Source code for

Sile object for reading/writing FDF files

from __future__ import print_function, division

import os.path as osp
import numpy as np
import warnings as warn

# Import sile objects
from sisl._help import _str
from .sile import SileSiesta
from ..sile import *
from import *

# Import the geometry object
from sisl import Geometry, Atom, SuperCell, Grid

from sisl.utils.cmd import *
from sisl.utils.misc import merge_instances, str_spec

from sisl.units import unit_default, unit_group
from sisl.units.siesta import unit_convert

__all__ = ['fdfSileSiesta']

_LOGICAL_TRUE  = ['.true.', 'true', 'yes', 'y', 't']
_LOGICAL_FALSE = ['.false.', 'false', 'no', 'n', 'f']

Bohr2Ang = unit_convert('Bohr', 'Ang')

[docs]class fdfSileSiesta(SileSiesta): """ FDF file object """ def __init__(self, filename, mode='r', base=None): """ Initialize an FDF file from the filename By supplying base you can reference files in other directories. By default the ``base`` is the directory given in the file name. """ super(fdfSileSiesta, self).__init__(filename, mode=mode) if base is None: # Extract from filename self._directory = osp.dirname(filename) else: self._directory = base if len(self._directory) == 0: self._directory = '.' @property def file(self): """ Return the current file name (without the directory prefix) """ return self._file def _setup(self): """ Setup the `fdfSileSiesta` after initialization """ # These are the comments self._comment = ['#', '!', ';'] # List of parent file-handles used while reading # This is because fdf enables inclusion of other files self._parent_fh = [] self._directory = '.' @Sile_fh_open def includes(self): """ Return a list of all include files """ includes = [] l = self.readline() while l != '': for inc in self._parent_fh: if not in includes: includes.append( # Now remove prefixes make it smaller includes = [inc.replace(self._directory, '') for inc in includes] return includes
[docs] def readline(self, comment=False): """ Reads the next line of the file """ # Call the parent readline function l = super(fdfSileSiesta, self).readline(comment=comment) # In FDF files, %include marks files that progress # down in a tree structure if '%include' in l: # Split for reading tree file self._parent_fh.append(self.fh) self.fh = open(self._directory + osp.sep + l.split()[1], self._mode) # Read the following line in the new file return self.readline(comment) if len(self._parent_fh) > 0 and l == '': # l == '' marks the end of the file self.fh.close() self.fh = self._parent_fh.pop() return self.readline(comment) return l
[docs] def type(self, key): """ Return the type of the fdf-keyword """ found, fdf = self._read(key) if not found: return None if fdf.startswith('%block'): return 'B' # Grab the entire line (beside the key) fdf = fdf.split()[1:] if len(fdf) == 1: fdf = fdf[0].lower() if fdf in __LOGICAL: return 'b' if '.' in fdf: return 'r' return 'i' return 'n'
[docs] def key(self, key): """ Return the key as written in the fdf-file. If not found, returns `None`. """ found, fdf = self._read(key) if found: return fdf.split()[0] else: return None
[docs] def get(self, key, unit=None, default=None, with_unit=False): """ Retrieve fdf-keyword from the file """ # First split into specification and key key, tmp_unit = str_spec(key) if unit is None: unit = tmp_unit found, fdf = self._read(key) if not found: return default # The keyword is found... if fdf.startswith('%block'): found, fdf = self._read_block(key) if not found: return default else: return fdf # We need to process the returned value further. fdfl = fdf.split() # Check whether this is a logical flag if len(fdfl) == 1: # This *MUST* be a boolean # SCF.Converge.H # defaults to .true. return True elif fdfl[1] in _LOGICAL_TRUE: return True elif fdfl[1] in _LOGICAL_FALSE: return False # It is something different. # Try and figure out what it is if len(fdfl) == 3: # We expect it to be a unit if unit is None: # Get group of unit group = unit_group(fdfl[2]) # return in default sisl units unit = unit_default(group) if with_unit and tmp_unit is not None: # The user has specifically requested the unit: # key{unit} return '{0:.4f} {1}'.format(float(fdfl[1]) * unit_convert(fdfl[2], unit), unit) elif not with_unit: return float(fdfl[1]) * unit_convert(fdfl[2], unit) return ' '.join(fdfl[1:])
