Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

# Import sile objects
from .sile import SileCDFSiesta
from ..sile import *

from sisl.unit.siesta import unit_convert
from sisl import Geometry, Atom, SuperCell, Grid
from sisl.physics import DensityMatrix
from sisl.physics import EnergyDensityMatrix
from sisl.physics import Hamiltonian

__all__ = ['ncSileSiesta']

Bohr2Ang = unit_convert('Bohr', 'Ang')
Ry2eV = unit_convert('Ry', 'eV')

[docs]class ncSileSiesta(SileCDFSiesta): """ Siesta file object """
[docs] def read_supercell(self): """ Returns a SuperCell object from a file """ cell = np.array(self._value('cell'), np.float64) # Yes, this is ugly, I really should implement my unit-conversion tool cell *= Bohr2Ang cell.shape = (3, 3) nsc = np.array(self._value('nsc'), np.int32) return SuperCell(cell, nsc=nsc)
[docs] def read_geometry(self): """ Returns Geometry object from a file NOTE: Interaction range of the Atoms are currently not read. """ # Read supercell sc = self.read_supercell() xyz = np.array(self._value('xa'), np.float64) xyz.shape = (-1, 3) if 'BASIS' in self.groups: bg = self.groups['BASIS'] # We can actually read the exact basis-information b_idx = np.array(bg.variables['basis'][:], np.int32) # Get number of different species n_b = len(bg.groups) spc = [None] * n_b atm = dict() for basis in bg.groups: # Retrieve index ID = bg.groups[basis].ID atm['Z'] = int(bg.groups[basis].Atomic_number) # We could possibly read in R, however, that is not so easy? atm['mass'] = float(bg.groups[basis].Mass) atm['tag'] = basis atm['orbs'] = int(bg.groups[basis].Number_of_orbitals) spc[ID - 1] = Atom(**atm) atom = [None] * len(xyz) for ia in range(len(xyz)): atom[ia] = spc[b_idx[ia] - 1] else: atom = Atom(1) xyz *= Bohr2Ang # Create and return geometry object geom = Geometry(xyz, atom, sc=sc) return geom
def _read_class_spin(self, cls, **kwargs): # Get the default spin channel spin = len(self._dimension('spin')) # First read the geometry geom = self.read_geometry() # Populate the things sp = self._crt_grp(self, 'SPARSE') v = sp.variables['isc_off'] # pre-allocate the super-cells[:, :], axis=0) * 2 + 1) = v[:, :] # Now create the tight-binding stuff (we re-create the # array, hence just allocate the smallest amount possible) C = cls(geom, spin, nnzpr=1, orthogonal=False) C._csr.ncol = np.array(sp.variables['n_col'][:], np.int32) # Update maximum number of connections (in case future stuff happens) C._csr.ptr = np.insert(np.cumsum(C._csr.ncol, dtype=np.int32), 0, 0) C._csr.col = np.array(sp.variables['list_col'][:], np.int32) - 1 # Copy information over C._csr._nnz = len(C._csr.col) C._csr._D = np.empty([C._csr.ptr[-1], spin+1], np.float64) C._csr._D[:, C.S_idx] = np.array(sp.variables['S'][:], np.float64) return C
[docs] def read_hamiltonian(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a tight-binding model from the underlying NetCDF file """ H = self._read_class_spin(Hamiltonian, **kwargs) S = H._csr._D[:, H.S_idx] Ef = float(self._value('Ef')[0]) * Ry2eV sp = self._crt_grp(self, 'SPARSE') for i in range(len(H.spin)): # Create new container h = np.array(sp.variables['H'][i, :], np.float64) * Ry2eV # Correct for the Fermi-level, Ef == 0 if i < 2: h -= Ef * S[:] H._csr._D[:, i] = h[:] return H
[docs] def read_hessian(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a tight-binding model from the underlying NetCDF file """ H = self._read_class_spin(Hessian, **kwargs) sp = self._crt_grp(self, 'SPARSE') for i in range(sp.variables['H'].shape[0]): # Create new container H._csr._D[:, i] = sp.variables['H'][i, :] * Ry2eV ** 2 return H
[docs] def read_density_matrix(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a density matrix from the underlying NetCDF file """ DM = self._read_class_spin(DensityMatrix, **kwargs) sp = self._crt_grp(self, 'SPARSE') for i in range(len(DM.spin)): # Create new container DM._csr._D[:, i] = sp.variables['DM'][i, :] return DM
[docs] def read_energy_density_matrix(self, **kwargs): """ Returns energy density matrix from the underlying NetCDF file """ EDM = self._read_class_spin(EnergyDensityMatrix, **kwargs) sp = self._crt_grp(self, 'SPARSE') for i in range(len(EDM.spin)): # Create new container EDM._csr._D[:, i] = sp.variables['EDM'][i, :] * Ry2eV return EDM
