Source code for

Sile object for reading TBtrans binary files
from __future__ import print_function, division

import warnings
import numpy as np
import itertools

# The sparse matrix for the orbital/bond currents
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, lil_matrix

# Check against integers
from numbers import Integral

# Import sile objects
from .sile import SileCDFSIESTA
from ..sile import *
from sisl.utils import *

# Import the geometry object
from sisl import Geometry, Atom, SuperCell
from sisl.sparse import ispmatrix, ispmatrixd
from sisl._help import _str
from sisl.units.siesta import unit_convert

__all__ = ['tbtncSileSiesta', 'phtncSileSiesta']
__all__ += ['dHncSileSiesta']

Bohr2Ang = unit_convert('Bohr', 'Ang')
Ry2eV = unit_convert('Ry', 'eV')
Ry2K = unit_convert('Ry', 'K')
eV2Ry = unit_convert('eV', 'Ry')

[docs]class tbtncSileSiesta(SileCDFSIESTA): """ TBtrans file object This ``SileCDF`` implements the TBtrans output `*` sile which contains calculated quantities related to the NEGF code TBtrans. Although the TBtrans code is in fortran and the resulting NetCDF file variables are in fortran indexing (1-based), everything is returned as Python indexing (0-based) when scripting. This is vital when using this ``Sile``. Note that when using the command-line utility ``sdata`` the indexing is fortran based because the data handlers are meant for _easy_ use. """ _trans_type = 'TBT' _k_avg = False
[docs] def write_tbtav(self, **kwargs): """ Write the equivalent of this TBtrans output This will create/overwrite the file with the ending and thus will not take notice of any older files. """ from .tbtrans_av import tbtavncSileSiesta as TBTAV TBTAV(self._file.replace('.nc', ''), mode='w', access=0).write(tbtav=self)
def _value_avg(self, name, tree=None, avg=False): """ Local method for obtaining the data from the SileCDF. This method checks how the file is access, i.e. whether data is stored in the object or it should be read consequtively. """ if self._access > 0: if name in self._data: return self._data[name] v = self._variable(name, tree=tree) if self._k_avg: return v[:] wkpt = self.wkpt # Perform normalization orig_shape = v.shape if isinstance(avg, bool): if avg: nk = len(wkpt) data = v[0, ...] * wkpt[0] for i in range(1, nk): data += v[i, :] * wkpt[i] data.shape = orig_shape[1:] else: data = v[:] elif isinstance(avg, Integral): data = v[avg, ...] * wkpt[avg] data.shape = orig_shape[1:] else: # We assume avg is some kind of iterable data = v[avg[0], ...] * wkpt[avg[0]] for i in range(1, len(avg)): data += v[avg[i], ...] * wkpt[avg[i]] data.shape = orig_shape[1:] # Return data return data def _value_E(self, name, tree=None, avg=False, E=None): """ Local method for obtaining the data from the SileCDF using an E index. """ if E is None: return self._value_avg(name, tree, avg) # Ensure that it is an index iE = self.Eindex(E) v = self._variable(name, tree=tree) if self._k_avg: return v[iE, ...] wkpt = self.wkpt # Perform normalization orig_shape = v.shape if isinstance(avg, bool): if avg: nk = len(wkpt) data = np.array(v[0, iE, ...]) * wkpt[0] for i in range(1, nk): data += v[i, iE, ...] * wkpt[i] data.shape = orig_shape[2:] else: data = np.array(v[:, iE, ...]) elif isinstance(avg, Integral): data = np.array(v[avg, iE, ...]) * wkpt[avg] data.shape = orig_shape[2:] else: # We assume avg is some kind of itterable data = v[avg[0], iE, ...] * wkpt[avg[0]] for i in avg[1:]: data += v[i, iE, ...] * wkpt[i] data.shape = orig_shape[2:] # Return data return data def _setup(self): """ Setup the special object for data containing """ self._data = dict() if self._access > 0: # Fake double calls access = self._access self._access = 0 # There are certain elements which should # be minimal on memory but allow for # fast access by the object. for d in ['cell', 'xa', 'lasto', 'a_dev', 'pivot', 'E']: self._data[d] = self._value(d) # tbtrans does not store the k-points and weights # if the Gamma-point is used. try: self._data['kpt'] = self._value('kpt') except: self._data['kpt'] = np.zeros([3], dtype=np.float64) try: self._data['wkpt'] = self._value('wkpt') except: self._data['wkpt'] = np.ones([1], dtype=np.float64) # Create the geometry in the data file self._data['_geom'] = self.read_geom() # Reset the access pattern self._access = access
[docs] def read_sc(self): """ Returns ``SuperCell`` object from a file """ cell = np.array(np.copy(self.cell), dtype=np.float64) cell.shape = (3, 3) try: nsc = self._value('nsc') except: nsc = None sc = SuperCell(cell, nsc=nsc) try: sc.sc_off = self._value('isc_off') except: pass return sc
[docs] def read_geom(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns ``Geometry`` object from a file """ sc = self.read_sc() xyz = np.array(np.copy(self.xa), dtype=np.float64) xyz.shape = (-1, 3) # Create list with correct number of orbitals lasto = np.array(np.copy(self.lasto) + 1, dtype=np.int32) nos = np.append([lasto[0]], np.diff(lasto)) nos = np.array(nos, np.int32) if 'atom' in kwargs: # The user "knows" which atoms are present atms = kwargs['atom'] # Check that all atoms have the correct number of orbitals. # Otherwise we will correct them for i in range(len(atms)): if atms[i].orbs != nos[i]: atms[i] = Atom(Z=atms[i].Z, orbs=nos[i], tag=atms[i].tag) else: # Default to Hydrogen atom with nos[ia] orbitals # This may be counterintuitive but there is no storage of the # actual species atms = [Atom(Z='H', orbs=o) for o in nos] # Create and return geometry object geom = Geometry(xyz, atms, sc=sc) return geom
