Source code for sisl.physics.state

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from __future__ import annotations

from functools import singledispatchmethod
from numbers import Real
from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
from numpy import bool_, einsum, exp, ndarray
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

import sisl._array as _a
from sisl._core import Geometry
from sisl._help import dtype_real_to_complex
from sisl._internal import set_module
from sisl.linalg import eigh_destroy
from sisl.messages import deprecate_argument, warn
from sisl.typing import GaugeType

__all__ = ["degenerate_decouple", "Coefficient", "State", "StateC"]

_pi = np.pi
_pi2 = np.pi * 2

def _inner(v1, v2):
    return, v2)

def degenerate_decouple(state, M):
    r""" Return `vec` decoupled via matrix `M`

    The decoupling algorithm is this recursive algorithm starting from :math:`i=0`:

    .. math::

       \mathbf p &= \mathbf V^\dagger \mathbf M_i \mathbf V
       \mathbf p \mathbf u &= \boldsymbol \lambda \mathbf u
       \mathbf V &= \mathbf u^T \mathbf V

    state : numpy.ndarray or State
       states to be decoupled on matrices `M`
       The states must have C-ordering, i.e. ``[0, ...]`` is the first
    M : numpy.ndarray
       matrix to project to before disentangling the states
    if isinstance(state, State):
        state.state = degenerate_decouple(state.state, M)
        # since M may be a sparse matrix, we cannot use __matmul__
        p = np.conj(state) @
        state = eigh_destroy(p)[1].T @ state
    return state

class _FakeMatrix:
    """Replacement object which superseedes a matrix"""

    __slots__ = ("n", "m")
    ndim = 2

    def __init__(self, n, m=None):
        self.n = n
        if m is None:
            m = n
        self.m = m

    def shape(self):
        return (self.n, self.m)

    def dot(v):
        return v

    def multiply(self, v):
            if v.shape == self.shape:
                diag = np.diagonal(v)
                out = np.zeros_like(v)
                np.fill_diagonal(out, diag)
                return out
        except Exception:
        return v

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        n, m = self.n, self.m
        if isinstance(key, tuple):
            if key[0] == slice(None, None, 2):
                n = n // 2
                raise RuntimeError
            if key[1] == slice(None, None, 2):
                m = m // 2
                raise RuntimeError
            if key == slice(None, None, 2):
                n = n // 2

        return self.__class__(n, m)

    def T(self):
        return self

class ParentContainer:
    """A container for parent and information"""

    __slots__ = ["parent", "info"]

    def __init__(self, parent, **info):
        self.parent = parent
        """ object
the object from where the contained information comes from
""" = info
        """ dict
information regarding the creation of the object

    def _sanitize_index(self, index) -> np.ndarray:
        r"""Ensure indices are transferred to acceptable integers"""
        if index is None:
            # in case __len__ is not defined, this will fail...
            return np.arange(len(self))
        index = _a.asarray(index)
        if index.size == 0:
            return _a.asarrayl([])
        elif index.dtype == bool_:
            return index.nonzero()[0]
        return index

    def _(self, index: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        if index.dtype == bool_:
            return np.flatnonzero(index)
        return index

    def _(self, index: slice) -> ndarray:
        start, stop, step = index.start, index.stop, index.step
        if start is None:
            start = 0
        if stop is None:
            stop = len(self)
        if step is None:
            step = 1
        return np.arange(start, stop, step)

    def _geometry(self):
        """Return the parent geometry if one is found"""
        if isinstance(self.parent, Geometry):
            return self.parent
        return self.parent.geometry

class Coefficient(ParentContainer):
    """An object holding coefficients for a parent with info

    c : array_like
    parent : obj, optional
       a parent object that defines the origin of the coefficient
    **info : dict, optional
       an info dictionary that turns into an attribute on the object.
       This `info` may contain anything that may be relevant for the coefficient.