[docs] def set(self, key, value, keep=True): """ Add the key and value to the FDF file Parameters ---------- key : `str` the fdf-key value to be set in the fdf file value : `str`/`list` the value of the string. If a `str` is passed a regular fdf-key is used, if a `list` it will be a %block. keep : `bool` whether old flags will be kept in the fdf file. """ # To set a key we first need to figure out if it is # already present, if so, we will add the new key, just above # the already present key. # 1. find the old value, and thus the file in which it is found with self: old_value = self.get(key) # Get the file of the containing data top_file = self.file try: while len(self._parent_fh) > 0: self.fh.close() self.fh = self._parent_fh.pop() self.fh.close() except: pass # Now we should re-read and edit the file lines = open(top_file, 'r').readlines() def write(fh, value): if value is None: return if isinstance(value, _str): fh.write(' '.join([key, value])) if '\n' not in value: fh.write('\n') else: fh.write('%block ' + key + '\n') fh.write(''.join(value)) fh.write('%endblock ' + key + '\n') # Now loop, write and edit do_write = True with open(top_file, 'w') as fh: for line in lines: if self.line_has_key(line, key, case=False) and do_write: write(fh, value) if keep: fh.write('# Old value\n') fh.write(line) do_write = False else: fh.write(line)
[docs] def print(key, value): """ Return a string which is pretty-printing the key+value """ if isinstance(value, list): s = '%block ' + key # if the value has any new-values has_nl = False for v in value: if '\n' in v: has_nl = True break if has_nl: # do not skip to next line in next segment value[-1].replace('\n', '') s += '\n{}'.format(''.join(value)) else: s += '\n{} {}'.format(value[0], '\n'.join(value[1:])) s += '%endblock ' + key else: s = '{} {}'.format(key, value) return s
@Sile_fh_open def _read(self, key): """ Returns the arguments following the keyword in the FDF file """ found, fdf = self.step_to(key, case=False) # Check whether the key is piped if found and fdf.find('<') >= 0: # Create new fdf-file sub_fdf = fdfSileSiesta(fdf.split('<')[1].replace('\n', '').strip()) return sub_fdf._read(key) return found, fdf @Sile_fh_open def _read_block(self, key, force=False): """ Returns the arguments following the keyword in the FDF file """ k = key.lower() f, fdf = self.step_to(k, case=False) if force and not f: # The user requests that the block *MUST* be found raise SileError(('Requested forced block could not be found: ' + str(key) + '.'), self) if not f: return False, [] # not found # If the block is piped in from another file... if '<' in fdf: # Create new fdf-file sub_fdf = fdfSileSiesta(fdf.split('<')[1].replace('\n', '').strip()) with sub_fdf: li = [] line = sub_fdf.readline() while line != '': li.append(line.replace('\n', '')) line = sub_fdf.readline() return True, li li = [] while True: l = self.readline() if self.line_has_key(l, '%endblock', case=False) or \ self.line_has_key(l, k, case=False): return True, li # Append list li.append(l) raise SileError(('Error on reading block: ' + str(key) + ' could not find start/end.')) @Sile_fh_open def write_geometry(self, geom, fmt='.8f', *args, **kwargs): """ Writes the geometry to the contained file """ # Check that we can write to the file sile_raise_write(self) # Write out the cell self._write('LatticeConstant 1. Ang\n') self._write('%block LatticeVectors\n') self._write(' {0} {1} {2}\n'.format(*geom.cell[0, :])) self._write(' {0} {1} {2}\n'.format(*geom.cell[1, :])) self._write(' {0} {1} {2}\n'.format(*geom.cell[2, :])) self._write('%endblock LatticeVectors\n\n') self._write('NumberOfAtoms {0}\n'.format( self._write('AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang\n') self._write('%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies\n') fmt_str = ' {{2:{0}}} {{3:{0}}} {{4:{0}}} {{0}} # {{1}}\n'.format(fmt) # Count for the species for ia, a, isp in geom.iter_species(): self._write(fmt_str.format(isp + 1, ia + 1, *[ia, :])) self._write('%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies\n\n') # Write out species # First swap key and value self._write('NumberOfSpecies {0}\n'.format(len(geom.atom.atom))) self._write('%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel\n') for i, (a, _) in enumerate(geom.atom): self._write(' {0} {1} {2}\n'.format(i + 1, a.Z, a.tag)) self._write('%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel\n')