[docs] def write_geom(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This is not meant to be used """ raise ValueError(self.__class__.__name__ + " can not write a geometry")
# This class also contains all the important quantities elements of the # file. @property def geom(self): """ Returns the associated geometry from the TBT file """ return self.read_geom() @property def cell(self): """ Unit cell in file """ return self._value('cell') * Bohr2Ang @property def na(self): """ Returns number of atoms in the cell """ return len(self._dimension('na_u')) na_u = na @property def no(self): """ Returns number of orbitals in the cell """ return len(self._dimension('no_u')) no_u = no @property def xa(self): """ Atomic coordinates in file """ return self._value('xa') * Bohr2Ang xyz = xa # Device atoms and other quantities @property def na_d(self): """ Number of atoms in the device region """ return len(self._dimension('na_d')) na_dev = na_d @property def a_d(self): """ Atomic indices (1-based) of device atoms """ return self._value('a_dev') - 1 a_dev = a_d @property def pivot(self): """ Pivot table of device orbitals to obtain input sorting """ return self._value('pivot') - 1 pvt = pivot
[docs] def a2p(self, atom): """ Return the pivoting indices (0-based) for the atoms Parameters ---------- atom : ``array_like``, ``int`` atomic indices (0-based) """ orbs = self.geom.a2o(atom, True) return self.o2p(orbs)
[docs] def o2p(self, orbital): """ Return the pivoting indices (0-based) for the orbitals Parameters ---------- orbital : ``array_like``, ``int`` orbital indices (0-based) """ return np.where(np.in1d(self.pivot, orbital))[0]
@property def lasto(self): """ Last orbital of corresponding atom """ return self._value('lasto') - 1 @property def no_d(self): """ Number of orbitals in the device region """ return int(len(self.dimensions['no_d'])) @property def kpt(self): """ Sampled k-points in file """ return self._value('kpt') @property def wkpt(self): """ Weights of k-points in file """ return self._value('wkpt') @property def nkpt(self): """ Number of k-points in file """ return len(self.dimensions['nkpt']) @property def E(self): """ Sampled energy-points in file """ return self._value('E') * Ry2eV
[docs] def Eindex(self, E): """ Return the closest energy index corresponding to the energy `E`""" if isinstance(E, Integral): return E elif isinstance(E, _str): # This will always be converted to a float E = float(E) return np.abs(self.E - E).argmin()
@property def ne(self): """ Number of energy-points in file """ return len(self._dimension('ne')) nE = ne @property def elecs(self): """ List of electrodes """ elecs = list(self.groups.keys()) # in cases of not calculating all # electrode transmissions we must ensure that # we add the last one var = self.groups[elecs[0]].variables.keys() for tvar in var: if tvar.endswith('.T'): tvar = tvar.split('.')[0] if tvar not in elecs: elecs.append(tvar) return elecs electrodes = elecs Electrodes = elecs Elecs = elecs
[docs] def chemical_potential(self, elec): """ Return the chemical potential associated with the electrode `elec` """ return self._value('mu', elec)[0] * Ry2eV
mu = chemical_potential
[docs] def electronic_temperature(self, elec): """ Return temperature of the electrode electronic distribution in Kelvin """ return self._value('kT', elec)[0] * Ry2K
[docs] def kT(self, elec): """ Return temperature of the electrode electronic distribution in eV """ return self._value('kT', elec)[0] * Ry2eV
[docs] def transmission(self, elec_from, elec_to, avg=True): """ Return the transmission from `from` to `to`. The transmission between two electrodes may be retrieved from the `Sile`. Parameters ---------- elec_from: ``str`` the originating electrode elec_to: ``str`` the absorbing electrode (different from `elec_from`) avg: ``bool`` (`True`) whether the returned transmission is k-averaged """ if elec_from == elec_to: raise ValueError("Supplied elec_from and elec_to must not be the same.") return self._value_avg(elec_to + '.T', elec_from, avg=avg)
T = transmission
[docs] def transmission_eig(self, elec_from, elec_to, avg=True): """ Return the transmission eigenvalues from `from` to `to`. The transmission eigenvalues between two electrodes may be retrieved from the `Sile`. Parameters ---------- elec_from: ``str`` the originating electrode elec_to: ``str`` the absorbing electrode (different from `elec_from`) avg: ``bool`` (`True`) whether the returned eigenvalues are k-averaged """ if elec_from == elec_to: raise ValueError( "Supplied elec_from and elec_to must not be the same.") return self._value_avg(elec_to + '.T.Eig', elec_from, avg=avg)
Teig = transmission_eig
[docs] def transmission_bulk(self, elec, avg=True): """ Return the bulk transmission in the `elec` electrode Parameters ---------- elec: ``str`` the bulk electrode avg: ``bool`` (`True`) whether the returned transmission is k-averaged """ return self._value_avg('T', elec, avg=avg)
Tbulk = transmission_bulk def _DOS_atom_sum(self, DOS, atom): if atom is None: return DOS # Now we should sum per atom an retain the order... if isinstance(atom, Integral): return np.sum(DOS[..., self.a2p(atom)], axis=-1) # Create return array shp = list(DOS.shape) shp[-1] = len(atom) nDOS = np.zeros(shp, np.float64) # Sum for new return stuff for i, a in enumerate(atom): pvt = self.a2p(a) if len(pvt) == 0: continue nDOS[..., i] = np.sum(DOS[..., pvt], axis=-1) return nDOS