    __slots__ = ["c"]

[docs] def __init__(self, c, parent=None, **info): super().__init__(parent, **info) self.c = np.atleast_1d(c) """ c : numpy.ndarray coefficients retained in this object """
def __str__(self): """The string representation of this object""" s = f"{self.__class__.__name__}{{coefficients: {len(self)}, kind: {self.dkind}" if self.parent is None: s += "}}" else: s += ",\n {}\n}}".format(str(self.parent).replace("\n", "\n ")) return s def __len__(self): """Number of coefficients""" return self.shape[0] @property def dtype(self): """Data-type for the coefficients""" return self.c.dtype @property def dkind(self): """The data-type of the coefficient (in str)""" return np.dtype(self.c.dtype).kind @property def shape(self): """Returns the shape of the coefficients""" return self.c.shape
[docs] @deprecate_argument( "eps", "atol", "argument eps has been deprecated in favor of atol", "0.15", "0.16", ) def degenerate(self, atol: float = 1e-8): """Find degenerate coefficients with a specified precision Parameters ---------- atol : float, optional the precision above which coefficients are not considered degenerate Returns ------- list of numpy.ndarray a list of indices """ deg = list() sidx = np.argsort(self.c) dc = np.diff(self.c[sidx]) # Degenerate indices idx = (np.absolute(dc) <= atol).nonzero()[0] if len(idx) == 0: # There are no degenerate coefficients return deg # These are the points were we split the degeneracies seps = (np.diff(idx) > 1).nonzero()[0] IDX = np.array_split(idx, seps + 1) for idx in IDX: deg.append(np.append(sidx[idx], sidx[idx[-1] + 1])) return deg
def __getitem__(self, key): """Return a new coefficient object with only one associated coefficient Parameters ---------- key : int or array_like the indices for the returned coefficients Returns ------- Coefficient a new coefficient *only* with the indexed values """ return self.sub(key)
[docs] def iter(self, asarray=False): """An iterator looping over the coefficients in this system Parameters ---------- asarray : bool, optional if true the yielded values are the coefficient vectors, i.e. a numpy array. Otherwise an equivalent object is yielded. Yields ------ coeff : Coefficent the current coefficent as an object, only returned if `asarray` is false. coeff : numpy.ndarray the current the coefficient as an array, only returned if `asarray` is true. """ if asarray: for i in range(len(self)): yield self.c[i] else: for i in range(len(self)): yield self.sub(i)
__iter__ = iter @set_module("sisl.physics") class State(ParentContainer): """An object handling a set of vectors describing a given *state* Parameters ---------- state : array_like state vectors ``state[i, :]`` containing the i'th state vector parent : obj, optional a parent object that defines the origin of the state. **info : dict, optional an info dictionary that turns into an attribute on the object. This `info` may contain anything that may be relevant for the state. Notes ----- This class should be subclassed! """ __slots__ = ["state"]
[docs] def __init__(self, state, parent=None, **info): """Define a state container with a given set of states""" super().__init__(parent, **info) self.state = np.atleast_2d(state) """ numpy.ndarray state coefficients """
def __str__(self): """The string representation of this object""" s = f"{self.__class__.__name__}{{states: {len(self)}, kind: {self.dkind}" if self.parent is None: s += "}" else: s += ",\n {}\n}}".format(str(self.parent).replace("\n", "\n ")) return s def __len__(self): """Number of states""" return self.shape[0] @property def dtype(self): """Data-type for the state""" return self.state.dtype @property def dkind(self): """The data-type of the state (in str)""" return np.dtype(self.state.dtype).kind @property def shape(self): """Returns the shape of the state""" return self.state.shape
[docs] def translate(self, isc): r"""Translate the vectors to a new unit-cell position The method is thoroughly explained in `tile` while this one only selects the corresponding state vector Parameters ---------- isc : (3,) number of offsets for the statevector See Also -------- tile : equivalent method for generating more cells simultaneously """ # the k-point gets reduced k = _a.asarrayd("k", [0] * 3)) assert len(isc) == 3 s = self.copy() # translate the bloch coefficients with: # exp(i k.T) # with T being # i * a_0 + j * a_1 + k * a_2 if not np.allclose(k, 0): # there will only be a phase if k != 0 s.state *= exp(2j * _pi * k @ isc) return s
def __getitem__(self, key): """Return a new state with only one associated state Parameters ---------- key : int or array_like the indices for the returned states Returns ------- State a new state *only* with the indexed values """ return self.sub(key)
