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from __future__ import annotations

Sile object for reading/writing Wannier90 in/output
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sps
from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix

import sisl._array as _a
from sisl import Geometry, Lattice
from sisl.messages import deprecate_argument
from sisl.physics import Hamiltonian
from sisl.unit import unit_convert

from .._help import parse_order
from ..sile import *

# Import sile objects
from .sile import SileWannier90

__all__ = [

def _construct_hamiltonian(geometry: Geometry, Hsc):
    # Get supercell size
    nsc = _a.zerosi(3)
    for isc in Hsc.keys():
        for i in (0, 1, 2):
            nsc[i] = max(abs(isc[i]), nsc[i])

    # Create the full supercell
    nsc = nsc * 2 + 1

    # Create the big matrix
    H = []
    for isc in geometry.lattice.sc_off:

    H = sps.hstack(H)

    return Hamiltonian.fromsp(geometry, H)

[docs] class winSileWannier90(SileWannier90): """Wannier seedname input file object This `Sile` enables easy interaction with the Wannier90 code. A seedname is the basis of reading all Wannier90 output because every file in Wannier90 is based of the name of the seed. Hence, if the correct flags are present in the file, and the corresponding files are created, then the corresponding quantity may be read. For instance to read the Wannier-centres you *must* have this in your ````: .. code-block:: console write_xyz = true while if you want to read the Wannier Hamiltonian you should have this: .. code-block:: console write_tb = true For legacy compatibility, one might need to use: .. code-block:: console write_xyz = true hr_plot = true write_hr = true Examples -------- >>> wan90 = get_sile('') >>> H = wan90.read_hamiltonian() >>> H = wan90.read_hamiltonian(dtype=numpy.float64) >>> H = wan90.read_hamiltonian(cutoff=0.00001) """ def _setup(self, *args, **kwargs): """Setup `winSileWannier90` after initialization""" super()._setup(*args, **kwargs) self._comment = ["!", "#"] self._seed = str(self.file).replace(".win", "") def _r_lattice_tb(self, *args, **kwargs): """Defered routine""" f = self.dir_file(self._seed + "_tb.dat") lattice = None if f.exists(): lattice = tbSileWannier90(f).read_lattice(*args, **kwargs) return lattice @sile_fh_open() def _r_lattice_win(self): """Deferred routine""" f, l = self.step_to("unit_cell_cart", case=False) if not f: raise ValueError( "The unit-cell vectors could not be found in the seed-file." ) l = self.readline() lines = [] while not l.startswith("end"): lines.append(l) l = self.readline() # Check whether the first element is a specification of the units pos_unit = lines[0].split() if len(pos_unit) > 2: unit = 1.0 else: unit = unit_convert(pos_unit[0].capitalize(), "Ang") # Remove the line with the unit... lines.pop(0) # Create the cell cell = np.empty([3, 3], np.float64) for i in [0, 1, 2]: cell[i] = [float(x) for x in lines[i].split()] return Lattice(cell * unit)
[docs] def read_lattice(self, output: bool = False, *args, **kwargs): """Reads a `Lattice` and creates the Wannier90 cell Parameters ---------- output : whether to read from output files, or not. For Wannier90, they should all result in the same lattice. order : the order of which to try and read the lattice. Default depends on `output`. """ order = parse_order( kwargs.pop("order", None), {True: ["tb", "win"], False: ["win"]}, output ) for f in order: v = getattr(self, f"_r_lattice_{f.lower()}")(*args, **kwargs) if v is not None: return v return None