[docs] def DOS(self, E=None, avg=True, atom=None): """ Return the Green function DOS (1/eV). Parameters ---------- E : ``int`` (`None`) optionally only return the DOS of atoms at a given energy point avg: ``bool`` (`True`) whether the returned DOS is k-averaged atom : ``array_like``, ``int`` (_all_) only return for a given set of atoms (Python based indices) """ return self._DOS_atom_sum(self._value_E('DOS', avg=avg, E=E), atom) * eV2Ry
[docs] def ADOS(self, elec, E=None, avg=True, atom=None): """ Return the DOS of the spectral function from `elec` (1/eV). Parameters ---------- elec: ``str`` electrode originating spectral function E : ``int`` (`None`) optionally only return the DOS of atoms at a given energy point avg: ``bool`` (`True`) whether the returned DOS is k-averaged atom : ``array_like``, ``int`` (_all_) only return for a given set of atoms (Python based indices) """ return self._DOS_atom_sum(self._value_E('ADOS', elec, avg=avg, E=E), atom) * eV2Ry
[docs] def BDOS(self, elec, E=None, avg=True): """ Return the bulk DOS of `elec` (1/eV). Parameters ---------- elec: ``str`` electrode where the bulk DOS is returned E : ``int`` (`None`) optionally only return the DOS of atoms at a given energy point avg: ``bool`` (`True`) whether the returned DOS is k-averaged """ return self._value_E('DOS', elec, avg=avg, E=E) * eV2Ry
DOS_bulk = BDOS BulkDOS = BDOS def _E_T_sorted(self, avg=True): """ Internal routine for returning energies and transmission in a sorted array """ E = self.E idx_sort = np.argsort(E) # Get transmission T = self.transmission(elec_from, elec_to, avg) return E[idx_sort], T[idx_sort]
[docs] def current(self, elec_from, elec_to, avg=True): """ Return the current from `from` to `to` using the weights in the file. """ # Get energies E, T = self._E_T_sorted(avg) # Get chemical potentials mu_f = self.chemical_potential(elec_from) mu_t = self.chemical_potential(elec_to) # Calculate the current return NotImplemented
[docs] def orbital_current(self, elec, E, avg=True, isc=None): """ Return the orbital current originating from `elec`. This will return a sparse matrix (``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``). The sparse matrix may be interacted with like a normal matrix although it enables extremely big matrices. Parameters ---------- elec: str the electrode of originating electrons E: float or int the energy or the energy index of the orbital current. If an integer is passed it is the index, otherwise the index corresponding to `Eindex(E)` is used. avg: bool, optional whether the orbital current returned is k-averaged, default to True isc: array_like (`[0, 0, 0]`) the returned bond currents from the unit-cell (`[0, 0, 0]`) to the given supercell, the default is only orbital currents *in* the unitcell. """ # Get the geometry for obtaining the sparsity pattern. geom = self.geom # These are the row-pointers... rptr = np.cumsum(self._value('n_col')) # Get column indices col = self._value('list_col') - 1 # Default matrix size mat_size = (, geom.no_s) # Figure out the super-cell indices that are requested # First we figure out the indices, then # we build the array of allowed columns if isc is None: isc = [0, 0, 0] if isc[0] is None and isc[1] is None and isc[2] is None: all_col = None else: # The user has requested specific supercells # Here we create a list of supercell interactions. nsc = geom.nsc[:] # Shorten to the unit-cell if there are no more for i in [0, 1, 2]: if nsc[i] == 1: isc[i] = 0 if not isc[i] is None: nsc[i] = 1 # Small function for creating the supercells allowed def ret_range(val, req): i = val // 2 if req is None: return range(-i, i+1) return [req] x = ret_range(nsc[0], isc[0]) y = ret_range(nsc[1], isc[1]) z = ret_range(nsc[2], isc[2]) offsets = [] for ix, iy, iz in itertools.product(x, y, z): offsets.append(geom.sc_index([ix, iy, iz])) # Make a shrinking logical array for selecting a subset of the # orbital currents... all_col = [] for i in offsets: all_col.extend(range(i *, (i+1) * all_col = np.array(all_col, np.int32) # Create a logical array for sub-indexing all_col = np.in1d(col, all_col) col = col[all_col] # recreate row-pointer (we have to fix it) tmp = np.empty([], np.int32) nsum = np.sum tmp[0] = nsum(all_col[0:rptr[0]]) for i in range(1, len(tmp)): tmp[i] = nsum(all_col[rptr[i-1]:rptr[i]]) rptr = np.cumsum(tmp) del tmp ptr = np.empty([ + 1], np.int32) ptr[0] = 0 ptr[1:] = rptr[:] if all_col is None: J = self._value_E('J', elec, avg, E) else: J = self._value_E('J', elec, avg, E)[..., all_col] return csr_matrix((J, col, ptr), shape=mat_size)
