Source code for sisl.utils.misc

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from __future__ import annotations

import ast
import functools
import importlib
import inspect
import operator as op
import re
import sys
from math import pi
from numbers import Integral
from typing import Union

__all__ = ["merge_instances", "str_spec", "direction", "angle"]
__all__ += ["iter_shape", "math_eval", "allow_kwargs"]
__all__ += ["import_attr", "lazy_import"]
__all__ += ["PropertyDict", "NotNonePropertyDict"]
__all__ += ["size_to_num", "size_to_elements"]

# supported operators
_operators = {
    ast.Add: op.add,
    ast.Sub: op.sub,
    ast.Mult: op.mul,
    ast.Div: op.truediv,
    ast.Pow: op.pow,
    ast.BitXor: op.xor,
    ast.USub: op.neg,

[docs] def math_eval(expr): """Evaluate a mathematical expression using a safe evaluation method Parameters ---------- expr : str the string to be evaluated using math Examples -------- >>> math_eval("2^6") 4 >>> math_eval("2**6") 64 >>> math_eval("1 + 2*3**(4^5) / (6 + -7)") -5.0 """ return _eval(ast.parse(expr, mode="eval").body)
def _eval(node): if isinstance(node, ast.Num): # <number> return node.n elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): # <left> <operator> <right> return _operators[type(node.op)](_eval(node.left), _eval(node.right)) elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): # <operator> <operand> e.g., -1 return _operators[type(node.op)](_eval(node.operand)) else: raise TypeError(node) def merge_instances(*args, **kwargs): """Merges an arbitrary number of instances together. Parameters ---------- *args : obj all objects dictionaries gets appended to a new class which is returned. name : str, optional name of class to merge, default to ``"MergedClass"`` """ name = kwargs.get("name", "MergedClass") # We must make a new-type class cls = type(name, (object,), {}) # Create holder of class # We could have m = cls() for arg in args: m.__dict__.update(arg.__dict__) return m def size_to_num(size: Union[int, float, str], unit: str = "MB") -> float: """Convert a size-specification to a size in a specific `unit` Converts the input value (`size`) into a number corresponding to the `size` converted to the specified `unit`. If `size` is passed as an integer (or float), it will be interpreted as a size in MB. Otherwise the string may contain the size specification. """ if isinstance(size, (float, int)): return size # Now parse the size from a string match = re.match(r"(\d+[.\d]*)(\D*)", size) size = float(match[1].strip()) unit_in = match[2].strip() # Now parse things # We expect data to be in MB (default unit) # Then we can always convert conv = { "b": 1 / (1024 * 1024), "B": 1 / (1024 * 1024), "k": 1 / 1024, "kb": 1 / 1024, "kB": 1 / 1024, "mb": 1, "M": 1, "MB": 1, "G": 1024, "GB": 1024, "T": 1024 * 1024, "TB": 1024 * 1024, } if unit_in: unit_in = conv[unit_in] else: unit_in = 1 # Convert the requested unit unit = conv[unit] return size * unit_in / unit def size_to_elements(size: Union[int, str], byte_per_elem: int = 8) -> int: """Calculate the number of elements such that they occupy `size` memory Parameters ---------- size : a size specification, either by an integer, or a str. If an integer it is assumed to be in MB, otherwise the str can hold a unit specification. byte_per_elem number of bytes per element when doing the conversion """ size = size_to_num(size, unit="B") return int(size // byte_per_elem)
[docs] def iter_shape(shape): """Generator for iterating a shape by returning consecutive slices Parameters ---------- shape : array_like the shape of the iterator Yields ------ tuple of int a tuple of the same length as the input shape. The iterator is using the C-indexing. Examples -------- >>> for slc in iter_shape([2, 1, 3]): ... print(slc) [0, 0, 0] [0, 0, 1] [0, 0, 2] [1, 0, 0] [1, 0, 1] [1, 0, 2] """ shape1 = [i - 1 for i in shape] ns = len(shape) ns1 = ns - 1 # Create list for iterating # we require a list because tuple's are immutable slc = [0] * ns while slc[0] < shape[0]: for i in range(shape[ns1]): slc[ns1] = i yield slc # Increment the previous shape indices for i in range(ns1, 0, -1): if slc[i] >= shape1[i]: slc[i] = 0 if i > 0: slc[i - 1] += 1
[docs] def str_spec(name): """Split into a tuple of name and specifier, delimited by ``{...}``. Parameters ---------- name : str string to split Returns ------- tuple of str returns the name and the specifier (without delimiter) in a tuple Examples -------- >>> str_spec("hello") ("hello", None) >>> str_spec("hello{TEST}") ("hello", "TEST") """ if not name.endswith("}"): return name, None lname = name[:-1].split("{") return "{".join(lname[:-1]), lname[-1]
# Transform a string to a Cartesian direction
[docs] def direction(d, abc=None, xyz=None): """Index coordinate transformation from int/str to an integer Parameters ---------- d : {0, "x", "a", 1, "y", "b", 2, "z", "c"} returns the integer that corresponds to the coordinate index (strings are lower-cased). abc : (3, 3), optional for ``"abc"`` inputs the returned value will be the vector ``abc[direction(d)]`` Returns ------- index : int index of the Cartesian coordinate system, only if both `abc` and `xyz` are none or if the requested direction is not present, only returned if the corresponding direction is none vector : (3,) the vector corresponding to the value gotten from `abc` or `xyz`, only returned if the corresponding direction is not none Examples -------- >>> direction(0) 0 >>> direction("Y") 1 >>> direction("z") 2 >>> direction("2") 2 >>> direction(" 2") 2 >>> direction("b") 1 >>> direction("b", abc=np.diag([1, 2, 3]) [0, 2, 0] >>> direction("x", abc=np.diag([1, 2, 3]) 0 >>> direction(1, abc=np.diag([1, 2, 3]) [0, 2, 0] >>> direction(1, abc=np.diag([1, 2, 3], xyz=np.diag([4, 5, 6]) [0, 2, 0] """ if isinstance(d, Integral): # pass through to find it d = str(d) # We take it as a string d = d.lower().strip() if not abc is None and d in "abc012": return abc["a0b1c2".index(d) // 2] elif not xyz is None and d in "xyz012": return xyz["x0y1z2".index(d) // 2] else: if d in ("x", "y", "z", "a", "b", "c", "0", "1", "2"): return "xa0yb1zc2".index(d) // 3 raise ValueError( "direction: Input direction is not an integer, nor a string in 'xyz/abc/012'" )
