
sisl.physics.electron.conductivity(bz, distribution='fermi-dirac', method='ahc', complex=False)[source]

Electronic conductivity for a given BrillouinZone integral

Currently the only implemented method is the anomalous Hall conductivity (AHC) which may be calculated as:

\[\sigma_{\alpha\beta} = \frac{-e^2}{\hbar}\int\,\mathrm d\mathbf k\sum_nf_n(\mathbf k)\Omega_{n,\alpha\beta}(\mathbf k)\]

where \(\Omega_{n,\alpha\beta}\) is the Berry curvature for state \(n\) and \(f_n\) is the occupation for state \(n\).

  • bz (BrillouinZone) – containing the integration grid and has the bz.parent as an instance of Hamiltonian.

  • distribution (str or func, optional) – distribution used to find occupations

  • method ({'ahc'}) – ‘ahc’ calculates the anomalous Hall conductivity

  • complex (logical, optional) – whether the returned quantity is complex valued

See also


method used to calculate the Berry-flux for calculating the conductivity