def _r_geometry_centres(self, *args, **kwargs): """Defered routine""" f = self.dir_file(self._seed + "") geometry = None if f.exists(): geometry = centresSileWannier90(f).read_geometry(*args, **kwargs) return geometry @sile_fh_open() def _r_geometry_win(self, lattice: Lattice, *args, **kwargs): """Defered routine""" is_frac = True f, _ = self.step_to("atoms_frac", case=False) if not f: is_frac = False f, _ = self.step_to("atoms_cart", case=False) if not f: raise ValueError( "The geometry coordinates (atoms_frac/cart) could not be found in the seed-file." ) # Species and coordinate list s = [] xyz = [] # Read the next line to determine the units if is_frac: unit = 1.0 else: unit = self.readline() if len(unit.split()) > 1: l = unit.split() s.append(l[0]) xyz.append(list(map(float, l[1:4]))) unit = 1.0 else: unit = unit_convert(unit.strip().capitalize(), "Ang") l = self.readline() while not "end" in l: # Get the species and l = l.split() s.append(l[0]) xyz.append(list(map(float, l[1:4]))) l = self.readline() # Convert xyz = np.array(xyz, np.float64) * unit if is_frac: xyz =, xyz.T).T return Geometry(xyz, atoms=s, lattice=lattice)
[docs] @deprecate_argument("sc", "lattice", "use lattice= instead of sc=", "0.15", "0.16") def read_geometry(self, output: bool = False, *args, **kwargs) -> Geometry: """Reads a `Geometry` and creates the Wannier90 cell Parameters ---------- output: whether to read supercell from output files (True), or form the fdf file (False). order: list of str, optional the order of which to try and read the geometry information. Depedns on `output`. Notes ----- Reading from ``<>_centres.dat`` (order=["centres"]) will return the `Geometry` associated with the Wannier functions/Hamiltonian, whereas reading from ``<>.win`` (order=["win"]) returns the `Geometry` of the crystal structure. """ if "lattice" not in kwargs: kwargs["lattice"] = self.read_lattice(output=output) order = parse_order( kwargs.pop("order", None), {True: ["centres"], False: ["win"]}, output ) for f in order: geometry = getattr(self, f"_r_geometry_{f.lower()}")(*args, **kwargs) if geometry is not None: return geometry return None
@sile_fh_open() def _write_lattice(self, lattice, fmt=".8f", *args, **kwargs): """Writes the supercel to the contained file""" # Check that we can write to the file sile_raise_write(self) fmt_str = " {{0:{0}}} {{1:{0}}} {{2:{0}}}\n".format(fmt) self._write("begin unit_cell_cart\n") self._write(" Ang\n") self._write(fmt_str.format(*lattice.cell[0])) self._write(fmt_str.format(*lattice.cell[1])) self._write(fmt_str.format(*lattice.cell[2])) self._write("end unit_cell_cart\n")
[docs] @deprecate_argument("sc", "lattice", "use lattice= instead of sc=", "0.15", "0.16") def write_lattice(self, lattice, fmt=".8f", *args, **kwargs): """Writes the supercell to the contained file""" self._write_lattice(lattice, fmt, *args, **kwargs)
@sile_fh_open() def _write_geometry(self, geom, fmt=".8f", *args, **kwargs): """Writes the geometry to the contained file""" # Check that we can write to the file sile_raise_write(self) # We have to have the _write_lattice here # due to the open function re-instantiating the mode, # and if it isn't 'a', then it cleans it... :( self._write_lattice(geom.lattice, fmt, *args, **kwargs) fmt_str = " {{1:2s}} {{2:{0}}} {{3:{0}}} {{4:{0}}} # {{0}}\n".format(fmt) if kwargs.get("frac", False): # Get the fractional coordinates fxyz = geom.fxyz[:, :] self._write("begin atoms_frac\n") for ia, a, _ in geom.iter_species(): self._write(fmt_str.format(ia + 1, a.symbol, *fxyz[ia, :])) self._write("end atoms_frac\n") else: self._write("begin atoms_cart\n") self._write(" Ang\n") for ia, a, _ in geom.iter_species(): self._write(fmt_str.format(ia + 1, a.symbol, *[ia, :])) self._write("end atoms_cart\n")
[docs] def write_geometry(self, geometry: Geometry, fmt: str = ".8f", *args, **kwargs): """Writes the geometry to the contained file""" self._write_geometry(geometry, fmt, *args, **kwargs)
