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import numpy as np

# Import sile objects
from .sile import SileVASP
from ..sile import add_sile, sile_fh_open

from sisl._internal import set_module

__all__ = ['eigenvalSileVASP']

class eigenvalSileVASP(SileVASP):
    """ Kohn-Sham eigenvalues """

[docs] @sile_fh_open() def read_data(self, k=False): r""" Read eigenvalues, as calculated and written by VASP Parameters ---------- k : bool, optional also return k points and weights Returns ------- numpy.ndarray : all eigenvalues, shape ``(ns, nk, nb)`` where ``ns`` number of spin-components, ``nk`` number of k-points and ``nb`` number of bands numpy.ndarray : k-points (if `k` is true), shape ``(nk, 3)`` numpy.ndarray : weights for k-points (if `k` is true), shape ``(nk)`` """ # read first line line = self.readline() # NIONS, NIONS, NBLOCK * KBLOCK, NSPIN ns = int(line.split()[-1]) line = self.readline() # AOMEGA, LATT_CUR%ANORM(1:3) *1e-10, POTIM * 1e-15 line = self.readline() # TEMP line = self.readline() # ' CAR ' line = self.readline() # name line = list(map(int, self.readline().split())) # electrons, k-points, bands nk = line[1] nb = line[2] eigs = np.empty([ns, nk, nb], np.float64) kk = np.empty([nk, 3], np.float64) w = np.empty([nk], np.float64) for ik in range(nk): self.readline() # empty line line = self.readline().split() # k-point, weight kk[ik, :] = list(map(float, line[:3])) w[ik] = float(line[3]) for ib in range(nb): # band, eig_UP, eig_DOWN, pop_UP, pop_DOWN # We currently neglect the populations E = map(float, self.readline().split()[1:ns+1]) eigs[:, ik, ib] = list(E) if k: return eigs, kk, w return eigs
add_sile('EIGENVAL', eigenvalSileVASP, gzip=True)