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import numpy as np

from sisl._internal import set_module
from sisl.physics import get_distribution
from sisl.unit import units
from sisl.utils import strmap
from sisl.utils.cmd import default_ArgumentParser, default_namespace

from ..sile import SileError, add_sile, sile_fh_open
from .kp import kpSileSiesta
from .sile import SileSiesta

__all__ = ["eigSileSiesta"]

class eigSileSiesta(SileSiesta):
    """Eigenvalues as calculated in the SCF loop, easy plots using `sdata`

    The .EIG file from Siesta contains the eigenvalues for k-points used during the SCF.
    Using the command-line utility `sdata` one may plot the eigenvalue spectrum to visualize the
    spread of eigenvalues.

    .. code:: bash

        # Plot the eigenspectrum
        sdata siesta.EIG --plot
        # or to save to png file
        sdata siesta.EIG --plot eig_spread.png

    One may also extract/plot the DOS using the eigenvalues and the k-point weights:

    .. code:: bash

        # plot the DOS using default values
        sdata siesta.EIG --dos --plot
        # change the energy spacing and plot it
        sdata siesta.EIG --dos dE=1meV --plot
        # change the energy spacing;
        # plot two different temperatures
        sdata siesta.EIG --dos dE=1meV kT=5K --dos kT=25K --plot
        # store the data in a dos.dat (3 columns, E, kT=5, kT=25K)
        sdata siesta.EIG --dos dE=1meV kT=5K --dos kT=25K --out dos.dat

    This will default to plot the DOS using these parameters:
    dE = 5 meV, kT = 300 K (25 meV), Gaussian distribution and in the full energy-range of the eigenvalue spectrum.
    By default the k-point weights will be read in the ``*.KP`` file, however if the file does not
    exist one may use the option ``--kp-file FILE`` to read in the weights from ``FILE``.

    To limit the shown energy region, simply use:

    .. code:: bash

        sdata siesta.EIG -E -10:10 --dos

    to reduce to the -10 eV to 10 eV energy range.

    One may optionally choose the temperature smearing and the used distribution function:

    .. code:: bash

        # position dependent values
        sdata siesta.EIG -E -10:10 --dos 0.01 0.1 lorentzian
        # key based values
        sdata siesta.EIG -E -10:10 --dos dE=0.01 kT=0.1 dist=lorentzian

    which will calculate the DOS in steps of 10 meV, the temperature smearing is 0.1 eV and
    the used distribution is a Lorentzian.
    Several invocations of ``--dos`` will collect the data until either a ``--plot`` or ``--out``
    is found on the command line.