[docs] def iter(self, asarray=False): """An iterator looping over the states in this system Parameters ---------- asarray : bool, optional if true the yielded values are the state vectors, i.e. a numpy array. Otherwise an equivalent object is yielded. Yields ------ state : State a state *only* containing individual elements, if `asarray` is false state : numpy.ndarray a state *only* containing individual elements, if `asarray` is true """ if asarray: for i in range(len(self)): yield self.state[i] else: for i in range(len(self)): yield self.sub(i)
__iter__ = iter
[docs] def norm(self): r"""Return a vector with the Euclidean norm of each state :math:`\sqrt{\langle\psi|\psi\rangle}` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray the Euclidean norm for each state """ return self.norm2() ** 0.5
[docs] @deprecate_argument( "sum", "projection", "argument sum has been deprecated in favor of projection", "0.15", "0.16", ) def norm2(self, projection: Literal["sum", "atoms", "basis"] = "sum"): r"""Return a vector with the norm of each state :math:`\langle\psi|\psi\rangle` Parameters ---------- projection : whether to compute the norm per state as a single number, atom-resolved or per basis dimension. See Also -------- inner: used method for calculating the squared norm. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray the squared norm for each state """ return self.inner(projection=projection)
[docs] def ipr(self, q=2): r""" Calculate the inverse participation ratio (IPR) for arbitrary `q` values The inverse participation ratio is defined as .. math:: I_{q,\alpha} = \frac{\sum_i |\psi_{\alpha,i}|^{2q}}{ \big[\sum_i |\psi_{\alpha,i}|^2\big]^q} where :math:`\alpha` is the band index and :math:`i` is the orbital. The order of the IPR is defaulted to :math:`q=2`, see :eq:`ipr2` for details. The IPR may be used to distinguish Anderson localization and extended states: .. math:: :label: ipr2 :nowrap: \begin{align} \lim_{L\to\infty} I_{2,\alpha} = \left\{ \begin{aligned} 1/L^d &\quad \text{extended state} \\ \text{const.} &\quad \text{localized state} \end{aligned}\right. \end{align} For further details see :cite:`Murphy2011`. Note that for eigen states the IPR reduces to: .. math:: I_{q,\alpha} = \sum_i |\psi_{\alpha,i}|^{2q} since the denominator is :math:`1^{q} = 1`. Parameters ---------- q : int, optional order parameter for the IPR """ # This *has* to be a real value C * C^* == real state_abs2 = self.norm2(projection="basis").real assert q >= 2, f"{self.__class__.__name__}.ipr requires q>=2" # abs2 is already having the exponent 2 return (state_abs2**q).sum(-1) / state_abs2.sum(-1) ** q
[docs] def normalize(self): r"""Return a normalized state where each state has :math:`|\psi|^2=1` This is roughly equivalent to: >>> state = State(np.arange(10)) >>> n = state.norm() >>> norm_state = State(state.state / n.reshape(-1, 1)) Notes ----- This does *not* take into account a possible overlap matrix when non-orthogonal basis sets are used. Returns ------- State a new state with all states normalized, otherwise equal to this """ n = self.norm() s = self.__class__(self.state / n.reshape(-1, 1), parent=self.parent) = return s
[docs] def outer(self, ket=None, matrix=None): r"""Return the outer product by :math:`\sum_\alpha|\psi_\alpha\rangle\langle\psi'_\alpha|` Parameters ---------- ket : State, optional the ket object to calculate the outer product of, if not passed it will do the outer product with itself. The object itself will always be the bra :math:`|\psi_\alpha\rangle` matrix : array_like, optional whether a matrix is sandwiched between the ket and bra, defaults to the identity matrix. 1D arrays will be treated as a diagonal matrix. Notes ----- This does *not* take into account a possible overlap matrix when non-orthogonal basis sets are used. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray a matrix with the sum of outer state products """ if matrix is None: M = _FakeMatrix(self.shape[-1]) else: M = matrix ndim = M.ndim if ndim not in (0, 1, 2): raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.outer only accepts matrices up to 2 dimensions." ) bra = self.state # decide on the ket if ket is None: ket = self.state elif isinstance(ket, State): # check whether this, and ket are both originating from # non-orthogonal basis. That would be non-ideal ket = ket.state if len(ket.shape) == 1: ket.shape = (1, -1) # check that the shapes matches (ket should be transposed) # ket M bra if ndim == 0: # M,N @ N, L if ket.shape[1] != bra.shape[1]: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.outer requires the objects to have matching shapes bra @ ket bra={self.shape}, ket={ket.shape[::-1]}" ) elif ndim == 1: # M,N @ N @ N, L if ket.shape[0] != M.shape[0] or M.shape[0] != bra.shape[0]: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.outer requires the objects to have matching shapes ket @ M @ bra ket={ket.shape[::-1]}, M={M.shape}, bra={self.shape}" ) elif ndim == 2: # M,N @ N,K @ K,L if ket.shape[0] != M.shape[0] or M.shape[1] != bra.shape[0]: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.outer requires the objects to have matching shapes ket @ M @ bra ket={ket.shape[::-1]}, M={M.shape}, bra={self.shape}" ) if ndim == 2: Aij = ket.T @ elif ndim == 1: Aij = einsum("ij,i,ik->jk", ket, M, np.conj(bra)) elif ndim == 0: Aij = einsum("ij,ik->jk", ket * M, np.conj(bra)) return Aij
