Shapes are geometric objects that enables one to locate positions in- or out-side a given shape.
Shapes are constructed from basic geometric shapes, such as cubes, ellipsoids
and spheres, and they enable any _set_ operation on them,
intersection (A & B
), union (A | B
), disjunction (A ^ B
or complementary (A - B
All shapes in sisl allows one to perform arithmetic on them.
I.e. one may add two shapes to accomblish what would be equivalent
to an &
operation. The resulting shape will be a CompositeShape
implements the necessary routines to ensure correct operation.
Baseclass for all shapes. |
A cuboid/rectangular prism (P4) |
3D Cube with equal sides |
3D Ellipsoid shape |
3D Sphere |
3D elliptical cylinder |
A unique shape which has no well-defined spatial volume or center |