# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from sisl import Atom, AtomicOrbital, Atoms, AtomUnknown, Geometry, PeriodicTable
from sisl._array import arrayi
from sisl._internal import set_module
from sisl.messages import deprecate_argument
from sisl.unit.siesta import unit_convert
from .._help import _fill_basis_empty
from ..sile import add_sile, sile_fh_open
from .sile import SileSiesta
__all__ = ["orbindxSileSiesta"]
Bohr2Ang = unit_convert("Bohr", "Ang")
class orbindxSileSiesta(SileSiesta):
"""Orbital information file"""
def read_lattice_nsc(self):
"""Reads the supercell number of supercell information"""
# First line contains no no_s
line = self.readline().split()
no_s = int(line[1])
nsc = [0] * 3
def int_abs(i):
return abs(int(i))
for _ in range(no_s):
line = self.readline().split()
if len(line) == 16:
isc = list(map(int_abs, line[12:15]))
if isc[0] > nsc[0]:
nsc[0] = isc[0]
if isc[1] > nsc[1]:
nsc[1] = isc[1]
if isc[2] > nsc[2]:
nsc[2] = isc[2]
return arrayi([n * 2 + 1 for n in nsc])
"use atoms instead of basis",
def read_basis(self, atoms: Optional[Union[Atoms, Geometry]] = None) -> Atoms:
"""Returns a set of atoms corresponding to the basis-sets in the ORB_INDX file
The specie names have a short field in the ORB_INDX file, hence the name may
not necessarily be the same as provided in the species block
atoms :
list of atoms used for the species index
# First line contains no no_s
line = self.readline().split()
no = int(line[0])
pt = PeriodicTable()
if isinstance(atoms, Geometry):
atoms = atoms.atoms
if atoms is None:
def crt_atom(i_s, tag, orbs):
# The user has not specified an atomic basis
i = pt.Z(tag)
if isinstance(i, int):
# we can convert tag name to an atom
# Hence we don't need to add the tag
return Atom(i, orbs)
return AtomUnknown(1000 + i_s, orbs, tag=tag)
def crt_atom(i_s, tag, orbs):
# Get the atom and add the orbitals
kwargs = {}
if atoms[i_s].tag != tag:
# we know ORB_INDX tag is correct
kwargs["tag"] = tag
if len(atoms[i_s]) != len(orbs):
# only overwrite if # of orbitals don't match
kwargs["orbitals"] = orbs
if kwargs:
return atoms[i_s].copy(**kwargs)
return atoms[i_s]
# Now we begin by reading the atoms
atom, orbs = [], []
species, order_species = [], []
current_ia = 1
tag = ""
i_s = 0
for _ in range(no):
line = self.readline().split()
ia = int(line[1])
if ia != current_ia:
if i_s not in species:
atom.append(crt_atom(i_s, tag, orbs))
current_ia = ia
orbs = []
# Get tag for atom
tag = line[3]
# and species number
i_s = int(line[2]) - 1
if i_s in order_species:
# no need to collect information for the same orbital
nlmz = list(map(int, line[5:9]))
P = line[9] == "T"
rc = float(line[11]) * Bohr2Ang
# Create the orbital
o = AtomicOrbital(n=nlmz[0], l=nlmz[1], m=nlmz[2], zeta=nlmz[3], P=P, R=rc)
if i_s not in species:
atom.append(crt_atom(i_s, tag, orbs))
atom = Atoms([atom[i] for i in np.argsort(order_species)])
return _fill_basis_empty(np.array(species), atom)
add_sile("ORB_INDX", orbindxSileSiesta, gzip=True)