Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

    from . import _siesta
    found_module = True
except Exception as e:
    found_module = False

# Import sile objects
from ..sile import add_sile
from .sile import SileBinSiesta

# Import the geometry object
import sisl._array as _a
from sisl import Geometry, Atom, SuperCell, Grid
from sisl.unit.siesta import unit_convert
from sisl.physics import Hamiltonian

Ang2Bohr = unit_convert('Ang', 'Bohr')
eV2Ry = unit_convert('eV', 'Ry')
Bohr2Ang = unit_convert('Bohr', 'Ang')
Ry2eV = unit_convert('Ry', 'eV')

__all__ = ['TSHSSileSiesta']
__all__ += ['GridSileSiesta', 'EnergyGridSileSiesta']
__all__ += ['_GFSileSiesta', 'TSGFSileSiesta']

[docs]class TSHSSileSiesta(SileBinSiesta): """ TranSiesta file object """
[docs] def read_supercell(self): """ Returns a SuperCell object from a siesta.TSHS file """ n_s = _siesta.read_tshs_sizes(self.file)[3] arr = _siesta.read_tshs_cell(self.file, n_s) nsc = np.array(arr[0].T, np.int32) cell = np.array(arr[1].T, np.float64) cell.shape = (3, 3) isc = np.array(arr[2].T, np.int32) isc.shape = (-1, 3) SC = SuperCell(cell, nsc=nsc) SC.sc_off = isc return SC
[docs] def read_geometry(self): """ Returns Geometry object from a siesta.TSHS file """ # Read supercell sc = self.read_supercell() na = _siesta.read_tshs_sizes(self.file)[1] arr = _siesta.read_tshs_geom(self.file, na) xyz = np.array(arr[0].T, np.float64) xyz.shape = (-1, 3) lasto = np.array(arr[1], np.int32) # Create all different atoms... # The TSHS file does not contain the # atomic numbers, so we will just # create them individually orbs = np.diff(lasto) # Get unique orbitals uorb = np.unique(orbs) # Create atoms atoms = [] for Z, orb in enumerate(uorb): atoms.append(Atom(Z+1, orbs=orb)) def get_atom(atoms, orbs): for atom in atoms: if atom.orbs == orbs: return atom atom = [] for _, orb in enumerate(orbs): atom.append(get_atom(atoms, orb)) # Create and return geometry object geom = Geometry(xyz, atom, sc=sc) return geom
[docs] def read_hamiltonian(self, **kwargs): """ Returns the electronic structure from the siesta.TSHS file """ # First read the geometry geom = self.read_geometry() # Now read the sizes used... sizes = _siesta.read_tshs_sizes(self.file) spin = sizes[0] no = sizes[2] nnz = sizes[4] ncol, col, dH, dS = _siesta.read_tshs_hs(self.file, spin, no, nnz) # Create the Hamiltonian container H = Hamiltonian(geom, spin, nnzpr=1, orthogonal=False) # Create the new sparse matrix H._csr.ncol = ncol.astype(np.int32, copy=False) H._csr.ptr = np.insert(np.cumsum(ncol, dtype=np.int32), 0, 0) # Correct fortran indices H._csr.col = col.astype(np.int32, copy=False) - 1 H._csr._nnz = len(col) H._csr._D = np.empty([nnz, spin+1], np.float64) H._csr._D[:, :spin] = dH[:, :] H._csr._D[:, spin] = dS[:] return H
[docs] def write_hamiltonian(self, H, **kwargs): """ Writes the Hamiltonian to a `TSHS` file """ # Ensure the Hamiltonian is finalized H.finalize() # Extract the data to pass to the fortran routine cell = H.geom.cell * Ang2Bohr xyz = * Ang2Bohr # Pointer to CSR matrix csr = H._csr # Get H and S if H.orthogonal: h = csr._D * eV2Ry s = csr.diags(1., dim=1) # Ensure all data is correctly formatted (i.e. have the same sparsity pattern s.align(csr) s.finalize() if s.nnz != len(h): raise ValueError(("The diagonal elements of your orthogonal Hamiltonian have not been defined, " "this is a requirement.")) s = s._D[:, 0] else: h = csr._D[:, :H.S_idx-1] * eV2Ry s = csr._D[:, H.S_idx] # Ensure shapes (say if only 1 spin) h.shape = (-1, len(H.spin)) s.shape = (-1,) # Get shorter variants nsc = H.geom.nsc[:] isc =[:, :] # I can't seem to figure out the usage of f2py # Below I get an error if xyz is not transposed and h is transposed, # however, they are both in C-contiguous arrays and this is indeed weird... :( _siesta.write_tshs_hs(self.file, nsc[0], nsc[1], nsc[2], cell.T, xyz.T, H.geom.firsto, csr.ncol, csr.col + 1, h, s, isc.T, nspin=len(H.spin),,, nnz=H.nnz)
[docs]class GridSileSiesta(SileBinSiesta): """ Grid file object from a binary Siesta output file """ def _setup(self, *args, **kwargs): self.grid_unit = 1.
[docs] def read_supercell(self, *args, **kwargs): cell = _siesta.read_grid_cell(self.file) cell = np.array(cell.T, np.float64) cell.shape = (3, 3) return SuperCell(cell)