[docs] def bond_current_from_orbital(self, Jij, sum='+', uc=None): """ Return the bond-current between atoms (sum of orbital currents) by passing the orbital currents. Parameters ---------- Jij : ``scipy.sparse.*_matrix`` the orbital currents as retrieved from `orbital_current` sum : ``str`` (`'+'`) this value may be "+"/"-"/"all" If "+" is supplied only the positive orbital currents are used, for "-", only the negative orbital currents are used, else return both. uc : `bool` (`Jij.shape[0] == Jij.shape[1]`) whether the returned bond-currents are only in the unit-cell. If `True` this will return a sparse matrix of `.shape = (,`, else, it will return a sparse matrix of `.shape = (, * self.n_s)`. One may figure out the connections via `Geometry.sc_index`. """ geom = self.geom o2a = geom.o2a if uc is None: # Default UC shape uc = Jij.shape[0] == Jij.shape[1] # We convert to atomic bond-currents if uc: na = J = lil_matrix((na, na), dtype=Jij.dtype) map_row = o2a def map_col(c): return o2a(c) % na else: J = lil_matrix((, * geom.n_s), dtype=Jij.dtype) map_row = o2a map_col = o2a # Perform reduction if "+" in sum: for ia, ja, b in ispmatrixd(Jij, map_row, map_col): if b > 0: J[ia, ja] += b elif "-" in sum: for ia, ja, b in ispmatrixd(Jij, map_row, map_col): if b < 0: J[ia, ja] -= b else: for ia, ja, b in ispmatrixd(Jij, map_row, map_col): J[ia, ja] += b # Rescale to correct magnitude J *= 0.5 # Now we have the bond-currents convert and sort mat = J.tocsr() mat.sort_indices() return mat
[docs] def bond_current(self, elec, E, avg=True, isc=None, sum='+', uc=False): """ Return the bond-current between atoms (sum of orbital currents) Parameters ---------- elec : ``str`` the electrode of originating electrons E : float or int A `float` for energy in eV, `int` for explicit energy index Unlike `orbital_current` this may not be `None` as the down-scaling of the orbital currents may not be equivalent for all energy points. avg : ``bool`` (`True`) whether the bond current returned is k-averaged isc : ``array_like`` (`[0, 0, 0]`) the returned bond currents from the unit-cell (`[0, 0, 0]`) to the given supercell. If `[None, None, None]` is passed all bond currents are returned. sum : ``str`` (`'+'`) this value may be "+"/"-"/"all" If "+" is supplied only the positive orbital currents are used, for "-", only the negative orbital currents are used, else return the sum of both. uc : ``bool`` (`False`) whether the returned bond-currents are only in the unit-cell. If `True` this will return a sparse matrix of `.shape = (,`, else, it will return a sparse matrix of `.shape = (, * self.n_s)`. One may figure out the connections via `Geometry.sc_index`. """ # First we retrieve the orbital currents Jorb = self.orbital_current(elec, E, avg, isc) return self.bond_current_from_orbital(Jorb, sum=sum, uc=uc)
[docs] def atom_current_from_orbital(self, Jij, activity=True): r""" Return the atom-current of atoms. This takes a sparse matrix with size `, self.geom.no_s` as argument with the associated orbital currents. Please note that this returns the atomic current by folding all orbital currents into the unit-cell. Parameters ---------- Jij: ``scipy.sparse.*_matrix`` the orbital currents as retrieved from `orbital_current` activity: ``bool`` (`True`) whether the activity current is returned. This is defined using these two equations: .. math:: J_I^{|a|} &=\frac{1}{2} \sum_J \big| \sum_{\nu\in I}\sum_{\mu\in J} J_{\nu\mu} \big| J_I^{|o|} &=\frac{1}{2} \sum_J \sum_{\nu\in I}\sum_{\mu\in J} \big| J_{\nu\mu} \big| If `activity = False` it returns .. math:: J_I^{|a|} and if `activity = True` it returns .. math:: J_I^{\mathcal A} = \sqrt{ J_I^{|a|} J_I^{|o|} } """ # Number of atoms na = self.na_u # atomic currents Ja = np.zeros([na], np.float64) # Create local orbital pointers o2a = self.geom.o2a sc2uc = self.geom.sc2uc firsto = self.geom.firsto lasto = self.geom.lasto[:] + 1 # Faster function calls nabs = np.abs nsum = np.sum # Calculate individual bond-currents between atoms if activity: Jo = np.zeros([na], np.float64) for ia, ja in ispmatrix(Jij, o2a, o2a): # we also include ia == ja (that should be zero anyway) # Get unit-cell atom a = sc2uc(ja) # Get supercell index offset i = (ja // na) * na t = Jij[firsto[ia]:lasto[ia], firsto[a]:i+lasto[a]].data # Calculate both the orbital and atomic normalized current Jo[ia] += nsum(nabs(t)) Ja[ia] += nabs(nsum(t)) # If it is the activity current, we return the geometric mean... Ja = np.sqrt(Ja * Jo) else: for ia, ja in ispmatrix(Jij, o2a, o2a): a = sc2uc(ja) i = (ja // na) * na t = Jij[firsto[ia]:lasto[ia], i+firsto[a]:i+lasto[a]].data Ja[ia] += nabs(nsum(t)) del t # Scale correctly Ja *= 0.5 return Ja
[docs] def atom_current(self, elec, E, avg=True, activity=True): r""" Return the atom-current of atoms. This should *not* be confused with the bond-currents. Parameters ---------- elec: ``str`` the electrode of originating electrons E: float or int the energy or energy index of the atom current. avg: ``bool`` (`True`) whether the atom current returned is k-averaged activity: ``bool`` (`True`) whether the activity current is returned. This is defined using these two equations: .. math:: J_I^{|a|} &=\frac{1}{2} \sum_J \big| \sum_{\nu\in I}\sum_{\mu\in J} J_{\nu\mu} \big| J_I^{|o|} &=\frac{1}{2} \sum_J \sum_{\nu\in I}\sum_{\mu\in J} \big| J_{\nu\mu} \big| If `activity = False` it returns .. math:: J_I^{|a|} and if `activity = True` it returns .. math:: J_I^{\mathcal A} = \sqrt{ J_I^{|a|} J_I^{|o|} } """ Jorb = self.orbital_current(elec, E, avg, isc=[None, None, None]) return self.atom_current_from_orbital(Jorb, activity=activity)
