
Sile object for reading/writing SIESTA binary files

class, mode='r', lvl=0, access=1, _open=True)[source]


SIESTA file object


file Filename of the current Sile


ArgumentParser(*args, **kwargs) Returns the arguments that is available for this Sile
ArgumentParser_out([parser]) Appends additional arguments based on the output of the file
grids() Return a list of available grids in this file.
isDataset(obj) Return true if obj is an instance of the NetCDF4 Dataset type
isDimension(obj) Return true if obj is an instance of the NetCDF4 Dimension type
isGroup(obj) Return true if obj is an instance of the NetCDF4 Group type
isRoot(obj) Return true if obj is an instance of the NetCDF4 Dataset type
isVariable(obj) Return true if obj is an instance of the NetCDF4 Variable type
iter([group, dimension, variable, levels, root]) Iterator on all groups, variables and dimensions.
read(*args, **kwargs) Generic read method which should be overloaded in child-classes
read_es(*args, **kwargs) Deprecated function which is superseeded by read_hamiltonian
read_geom(*args, **kwargs) Deprecated function which is superseeded by read_geometry
read_geometry() Returns Geometry object from a file
read_grid(name[, idx]) Reads a grid in the current file
read_hamiltonian(**kwargs) Returns a tight-binding model from the underlying NetCDF file
read_sc(*args, **kwargs) Deprecated function which is superseeded by read_supercell
read_supercell() Returns a SuperCell object from a file
write(*args, **kwargs) Generic write method which should be overloaded in child-classes
write_es(*args, **kwargs) Deprecated function which is superseeded by write_hamiltonian
write_geom(*args, **kwargs) Deprecated function which is superseeded by write_geometry
write_geometry(geom) Creates the NetCDF file and writes the geometry information
write_hamiltonian(ham, **kwargs) Writes Hamiltonian model to file
write_sc(*args, **kwargs) Deprecated function which is superseeded by write_supercell

Creates/Opens a SileCDF

Opens a SileCDF with mode and compression level lvl. If mode is in read-mode (r) the compression level is ignored.

The final access parameter sets how the file should be open and subsequently accessed.

  1. means direct file access for every variable read
  2. means stores certain variables in the object.


file Filename of the current Sile


ArgumentParser(*args, **kwargs) Returns the arguments that is available for this Sile
ArgumentParser_out([parser]) Appends additional arguments based on the output of the file
grids() Return a list of available grids in this file.
isDataset(obj) Return true if obj is an instance of the NetCDF4 Dataset type
isDimension(obj) Return true if obj is an instance of the NetCDF4 Dimension type
isGroup(obj) Return true if obj is an instance of the NetCDF4 Group type
isRoot(obj) Return true if obj is an instance of the NetCDF4 Dataset type
isVariable(obj) Return true if obj is an instance of the NetCDF4 Variable type
iter([group, dimension, variable, levels, root]) Iterator on all groups, variables and dimensions.
read(*args, **kwargs) Generic read method which should be overloaded in child-classes
read_es(*args, **kwargs) Deprecated function which is superseeded by read_hamiltonian
read_geom(*args, **kwargs) Deprecated function which is superseeded by read_geometry
read_geometry() Returns Geometry object from a file
read_grid(name[, idx]) Reads a grid in the current file
read_hamiltonian(**kwargs) Returns a tight-binding model from the underlying NetCDF file
read_sc(*args, **kwargs) Deprecated function which is superseeded by read_supercell
read_supercell() Returns a SuperCell object from a file
write(*args, **kwargs) Generic write method which should be overloaded in child-classes
write_es(*args, **kwargs) Deprecated function which is superseeded by write_hamiltonian
write_geom(*args, **kwargs) Deprecated function which is superseeded by write_geometry
write_geometry(geom) Creates the NetCDF file and writes the geometry information
write_hamiltonian(ham, **kwargs) Writes Hamiltonian model to file
write_sc(*args, **kwargs) Deprecated function which is superseeded by write_supercell
ArgumentParser(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the arguments that is available for this Sile


Return a list of available grids in this file.


Returns Geometry object from a file

NOTE: Interaction range of the Atoms are currently not read.

read_grid(name, idx=0)[source]

Reads a grid in the current file

Enables the reading and processing of the grids created by SIESTA


Returns a tight-binding model from the underlying NetCDF file


Returns a SuperCell object from a file


Creates the NetCDF file and writes the geometry information

write_hamiltonian(ham, **kwargs)[source]

Writes Hamiltonian model to file


ham : Hamiltonian model

the model to be saved in the NC file

Ef : double=0

the Fermi level of the electronic structure (in eV)