def _r_wigner_seitz_weights(self): # Number of Wigner-Seitz degeneracy points npts = int(self.readline()) ws = [] while len(ws) < npts: # both formats uses 15 points per line, # however, this should be usable if they decide to change # the number of counts per line. ws.extend(list(map(int, self.readline().split()))) ws = 1.0 / _a.arrayd(ws) return ws def _r_hamiltonian_tb(self, *args, **kwargs): """Read Hamiltonian from the ``<>_tb.dat`` file""" f = self.dir_file(self._seed + "_tb.dat") H = None if f.exists(): H = tbSileWannier90(f).read_hamiltonian(*args, **kwargs) return H def _r_hamiltonian_hr(self, *args, **kwargs): """Reads a Hamiltonian model from the ``<>_hr.dat`` file""" f = self.dir_file(self._seed + "_hr.dat") H = None if f.exists(): H = hrSileWannier90(f).read_hamiltonian(*args, **kwargs) return H
[docs] def read_hamiltonian(self, cutoff: float = 1e-5, *args, **kwargs): """Read the electronic structure of the Wannier90 output by reading the ``<>_tb.dat``, ``<>_hr.dat`` Parameters ---------- cutoff: the cutoff value for the zero Hamiltonian elements, default to 0.00001 eV. dtype: np.float64, optional the default data-type used for the matrix. Is mainly useful to check whether the TB model has imaginary components (it should not since it is a Wannier model). geometry: Geometry, optional the geometry associated with the Hamiltonian lattice: Lattice, optional the lattice associated with the Hamiltonian """ order = parse_order(kwargs.pop("order", None), ["tb", "hr"]) if "geometry" not in kwargs: # to ensure we get the correct orbital positions kwargs["geometry"] = self.read_geometry(output=True) if "lattice" not in kwargs: # to ensure we get the correct cell kwargs["lattice"] = self.read_lattice(output=True) kwargs["cutoff"] = cutoff for f in order: H = getattr(self, f"_r_hamiltonian_{f.lower()}")(*args, **kwargs) if H is not None: return H return None
def ArgumentParser(self, p=None, *args, **kwargs): """Returns the arguments that is available for this Sile""" newkw = Geometry._ArgumentParser_args_single() newkw.update(kwargs) return self.read_geometry().ArgumentParser(p, *args, **newkw)
[docs] class centresSileWannier90(SileWannier90): """Wannier90 centres file ````"""
[docs] @sile_fh_open(True) def read_geometry(self, lattice: Lattice) -> Geometry: """Read geometry information from Wannier90's charge centres file.""" nc = int(self.readline()) # Comment self.readline() na = 0 sp = [None] * nc xyz = np.empty([nc, 3], np.float64) for ia in range(nc): l = self.readline().split() sp[ia] = l.pop(0) if sp[ia] == "X": na = ia + 1 xyz[ia] = [float(k) for k in l[:3]] return Geometry(xyz[:na], atoms="H", lattice=lattice)
class hamSileWannier90(SileWannier90): def _r_wigner_seitz_weights(self): # Number of Wigner-Seitz degeneracy points npts = int(self.readline()) ws = [] while len(ws) < npts: # both formats uses 15 points per line, # however, this should be usable if they decide to change # the number of counts per line. ws.extend(list(map(int, self.readline().split()))) ws = 1.0 / _a.arrayd(ws) return ws
[docs] class tbSileWannier90(hamSileWannier90): """Wannier90 Hamiltonian file"""
[docs] @sile_fh_open(True) def read_lattice(self) -> Lattice: """Reads a cell information from the ``<>_tb.dat`` file.""" # Time of creation self.readline() # Lattice vectors [Ang] cell = _a.zerosd((3, 3)) for i in range(3): cell[i] = list(map(float, self.readline().split())) return Lattice(cell)
[docs] @sile_fh_open(True) def read_geometry(self) -> Geometry: """Reads a geometry information from the ``<>_tb.dat`` file. Wannier centres are not stored in the file, so we use dummy coordinates instead. """ lattice = self.read_lattice() # Number of orbitals no = int(self.readline()) return Geometry([0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * no, lattice=lattice)