[docs] def read_supercell(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns `SuperCell` object from the FDF file """ f, lc = self._read('LatticeConstant') s = float(lc.split()[1]) if 'ang' in lc.lower(): pass elif 'bohr' in lc.lower(): s *= Bohr2Ang # Read in cell cell = np.empty([3, 3], np.float64) f, lc = self._read_block('LatticeVectors') if f: for i in range(3): cell[i, :] = [float(k) for k in lc[i].split()[:3]] else: f, lc = self._read_block('LatticeParameters') if f: tmp = [float(k) for k in lc[0].split()[:6]] cell = SuperCell.tocell(*tmp) if not f: # the fdf file contains neither the latticevectors or parameters raise SileError( 'Could not find Vectors or Parameters block in file') cell *= s return SuperCell(cell)
[docs] def read_geometry(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns Geometry object from the FDF file NOTE: Interaction range of the Atoms are currently not read. """ f, lc = self._read('LatticeConstant') if not f: raise ValueError('Could not find LatticeConstant in fdf file.') s = float(lc.split()[1]) if 'ang' in lc.lower(): pass elif 'bohr' in lc.lower(): s *= Bohr2Ang sc = self.read_supercell(*args, **kwargs) # No fractional coordinates is_frac = False # Read atom scaling f, lc = self._read('AtomicCoordinatesFormat') if not f: raise ValueError( 'Could not find AtomicCoordinatesFormat in fdf file.') lc = lc.lower() if 'ang' in lc or 'notscaledcartesianang' in lc: s = 1. pass elif 'bohr' in lc or 'notscaledcartesianbohr' in lc: s = Bohr2Ang elif 'scaledcartesian' in lc: # the same scaling as the lattice-vectors pass elif 'fractional' in lc or 'scaledbylatticevectors' in lc: # no scaling of coordinates as that is entirely # done by the latticevectors s = 1. is_frac = True # If the user requests a shifted geometry # we correct for this origo = np.zeros([3], np.float64) run = 'origin' in kwargs if run: run = kwargs['origin'] if run: f, lor = self._read_block('AtomicCoordinatesOrigin') if f: origo = ensure_array(map(float, lor[0].split()[:3])) * s # Origo cannot be interpreted with fractional coordinates # hence, it is not transformed. # Read atom block f, atms = self._read_block( 'AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies', force=True) if not f: raise ValueError( 'Could not find AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies in fdf file.') # Read number of atoms and block f, l = self._read('NumberOfAtoms') if not f: # We default to the number of elements in the # AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies block na = len(atms) else: na = int(l.split()[1]) # Reduce space if number of atoms specified if na != len(atms): # align number of atoms and atms array atms = atms[:na] if na == 0: raise ValueError('NumberOfAtoms has been determined to be zero, no atoms.') # Create array xyz = np.empty([na, 3], np.float64) species = np.empty([na], np.int32) for ia in range(na): l = atms[ia].split() xyz[ia, :] = [float(k) for k in l[:3]] species[ia] = int(l[3]) - 1 if is_frac: xyz =, sc.cell) xyz *= s xyz += origo # Now we read in the species f, l = self._read('NumberOfSpecies') ns = 0 if f: ns = int(l.split()[1]) # Read the block (not strictly needed, if so we simply set all atoms to # H) f, spcs = self._read_block('ChemicalSpeciesLabel') if not f: f, spcs = self._read_block('Chemical_Species_Label') if f: # Initialize number of species to # the length of the ChemicalSpeciesLabel block if ns == 0: ns = len(spcs) # Pre-allocate the species array sp = [None] * ns for spc in spcs: # index Z pseudo-tag l = spc.split() idx = int(l[0]) - 1 # Insert the atom sp[idx] = Atom(Z=int(l[1]), tag=l[2]) if None in sp: idx = sp.index(None) + 1 raise ValueError( ("Could not populate entire species list. " "Please ensure specie with index {} is present".format(idx))) # Create atoms array with species atom = [None] * na for ia in range(na): atom[ia] = sp[species[ia]] if None in atom: idx = atom.index(None) + 1 raise ValueError( ("Could not populate entire atomic list list. " "Please ensure atom with index {} is present".format(idx))) else: # Default atom (hydrogen) atom = Atom(1) # Force number of species to 1 ns = 1 # Create and return geometry object return Geometry(xyz, atom=atom, sc=sc)
