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The SitesPlot is simply an adaptation of GeometryPlot’s machinery to any class that can be represented as sites in space. The main difference is that it doesn’t show bonds, and also inputs with the word atoms are renamed to sites. Therefore, see GeometryPlot’s showcase notebook to understand the full customization possibilities.

We are just going to show how you can plot the k points of a BrillouinZone object with it.

import sisl
import sisl.viz
import numpy as np

Let’s create a circle of K points:

g = sisl.geom.graphene()

# Create the circle
bz = sisl.BrillouinZone.param_circle(
    origin= [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
    normal= [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],

And then generate some fake vectorial data for it:

data = np.zeros((len(bz), 3))

data[:, 0] = - bz.k[:, 1]
data[:, 1] = bz.k[:, 0]

And now plot the k points, showing the vectorial data as arrows:

# Plot k points as sites
    axes="xy", drawing_mode="line", sites_style={"color": "black", "size": 2},
    arrows={"data": data, "color": "red", "width": 3, "name": "Force"}

This next cell is just to create the thumbnail for the notebook in the docs

thumbnail_plot = _

if thumbnail_plot:"png")