
A full visualization framework developed specifically for sisl that uses plotly to visualize all the processing that you can do with the package.

Basic Tutorials

These are some tutorials that will introduce you to the framework.

Showcase of plot classes

The following notebooks will help you develop a deeper understanding of what each plot class is capable of.

Combining plots

Have two plots that you would like to see displayed together, maybe as an animation or subplots? You’ve come to the right place!

Do it yourself

You don’t like the plots that we, with all the love of the world, have prepared?

That seems unlikely, but if it happens, you can easily create your own plots! The following notebooks will guide you through the process and by the end of your reading it will be dead easy for you to have a self-updating plot that can be used and tuned in the GUI.


Consider contributing to the package if you build a useful presentation. The community will appreciate it! :)