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Sile object for reading/writing XYZ files
import numpy as np

import sisl._array as _a
from sisl import BoundaryCondition, Geometry, Lattice
from sisl._internal import set_module
from sisl.messages import deprecate_argument, warn

# Import sile objects
from ._help import header_to_dict
from ._multiple import SileBinder
from .sile import *

__all__ = ["xyzSile"]

class xyzSile(Sile):
    """XYZ file object"""

    def _parse_lattice(self, header, xyz, lattice):
        """Internal helper routine for extracting the lattice"""
        if lattice is not None:
            return lattice

        # Parse
        nsc = None
        if "nsc" in header:
            nsc = list(map(int, header.pop("nsc").split()))

        BC = BoundaryCondition
        bc = BC.UNKNOWN
        if "pbc" in header:
            bc = []
            for pbc in header.pop("pbc").split():
                if pbc == "T":
        if "boundary_condition" in header:
            bc = []
            for b in header.pop("boundary_condition").split():
                bc.append(getattr(BC, b.upper()))
            bc = _a.arrayi(bc).reshape(3, 2)

        if "Lattice" in header:
            cell = _a.fromiterd(header.pop("Lattice").split()).reshape(3, 3)
        elif "cell" in header:
            cell = _a.fromiterd(header.pop("cell").split()).reshape(3, 3)
            cell = xyz.max(0) - xyz.min(0) + 10

        origin = None
        if "Origin" in header:
            origin = _a.fromiterd(header.pop("Origin").strip('"').split()).reshape(3)

        return Lattice(cell, nsc=nsc, origin=origin, boundary_condition=bc)

[docs] @sile_fh_open() def write_geometry(self, geometry, fmt=".8f", comment=None): """Writes the geometry to the contained file Parameters ---------- geometry : Geometry the geometry to be written fmt : str, optional used format for the precision of the data comment : str, optional if None, a sisl made comment that can be used for parsing the unit-cell is used else this comment will be written at the 2nd line. """ # Check that we can write to the file sile_raise_write(self) lattice = geometry.lattice # Write the number of atoms in the geometry self._write(" {}\n".format(len(geometry))) # Write out the cell information in the comment field # This contains the cell vectors in a single vector (3 + 3 + 3) # quantities, plus the number of supercells (3 ints) fields = [] fields.append( ('Lattice="' + f"{{:{fmt}}} " * 9 + '"').format(*geometry.cell.ravel()) ) nsc = geometry.nsc[:] fields.append('nsc="{} {} {}"'.format(*nsc)) pbc = ["T" if n else "F" for n in lattice.pbc] fields.append('pbc="{} {} {}"'.format(*pbc)) BC = BoundaryCondition.getitem bc = [f"{BC(n[0]).name} {BC(n[1]).name}" for n in lattice.boundary_condition] fields.append('boundary_condition="{} {} {}"'.format(*bc)) if comment is not None: fields.append(f'Comment="{comment}"') self._write(" ".join(fields) + "\n") fmt_str = "{{0:2s}} {{1:{0}}} {{2:{0}}} {{3:{0}}}\n".format(fmt) for ia, a, _ in geometry.iter_species(): s = a.symbol s = {"fa": "Ds"}.get(s, s) self._write(fmt_str.format(s, *[ia, :]))
def _r_geometry_skip(self, *args, **kwargs): """Read the geometry for a generic xyz file (not sisl, nor ASE)""" line = self.readline() if line == "": return None na = int(line) line = self.readline for _ in range(na + 1): line() return na
[docs] @SileBinder(skip_func=_r_geometry_skip) @sile_fh_open() @deprecate_argument( "sc", "lattice", "use lattice= instead of sc=", from_version="0.15" ) def read_geometry(self, atoms=None, lattice=None): """Returns Geometry object from the XYZ file Parameters ---------- atoms : Atoms, optional the atoms to be associated with the Geometry lattice : Lattice, optional the lattice to be associated with the geometry """ line = self.readline() if line == "": return None # Read number of atoms na = int(line) # Read header, and try and convert to dictionary header = self.readline() header = {k: v.strip('"') for k, v in header_to_dict(header).items()} # Read atoms and coordinates sp = [None] * na xyz = np.empty([na, 3], np.float64) line = self.readline for ia in range(na): l = line().split(maxsplit=5) sp[ia] = l[0] xyz[ia, :] = l[1:4] if atoms is not None: sp = atoms lattice = self._parse_lattice(header, xyz, lattice) return Geometry(xyz, atoms=sp, lattice=lattice)
def ArgumentParser(self, p=None, *args, **kwargs): """Returns the arguments that is available for this Sile""" newkw = Geometry._ArgumentParser_args_single() newkw.update(kwargs) return self.read_geometry().ArgumentParser(p, *args, **newkw) add_sile("xyz", xyzSile, case=False, gzip=True)