[docs] @sile_fh_open(True) def read_fermi_level(self): r"""Query the Fermi-level contained in the file Returns ------- Ef : fermi-level of the system """ return float(self.readline())
[docs] @sile_fh_open() def read_data(self): r"""Read eigenvalues, as calculated and written by Siesta Returns ------- numpy.ndarray : all eigenvalues, shifted to :math:`E_F = 0`, shape ``(ns, nk, nb)`` where ``ns`` number of spin-components, ``nk`` number of k-points and ``nb`` number of bands. """ Ef = self.read_fermi_level() # Read the total length of the path nb, ns, nk = map(int, self.readline().split()) if ns > 2: # This is simply a NC/SOC calculation which is irrelevant in # regards of the eigenvalues. ns = 1 # Allocate eigs = np.empty([ns, nk, nb], np.float64) readline = self.readline def iterE(size): ne = 0 out = readline().split()[1:] ne += len(out) yield from out while ne < size: out = readline().split() ne += len(out) yield from out for ik in range(nk): # The first line is special E_list = np.fromiter(iterE(ns * nb), dtype=np.float64) eigs[:, ik, :] = E_list.reshape(ns, nb) return eigs - Ef
@default_ArgumentParser(description="Manipulate Siesta EIG file.") def ArgumentParser(self, p=None, *args, **kwargs): """Returns the arguments that is available for this Sile""" # limit_args = kwargs.get("limit_arguments", True) # short = kwargs.get("short", False) # We limit the import to occur here import argparse # The first thing we do is adding the geometry to the NameSpace of the # parser. # This will enable custom actions to interact with the geometry in a # straight forward manner. d = { "_eigs": self.read_data(), "_Emap": None, "_data": [], "_data_header": [], "_dos_args": [ # default dE 5 meV 0.005, # default T = 300 k units("K", "eV") * 300, # distribution type "gaussian", ], } try: d["_weights"] = kpSileSiesta( str(self.file).replace("EIG", "KP") ).read_data()[1] except Exception: d["_weights"] = None namespace = default_namespace(**d) # Energy grabs class ERange(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): ns._Emap = strmap(float, value)[0] p.add_argument( "--energy", "-E", action=ERange, help="Denote the sub-section of energies that are plotted: '-1:0,1:2' [eV]", ) # k-point weights class KP(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): ns._weights = kpSileSiesta(value[0]).read_data()[1] p.add_argument( "--kp-file", "-kp", nargs=1, metavar="FILE", action=KP, help="The k-point file from which to read the band-weights (only applicable to --dos option)", ) # Energy grabs class DOS(argparse.Action): def __call__( dos_self, parser, ns, values, option_string=None ): # pylint: disable=E0213 if getattr(ns, "_weights", None) is None: if ns._eigs.shape[1] > 1: raise ValueError( "Can not calculate DOS when k-point weights are unknown, please pass -kp before this command" ) if len(ns._weights) != ns._eigs.shape[1]: raise SileError( f"{self!s} --dos the number of k-points for the eigenvalues and k-point weights " "are different, please use -kp before --dos." ) # Specify default settings dE = ns._dos_args[0] kT = ns._dos_args[1] distribution = ns._dos_args[2] # check that all or non have "=" n_eq = sum(("=" in v for v in values)) if n_eq == 0: for i, value in enumerate(values): if i == 0: dE = value elif i == 1: kT = value elif i == 2: distribution = value else: raise ValueError( f"Too many values passed? Unknown value {value}?" ) elif n_eq == len(values): for key, val in map(lambda x: x.split("="), values): # it is a direct parseable thing if key.lower() in ("de", "e"): dE = val elif key.lower() in ("kt", "t"): kT = val elif key.lower().startswith("dist"): distribution = val else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown key: {key}, should be one of [dE, kT, dist]" ) else: raise ValueError( "Mixing position arguments and keyword arguments is not allowed, either key=val or val, only" ) try: dE = units(dE, "eV") except Exception: dE = float(dE) try: kT = units(kT, "eV") except Exception: kT = float(kT) # store for next invocation ns._dos_args[0] = dE ns._dos_args[1] = kT ns._dos_args[2] = distribution # Now create the final distribution distribution = get_distribution(distribution, smearing=kT) if ns._Emap is None: # We will plot the DOS in the entire energy window ns._Emap = [ns._eigs.min() - kT * 4, ns._eigs.max() + kT * 4] # Now we are ready to process E = np.arange(ns._Emap[0], ns._Emap[1], dE) n_data = len(ns._data_header) same_E = False if n_data > 0: for i in range(n_data): header = ns._data_header[-i] if header == "Energy": try: same_E = np.allclose(E, ns._data[-i]) except Exception: same_E = False if not same_E: ns._data_header.append("Energy") ns._data.append(E) def calc_dos(E, eig, w): nonlocal distribution DOS = np.zeros(len(E)) for w_band, e_band in zip(w, eig): for e in e_band: DOS += distribution(E - e) * w_band return DOS T = kT * units(f"eV", "K") str_T = f"{T:.2f}K" if ns._eigs.shape[0] == 2: for eigs, ud in zip(ns._eigs, ("up", "down")): ns._data_header.append(f"DOS-{ud} T={str_T}") ns._data.append(calc_dos(E, eigs, ns._weights)) else: ns._data_header.append(f"DOS T={str_T}") ns._data.append(calc_dos(E, ns._eigs[0, :, :], ns._weights)) p.add_argument( "--dos", action=DOS, nargs="*", metavar="dE, kT, DIST", help="Calculate (and internally store) the density of states from the .EIG file, " "dE = energy separation (5 meV), kT = smearing (300 K), DIST = distribution function (Gaussian). " "The arguments will be the new defaults for later --dos calls.", ) class Plot(argparse.Action): def _plot_data(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): """Plot data as contained in ns._data""" from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.figure() E = None is_DOS = True for header, data in zip(ns._data_header, ns._data): if header == "Energy": E = data elif "DOS" in header: plt.plot(E, data, label=header) else: # currently, we can only do DOS, so we shouldn't worry is_DOS = False Emap = ns._Emap if Emap is not None: plt.xlim(Emap[0], Emap[1]) if is_DOS: plt.ylabel("DOS [1/eV]") plt.legend() if value is None: else: plt.savefig(value) def _plot_eig(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt E = ns._eigs # Emin = np.min(E) # Emax = np.max(E) # n = E.shape[1] # We need to setup a relatively good size of the scatter # plots s = 10 # 20. / max(Emax - Emin, n) def myplot(ax, title, y, E, s): ax.set_title(title) ik = np.arange(y.shape[0]) for ib in range(y.shape[1]): ax.scatter(ik, y[:, ib], s=s) ax.set_xlabel("k-index") ax.set_xlim(-0.5, len(y) + 0.5) if not E is None: ax.set_ylim(E[0], E[1]) if E.shape[0] == 2: _, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2) axs[0].set_ylabel("E-Ef [eV]") # We must plot spin-up/down separately for ax, eig, ud in zip(axs, E, ("UP", "DOWN")): myplot(ax, f"Eigenspectrum {ud}", eig, ns._Emap, s) else: plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylabel("E-Ef [eV]") myplot(ax, "Eigenspectrum", E[0, :, :], ns._Emap, s) if value is None: else: plt.savefig(value) def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): if len(ns._data) == 0: self._plot_eig(parser, ns, value, option_string) else: self._plot_data(parser, ns, value, option_string) p.add_argument( "--plot", "-p", action=Plot, nargs="?", metavar="FILE", help="Plot the currently collected information (at its current invocation), or the eigenspectrum", ) class Out(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): out = value[0] if len(ns._data) == 0: # do nothing if data has not been collected raise ValueError( "No data has been collected in the arguments, nothing will be written, have you forgotten arguments?" ) if sum((h == "Energy" for h in ns._data_header)) > 1: raise ValueError( "There are multiple non-commensurate energy-grids, saving data requires a single energy-grid." ) from import tableSile tableSile(out, mode="w").write(*ns._data, header=ns._data_header) p.add_argument( "--out", "-o", nargs=1, action=Out, help="Store currently collected information (at its current invocation) to the out file.", ) return p, namespace add_sile("EIG", eigSileSiesta, gzip=True)