[docs] def grids(self): """ Return a list of available grids in this file. """ grids = [] for g in self.groups['GRID'].variables: grids.expand(g) return grids
[docs] def read_grid(self, name, spin=0): """ Reads a grid in the current file Enables the reading and processing of the grids created by Siesta Parameters ---------- name : str name of the grid variable to read spin : int the spin-index """ # Swap as we swap back in the end geom = self.read_geometry().swapaxes(0, 2) # Shorthand g = self.groups['GRID'] # Create the grid nx = len(g.dimensions['nx']) ny = len(g.dimensions['ny']) nz = len(g.dimensions['nz']) # Shorthand variable name v = g.variables[name] # Create the grid, Siesta uses periodic, always grid = Grid([nz, ny, nx], bc=Grid.PERIODIC, dtype=v.dtype) if len(v[:].shape) == 3: grid.grid = v[:, :, :] else: grid.grid = v[spin, :, :, :] try: u = v.unit if u == 'Ry': # Convert to ev grid *= Ry2eV except: # Allowed pass due to pythonic reading pass # Read the grid, we want the z-axis to be the fastest # looping direction, hence x,y,z == 0,1,2 grid = grid.swapaxes(0, 2) grid.set_geom(geom) return grid
[docs] def write_geometry(self, geom): """ Creates the NetCDF file and writes the geometry information """ sile_raise_write(self) # Create initial dimensions self._crt_dim(self, 'one', 1) self._crt_dim(self, 'n_s',, dtype=np.int32)) self._crt_dim(self, 'xyz', 3) self._crt_dim(self, 'no_s',, dtype=np.int32) * self._crt_dim(self, 'no_u', self._crt_dim(self, 'na_u', # Create initial geometry v = self._crt_var(self, 'nsc', 'i4', ('xyz',)) = 'Number of supercells in each unit-cell direction' v = self._crt_var(self, 'lasto', 'i4', ('na_u',)) = 'Last orbital of equivalent atom' v = self._crt_var(self, 'xa', 'f8', ('na_u', 'xyz')) = 'Atomic coordinates' v.unit = 'Bohr' v = self._crt_var(self, 'cell', 'f8', ('xyz', 'xyz')) = 'Unit cell' v.unit = 'Bohr' # Create designation of the creation self.method = 'sisl' # Save stuff self.variables['nsc'][:] = geom.nsc self.variables['xa'][:] = / Bohr2Ang self.variables['cell'][:] = geom.cell / Bohr2Ang # Create basis group bs = self._crt_grp(self, 'BASIS') # Create variable of basis-indices b = self._crt_var(bs, 'basis', 'i4', ('na_u',)) = "Basis of each atom by ID" orbs = np.empty([], np.int32) for ia, a, isp in geom.iter_species(): b[ia] = isp + 1 orbs[ia] = a.orbs if a.tag in bs.groups: # Assert the file sizes if bs.groups[a.tag].Number_of_orbitals != a.orbs: raise ValueError( 'File ' + self.file + ' has erroneous data in regards of ' + 'of the already stored dimensions.') else: ba = bs.createGroup(a.tag) ba.ID = np.int32(isp + 1) ba.Atomic_number = np.int32(a.Z) ba.Mass = a.mass ba.Label = a.tag ba.Element = a.symbol ba.Number_of_orbitals = np.int32(a.orbs) # Store the lasto variable as the remaining thing to do self.variables['lasto'][:] = np.cumsum(orbs, dtype=np.int32)
[docs] def write_hamiltonian(self, H, **kwargs): """ Writes Hamiltonian model to file Parameters ---------- H : `Hamiltonian` model the model to be saved in the NC file Ef : double=0 the Fermi level of the electronic structure (in eV) """ if H.nnz == 0: raise ValueError(self.__class__.__name__ + '.write_hamiltonian + cannot write a Hamiltonian ' 'with zero non-zero elements!') # Ensure finalizations H.finalize() # Ensure that the geometry is written self.write_geometry(H.geom) self._crt_dim(self, 'spin', len(H.spin)) if H.dkind != 'f': raise NotImplementedError('Currently we only allow writing a floating point Hamiltonian to the Siesta format') v = self._crt_var(self, 'Ef', 'f8', ('one',)) = 'Fermi level' v.unit = 'Ry' v[:] = kwargs.get('Ef', 0.) / Ry2eV v = self._crt_var(self, 'Qtot', 'f8', ('one',)) = 'Total charge' v[:] = 0. if 'Qtot' in kwargs: v[:] = kwargs['Qtot'] if 'Q' in kwargs: v[:] = kwargs['Q'] # Append the sparsity pattern # Create basis group sp = self._crt_grp(self, 'SPARSE') self._crt_dim(sp, 'nnzs', H._csr.col.shape[0]) v = self._crt_var(sp, 'n_col', 'i4', ('no_u',)) = "Number of non-zero elements per row" v[:] = H._csr.ncol[:] v = self._crt_var(sp, 'list_col', 'i4', ('nnzs',), chunksizes=(len(H._csr.col),), **self._cmp_args) = "Supercell column indices in the sparse format" v[:] = H._csr.col[:] + 1 # correct for fortran indices v = self._crt_var(sp, 'isc_off', 'i4', ('n_s', 'xyz')) = "Index of supercell coordinates" v[:] =[:, :] # Save tight-binding parameters v = self._crt_var(sp, 'S', 'f8', ('nnzs',), chunksizes=(len(H._csr.col),), **self._cmp_args) = "Overlap matrix" if H.orthogonal: # We need to create the orthogonal pattern tmp = H._csr.copy(dims=[0]) tmp.empty(keep_nnz=True) for i in range(tmp.shape[0]): tmp[i, i] = 1. if tmp.nnz != H.nnz: # We have added more stuff, something that we currently do not allow. raise ValueError(self.