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import os.path as osp
import numpy as np

from sisl.unit import units
import sisl._array as _a
from sisl.messages import SislError, warn

from .._help import *
from ..sile import *
from .sile import SileOpenMX

from sisl import Geometry, SphericalOrbital, Atom, SuperCell

__all__ = ['omxSileOpenMX']

_LOGICAL_TRUE  = ['on', 'yes', 'true', '.true.', 'ok']
_LOGICAL_FALSE = ['off', 'no', 'false', '.false.', 'ng']

[docs]class omxSileOpenMX(SileOpenMX): r""" OpenMX-input file By supplying base you can reference files in other directories. By default the ``base`` is the directory given in the file name. Parameters ---------- filename: str input file mode : str, optional opening mode, default to read-only base : str, optional base-directory to read output files from. Examples -------- >>> omx = omxSileOpenMX("tmp/input.dat") # reads output files in 'tmp/' folder >>> omx = omxSileOpenMX("tmp/input.dat", base=".") # reads output files in './' folder When using this file in conjunction with the `sgeom` script while your input data-files are named ``input.dat``, please do this: .. code:: bash sgeom input.dat{omx} which forces the use of the omx file. """ @property def file(self): """ Return the current file name (without the directory prefix) """ return self._file def _setup(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Setup the `omxSileOpenMX` after initialization """ # These are the comments self._comment = ['#'] # List of parent file-handles used while reading self._parent_fh = [] def _pushfile(self, f): if self.dir_file(f).is_file(): self._parent_fh.append(self.fh) self.fh = self.dir_file(f).open(self._mode) else: warn(f'{self!s} is trying to include file: {f} but the file seems not to exist? Will disregard file!') def _popfile(self): if len(self._parent_fh) > 0: self.fh.close() self.fh = self._parent_fh.pop() return True return False def _seek(self): """ Closes all files, and starts over from beginning """ try: while self._popfile(): pass except: pass @sile_fh_open() def _read_key(self, key): """ Try and read the first occurence of a key This will take care of blocks, labels and piped in labels Parameters ---------- key : str key to find in the file """ self._seek() def tokey(key): return key.lower() keyl = tokey(key) def valid_line(line): ls = line.strip() if len(ls) == 0: return False return not (ls[0] in self._comment) def process_line(line): # Split line by spaces ls = line.split() if len(ls) == 0: return None # Make a lower equivalent of ls lsl = list(map(tokey, ls)) # The last case is if the key is the first word on the line # In that case we have found what we are looking for if lsl[0] == keyl: return (' '.join(ls[1:])).strip() elif lsl[0].startswith('<'): # Get key lsl_key = lsl[0][1:] lsl_end = lsl_key + '>' if lsl_key == keyl: # Read in the block content lines = [] # Now read lines l = self.readline().strip() while not tokey(l).endswith(lsl_end): if len(l) > 0: lines.append(l) l = self.readline().strip() return lines return None # Perform actual reading of line l = self.readline().split('#')[0] if len(l) == 0: return None l = process_line(l) while l is None: l = self.readline().split('#')[0] if len(l) == 0: if not self._popfile(): return None l = process_line(l) return l @classmethod def _type(cls, value): """ Determine the type by the value Parameters ---------- value : str or list or numpy.ndarray the value to check for input-type """ if value is None: return None if isinstance(value, list): # A block, <[name] return 'B' # Grab the entire line (beside the key) values = value.split() if len(values) == 1: val = values[0].lower() if val in _LOGICAL: # logical return 'l' try: float(val) if '.' in val: # a real number (otherwise an integer) return 'r' return 'i' except: pass # fall-back to name with everything return 'n'
[docs] @sile_fh_open() def type(self, label): """ Return the type of the fdf-keyword Parameters ---------- label : str the label to look-up """ self._seek() return self._type(self._read_label(label))
[docs] @sile_fh_open() def get(self, key, default=None): """ Retrieve keyword from the file Parameters ---------- key : str the key to search for default : optional if the key is not found, this will be the returned value (default to ``None``) Returns ------- value : the value of the key. If the key is a block, a `list` is returned, for a real value a `float` (or if the default is of `float`), for an integer, an `int` is returned. """ # Try and read a line value = self._read_key(key) # Simply return the default value if not found if value is None: return default # Figure out what it is t = self._type(value) # We will only do something if it is a real, int, or physical. # Else we simply return, as-is if t == 'r': if default is None: return float(value) t = type(default) return t(value) elif t == 'i': if default is None: return int(value) t = type(default) return t(value) elif t == 'l': return value.lower() in _LOGICAL_TRUE return value