@dec_default_AP("Manipulate a FDF file.") def ArgumentParser(self, p=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns the arguments that is available for this Sile """ import argparse # We must by-pass this fdf-file import as sis # The fdf parser is more complicated # It is based on different settings based on the sp = p.add_subparsers(help="Determine which part of the fdf-file that should be processed.") # Get the label which retains all the sub-modules label = self.get('SystemLabel', default='siesta') # The default on all sub-parsers are the retrieval and setting d = { '_fdf': self, '_fdf_first': True, } namespace = default_namespace(**d) ep = sp.add_parser('edit', help='Change or read and print data from the fdf file') # As the fdf may provide additional stuff, we do not add EVERYTHING from # the Geometry class. class FDFAdd(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option_string=None): key = values[0] val = values[1] if ns._fdf_first: # Append to the end of the file with ns._fdf as fd: fd.write('\n\n# SISL added keywords\n') setattr(ns, '_fdf_first', False) ns._fdf.set(key, val) ep.add_argument('--set', '-s', nargs=2, metavar=('KEY', 'VALUE'), action=FDFAdd, help='Add a key to the FDF file. If it already exists it will be overwritten') class FDFGet(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): # Retrieve the value in standard units # Currently, we write out the unit "as-is" try: val = ns._fdf.get(value[0], with_unit = True) except: val = ns._fdf.get(value[0]) if val is None: print('# {} is currently not in the FDF file '.format(value[0])) return print(ns._fdf.print(value[0], val)) ep.add_argument('--get', '-g', nargs=1, metavar='KEY', action=FDFGet, help='Print (to stdout) the value of the key in the FDF file.') # If the XV file exists, it has precedence # of the contained geometry (we will issue # a warning in that case) f = label + '.XV' try: if osp.isfile(f): geom = sis.XVSileSiesta(f).read_geometry() warn.warn("Reading geometry from the XV file instead of the fdf-file!") else: geom = self.read_geometry() tmp_p = sp.add_parser('geom', help="Edit the contained geometry in the file") tmp_p, tmp_ns = geom.ArgumentParser(tmp_p, *args, **kwargs) namespace = merge_instances(namespace, tmp_ns) except: pass f = label + '.bands' if osp.isfile(f): tmp_p = sp.add_parser('band', help="Manipulate the bands file from the SIESTA simulation") tmp_p, tmp_ns = sis.bandsSileSiesta(f).ArgumentParser(tmp_p, *args, **kwargs) namespace = merge_instances(namespace, tmp_ns) f = label + '' if osp.isfile(f): tmp_p = sp.add_parser('tbt', help="Manipulate the tbtrans output file") tmp_p, tmp_ns = sis.tbtncSileSiesta(f).ArgumentParser(tmp_p, *args, **kwargs) namespace = merge_instances(namespace, tmp_ns) f = label + '' if osp.isfile(f): tmp_p = sp.add_parser('tbt-proj', help="Manipulate the tbtrans projection output file") tmp_p, tmp_ns = sis.tbtprojncSileSiesta(f).ArgumentParser(tmp_p, *args, **kwargs) namespace = merge_instances(namespace, tmp_ns) f = label + '' if osp.isfile(f): tmp_p = sp.add_parser('pht', help="Manipulate the phtrans output file") tmp_p, tmp_ns = sis.phtncSileSiesta(f).ArgumentParser(tmp_p, *args, **kwargs) namespace = merge_instances(namespace, tmp_ns) f = label + '' if osp.isfile(f): tmp_p = sp.add_parser('pht-proj', help="Manipulate the phtrans projection output file") tmp_p, tmp_ns = sis.phtprojncSileSiesta(f).ArgumentParser(tmp_p, *args, **kwargs) namespace = merge_instances(namespace, tmp_ns) f = label + '.nc' if osp.isfile(f): tmp_p = sp.add_parser('nc', help="Manipulate the SIESTA output file") tmp_p, tmp_ns = sis.ncSileSiesta(f).ArgumentParser(tmp_p, *args, **kwargs) namespace = merge_instances(namespace, tmp_ns) return p, namespace
add_sile('fdf', fdfSileSiesta, case=False, gzip=True)