[docs] def read_grid(self, spin=0, *args, **kwargs): """ Read grid contained in the Grid file Parameters ---------- spin : int, optional the returned spin """ # Read the sizes nspin, mesh = _siesta.read_grid_sizes(self.file) # Read the cell and grid cell, grid = _siesta.read_grid(self.file, nspin, mesh[0], mesh[1], mesh[2]) if grid.ndim == 4: grid = grid[spin, :, :, :] cell = np.array(cell.T, np.float64) cell.shape = (3, 3) g = Grid(mesh, sc=SuperCell(cell), dtype=np.float32) g.grid = np.array(grid.swapaxes(0, 2), np.float32) * self.grid_unit return g
[docs]class EnergyGridSileSiesta(GridSileSiesta): """ Energy grid file object from a binary Siesta output file """ def _setup(self, *args, **kwargs): self.grid_unit = Ry2eV
class _GFSileSiesta(SileBinSiesta): """ Surface Green function file for inclusion in TranSiesta and TBtrans """ def _setup(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Simple setup that needs to be overwritten """ self._iu = -1 def _is_open(self): return self._iu > 0 def _open_gf(self): self._iu = _siesta.open_gf(self.file) # Counters to keep track self._ie = 0 self._ik = 0 def _close_gf(self): if not self._is_open(): return # Close it _siesta.close_gf(self._iu) del self._ie del self._ik try: del self._E del self._k except: pass def write_header(self, E, bz, obj, mu=0.): """ Write to the binary file the header of the file Parameters ---------- E : array_like of cmplx or float the energy points. If `obj` is an instance of `SelfEnergy` where an associated ``eta`` is defined then `E` may be float, otherwise it *has* to be a complex array. bz : BrillouinZone contains the k-points and their weights obj : ... an object that contains the Hamiltonian definitions """ nspin = len(obj.spin) cell = * Ang2Bohr na_u = no_u = xa = * Ang2Bohr # The lasto in siesta requires lasto(0) == 0 # and secondly, the Python index to fortran # index makes firsto behave like fortran lasto lasto = obj.geom.firsto bloch = _a.onesi(3) mu = mu * eV2Ry NE = len(E) if E.dtype not in [np.complex64, np.complex128]: E = E + 1j * obj.eta Nk = len(bz) k = bz.k w = bz.weight sizes = { 'na_used': na_u, 'nkpt': Nk, 'ne': NE, } self._E = np.copy(E) * eV2Ry self._k = np.copy(k) # Ensure it is open self._close_gf() self._open_gf() # Now write to it... _siesta.write_gf_header(self._iu, nspin, cell.T, na_u, no_u, no_u, xa.T, lasto, bloch, 0, mu, k.T, w, self._E, **sizes) def write_hamiltonian(self, H, S): """ Write the current energy, k-point and H and S to the file Parameters ---------- H : matrix a square matrix corresponding to the Hamiltonian S : matrix a square matrix corresponding to the overlap """ # Step k self._ik += 1 self._ie = 1 no = len(H) _siesta.write_gf_hs(self._iu, self._ik, self._ie, self._E[self._ie-1], H.T * eV2Ry, S.T, no_u=no) def write_self_energy(self, SE): """ Write the current energy, k-point and H and S to the file Parameters ---------- SE : matrix a square matrix corresponding to the self-energy (Green function) """ no = len(SE) _siesta.write_gf_se(self._iu, self._ik, self._ie, self._E[self._ie-1], SE.T * eV2Ry, no_u=no) # Step energy counter self._ie += 1 def __iter__(self): """ Iterate through the energies and k-points that this GF file is associated with Yields ------ bool, list of float, float """ for k in self._k: yield True, k, self._E[0] * Ry2eV for E in self._E[1:] * Ry2eV: yield False, k, E # We will automatically close once we hit the end self._close_gf() def _type(name, obj): return type(name, (obj, ), {}) # Faster than class ... \ pass TSGFSileSiesta = _type("TSGFSileSiesta", _GFSileSiesta) if found_module: add_sile('TSHS', TSHSSileSiesta) add_sile('RHO', _type("RhoSileSiesta", GridSileSiesta)) add_sile('RHOINIT', _type("RhoInitSileSiesta", GridSileSiesta)) add_sile('DRHO', _type("dRhoSileSiesta", GridSileSiesta)) add_sile('IOCH', _type("IoRhoSileSiesta", GridSileSiesta)) add_sile('TOCH', _type("TotalRhoSileSiesta", GridSileSiesta)) add_sile('VH', _type("HartreeSileSiesta", EnergyGridSileSiesta)) add_sile('VNA', _type("NeutralAtomHartreeSileSiesta", EnergyGridSileSiesta)) add_sile('VT', _type("TotalHartreeSileSiesta", EnergyGridSileSiesta)) add_sile('TSGF', TSGFSileSiesta)