__class__.__name__ + '.write_hamiltonian ' 'is trying to write a Hamiltonian in Siesta format with ' 'not all on-site terms defined. Please correct. ' 'I.e. add explicitly *all* on-site terms.') v[:] = tmp._D[:, 0] del tmp else: v[:] = H._csr._D[:, H.S_idx] v = self._crt_var(sp, 'H', 'f8', ('spin', 'nnzs'), chunksizes=(1, len(H._csr.col)), **self._cmp_args) = "Hamiltonian" v.unit = "Ry" for i in range(len(H.spin)): v[i, :] = H._csr._D[:, i] / Ry2eV # Create the settings st = self._crt_grp(self, 'SETTINGS') v = self._crt_var(st, 'ElectronicTemperature', 'f8', ('one',)) = "Electronic temperature used for smearing DOS" v.unit = "Ry" v[:] = 0.025 / Ry2eV v = self._crt_var(st, 'BZ', 'i4', ('xyz', 'xyz')) = "Grid used for the Brillouin zone integration" v[:] = np.identity(3) * 2 v = self._crt_var(st, 'BZ_displ', 'i4', ('xyz',)) = "Monkhorst-Pack k-grid displacements" v.unit = "b**-1" v[:] = np.zeros([3], np.float64)
[docs] def write_hessian(self, H, **kwargs): """ Writes Hessian model to file Parameters ---------- H : `Hessian` model the model to be saved in the NC file """ # Ensure finalizations H.finalize() # Ensure that the geometry is written self.write_geometry(H.geom) self._crt_dim(self, 'spin', 1) if H.dkind != 'f': raise NotImplementedError('Currently we only allow writing a floating point Hessian to the Siesta format') v = self._crt_var(self, 'Ef', 'f8', ('one',)) = 'Fermi level' v.unit = 'Ry' v[:] = 0. v = self._crt_var(self, 'Qtot', 'f8', ('one',)) = 'Total charge' v.unit = 'e' v[:] = 0. # Append the sparsity pattern # Create basis group sp = self._crt_grp(self, 'SPARSE') self._crt_dim(sp, 'nnzs', H._csr.col.shape[0]) v = self._crt_var(sp, 'n_col', 'i4', ('no_u',)) = "Number of non-zero elements per row" v[:] = H._csr.ncol[:] v = self._crt_var(sp, 'list_col', 'i4', ('nnzs',), chunksizes=(len(H._csr.col),), **self._cmp_args) = "Supercell column indices in the sparse format" v[:] = H._csr.col[:] + 1 # correct for fortran indices v = self._crt_var(sp, 'isc_off', 'i4', ('n_s', 'xyz')) = "Index of supercell coordinates" v[:] =[:, :] # Save tight-binding parameters v = self._crt_var(sp, 'S', 'f8', ('nnzs',), chunksizes=(len(H._csr.col),), **self._cmp_args) = "Overlap matrix" if H.orthogonal: # We need to create the orthogonal pattern tmp = H._csr.copy(dims=[0]) tmp.empty(keep_nnz=True) for i in range(tmp.shape[0]): tmp[i, i] = 1. if tmp.nnz != H.nnz: # We have added more stuff, something that we currently do not allow. raise ValueError(self.__class__.__name__ + '.write_hamiltonian ' 'is trying to write a Hamiltonian in Siesta format with ' 'not all on-site terms defined. Please correct. ' 'I.e. add explicitly *all* on-site terms.') v[:] = tmp._D[:, 0] del tmp else: v[:] = H._csr._D[:, H.S_idx] v = self._crt_var(sp, 'H', 'f8', ('spin', 'nnzs'), chunksizes=(1, len(H._csr.col)), **self._cmp_args) = "Hessian" v.unit = "Ry**2" v[0, :] = H._csr._D[:, 0] / Ry2eV ** 2 # Create the settings st = self._crt_grp(self, 'SETTINGS') v = self._crt_var(st, 'ElectronicTemperature', 'f8', ('one',)) = "Electronic temperature used for smearing DOS" v.unit = "Ry" v[:] = 0.025 / Ry2eV v = self._crt_var(st, 'BZ', 'i4', ('xyz', 'xyz')) = "Grid used for the Brillouin zone integration" v[:] = np.identity(3) * 2 v = self._crt_var(st, 'BZ_displ', 'i4', ('xyz',)) = "Monkhorst-Pack k-grid displacements" v.unit = "b**-1" v[:] = np.zeros([3], np.float64)
def ArgumentParser(self, p=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns the arguments that is available for this Sile """ newkw = Geometry._ArgumentParser_args_single() newkw.update(kwargs) return self.read_geometry().ArgumentParser(p, *args, **newkw)
add_sile('nc', ncSileSiesta)