
class, mode='r', comment=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]


Wannier seedname input file object

This Sile enables easy interaction with the Wannier90 code.

A seedname is the basis of reading all Wannier90 output because every file in Wannier90 is based of the name of the seed.

Hence, if the correct flags are present in the file, and the corresponding files are created, then the corresponding quantity may be read.

For instance to read the Wannier-centres you must have this in your

write_xyz = true translate_home_cell = False

while if you want to read the Wannier Hamiltonian you should have this:

write_xyz = true plot_hr = true translate_home_cell = False


>>> wan90 = get_sile('')
>>> H = wan90.read_hamiltonian()
>>> H = wan90.read_hamiltonian(dtype=numpy.float64)
>>> H = wan90.read_hamiltonian(cutoff=0.00001)






list of weak references to the object (if defined)




File of the current Sile


File of the current Sile



Default arguments for the Sile


Implement delattr(self, name).


Default dir() implementation.


Opens the output file and returns it self


Return self==value.

__exit__(type, value, traceback)


Default object formatter.


Return self>=value.


Override to check the handle


Return getattr(self, name).


Return self>value.


Return hash(self).

__init__(filename[, mode, comment])

Initialize self.


This method is called when a class is subclassed.


Iterator for file


Return self<=value.


Return self<value.


Return self!=value.


Create and return a new object.


Helper for pickle.


Helper for pickle.


Return repr(self).


Implement setattr(self, name, value).


Size of object in memory, in bytes.


Return a representation of the Sile


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().


Make f refer to the file with the appropriate base directory

_base_setup(*args, **kwargs)

Setup the Sile after initialization


_read_geometry(sc, *args, **kwargs)

Defered routine

_read_geometry_centres(*args, **kwargs)

Defered routine

_read_hamiltonian(geom[, dtype])

Reads a Hamiltonian


Deferred routine


Update readed file

_setup(*args, **kwargs)

Setup winSileWannier90 after initialization

_write(*args, **kwargs)

Wrapper to default the write statements

_write_geometry(geom[, fmt])

Writes the geometry to the contained file

_write_supercell(sc[, fmt])

Writes the supercel to the contained file


File of the current Sile


Query whether the file exists

read(*args, **kwargs)

Generic read method which should be overloaded in child-classes

read_geometry(*args, **kwargs)

Reads a Geometry and creates the Wannier90 cell

read_hamiltonian(*args, **kwargs)

Read the electronic structure of the Wannier90 output


Reads a SuperCell and creates the Wannier90 cell

write(*args, **kwargs)

Generic write method which should be overloaded in child-classes

write_geometry(geom[, fmt])

Writes the geometry to the contained file

write_supercell(sc[, fmt])

Writes the supercell to the contained file

property base_file

File of the current Sile


File of the current Sile


Query whether the file exists

property file

File of the current Sile

read(*args, **kwargs)

Generic read method which should be overloaded in child-classes


kwargs – keyword arguments will try and search for the attribute read_<> and call it with the remaining **kwargs as arguments.

read_geometry(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Reads a Geometry and creates the Wannier90 cell

read_hamiltonian(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Read the electronic structure of the Wannier90 output


cutoff (float, optional) – the cutoff value for the zero Hamiltonian elements, default to 0.00001 eV.


Reads a SuperCell and creates the Wannier90 cell

write(*args, **kwargs)

Generic write method which should be overloaded in child-classes


**kwargs – keyword arguments will try and search for the attribute write_ and call it with the remaining **kwargs as arguments.

write_geometry(geom, fmt='.8f', *args, **kwargs)[source]

Writes the geometry to the contained file

write_supercell(sc, fmt='.8f', *args, **kwargs)[source]

Writes the supercell to the contained file