[docs] def vector_current_from_orbital(self, Jij): """ Return the atom-current with vector components of atoms. This takes a sparse matrix with size `, self.geom.no_s` as argument with the associated orbital currents. Parameters ---------- Jij: ``scipy.sparse.*_matrix`` the orbital currents as retrieved from `orbital_current` """ geom = self.geom na = # vector currents Ja = np.zeros([na, 3], np.float64) # Create local orbital look-up o2a = geom.o2a sc2uc = geom.sc2uc firsto = geom.firsto lasto = geom.lasto[:] + 1 xyz = # Calculate individual bond-currents between atoms for ia, ja in ispmatrix(Jij, o2a, o2a): if ia == ja: # If we are on the same atom there is no direction # and hence we would get a division by zero, so skip continue # Get unit-cell index a = sc2uc(ja) # Get supercell index offset i = (ja // na) * na t = Jij[firsto[ia]:lasto[ia], i+firsto[a]:i+lasto[a]].data.sum() # calculate the vector between atom `ia` and `ja` v = geom.axyz(ja) - xyz[ia, :] # multiply by normalized vector Ja[ia, :] += t * v / (v[0]**2 + v[1]**2 + v[2]**2)**.5 # Scale correctly Ja *= 0.5 return Ja
[docs] def vector_current(self, elec, E, avg=True): """ Return the atom-current with vector components of atoms. Parameters ---------- elec: ``str`` the electrode of originating electrons E: float or int the energy or energy index of the vector current. Unlike `orbital_current` this may not be `None` as the down-scaling of the orbital currents may not be equivalent for all energy points. avg: ``bool`` (`True`) whether the vector current returned is k-averaged """ Jorb = self.orbital_current(elec, E, avg, isc=[None, None, None]) return self.vector_current_from_orbital(Jorb)
[docs] def read_data(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Read specific type of data. This is a generic routine for reading different parts of the data-file. Parameters ---------- geom: ``bool`` return the geometry atom_current: ``bool`` return the atomic current flowing through an atom (the *activity* current) vector_current: ``bool`` return the orbital currents as vectors """ val = [] for kw in kwargs: if kw == 'geom': if kwargs[kw]: val.append(self.read_geom()) if kw == 'atom_current': if kwargs[kw]: # TODO we need some way of handling arguments. val.append(self.atom_current(*args)) if kw == 'vector_current': if kwargs[kw]: # TODO we need some way of handling arguments. val.append(self.vector_current(*args)) if len(val) == 0: val = None elif len(val) == 1: val = val[0] return val
@dec_default_AP("Extract data from a file") def ArgumentParser(self, p=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns the arguments that is available for this Sile """ # We limit the import to occur here import argparse d = { "_tbt": self, "_geometry": self.geom, "_data_description": [], "_data_header": [], "_data": [], "_Orng": None, "_Oscale": 1. / len(self.pivot), "_Erng": None, "_krng": True, } namespace = default_namespace(**d) def dec_ensure_E(func): """ This decorater ensures that E is the first element in the _data container """ def assign_E(self, *args, **kwargs): ns = args[1] if len(ns._data) == 0: # We immediately extract the energies if ns._Erng is None: ns._data.append(ns._tbt.E[:]) else: ns._data.append(ns._tbt.E[ns._Erng]) ns._data_header.append('Energy[eV]') return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return assign_E # Energy grabs class ERange(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): Emap = strmap(float, value) # Convert to actual indices E = [] for begin, end in Emap: E.append(range(ns._tbt.Eindex(begin), ns._tbt.Eindex(end)+1)) ns._Erng = np.array(E, np.int32).flatten() p.add_argument('--energy', '-E', action=ERange, help='Denote the sub-section of energies that are extracted: "-1:0,1:2" [eV]') # k-range class kRange(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): ns._krng = lstranges(strmap(int, value)) if not self._k_avg: p.add_argument('--kpoint', '-k', action=kRange, help='Denote the sub-section of k-indices that are extracted.') # Try and add the atomic specification class AtomRange(argparse.Action): @dec_collect_and_run_action def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): value = value.replace(' ', '') # Immediately convert to proper indices geom = ns._geometry # Sadly many shell interpreters does not # allow simple [] because they are expansion tokens # in the shell. # We bypass this by allowing *, [, { # * will "only" fail if files are named accordingly, else # it will be passed as-is. # { [ * sep = ['c', 'b', '*'] failed = True while failed and len(sep) > 0: try: ranges = lstranges(strmap(int, value, sep.pop())) failed = False except: pass if failed: print(value) raise ValueError("Could not parse the atomic/orbital ranges") # we have only a subset of the orbitals orbs = [] no = 0 asarray = np.asarray for atoms in ranges: if isinstance(atoms, list): # this will be # atoms[0] == atom # atoms[1] == list of orbitals on the atom # Get atoms and orbitals ob = geom.a2o(atoms[0] - 1, True) # We normalize for the total number of orbitals # on the requested atoms. # In this way the user can compare directly the DOS # for same atoms with different sets of orbitals and the # total will add up. no += len(ob) ob = ob[asarray(atoms[1], np.int32) - 1] else: ob = geom.a2o(atoms - 1, True) no += len(ob) orbs.append(ob) # Add one to make the c-index equivalent to the f-index orbs = np.concatenate(orbs).flatten() pivot = np.where(np.in1d(ns._tbt.pivot, orbs))[0] if len(orbs) != len(pivot): print('Device atoms:') tmp = ns._tbt.a_dev[:] + 1 tmp.sort() print(tmp[:]) print('Input atoms:') print(value) raise ValueError('Atomic/Orbital requests are not fully included in the device region.') ns._Ovalue = value ns._Orng = pivot # Correct the scale to the correct number of orbitals ns._Oscale = 1. / no #print('Updating Orng and Oscale: ',ns._Orng, ns._Oscale) p.add_argument('--atom', '-a', type=str, action=AtomRange, help='Limit orbital resolved quantities to a sub-set of atoms/orbitals: "1-2[3,4]" will yield the 1st and 2nd atom and their 3rd and fourth orbital. Multiple comma-separated specifications are allowed. Note that some shells does not allow [] as text-input (due to expansion), {, [ or * are allowed orbital delimiters. ') class DataT(argparse.Action): @dec_collect_action @dec_ensure_E def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option_string=None): e1 = values[0] if e1 not in ns._tbt.elecs: raise ValueError('Electrode: "'+e1+'" cannot be found in the specified file.') e2 = values[1] if e2 not in ns._tbt.elecs: if e2.strip() == '.': for e2 in ns._tbt.elecs: if e2 != e1: try: # catches if T isn't calculated self(parser, ns, [e1, e2], option_string) except: pass return raise ValueError('Electrode: "'+e2+'" cannot be found in the specified file.') # Grab the information data = ns._tbt.transmission(e1, e2, avg=ns._krng)[ns._Erng] data.shape = (-1,) ns._data.append(data) ns._data_header.append('T:{}-{}[G]'.format(e1, e2)) ns._data_description.append('Column {} is transmission from {} to {}'.format(len(ns._data), e1, e2)) p.add_argument('-T', '--transmission', nargs=2, metavar=('ELEC1', 'ELEC2'), action=DataT, help='Store the transmission between two electrodes.') class DataBT(argparse.Action): @dec_collect_action @dec_ensure_E def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): e = value[0] if e not in ns._tbt.elecs: if e.strip() == '.': for e in ns._tbt.elecs: try: # catches if B isn't calculated self(parser, ns, [e], option_string) except: pass return raise ValueError('Electrode: "'+e+'" cannot be found in the specified file.') # Grab the information data = ns._tbt.transmission_bulk(e, avg=ns._krng)[ns._Erng] data.shape = (-1,) ns._data.append(data) ns._data_header.append('BT:{}[G]'.format(e)) ns._data_description.append('Column {} is bulk-transmission'.format(len(ns._data))) p.add_argument('-BT', '--transmission-bulk', nargs=1, metavar='ELEC', action=DataBT, help='Store the bulk transmission of an electrode.') class DataDOS(argparse.Action): @dec_collect_action @dec_ensure_E def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): if not value is None: # we are storing the spectral DOS e = value if e not in ns._tbt.elecs: if e.strip() == '.': for e in ns._tbt.elecs: try: # catches if DOS isn't calculated self(parser, ns, [e], option_string) except: pass return raise ValueError('Electrode: "'+e+'" cannot be found in the specified file.') # Grab the information data = ns._tbt.ADOS(e, avg=ns._krng) ns._data_header.append('ADOS:{}[1/eV]'.format(e)) else: data = ns._tbt.DOS(avg=ns._krng) ns._data_header.append('DOS[1/eV]') # Grab out the orbital ranges if not ns._Orng is None: orig_shape = data.shape data = data[..., ns._Orng] # Select the energies, even if _Erng is None, this will work! data = np.sum(data[ns._Erng, ...], axis=-1).flatten() ns._data.append(data * ns._Oscale) if ns._Orng is None: ns._data_description.append('Column {} is sum of all device atoms+orbitals with normalization 1/'.format(len(ns._data), int(1/ns._Oscale))) else: ns._data_description.append('Column {} is atoms[orbs] {} with normalization 1/{}'.format(len(ns._data), ns._Ovalue, int(1/ns._Oscale))) p.add_argument('--dos', '-D', nargs='?', metavar='ELEC', action=DataDOS, default=None, help="""Store the DOS. If no electrode is specified, it is Green function, else it is the spectral function.""") p.add_argument('--ados', '-AD', metavar='ELEC', action=DataDOS, default=None, help="""Store the spectral DOS, same as --dos but requires an electrode-argument.""") class DataDOSBulk(argparse.Action): @dec_collect_action @dec_ensure_E def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): # we are storing the Bulk DOS e = value[0] if e not in ns._tbt.elecs: if e.strip() == '.': for e in ns._tbt.elecs: try: # catches if BDOS isn't calculated self(parser, ns, [e], option_string) except: pass return raise ValueError('Electrode: "'+e+'" cannot be found in the specified file.') # Grab the information data = ns._tbt.BDOS(e, avg=ns._krng) ns._data_header.append('BDOS:{}[1/eV]'.format(e)) # Select the energies, even if _Erng is None, this will work! no = data.shape[-1] data = np.mean(data[ns._Erng, ...], axis=-1).flatten() ns._data.append(data) ns._data_description.append('Column {} is sum of all electrode[{}] atoms+orbitals with normalization 1/{}'.format(len(ns._data), e, no)) p.add_argument('--bulk-dos', '-BD', nargs=1, metavar='ELEC', action=DataDOSBulk, default=None, help="""Store the bulk DOS of an electrode.""") class DataTEig(argparse.Action): @dec_collect_action @dec_ensure_E def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option_string=None): e1 = values[0] if e1 not in ns._tbt.elecs: raise ValueError('Electrode: "'+e1+'" cannot be found in the specified file.') e2 = values[1] if e2 not in ns._tbt.elecs: if e2.strip() == '.': for e2 in ns._tbt.elecs: if e1 != e2: try: # catches if T-eig isn't calculated self(parser, ns, [e1, e2], option_string) except: pass return raise ValueError('Electrode: "'+e2+'" cannot be found in the specified file.') # Grab the information data = ns._tbt.transmission_eig(e1, e2, avg=ns._krng) # The shape is: k, E, neig neig = data.shape[-1] for eig in