[docs] @sile_fh_open() def read_hamiltonian( self, geometry: Optional[Geometry] = None, dtype=np.float64, **kwargs ) -> Hamiltonian: """Reads a Hamiltonian model from the <>_tb.dat file Parameters ---------- cutoff: the cutoff value for the zero Hamiltonian elements, default to 0.00001 eV. dtype: np.float64, optional the default data-type used for the matrix. Is mainly useful to check whether the TB model has imaginary components (it should not since it is a Wannier model). geometry: the geometry associated with the Hamiltonian """ cutoff = kwargs.get("cutoff", 0.00001) if geometry is None: geometry = self.read_geometry() # Rewind to ensure we can read the entire matrix structure # Time of creation self.readline() # Lattice vectors [Ang] for _ in range(3): self.readline() # Number of orbitals no = int(self.readline()) if no != raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}" ".read_hamiltonian has found inconsistent number " "of orbitals in _hr.dat vs the geometry. Remember to re-run Wannier90?" ) ws = self._r_wigner_seitz_weights() # List for holding the Hamiltonian Hsc = defaultdict(lambda: lil_matrix((,, dtype=dtype)) is_complex = np.iscomplexobj(dtype(1)) # Parse hamiltonian matrix elements for w in ws: l = self.readline() # Skip empty line if not l.strip() == "": raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}" ".read_hamiltonian unable to parse <>_tb.dat file, due to " "error in file format." ) # Get super-cell isc = map(int, self.readline().split()) # Get Hamiltonian matrix elements Hr = Hsc[tuple(isc)] for _ in range(no**2): l = self.readline().split() # Get row and column): r, c = map(int, l[:2]) # Scale matrix elements hr = float(l[2]) * w if is_complex: h = hr + 1j * float(l[3]) * w else: h = hr if abs(h) > cutoff: Hr[r - 1, c - 1] = h return _construct_hamiltonian(geometry, Hsc)
[docs] class hrSileWannier90(hamSileWannier90): """Wannier90 Hamiltonian file"""
[docs] @sile_fh_open(True) def read_hamiltonian( self, geometry: Optional[Geometry] = None, dtype=np.float64, **kwargs ) -> Hamiltonian: """Reads a Hamiltonian model from the ``<>_hr.dat`` file Parameters ---------- cutoff: the cutoff value for the zero Hamiltonian elements, default to 0.00001 eV. dtype: np.float64, optional the default data-type used for the matrix. Is mainly useful to check whether the TB model has imaginary components (it should not since it is a Wannier model). geometry: the geometry associated with the Hamiltonian lattice: sisl.Lattice, optional the lattice associated with the Hamiltonian """ cutoff = kwargs.get("cutoff", 0.00001) # Time of creation self.readline() # Number of orbitals no = int(self.readline()) if geometry is None: if "lattice" not in kwargs: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}" ".read_hamiltonian unable determine the geometry and/or lattice" "from Wannier90 output." ) else: geometry = Geometry([0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * no, lattice=kwargs["lattice"]) elif no != raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}" ".read_hamiltonian has found inconsistent number " "of orbitals in <>_hr.dat vs the geometry. Remember to re-run Wannier90?" ) ws = self._r_wigner_seitz_weights() # List for holding the Hamiltonian Hsc = defaultdict(lambda: lil_matrix((,, dtype=dtype)) is_complex = np.iscomplexobj(dtype(1)) iws = -1 isc = [0, 0, 0] while True: l = self.readline() if l == "": break # Split here... l = l.split() # Get super-cell, row and column isc[0], isc[1], isc[2], r, c = map(int, l[:5]) # Update index for degeneracy, if required if r + c == 2: iws += 1 # Get degeneracy of this element w = ws[iws] # Scale matrix elements hr = float(l[5]) * w if is_complex: h = hr + 1j * float(l[6]) * w else: h = hr if abs(h) > cutoff: Hsc[tuple(isc)][r - 1, c - 1] = h return _construct_hamiltonian(geometry, Hsc)
add_sile("win", winSileWannier90, gzip=True) add_sile("_tb.dat", tbSileWannier90, gzip=True) add_sile("_hr.dat", hrSileWannier90, gzip=True) add_sile("", centresSileWannier90, gzip=True)