[docs] @deprecate_argument( "diag", "projection", "argument diag has been deprecated in favor of projection", "0.15", "0.16", ) def inner( self, ket=None, matrix=None, projection: Literal["diag", "atoms", "basis", "matrix"] = "diag", ): r"""Calculate the inner product as :math:`\mathbf A_{ij} = \langle\psi_i|\mathbf M|\psi'_j\rangle` Inner product calculation allows for a variety of things. * for ``matrix`` it will compute off-diagonal elements as well .. math:: \mathbf A_{\alpha\beta} = \langle\psi_\alpha|\mathbf M|\psi'_\beta\rangle * for ``diag`` only the diagonal components will be returned .. math:: \mathbf a_\alpha = \langle\psi_\alpha|\mathbf M|\psi_\alpha\rangle * for ``basis``, only do inner products for individual states, but return them basis-resolved .. math:: \mathbf A_{\alpha\beta} = \psi^*_{\alpha,\beta} \mathbf M|\psi_\alpha\rangle_\beta * for ``atoms``, only do inner products for individual states, but return them atom-resolved Parameters ---------- ket : State, optional the ket object to calculate the inner product with, if not passed it will do the inner product with itself. The object itself will always be the bra :math:`\langle\psi_i|` matrix : array_like, optional whether a matrix is sandwiched between the bra and ket, defaults to the identity matrix. 1D arrays will be treated as a diagonal matrix. projection: how to perform the final projection. This can be used to sum specific sub-elements, return the diagonal, or the full matrix. * ``diag`` only return the diagonal of the inner product * ``matrix`` a matrix with diagonals and the off-diagonals * ``basis`` only do inner products for individual states, but return them basis-resolved * ``atoms`` only do inner products for individual states, but return them atom-resolved Notes ----- This does *not* take into account a possible overlap matrix when non-orthogonal basis sets are used. One have to add the overlap matrix in the `matrix` argument, if needed. Raises ------ ValueError if the number of state coefficients are different for the bra and ket RuntimeError if the matrix shapes are incompatible with an atomic resolution conversion Returns ------- numpy.ndarray a matrix with the sum of inner state products """ if matrix is None: M = _FakeMatrix(self.shape[-1]) else: M = matrix ndim = M.ndim if ndim not in (0, 1, 2): raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.inner only accepts matrices up to 2 dimensions." ) bra = self.state # decide on the ket if ket is None: ket = self.state elif isinstance(ket, State): # check whether this, and ket are both originating from # non-orthogonal basis. That would be non-ideal ket = ket.state if len(ket.shape) == 1: ket = ket.reshape(1, -1) # check that the shapes matches (ket should be transposed) # bra M ket if ndim == 0: # M, N @ N, L if bra.shape[1] != ket.shape[1]: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.inner requires the objects to have matching shapes bra @ ket bra={self.shape}, ket={ket.shape[::-1]}" ) elif ndim == 1: # M,N @ N @ N, L if bra.shape[1] != M.shape[0] or M.shape[0] != ket.shape[1]: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.inner requires the objects to have matching shapes bra @ M @ ket bra={self.shape}, M={M.shape}, ket={ket.shape[::-1]}" ) elif ndim == 2: # M,N @ N,K @ K,L if bra.shape[1] != M.shape[0] or M.shape[1] != ket.shape[1]: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.inner requires the objects to have matching shapes bra @ M @ ket bra={self.shape}, M={M.shape}, ket={ket.shape[::-1]}" ) projection = { # temporary work-around for older codes where project/diag=T|F were allowed True: "diag", False: "matrix", "sum": "diag", # still allowed here (for bypass options) "atoms": "atom", # plural s allowed "orbitals": "orbital", # still allowed here (for bypass options) }.get(projection, projection) if projection in ("diag", "diagonal"): if bra.shape[0] != ket.shape[0]: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.inner diagonal matrix product is non-square, please use diag=False or reduce number of vectors." ) if ndim == 2: Aij = einsum("ij,ji->i", np.conj(bra), elif ndim == 1: Aij = einsum("ij,j,ij->i", np.conj(bra), M, ket) elif ndim == 0: Aij = einsum("ij,ij->i", np.conj(bra), ket) * M elif projection in ("matrix", "none"): if ndim == 2: Aij = np.conj(bra) @ elif ndim == 1: Aij = einsum("ij,j,kj->ik", np.conj(bra), M, ket) elif ndim == 0: Aij = einsum("ij,kj->ik", np.conj(bra), ket) * M elif projection in ("atom", "basis", "orbital"): if ndim == 2: Aij = np.conj(bra) * else: Aij = np.conj(bra) * ket * M # Now do the projection if projection == "atom": # Now we need to convert it geom = self._geometry() if Aij.shape[1] == * 2: # We have some kind of spin-configuration (hidden) def mapper(atom): return np.arange( geom.firsto[atom] * 2, geom.firsto[atom + 1] * 2 ) elif Aij.shape[1] == def mapper(atom): return np.arange(geom.firsto[atom], geom.firsto[atom + 1]) else: raise RuntimeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.inner could not determine " "the correct atom conversions." ) Aij = geom.apply(Aij, np.sum, mapper, axis=1) else: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.inner got unknown argument 'projection'={projection}" ) return Aij