range(neig): ns._data.append(data[ns._Erng, eig]) ns._data_header.append('Teig({}):{}-{}[G]'.format(eig+1, e1, e2)) ns._data_description.append('Column {} is transmission eigenvalues from electrode {} to {}'.format(len(ns._data), e1, e2)) p.add_argument('--transmission-eig', '-Teig', nargs=2, metavar=('ELEC1', 'ELEC2'), action=DataTEig, help='Store the transmission eigenvalues between two electrodes.') class Info(argparse.Action): """ Action to print information contained in the file, helpful before performing actions """ def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): # First short-hand the file tbt = ns._tbt def truefalse(bol, string): if bol: print(" + " + string + ": true") else: print(" - " + string + ": false") # Retrieve the device atoms dev_rng = list2range(tbt.a_dev + 1) print("Device information:") if tbt._k_avg: print(" - all data is k-averaged") else: print(" - number of kpoints: " + str(tbt.nkpt)) print(" - energy range:") print(" {:.5f} -- {:.5f} eV".format(np.amin(tbt.E), np.amax(tbt.E))) print(" - atoms with DOS (fortran index):") print(" " + dev_rng) truefalse('DOS' in tbt.variables, "DOS, Green function") print() print("Electrodes (*=DOS/ADOS/orbital-current not possible):") for elec in tbt.elecs: if elec in tbt.groups: print(" " + elec) else: print(" *" + elec) # Print out information for each electrode for elec in tbt.groups: print() # new-line print("Electrode: " + elec) gelec = tbt.groups[elec] print(" - chemical potential: {:.4f} eV".format( print(" - electronic temperature: {:.2f} K".format(tbt.electronic_temperature(elec))) truefalse('DOS' in gelec.variables, "DOS, bulk") truefalse('ADOS' in gelec.variables, "DOS, spectral") truefalse('J' in gelec.variables, "Orbital-current") truefalse('T' in gelec.variables, "transmission, bulk") truefalse(elec + '.T' in gelec.variables, "transmission, out") truefalse(elec + '.C' in gelec.variables, "transmission, out correction") for elec2 in tbt.elecs: # Skip it self, checked above in .T and .C if elec2 == elec: continue truefalse(elec2 + '.T' in gelec.variables, "transmission, -> " + elec2) p.add_argument('--info', '-i', action=Info, nargs=0, help='Print out what information is contained in the file.') class Out(argparse.Action): @dec_run_actions def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): out = value[0] from import get_sile, TableSile try: # We figure out if the user wants to write # to a geometry obj = get_sile(out, mode='w') if hasattr(obj, 'write_geom'): obj.write_geom(ns._geometry) return raise NotImplementedError except: pass if len(ns._data) == 0: # do nothing if data has not been collected print("No data has been collected in the arguments, nothing will be written, have you forgotten arguments?") return TableSile(out, mode='w').write(np.array(ns._data), comment=ns._data_description, header=ns._data_header) # Clean all data ns._data_description = [] ns._data_header = [] ns._data = [] # These are expert options ns._Ovalue = '' ns._Orng = None ns._Oscale = 1. / len(ns._tbt.pivot) ns._Erng = None ns._krng = True p.add_argument('--out', '-o', nargs=1, action=Out, help='Store the currently collected information (at its current invocation) to the out file.') class AVOut(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): ns._tbt.write_tbtav() p.add_argument('--tbt-av', action=AVOut, nargs=0, help='Create "{0}" with the k-averaged quantities of this file.'.format(self.file.replace('', ''))) class Plot(argparse.Action): @dec_run_actions def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): if len(ns._data) == 0: # do nothing if data has not been collected return from matplotlib import pyplot as plt for i in range(1, len(ns._data)): plt.plot(ns._data[0], ns._data[i], label=ns._data_header[i]) plt.legend(loc=8, ncol=3, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.0)) # Clean all data ns._data_description = [] ns._data_header = [] ns._data = [] # These are expert options ns._Ovalue = '' ns._Orng = None ns._Oscale = 1. / len(ns._tbt.pivot) ns._Erng = None ns._krng = True p.add_argument('--plot', '-p', nargs=0, action=Plot, help='Plot the currently collected information (at its current invocation).') return p, namespace
add_sile('', tbtncSileSiesta) # Add spin-dependent files add_sile('', tbtncSileSiesta) add_sile('', tbtncSileSiesta)
[docs]class phtncSileSiesta(tbtncSileSiesta): """ PHtrans file object """ _trans_type = 'PHT' pass
add_sile('', phtncSileSiesta) # The deltaH nc file
[docs]class dHncSileSiesta(SileCDFSIESTA): """ TBtrans delta-H file object """
[docs] def write_geom(self, geom): """ Creates the NetCDF file and writes the geometry information """ sile_raise_write(self) # Create initial dimensions self._crt_dim(self, 'one', 1) self._crt_dim(self, 'n_s', self._crt_dim(self, 'xyz', 3) self._crt_dim(self, 'no_s', * self._crt_dim(self, 'no_u', self._crt_dim(self, 'na_u', # Create initial geometry v = self._crt_var(self, 'nsc', 'i4', ('xyz',)) = 'Number of supercells in each unit-cell direction' v = self._crt_var(self, 'lasto', 'i4', ('na_u',)) = 'Last orbital of equivalent atom' v = self._crt_var(self, 'xa', 'f8', ('na_u', 'xyz')) = 'Atomic coordinates' v.unit = 'Bohr' v = self._crt_var(self, 'cell', 'f8', ('xyz', 'xyz')) = 'Unit cell' v.unit = 'Bohr' # Create designation of the creation self.method = 'sisl' # Save stuff self.variables['nsc'][:] = geom.nsc self.variables['xa'][:] = / Bohr2Ang self.variables['cell'][:] = geom.cell / Bohr2Ang bs = self._crt_grp(self, 'BASIS') b = self._crt_var(bs, 'basis', 'i4', ('na_u',)) = "Basis of each atom by ID" orbs = np.empty([], np.int32) for ia, a, isp in geom.iter_species(): b[ia] = isp + 1 orbs[ia] = a.orbs if a.tag in bs.groups: # Assert the file sizes if bs.groups[a.tag].Number_of_orbitals != a.orbs: raise ValueError( 'File ' + self.file + ' has erroneous data in regards of ' + 'of the alreay stored dimensions.') else: ba = bs.createGroup(a.tag) ba.ID = np.int32(isp + 1) ba.Atomic_number = np.int32(a.Z) ba.Mass = a.mass ba.Label = a.tag ba.Element = a.symbol ba.Number_of_orbitals = np.int32(a.orbs) # Store the lasto variable as the remaining thing to do self.variables['lasto'][:] = np.cumsum(orbs)
