Source code for

Sile object for reading/writing a file with tabular data

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

# Import sile objects
from .sile import *

__all__ = ['TableSile']

[docs]class TableSile(Sile): """ Table file object """ def _setup(self): """ Setup the `TableSile` after initialization """ self._comment = ['#']
[docs] def write_data(self, data, header=None, footer=None, newline='\n', fmt='%.5e', comment=None, delimiter='\t'): """ Write tabular data to the file with optional header. """ C = self._comment[0] if comment is None: comment = '' elif isinstance(comment, (list, tuple)): comment = newline.join(comment) if comment is not None: comment = comment + newline if header is None: header = '' elif isinstance(header, (list, tuple)): header = delimiter.join(header) header = comment + header if footer is None: footer = '' elif isinstance(footer, (list, tuple)): footer = newline.join(footer) # Use numpy to store the txt data np.savetxt(self.file, data.T, header=header, footer=footer, fmt=fmt, delimiter=delimiter)
# Specify the default write function _write_default = write_data
add_sile('table', TableSile, case=False, gzip=True)