sisl.physics.dynmat module

Dynamical matrix.

class sisl.physics.dynmat.DynamicalMatrix(geom, nnzpr=None, orthogonal=True, spin=1, dtype=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: sisl.physics.hamiltonian.Hamiltonian

Dynamical matrix of a geometry


dtype Return data type of Hamiltonian (and overlap matrix)
finalized Whether the contained data is finalized and non-used elements have been removed
geom Return the attached geometry
geometry Return the attached geometry
nnz Returns number of non-zero elements in the tight-binding model
no Returns number of orbitals as used when the object was created
orthogonal Return whether the Hamiltonian is orthogonal
spin Return number of spin-components in Hamiltonian


Dk([k, dtype]) Return the Hamiltonian in a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix at k.
construct(func[, na_iR, method, eta]) Automatically construct the Hamiltonian model based on a function that does the setting up of the Hamiltonian
copy([dtype]) Return a copy of the Hamiltonian object
correct_Newton() Sometimes the dynamical matrix does not obey Newtons laws.
create_construct(dR, param) Returns a simple function for passing to the construct function.
cut(seps, axis, *args, **kwargs) Cuts the tight-binding model into different parts.
eigh([k, atoms, eigvals_only, overwrite_a, ...]) Returns the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian
eigsh([k, n, atoms, eigvals_only]) Returns a subset of eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian (default 10)
eliminate_zeros() Removes all zero elememts from the sparse matrix
empty([keep]) See SparseCSR.empty for details
finalize() Finalizes the tight-binding model
fromsp(geom, H[, S]) Returns a tight-binding model from a preset H, S and Geometry
iter([local]) Iterations of the orbital space in the geometry, two indices from loop
iter_nnz([atom, orbital]) Iterations of the non-zero elements, returns a tuple of orbital and coupling orbital
read(sile, *args, **kwargs) Reads Hamiltonian from Sile using read_H.
remove(atom) Remove atom from the Hamiltonian.
repeat(reps, axis) Returns a repeated tight-binding model for this, much like the Geometry
reset([nnzpr, orthogonal, spin, dtype]) The sparsity pattern is cleaned and every thing is reset.
spsame(other) Compare two Hamiltonians and check whether they have the same entries.
sub(atom) Returns a subset of atoms from the geometry.
sub_supercell(sc) Creates a new object with only the given supercells
tile(reps, axis) Returns a tiled tight-binding model for this, much like the Geometry
tocsr(index[, isc]) Return a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix from the specified index
write(sile, *args, **kwargs) Writes a tight-binding model to the Sile as implemented in the Sile.write_hamiltonian method

Create tight-binding model from geometry

Initializes a tight-binding model using the geom object as the underlying geometry for the tight-binding parameters.


dtype Return data type of Hamiltonian (and overlap matrix)
finalized Whether the contained data is finalized and non-used elements have been removed
geom Return the attached geometry
geometry Return the attached geometry
nnz Returns number of non-zero elements in the tight-binding model
no Returns number of orbitals as used when the object was created
orthogonal Return whether the Hamiltonian is orthogonal
spin Return number of spin-components in Hamiltonian


Dk([k, dtype]) Return the Hamiltonian in a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix at k.
construct(func[, na_iR, method, eta]) Automatically construct the Hamiltonian model based on a function that does the setting up of the Hamiltonian
copy([dtype]) Return a copy of the Hamiltonian object
correct_Newton() Sometimes the dynamical matrix does not obey Newtons laws.
create_construct(dR, param) Returns a simple function for passing to the construct function.
cut(seps, axis, *args, **kwargs) Cuts the tight-binding model into different parts.
eigh([k, atoms, eigvals_only, overwrite_a, ...]) Returns the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian
eigsh([k, n, atoms, eigvals_only]) Returns a subset of eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian (default 10)
eliminate_zeros() Removes all zero elememts from the sparse matrix
empty([keep]) See SparseCSR.empty for details
finalize() Finalizes the tight-binding model
fromsp(geom, H[, S]) Returns a tight-binding model from a preset H, S and Geometry
iter([local]) Iterations of the orbital space in the geometry, two indices from loop
iter_nnz([atom, orbital]) Iterations of the non-zero elements, returns a tuple of orbital and coupling orbital
read(sile, *args, **kwargs) Reads Hamiltonian from Sile using read_H.
remove(atom) Remove atom from the Hamiltonian.
repeat(reps, axis) Returns a repeated tight-binding model for this, much like the Geometry
reset([nnzpr, orthogonal, spin, dtype]) The sparsity pattern is cleaned and every thing is reset.
spsame(other) Compare two Hamiltonians and check whether they have the same entries.
sub(atom) Returns a subset of atoms from the geometry.
sub_supercell(sc) Creates a new object with only the given supercells
tile(reps, axis) Returns a tiled tight-binding model for this, much like the Geometry
tocsr(index[, isc]) Return a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix from the specified index
write(sile, *args, **kwargs) Writes a tight-binding model to the Sile as implemented in the Sile.write_hamiltonian method
Dk(k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None)

Return the Hamiltonian in a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix at k.


k: ``array_like``, `[0,0,0]`


dtype : numpy.dtype

default to numpy.complex128


Sometimes the dynamical matrix does not obey Newtons laws.

We correct the dynamical matrix by imposing zero force.

Correcting for Newton forces the matrix to be finalized.