[docs] def phase(self, method="max", ret_index=False): r"""Calculate the Euler angle (phase) for the elements of the state, in the range :math:`]-\pi;\pi]` Parameters ---------- method : {'max', 'all'} for max, the phase for the element which has the largest absolute magnitude is returned, for all, all phases are calculated ret_index : bool, optional return indices for the elements used when ``method=='max'`` """ if method == "max": idx = np.argmax(np.absolute(self.state), 1) if ret_index: return np.angle(self.state[:, idx]), idx return np.angle(self.state[:, idx]) elif method == "all": return np.angle(self.state) raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.phase only accepts method in [max, all]" )
[docs] def align_phase(self, other, ret_index=False, inplace=False): r"""Align `self` with the phases for `other`, a copy may be returned States will be rotated by :math:`\pi` provided the phase difference between the states are above :math:`|\Delta\theta| > \pi/2`. Parameters ---------- other : State the other state to align onto this state ret_index : bool, optional return which indices got swapped inplace : bool, optional rotate the states in-place See Also -------- align_norm : re-order states such that site-norms have a smaller residual """ other_phase, idx = other.phase(ret_index=True) phase = np.angle(self.state[:, idx]) # Calculate absolute phase difference abs_phase = np.absolute((phase - other_phase + _pi) % _pi2 - _pi) idx = (abs_phase > _pi / 2).nonzero()[0] ret = None if inplace: if ret_index: ret = ret_index self.state[idx] *= -1 return ret out = self.copy() out.state[idx] *= -1 if ret_index: return out, idx return out
[docs] def align_norm(self, other, ret_index=False, inplace=False): r"""Align `self` with the site-norms of `other`, a copy may optionally be returned To determine the new ordering of `self` first calculate the residual norm of the site-norms. .. math:: \delta N_{\alpha\beta} = \sum_i \big(\langle \psi^\alpha_i | \psi^\alpha_i\rangle - \langle \psi^\beta_i | \psi^\beta_i\rangle\big)^2 where :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` correspond to state indices in `self` and `other`, respectively. The new states (from `self`) returned is then ordered such that the index :math:`\alpha \equiv \beta'` where :math:`\delta N_{\alpha\beta}` is smallest. Parameters ---------- other : State the other state to align against ret_index : bool, optional also return indices for the swapped indices inplace : bool, optional swap states in-place Returns ------- self_swap : State A swapped instance of `self`, only if `inplace` is False index : array of int the indices that swaps `self` to be ``self_swap``, i.e. ``self_swap = self.sub(index)`` Only if `inplace` is False and `ret_index` is True Notes ----- The input state and output state have the same number of states, but their ordering is not necessarily the same. See Also -------- align_phase : rotate states such that their phases align """ snorm = self.norm2(projection="basis").real onorm = other.norm2(projection="basis").real # Now find new orderings show_warn = False sidx = _a.fulli(len(self), -1) oidx = _a.emptyi(len(self)) for i in range(len(self)): R = snorm[i] - onorm R = einsum("ij,ij->i", R, R) # Figure out which band it should correspond to # find closest largest one for j in np.argsort(R): if j not in sidx[:i]: sidx[i] = j oidx[j] = i break show_warn = True if show_warn: warn( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.align_norm found multiple possible candidates with minimal residue, swapping not unique" ) if inplace: self.sub(oidx, inplace=True) if ret_index: return oidx elif ret_index: return self.sub(oidx), oidx else: return self.sub(oidx)
[docs] def change_gauge(self, gauge: GaugeType, offset=(0, 0, 0)): r"""In-place change of the gauge of the state coefficients The two gauges are related through: .. math:: \tilde C_\alpha = e^{i\mathbf k\mathbf r_\alpha} C_\alpha where :math:`C_\alpha` and :math:`\tilde C_\alpha` belongs to the ``orbital`` and ``cell`` gauge, respectively. Parameters ---------- gauge : {'cell', 'orbital'} specify the new gauge for the mode coefficients offset : array_like, optional whether the coordinates should be offset by another phase-factor """ gauge = {"R": "cell", "r": "orbital", "orbitals": "orbital"}.get(gauge, gauge) # These calls will fail if the gauge is not specified. # In that case it will not do anything if"gauge", gauge) == gauge: # Quick return return # Update gauge value["gauge"] = gauge # Check that