def _add_lvl(self, ilvl): """ Simply adds and returns a group if it does not exist it will be created """ slvl = 'LEVEL-'+str(ilvl) if slvl in self.groups: lvl = self._crt_grp(self, slvl) else: lvl = self._crt_grp(self, slvl) if ilvl in [2, 4]: self._crt_dim(lvl, 'nkpt', None) v = self._crt_var(lvl, 'kpt', 'f8', ('nkpt', 'xyz'), attr = {'info': 'k-points for dH values', 'unit': 'b**-1'}) if ilvl in [3, 4]: self._crt_dim(lvl, 'ne', None) v = self._crt_var(lvl, 'E', 'f8', ('ne',), attr = {'info': 'Energy points for dH values', 'unit': 'Ry'}) return lvl
[docs] def write_es(self, ham, **kwargs): """ Writes Hamiltonian model to file Parameters ---------- ham : `Hamiltonian` model the model to be saved in the NC file spin : int, 0 the spin-index of the Hamiltonian object that is stored. """ # Ensure finalizations ham.finalize() # Ensure that the geometry is written self.write_geom(ham.geom) self._crt_dim(self, 'spin', ham._spin) # Determine the type of dH we are storing... k = kwargs.get('k', None) E = kwargs.get('E', None) if (k is None) and (E is None): ilvl = 1 elif (k is not None) and (E is None): ilvl = 2 elif (k is None) and (E is not None): ilvl = 3 elif (k is not None) and (E is not None): ilvl = 4 else: print(k, E) raise ValueError("This is wrongly implemented!!!") lvl = self._add_lvl(ilvl) # Append the sparsity pattern # Create basis group if 'n_col' in lvl.variables: if len(lvl.dimensions['nnzs']) != ham.nnz: raise ValueError("The sparsity pattern stored in dH *MUST* be equivalent for " "all dH entries [nnz].") if np.any(lvl.variables['n_col'][:] != ham._data.ncol[:]): raise ValueError("The sparsity pattern stored in dH *MUST* be equivalent for " "all dH entries [n_col].") if np.any(lvl.variables['list_col'][:] != ham._data.col[:]+1): raise ValueError("The sparsity pattern stored in dH *MUST* be equivalent for " "all dH entries [list_col].") else: self._crt_dim(lvl, 'nnzs', ham._data.col.shape[0]) v = self._crt_var(lvl, 'n_col', 'i4', ('no_u',)) = "Number of non-zero elements per row" v[:] = ham._data.ncol[:] v = self._crt_var(lvl, 'list_col', 'i4', ('nnzs',), chunksizes=(len(ham._data.col),), **self._cmp_args) = "Supercell column indices in the sparse format" v[:] = ham._data.col[:] + 1 # correct for fortran indices v = self._crt_var(lvl, 'isc_off', 'i4', ('n_s', 'xyz')) = "Index of supercell coordinates" v[:] =[:, :] warn_E = True if ilvl in [3, 4]: Es = np.array(lvl.variables['E'][:]) * eV2Ry iE = 0 if len(Es) > 0: iE = np.argmin(np.abs(Es - E)) if abs(Es[iE] - E) > 0.0001: # accuracy of 0.1 meV # create a new entry iE = len(Es) lvl.variables['E'][iE] = E * Ry2eV warn_E = False else: warn_E = False warn_k = True if ilvl in [2, 4]: kpt = np.array(lvl.variables['kpt'][:]) ik = 0 if len(kpt) > 0: ik = np.argmin(np.sum(np.abs(kpt - k[None, :]), axis=1)) if np.allclose(kpt[ik, :], k, atol=0.0001): # accuracy of 0.0001 # create a new entry ik = len(kpt) lvl.variables['kpt'][ik, :] = k warn_k = False else: warn_k = False if ilvl == 4 and warn_k and warn_E and False: # As soon as we have put the second k-point and the first energy # point, this warning will proceed... # I.e. even though the variable has not been set, it will WARN # Hence we out-comment this for now... warnings.warn('Overwriting k-point {0} and energy point {1} correction.'.format(ik, iE), UserWarning) elif ilvl == 3 and warn_E: warnings.warn('Overwriting energy point {0} correction.'.format(iE), UserWarning) elif ilvl == 2 and warn_k: warnings.warn('Overwriting k-point {0} correction.'.format(ik), UserWarning) if ilvl == 1: dim = ('spin', 'nnzs') sl = [slice(None)] * 2 csize = [1] * 2 elif ilvl == 2: dim = ('nkpt', 'spin', 'nnzs') sl = [slice(None)] * 3 sl[0] = ik csize = [1] * 3 elif ilvl == 3: dim = ('ne', 'spin', 'nnzs') sl = [slice(None)] * 3 sl[0] = iE csize = [1] * 3 elif ilvl == 4: dim = ('nkpt', 'ne', 'spin', 'nnzs') sl = [slice(None)] * 4 sl[0] = ik sl[1] = iE csize = [1] * 4 # Number of non-zero elements csize[-1] = ham.nnz if ham._data._D.dtype.kind == 'c': v1 = self._crt_var(lvl, 'RedH', 'f8', dim, chunksizes=csize, attr = {'info': "Real part of dH", 'unit': "Ry"}, **self._cmp_args) for i in range(ham.spin): sl[-2] = i v1[sl] = ham._data._D[:, i].real * eV2Ry ** ham._E_order v2 = self._crt_var(lvl, 'ImdH', 'f8', dim, chunksizes=csize, attr = {'info': "Imaginary part of dH", 'unit': "Ry"}, **self._cmp_args) for i in range(ham.spin): sl[-2] = i v2[sl] = ham._data._D[:, i].imag * eV2Ry ** ham._E_order else: v = self._crt_var(lvl, 'dH', 'f8', dim, chunksizes=csize, attr = {'info': "dH", 'unit': "Ry"}, **self._cmp_args) for i in range(ham.spin): sl[-2] = i v[sl] = ham._data._D[:, i] * eV2Ry ** ham._E_order
add_sile('', dHncSileSiesta)