Source code for sisl.physics.spin

""" Implementation of class to determine spin configurations and spin components.

The basic class ``Spin`` implements a generic method to determine a spin configuration.

Its usage can be summarized in these few examples:

>>> Spin(1) == Spin('non-polarized') == Spin('unpolarized') == Spin('un-polarized')
>>> Spin(2) == Spin('polarized') == Spin('p')
>>> Spin(2, dtype=np.complex128) == Spin('non-colinear') == Spin('nc') == Spin(4)
>>> Spin(4, dtype=np.complex128) == Spin('spin-orbit') == Spin('so') == Spin(8)

Note that a data-type may be associated with a spin-object. This is not to say
that the data-type is used in the configuration, but merely that it helps 
any sub-classed or classes who use the spin-object to determine the 
usage of the different spin-components.
from __future__ import print_function, division

from numbers import Integral

import numpy as np

[docs]class Spin(object): """ Implementation of the spin configuration space """ UNPOLARIZED = 0 POLARIZED = 1 NONCOLLINEAR = 2 SPINORBIT = 3 __slots__ = ['_spin', '_dtype'] def __init__(self, spin='', dtype=None): if isinstance(spin, Spin): self._spin = spin._spin self._dtype = spin._dtype return # Determine the spin-configuration if dtype is None: dtype = np.float64 # Copy data-type self._dtype = dtype if np.dtype(dtype).kind == 'c': spin = {'unpolarized': 1, '': 1, 'polarized': 2, 'p': 2, 'non-colinear': 2, 'nc': 2, 'spin-orbit': 4, 'so': 4}.get(spin, spin) else: spin = {'unpolarized': 1, '': 1, 'polarized': 2, 'p': 2, 'non-colinear': 4, 'nc': 4, 'spin-orbit': 8, 'so': 8}.get(spin, spin) # Now assert the checks self._spin = spin if not isinstance(spin, Integral): raise ValueError('Could not determine spin-size from input') # Perhaps we should add additional checks here to assert that the # spin values and data-type makes sense... def __repr__(self): s = self.__class__.__name__ if self.is_unpolarized: return s + '{{unpolarized, kind={}}}'.format(self.dkind) if self.is_polarized: return s + '{{polarized, kind={}}}'.format(self.dkind) if self.is_noncolinear: return s + '{{non-colinear, kind={}}}'.format(self.dkind) return s + '{{spin-orbit, kind={}}}'.format(self.dkind)
[docs] def copy(self): return Spin(self.spin, self.dtype)
@property def dtype(self): """ Data-type of the spin configuration """ return self._dtype @property def dkind(self): """ Data-type kind """ return np.dtype(self._dtype).kind @property def spin(self): """ Number of spin-components """ return self._spin @property def kind(self): """ A unique ID for the kind of spin configuration """ if self.is_unpolarized: return self.UNPOLARIZED if self.is_polarized: return self.POLARIZED if self.is_noncolinear: return self.NONCOLLINEAR if self.is_spinorbit: return self.SPINORBIT raise NotImplementedError @property def is_unpolarized(self): """ True if the configuration is not polarized """ # Regardless of data-type return self.spin == 1 @property def is_polarized(self): """ True if the configuration is polarized """ return self.spin == 2 and self.dkind != 'c' is_colinear = is_polarized @property def is_noncolinear(self): """ True if the configuration non-colinear """ s = self.spin k = self.dkind return (s == 2 and k == 'c') or (s == 4 and k != 'c') @property def is_spinorbit(self): """ True if the configuration is spin-orbit """ s = self.spin k = self.dkind return (s == 4 and k == 'c') or (s == 8 and k != 'c') def __len__(self): return self.spin # Comparison types def __lt__(a, b): if a.dkind == b.dkind: return a.spin < b.spin # Explicit checks if a.is_unpolarized: return not b.is_unpolarized elif a.is_polarized: return b.is_noncolinear or b.is_spinorbit elif a.is_noncolinear: return b.is_spinorbit # It cannot be less than the other one... spin-orbit is highest return False def __le__(a, b): if a.dkind == b.dkind: return a.spin <= b.spin if a.is_unpolarized: return True elif a.is_polarized: return not b.is_unpolarized elif a.is_noncolinear: return b.is_noncolinear or b.is_spinorbit return b.is_spinorbit def __eq__(a, b): if a.dkind == b.dkind: return a.spin == b.spin if a.is_unpolarized: return b.is_unpolarized elif a.is_polarized: return not b.is_polarized elif a.is_noncolinear: return b.is_noncolinear return b.is_spinorbit def __ne__(a, b): return not a == b def __gt__(a, b): return b < a def __ge__(a, b): return b <= a