we can do a gauge transformation k = _a.asarrayd("k", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) if <= 0.000000001: return # Try and bypass whether the parent is a geometry, or not g = self._geometry() xyz = + offset phase = xyz[g.o2a(_a.arangei(, :] @ (k @ g.rcell) try: if not self.parent.spin.is_diagonal: # for NC/SOC we have a 2x2 spin-box per orbital phase = np.repeat(phase, 2) except Exception: # This should enter in case where spin is not part of the parent # So lets just check for sizes of the arrays if self.shape[1] == * 2: phase = np.repeat(phase, 2) if gauge == "orbital": # R -> r gauge tranformation. self.state *= exp(-1j * phase).reshape(1, -1) elif gauge == "cell": # r -> R gauge tranformation. self.state *= exp(1j * phase).reshape(1, -1)
# def toStateC(self, norm=1.): # r""" Transforms the states into normalized values equal to `norm` and specifies the coefficients in `StateC` as the norm # This is an easy method to renormalize the state vectors to a common (or state dependent) normalization constant. # .. math:: # c_i &= \sqrt{\langle \psi_i | \psi_i\rangle} / \mathrm{norm} \\ # |\psi_i\rangle &= | \psi_i\rangle / c_i # Parameters # ---------- # norm : value, array_like # the resulting norm of all (or individual states) # Returns # ------- # StateC # a new coefficient state object with associated coefficients # """ # n = len(self) # norm = _a.asarray(norm).ravel() # if norm.size == 1 and n > 1: # norm = np.tile(norm, n) # elif norm.size != n: # raise ValueError(self.__class__.__name__ + '.toStateC requires the input norm to be a single float or having equal length as this state!') # # Correct data-type # if norm.dtype in [np.complex64, np.complex128]: # dtype = norm.dtype # else: # dtype = dtype_complex_to_real(self.dtype) # # TODO check datatype if norm is complex but state is real # c = np.empty(n, dtype=dtype) # state = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype) # for i in range(n): # c[i] = (_inner1(self.state[i].ravel()).astype(dtype) / norm[i]) ** 0.5 # state[i, ...] = self.state[i, ...] / c[i] # cs = StateC(state, c, parent=self.parent) # = # return cs # Although the StateC could inherit from both Coefficient and State # there are problems with __slots__ and multiple inheritance schemes. # I.e. we are forced to do *one* inheritance, which we choose to be State. @set_module("sisl.physics") class StateC(State): """An object handling a set of vectors describing a given *state* with associated coefficients `c` Parameters ---------- state : array_like state vectors ``state[i, :]`` containing the i'th state vector c : array_like coefficients for the states ``c[i]`` containing the i'th coefficient parent : obj, optional a parent object that defines the origin of the state. **info : dict, optional an info dictionary that turns into an attribute on the object. This `info` may contain anything that may be relevant for the state. Notes ----- This class should be subclassed! """ __slots__ = ["c"]
[docs] def __init__(self, state, c, parent=None, **info): """Define a state container with a given set of states and coefficients for the states""" super().__init__(state, parent, **info) self.c = np.atleast_1d(c) """ numpy.ndarray coefficients assigned to each state """ if len(self.c) != len(self.state): raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} could not be created with coefficients and states " "having unequal length." )
[docs] def normalize(self): r"""Return a normalized state where each state has :math:`|\psi|^2=1` This is roughly equivalent to: >>> state = StateC(np.arange(10), 1) >>> n = state.norm() >>> norm_state = StateC(state.state / n.reshape(-1, 1), state.c.copy()) >>> norm_state.c[0] == 1 Returns ------- State a new state with all states normalized, otherwise equal to this """ n = self.norm() s = self.__class__( self.state / n.reshape(-1, 1), self.c.copy(), parent=self.parent ) = return s
[docs] def sort(self, ascending=True): """Sort and return a new `StateC` by sorting the coefficients (default to ascending) Parameters ---------- ascending : bool, optional sort the contained elements ascending, else they will be sorted descending """ if ascending: idx = np.argsort(self.c) else: idx = np.argsort(-self.c) return self.sub(idx)
