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from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

from sisl._array import arrayf
from sisl._internal import set_module
from sisl.typing import UnitsVar
from sisl.unit import serialize_units_arg, unit_convert

from ..sile import add_sile, sile_fh_open
from .sile import SileVASP

__all__ = ["doscarSileVASP"]

class doscarSileVASP(SileVASP):
    """Density of states output"""

[docs] @sile_fh_open(True) def read_fermi_level(self, units: UnitsVar = "eV") -> float: r"""Query the Fermi-level contained in the file Returns ------- float fermi-level of the system """ units = serialize_units_arg(units) eV2unit = unit_convert("eV", units["energy"]) self.readline() # NIONS, NIONS, JOBPAR_, WDES%INCDIJ self.readline() # AOMEGA, LATT_CUR%ANORM(1:3) *1e-10, POTIM * 1e-15 self.readline() # TEMP self.readline() # ' CAR ' self.readline() # name line = self.readline().split() return float(line[3]) * eV2unit
[docs] @sile_fh_open() def read_data(self, units: UnitsVar = "eV"): r"""Read DOS, as calculated and written by VASP The energy points are shifted to the Fermi level. Parameters ---------- units : selects units in the returned data Returns ------- E : numpy.ndarray energy points (units as selected in argument) DOS : numpy.ndarray DOS points (units of 1/energy_units) """ units = serialize_units_arg(units) eV2unit = unit_convert("eV", units["energy"]) # read first line self.readline() # NIONS, NIONS, JOBPAR_, WDES%INCDIJ self.readline() # AOMEGA, LATT_CUR%ANORM(1:3) *1e-10, POTIM * 1e-15 self.readline() # TEMP self.readline() # ' CAR ' self.readline() # name line = self.readline().split() # Emax = float(line[0]) # Emin = float(line[1]) NE = int(line[2]) Ef = float(line[3]) E = np.empty([NE], np.float32) # Determine output line = arrayf(self.readline().split()) ns = (len(line) - 1) // 2 DOS = np.empty([ns, NE], np.float32) E[0] = line[0] DOS[:, 0] = line[1 : ns + 1] for ie in range(1, NE): line = arrayf(self.readline().split()) E[ie] = line[0] DOS[:, ie] = line[1 : ns + 1] return (E - Ef) * eV2unit, DOS / eV2unit
add_sile("DOSCAR", doscarSileVASP, gzip=True)