[docs] def read_basis(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Reads basis Parameters ---------- output: bool, optional whether to read supercell from output files (default to read from the input file). order: {'dat', 'omx'} the order of which to try and read the supercell. If `order` is present `output` is disregarded. """ order = kwargs.pop('order', ['dat', 'omx']) for f in order: v = getattr(self, '_r_basis_{}'.format(f.lower()))(*args, **kwargs) if v is not None: return v return None
def _r_basis_omx(self): ns = self.get('Species.Number', 0) data = self.get('Definition.of.Atomic.Species') if data is None: return None if ns == 0: ns = len(data) data = data[:ns] def rf_func(R): if R > 0: r = np.linspace(0, R, 500) f = np.ones(500) f[r > R] = 0 return r, f return np.linspace(0, 1., 10), np.zeros(10) def decompose_basis(l): # Only split once Zr, spec = l.split('-', 1) idx = 0 for i, c in enumerate(Zr): if c.isdigit(): idx = i break R = -1 if idx == 0: Z = Zr else: Z = Zr[:idx] try: R = float(Zr[idx:]) except: pass # Now figure out the orbitals orbs = [] m_order = { 0: [0], 1: [1, -1, 0], # px, py, pz 2: [0, 2, -2, 1, -1], # d3z^2-r^2, dx^2-y^2, dxy, dxz, dyz 3: [0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3], # f5z^2-3r^2, f5xz^2-xr^2, f5yz^2-yr^2, fzx^2-zy^2, fxyz, fx^3-3*xy^2, f3yx^2-y^3 4: [0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4] } for i, c in enumerate(spec): try: l = 'spdfg'.index(c) try: nZ = int(spec[i+1]) except: nZ = 1 for z in range(nZ): orbs.extend(SphericalOrbital(l, rf_func(R)).toAtomicOrbital(m=m_order[l], zeta=z+1)) except: pass return Z, orbs # We are ready to parse atom = [] for dat in data: d = dat.split() # Figure out the specie Z, orbs = decompose_basis(d[1]) atom.append(Atom(Z, orbs, tag=d[0])) return atom
[docs] def read_supercell(self, output=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Reads supercell One can limit the tried files to only one file by passing only a single file ending. Parameters ---------- output: bool, optional whether to read supercell from output files (default to read from the input file). order: {'dat', 'omx'} the order of which to try and read the supercell. If `order` is present `output` is disregarded. """ if output: order = kwargs.pop('order', ['dat', 'omx']) else: order = kwargs.pop('order', ['dat', 'omx']) for f in order: v = getattr(self, '_r_supercell_{}'.format(f.lower()))(*args, **kwargs) if v is not None: return v return None
def _r_supercell_omx(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns `SuperCell` object from the omx file """ conv = self.get('Atoms.UnitVectors.Unit', default='Ang') if conv.upper() == 'AU': conv = units('Bohr', 'Ang') else: conv = 1. # Read in cell cell = np.empty([3, 3], np.float64) lc = self.get('Atoms.UnitVectors') if not lc is None: for i in range(3): cell[i, :] = [float(k) for k in lc[i].split()[:3]] else: raise SileError('Could not find Atoms.UnitVectors in file') cell *= conv return SuperCell(cell) _r_supercell_dat = _r_supercell_omx
[docs] def read_geometry(self, output=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns Geometry object One can limit the tried files to only one file by passing only a single file ending. Parameters ---------- output: bool, optional whether to read geometry from output files (default to read from the input file). order: {'dat', 'omx'} the order of which to try and read the geometry. If `order` is present `output` is disregarded. """ if output: order = kwargs.pop('order', ['dat', 'omx']) else: order = kwargs.pop('order', ['dat', 'omx']) for f in order: v = getattr(self, '_r_geometry_{}'.format(f.lower()))(*args, **kwargs) if v is not None: return v return None
def _r_geometry_omx(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns `Geometry` """ sc = self.read_supercell(order=['omx']) na = self.get('Atoms.Number', default=0) conv = self.get('Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates.Unit', default='Ang') data = self.get('Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates') if data is None: raise SislError('Cannot find key: Atoms.SpeciesAndCoordinates') if na == 0: # Default to the size of the labels na = len(data) # Reduce to the number of atoms. data = data[:na] atoms = self.read_basis(order=['omx']) def find_atom(tag): if atoms is None: return Atom(tag) for atom in atoms: if atom.tag == tag: return atom raise SislError(f'Error when reading the basis for atomic tag: {tag}.') xyz = [] atom = [] for dat in data: d = dat.split() atom.append(find_atom(d[1])) xyz.append(list(map(float, dat.split()[2:5]))) xyz = _a.arrayd(xyz) if conv == 'AU': xyz *= units('Bohr', 'Ang') elif conv == 'FRAC': xyz =, sc.cell) return Geometry(xyz, atoms=atom, sc=sc) _r_geometry_dat = _r_geometry_omx
add_sile('omx', omxSileOpenMX, case=False, gzip=True)