[docs] def derivative( self, order=1, degenerate=1e-5, degenerate_dir=(1, 1, 1), matrix=False ): r"""Calculate the derivative with respect to :math:`\mathbf k` for a set of states up to a given order These are calculated using the analytic expression (:math:`\alpha` corresponding to the Cartesian directions), here only shown for the 1st order derivative: .. math:: \mathbf{d}_{\alpha ij} = \langle \psi_j | \frac{\partial}{\partial\mathbf k_\alpha} \mathbf H(\mathbf k) | \psi_i \rangle In case of non-orthogonal basis the equations substitutes :math:`\mathbf H(\mathbf k)` by :math:`\mathbf H(\mathbf k) - \epsilon_i\mathbf S(\mathbf k)`. The 2nd order derivatives are calculated with the Berry curvature correction: .. math:: \mathbf d^2_{\alpha \beta ij} = \langle\psi_j| \frac{\partial^2}{\partial\mathbf k_\alpha\partial\mathbf k_\beta} \mathbf H(\mathbf k) | \psi_i\rangle - \frac12\frac{\mathbf{d}_{\alpha ij}\mathbf{d}_{\beta ij}} {\epsilon_j - \epsilon_i} Notes ----- When requesting 2nd derivatives it will not be advisable to use a `sub` before calculating the derivatives since the 1st order perturbation uses the energy differences (Berry contribution) and the 1st derivative matrix for correcting the curvature. For states at the :math:`\Gamma` point you may get warnings about casting complex numbers to reals. In these cases you should force the state at the :math:`\Gamma` point to be calculated in complex numbers to enable the correct decoupling. Parameters ---------- order : {1, 2} an integer specifying which order of the derivative is being calculated. degenerate : float or list of array_like, optional If a float is passed it is regarded as the degeneracy tolerance used to calculate the degeneracy levels. Defaults to 1e-5 eV. If a list, it contains the indices of degenerate states. In that case a prior diagonalization is required to decouple them. See `degenerate_dir` for the sum of directions. degenerate_dir : (3,), optional a direction used for degenerate decoupling. The decoupling based on the velocity along this direction matrix : bool, optional whether the full matrix or only the diagonal components are returned See Also -------- SparseOrbitalBZ.dPk : function for generating the matrix derivatives SparseOrbitalBZ.dSk : function for generating the matrix derivatives in non-orthogonal basis Returns ------- dv the 1st derivative, has shape ``(3, state.shape[0])`` for ``matrix=False``, else has shape ``(3, state.shape[0], state.shape[0])`` Also returned for ``order >= 2`` since it is used in the higher order derivatives ddv the 2nd derivative, has shape ``(6, state.shape[0])`` for ``matrix=False``, else has shape ``(6, state.shape[0], state.shape[0])``, the first dimension is in the Voigt representation Only returned for ``order >= 2`` """ # Figure out arguments opt = { "k":"k", np.zeros(3)), "dtype": dtype_real_to_complex(self.dtype), } if degenerate is None: pass elif isinstance(degenerate, Real): degenerate = self.degenerate(degenerate) if order not in (1, 2): raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.derivative required order to be in this list: [1, 2], higher order derivatives are not implemented" ) def add_keys(opt, *keys): for key in keys: # Store gauge, if present val = if val is not None: # this must mean the methods accepts this as an argument opt[key] = val add_keys(opt, "gauge", "format") # Initialize variables ddPk = dSk = ddSk = None # Figure out if we are dealing with a non-orthogonal basis set is_orthogonal = True try: if not self.parent.orthogonal: is_orthogonal = False dSk = self.parent.dSk(**opt) if order > 1: ddSk = self.parent.ddSk(**opt) except Exception: pass # Now figure out if spin is a thing add_keys(opt, "spin") dPk = self.parent.dPk(**opt) if order > 1: ddPk = self.parent.ddPk(**opt) # short-hand, everything will now be done *in-place* of this object state = self.state # in case the state is not an Eigenstate* energy = self.c # Now parse the degeneracy handling if degenerate is not None: # normalize direction degenerate_dir = _a.asarrayd(degenerate_dir) degenerate_dir /= (degenerate_dir @ degenerate_dir) ** 0.5 # de-coupling is only done for the 1st derivative # create the degeneracy decoupling projector deg_dPk = sum(d * dh for d, dh in zip(degenerate_dir, dPk)) if is_orthogonal: for deg in degenerate: # Set the average energy energy[deg] = np.average(energy[deg]) # Now diagonalize to find the contributions from individual states # then re-construct the seperated degenerate states # Since we do this for all directions we should decouple them all state[deg] = degenerate_decouple(state[deg], deg_dPk) else: for deg in degenerate: e = np.average(energy[deg]) energy[deg] = e deg_dSk = sum((d * e) * ds for d, ds in zip(degenerate_dir, dSk)) state[deg] = degenerate_decouple(state[deg], deg_dPk - deg_dSk) # States have been decoupled and we can calculate things now # number of states nstate, lstate = state.shape # we calculate the first derivative matrix cstate = np.conj(state) # We split everything up into orthogonal and non-orthogonal # This reduces if-checks if is_orthogonal: if matrix or order > 1: # calculate the full matrix v = np.empty([3, nstate, nstate], dtype=opt["dtype"]) v[0] = (cstate @ dPk[0].dot(state.T)).T v[1] = (cstate @ dPk[1].dot(state.T)).T v[2] = (cstate @ dPk[2].dot(state.T)).T if matrix: ret = (v,) else: ret = (np.diagonal(v, axis1=1, axis2=2).copy(),) else: # calculate projections on states v = np.empty([3, nstate], dtype=opt["dtype"]) v[0] = einsum("ij,ji->i", cstate, dPk[0].dot(state.T)) v[1] = einsum("ij,ji->i", cstate, dPk[1].dot(state.T)) v[2] = einsum("ij,ji->i", cstate, dPk[2].dot(state.T)) ret = (v,) if order > 1: # Now calculate the 2nd order corrections # loop energies if matrix: vv = np.empty([6, nstate, nstate], dtype=opt["dtype"]) for s, e in enumerate(energy): de = energy - e # add factor 2 here np.divide(2, de, where=(de != 0), out=de) # we will use this multiple times absv = np.absolute(v[:, s]) # calculate 2nd derivative # xx vv[0, s] = cstate @ ddPk[0].dot(state[s]) - de * absv[0] ** 2 # yy vv[1, s] = cstate @ ddPk[1].dot(state[s]) - de * absv[1] ** 2 # zz vv[2, s] = cstate @ ddPk[2].dot(state[s]) - de * absv[2] ** 2 # yz vv[3, s] = ( cstate @ ddPk[3].dot(state[s]) - de * absv[1] * absv[2] ) # xz vv[4, s] = ( cstate @ ddPk[4].dot(state[s]) - de * absv[0] * absv[2] ) # xy vv[5, s] = ( cstate @ ddPk[5].dot(state[s]) - de * absv[0] * absv[1] ) else: vv = np.empty([6, nstate], dtype=opt["dtype"]) for s, e in enumerate(energy): de = energy - e # add factor 2 here np.divide(2, de, where=(de != 0), out=de) # we will use this multiple times absv = np.absolute(v[:, s]) # calculate 2nd derivative # xx vv[0, s] = cstate[s] @ ddPk[0].dot(state[s]) - de @ absv[0] ** 2 # yy vv[1, s] = cstate[s] @ ddPk[1].dot(state[s]) - de @ absv[1] ** 2 # zz vv[2, s] = cstate[s] @ ddPk[2].dot(state[s]) - de @ absv[2] ** 2 # yz vv[3, s] = cstate[s] @ ddPk[3].dot(state[s]) - de @ ( absv[1] * absv[2] ) # xz vv[4, s] = cstate[s] @ ddPk[4].dot(state[s]) - de @ ( absv[0] * absv[2] ) # xy vv[5, s] = cstate[s] @ ddPk[5].dot(state[s]) - de @ ( absv[0] * absv[1] ) ret += (vv,) else: # non-orthogonal basis set if matrix or order > 1: # calculate the full matrix v = np.empty([3, nstate, nstate], dtype=opt["dtype"]) for s, e in enumerate(energy): v[0, s] = cstate @ (dPk[0] - e * dSk[0]).dot(state[s]) v[1, s] = cstate @ (dPk[1] - e * dSk[1]).dot(state[s]) v[2, s] = cstate @ (dPk[2] - e * dSk[2]).dot(state[s]) if matrix: ret = (v,) else: # diagonal of nd removes axis0 and axis1 and appends a new # axis to the end, this is not what we want ret = (np.diagonal(v, axis1=1, axis2=2).copy(),) else: # calculate diagonal components on states v = np.empty([3, nstate], dtype=opt["dtype"]) for s, e in enumerate(energy): v[0, s] = cstate[s] @ (dPk[0] - e * dSk[0]).dot(state[s]) v[1, s] = cstate[s] @ (dPk[1] - e * dSk[1]).dot(state[s]) v[2, s] = cstate[s] @ (dPk[2] - e * dSk[2]).dot(state[s]) ret = (v,) if order > 1: # Now calculate the 2nd order corrections # loop energies if matrix: vv = np.empty([6, nstate, nstate], dtype=opt["dtype"]) for s, e in enumerate(energy): de = energy - e # add factor 2 here np.divide(2, de, where=(de != 0), out=de) # we will use this multiple times absv = np.absolute(v[:, s]) # calculate 2nd derivative # xx vv[0, s] = ( cstate @ (ddPk[0] - e * ddSk[0]).dot(state[s]) - de * absv[0] ** 2 ) # yy vv[1, s] = ( cstate @ (ddPk[1] - e * ddSk[1]).dot(state[s]) - de * absv[1] ** 2 ) # zz vv[2, s] = ( cstate @ (ddPk[2] - e * ddSk[2]).dot(state[s]) - de * absv[2] ** 2 ) # yz vv[3, s] = ( cstate @ (ddPk[3] - e * ddSk[3]).dot(state[s]) - de * absv[1] * absv[2] ) # xz vv[4, s] = ( cstate @ (ddPk[4] - e * ddSk[4]).dot(state[s]) - de * absv[0] * absv[2] ) # xy vv[5, s] = ( cstate @ (ddPk[5] - e * ddSk[5]).dot(state[s]) - de * absv[0] * absv[1] ) else: vv = np.empty([6, nstate], dtype=opt["dtype"]) for s, e in enumerate(energy): de = energy - e # add factor 2 here np.divide(2, de, where=(de != 0), out=de) # we will use this multiple times absv = np.absolute(v[:, s]) # calculate 2nd derivative # xx vv[0, s] = ( cstate[s] @ (ddPk[0] - e * ddSk[0]).dot(state[s]) - de @ absv[0] ** 2 ) # yy vv[1, s] = ( cstate[s] @ (ddPk[1] - e * ddSk[1]).dot(state[s]) - de @ absv[1] ** 2 ) # zz vv[2, s] = ( cstate[s] @ (ddPk[2] - e * ddSk[2]).dot(state[s]) - de @ absv[2] ** 2 ) # yz vv[3, s] = cstate[s] @ (ddPk[3] - e * ddSk[3]).dot( state[s] ) - de @ (absv[1] * absv[2]) # xz vv[4, s] = cstate[s] @ (ddPk[4] - e * ddSk[4]).dot( state[s] ) - de @ (absv[0] * absv[2]) # xy vv[5, s] = cstate[s] @ (ddPk[5] - e * ddSk[5]).dot( state[s] ) - de @ (absv[0] * absv[1]) ret += (vv,) if len(ret) == 1: return ret[0] return ret
[docs] @deprecate_argument( "eps", "atol", "argument eps has been deprecated in favor of atol", "0.15", "0.16", ) def degenerate(self, atol: float): """Find degenerate coefficients with a specified precision Parameters ---------- atol : the precision above which coefficients are not considered degenerate Returns ------- list of numpy.ndarray a list of indices """ deg = list() # Sort them in ascending order sidx = np.argsort(self.c) dc = np.diff(self.c[sidx]) # Degenerate indices idx = (dc < atol).nonzero()[0] if len(idx) == 0: # There are no degenerate coefficients return deg # These are the points were we split the degeneracies seps = (np.diff(idx) > 1).nonzero()[0] IDX = np.array_split(idx, seps + 1) for idx in IDX: deg.append(np.append(sidx[idx], sidx[idx[-1] + 1])) return deg
[docs] def asState(self): s = State(self.state.copy(), self.parent) = return s
[docs] def asCoefficient(self): c = Coefficient(self.c.copy(), self.parent) = return c