# Transform an input to an angle
[docs] def angle(s, rad=True, in_rad=True): """Convert the input string to an angle, either radians or degrees. Parameters ---------- s : str If `s` starts with 'r' it is interpreted as radians ``[0:2pi]``. If `s` starts with 'a' it is interpreted as a regular angle ``[0:360]``. If `s` ends with 'r' it returns in radians. If `s` ends with 'a' it returns in regular angle. `s` may be any mathematical equation which can be intercepted through ``eval``. rad : bool, optional Whether the returned angle is in radians. Note than an 'r' at the end of `s` has precedence. in_rad : bool, optional Whether the calculated angle is in radians. Note than an 'r' at the beginning of `s` has precedence. Returns ------- float the angle in the requested unit """ s = s.lower() if s.startswith("r"): in_rad = True elif s.startswith("a"): in_rad = False if s.endswith("r"): rad = True elif s.endswith("a"): rad = False # Remove all r/a's and remove white-space s = s.replace("r", "").replace("a", "").replace(" ", "") # Figure out if Pi is circumfered by */+- spi = s.split("pi") nspi = len(spi) if nspi > 1: # We have pi at least in one place. for i, si in enumerate(spi): # In case the last element is a pi if len(si) == 0: continue if i < nspi - 1: if not si.endswith(("*", "/", "+", "-")): # it *MUST* be "*" spi[i] = spi[i] + "*" if 0 < i: if not si.startswith(("*", "/", "+", "-")): # it *MUST* be "*" spi[i] = "*" + spi[i] # Now insert Pi dependent on the input type if in_rad: Pi = pi else: Pi = 180.0 s = (f"{Pi}").join(spi) # We have now transformed all values # to the correct numerical values and we calculate # the expression ra = math_eval(s) if rad and not in_rad: return ra / 180.0 * pi if not rad and in_rad: return ra / pi * 180.0 # Both radians and in_radians are equivalent # so return as-is return ra
def allow_kwargs(*args): """Decoractor for forcing `func` to have the named arguments as listed in `args` This decorator merely removes any keyword argument from the called function which is in the list of `args` in case the function does not have the arguments or a ``**kwargs`` equivalent. Parameters ---------- *args : str required arguments in `func`, if already present nothing will be done. """ def deco(func): if func is None: return None # Build list of arguments and keyword arguments sig = inspect.signature(func) arg_names = [] kwargs_name = None for name, p in sig.parameters.items(): if p.kind in (p.POSITIONAL_ONLY, p.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, p.KEYWORD_ONLY): arg_names.append(name) elif p.kind == p.VAR_KEYWORD: kwargs_name = name if not kwargs_name is None: return func # First we figure out which arguments are already in the lists args_ = [arg for arg in args if not arg in arg_names] # Now we have the compressed lists # If there are no arguments required to be added, simply return the function if len(args_) == 0: return func # Basically any function that does not have a named argument # cannot use it. So we simply need to create a function which by-passes # the named arguments. @functools.wraps(func) def dec_func(*args, **kwargs): # Simply remove all the arguments that cannot be passed to the function for arg in args_: del kwargs[arg] return func(*args, **kwargs) return dec_func return deco def import_attr(attr_path): """Returns an attribute from a full module path Examples -------- >>> func = import_attr("sisl.utils.import_attr") >>> assert func is import_attr Parameters ----------- attr_path: str the module path to the attribute """ module, variable = attr_path.rsplit(".", 1) module = importlib.import_module(module) return getattr(module, variable) def lazy_import(name, package=None): """Lazily import a module or submodule Parameters ---------- name : str module name to load, optionally a sub-package from `package` package : str, optional whether `name` is a sub-package Examples -------- >>> hello = lazy_import("hello") >>> hello.mod_func This will only load the module upon method inspection in the module. >>> hello = lazy_import(".hello", "package") >>> hello.mod_func The dot is required to indicate it being a name within package. NOTE currently this is not working due to id's changing upon actual loading. I have yet to figure out why... """ util = importlib.util abs_name = util.resolve_name(name, package) if abs_name in sys.modules: return sys.modules[abs_name] # Create module specification # Find specifications for module spec = util.find_spec(abs_name) module = util.module_from_spec(spec) # Make module with proper locking and get it inserted into sys.modules. util.LazyLoader(spec.loader).exec_module(module) return module # This class is very much like the addict type # However, a much reduced usage
[docs] class PropertyDict(dict): """Simple dictionary which may access items as properties as well""" def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self[name] except KeyError as e: raise AttributeError(name) from e __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__ def __dir__(self): return list(self.keys())
class NotNonePropertyDict(PropertyDict): def __setitem__(self, key, value): if value is None: return super().__setitem__(key, value)