * Ang2unit self._write(_fmt.format(size[ix], *dcell)) self._write("1 0. 0. 0. 0.\n")
[docs] @sile_fh_open() def write_geometry( self, geometry: Geometry, fmt: str = "15.10e", size=None, origin=None, unit: str = "Bohr", *args, **kwargs, ): """Writes `Geometry` object attached to this grid Parameters ---------- geometry : geometry to be written fmt : floating point format for stored values size : (3, ), optional shape of the stored grid (``[1, 1, 1]``) origin : (3, ), optional origin of the cell (``[0, 0, 0]``) unit: what length unit should the cube file data be written in """ sile_raise_write(self) Ang2unit = unit_convert("Ang", unit) # Write header self._write("\n") self._write(f"sisl-version=1 unit={unit}\n") if size is None: size = np.ones([3], np.int32) if origin is None: origin = geometry.origin[:] _fmt = "{:d} {:15.10e} {:15.10e} {:15.10e}\n" valid_Z = (geometry.atoms.Z > 0).nonzero()[0] geometry = geometry.sub(valid_Z) # Add #-of atoms and origin self._write(_fmt.format(len(geometry), *(origin * Ang2unit))) # Write the cell and voxels for ix in range(3): dcell = geometry.cell[ix, :] / size[ix] * Ang2unit self._write(_fmt.format(size[ix], *dcell)) tmp = " {:" + fmt + "}" _fmt = "{:d} 0.0" + tmp + tmp + tmp + "\n" for ia in geometry: self._write( _fmt.format(geometry.atoms[ia].Z, *[ia, :] * Ang2unit) )
[docs] @sile_fh_open() def write_grid( self, grid: Grid, fmt: str = ".5e", imag: bool = False, unit: str = "Bohr", *args, **kwargs, ): """Write `Grid` to the contained file Parameters ---------- grid : the grid to be written in the CUBE file fmt : format used for precision output imag : write only imaginary part of the grid, default to only writing the real part. unit: what length unit should the cube file data be written in. The grid data is assumed to be unit-less, this unit only refers to the lattice vectors and atomic coordinates. buffersize : int, optional size of the buffer while writing the data, (6144) """ # Check that we can write to the file sile_raise_write(self) if grid.geometry is None: self.write_lattice( grid.lattice, size=grid.shape, unit=unit, *args, **kwargs ) else: self.write_geometry( grid.geometry, size=grid.shape, unit=unit, *args, **kwargs ) buffersize = kwargs.get("buffersize", min(6144, grid.grid.size)) buffersize += buffersize % 6 # ensure multiple of 6 # A CUBE file contains grid-points aligned like this: # for x # for y # for z # write... _fmt1 = "{:" + fmt + "} " _fmt6 = (_fmt1 * 6)[:-1] + "\n" __fmt = _fmt6 * (buffersize // 6) if imag: for z in np.nditer( np.asarray(grid.grid.imag, order="C").reshape(-1), flags=["external_loop", "buffered"], op_flags=[["readonly"]], order="C", buffersize=buffersize, ): if z.shape[0] != buffersize: s = z.shape[0] __fmt = _fmt6 * (s // 6) + _fmt1 * (s % 6) + "\n" self._write(__fmt.format(*z.tolist())) else: for z in np.nditer( np.asarray(grid.grid.real, order="C").reshape(-1), flags=["external_loop", "buffered"], op_flags=[["readonly"]], order="C", buffersize=buffersize, ): if z.shape[0] != buffersize: s = z.shape[0] __fmt = _fmt6 * (s // 6) + _fmt1 * (s % 6) + "\n" self._write(__fmt.format(*z.tolist())) # Add a finishing line to ensure empty ending self._write("\n")
def _r_header_dict(self): """Reads the header of the file""" self.readline() header = header_to_dict(self.readline()) header["unit"] = unit_convert(header.get("unit", "Bohr"), "Ang") return header
[docs] def read_basis(self) -> Atoms: """Reads the `Atoms` object from the CUBE file""" return self.read_geometry().atoms
[docs] @sile_fh_open() def read_lattice(self, ret_na: bool = False) -> Lattice: """Returns `Lattice` object from the CUBE file Parameters ---------- ret_na : bool, optional whether to also return the number of atoms in the geometry Returns ------- lattice: Lattice the lattice object na : int number of atoms (only if `ret_na`) """ unit2Ang = self._r_header_dict()["unit"] origin = self.readline().split() # origin na = int(origin[0]) origin = np.fromiter(map(float, origin[1:]), np.float64) cell = np.empty([3, 3], np.float64) for i in [0, 1, 2]: tmp = self.readline().split() s = int(tmp[0]) tmp = tmp[1:] for j in [0, 1, 2]: cell[i, j] = float(tmp[j]) * s cell = cell * unit2Ang origin = origin * unit2Ang if ret_na: return Lattice(cell, origin=origin), na return Lattice(cell, origin=origin)
[docs] @sile_fh_open() def read_geometry(self) -> Geometry: """Returns `Geometry` object from the CUBE file""" unit2Ang = self._r_header_dict()["unit"] lattice, na = self.read_lattice(ret_na=True) if na == 0: return None # Start reading the geometry xyz = np.empty([na, 3], np.float64) atom = [] for ia in range(na): tmp = self.readline().split() atom.append(Atom(int(tmp[0]))) xyz[ia, 0] = float(tmp[2]) xyz[ia, 1] = float(tmp[3]) xyz[ia, 2] = float(tmp[4]) return Geometry(xyz * unit2Ang, atom, lattice=lattice)
[docs] @sile_fh_open() def read_grid(self, imag=None) -> Grid: """Returns `Grid` object from the CUBE file Parameters ---------- imag : str or Sile or Grid the imaginary part of the grid. If the geometries does not match an error will be raised. """ if not imag is None: if not isinstance(imag, Grid): imag = geom = self.read_geometry() if geom is None: lattice = self.read_lattice() else: lattice = geom.lattice # read headers (and seek to start) self._r_header_dict() na = int(self.readline().split()[0]) ngrid = [0] * 3 for i in (0, 1, 2): tmp = self.readline().split() ngrid[i] = int(tmp[0]) # Read past the atoms for i in range(na): self.readline() if geom is None: grid = Grid(ngrid, dtype=np.float64, lattice=lattice) else: grid = Grid(ngrid, dtype=np.float64, geometry=geom) grid.grid.shape = (-1,) # TODO check performance of this # We are currently doing this to enable reading # 1-column data and 6-column data. lines = [item for sublist in self.fh.readlines() for item in sublist.split()] grid.grid[:] = np.array(lines).astype(grid.dtype, copy=False) grid.grid.shape = ngrid if imag is None: return grid # We are expecting an imaginary part if not grid.geometry.equal(imag.geometry): raise SislError( f"{self!s} and its imaginary part does not have the same " "geometry. Hence a combined complex Grid cannot be formed." ) if grid != imag: raise SislError( f"{self!s} and its imaginary part does not have the same " "shape. Hence a combined complex Grid cannot be formed." ) # Now we have a complex grid grid.grid = grid.grid + 1j * imag.grid return grid
add_sile("cube", cubeSile, case=False, gzip=True)