Source code for sisl.physics.brillouinzone

from __future__ import print_function, division

import types
from numbers import Integral, Real

from numpy import pi
import numpy as np
from numpy import sum, dot

from sisl.supercell import SuperCell

__all__ = ['BrillouinZone', 'MonkhorstPackBZ', 'PathBZ']

[docs]class BrillouinZone(object): """ A class to construct Brillouin zone related quantities It takes any object as an argument and can then return the k-points in non-reduced units from reduced units. The object associated with the BrillouinZone object *has* to implement at least two different properties: 1. `cell` which is the lattice vector 2. `rcell` which is the reciprocal lattice vectors. The object may also be an array of floats in which case an internal `SuperCell` object will be created from the cell vectors (see `SuperCell` for details). """ def __init__(self, obj): """ Initialize a `BrillouinZone` object from a given `SuperCell` Parameters ---------- obj : object or array_like An object with associated `obj.cell` and `obj.rcell` or an array of floats which may be turned into a `SuperCell` """ try: obj.cell obj.rcell self.obj = obj except: self.obj = SuperCell(obj) # Gamma point self._k = np.zeros([1, 3], np.float64) self._w = np.ones(1, np.float64) # Instantiate the array call self.array() @property def k(self): """ A list of all k-points (if available) """ return self._k @property def weight(self): """ Weight of the k-points in the `BrillouinZone` object """ return self._w @property def cell(self): return self.obj.cell @property def rcell(self): return self.obj.rcell
[docs] def tocartesian(self, k): """ Transfer a k-point in reduced coordinates to the Cartesian coordinates Parameters ---------- k : list of float k-point in reduced coordinates """ return dot(self.rcell, k)
[docs] def toreduced(self, k): """ Transfer a k-point in Cartesian coordinates to the reduced coordinates Parameters ---------- k : list of float k-point in Cartesian coordinates """ return dot(k, self.cell) * 0.5 / pi
__attr = None def __getattr__(self, attr): try: getattr(self.obj, attr) self.__attr = attr return self except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("'{}' does not exist in class '{}'".format( attr, self.obj.__class__.__name__)) # Implement wrapper calls
[docs] def array(self, dtype=np.float64): """ Return `self` with `numpy.ndarray` returned quantities This forces the `__call__` routine to return a single array. Parameters ---------- dtype : numpy.dtype, optional the data-type to cast the values to Examples -------- >>> obj = BrillouinZone(...) # doctest: +SKIP >>> obj.array().eigh() # doctest: +SKIP See Also -------- yields : all output returned through an iterator average : take the average (with k-weights) of the Brillouin zone """ def _call(self, *args, **kwargs): func = getattr(self.obj, self.__attr) for i, k in enumerate(self): if i == 0: v = func(k, *args, **kwargs) if len(self) == 1: return v shp = [len(self)] shp.extend(v.shape) a = np.empty(shp, dtype=dtype) a[i, :] = v[:] del v else: a[i, :] = func(k, *args, **kwargs) return a # Set instance __call__ self.__call__ = types.MethodType(_call, self) return self
[docs] def yields(self, dtype=np.float64): """ Return `self` with yielded quantities This forces the `__call__` routine to return a an iterator which may yield the quantities calculated. Parameters ---------- dtype : numpy.dtype, optional the data-type to cast the values to Examples -------- >>> obj = BrillouinZone(Hamiltonian) # doctest: +SKIP >>> obj.yields().eigh() # doctest: +SKIP See Also -------- array : all output as a single array average : take the average (with k-weights) of the Brillouin zone """ def _call(self, *args, **kwargs): func = getattr(self.obj, self.__attr) for k in self: yield func(k, *args, **kwargs).astype(dtype, copy=False) # Set instance __call__ self.__call__ = types.MethodType(_call, self) return self
[docs] def average(self, dtype=np.float64): """ Return `self` with yielded quantities This forces the `__call__` routine to return a an iterator which may yield the quantities calculated. Parameters ---------- dtype : numpy.dtype, optional the data-type to cast the values to Examples -------- >>> obj = BrillouinZone(Hamiltonian) # doctest: +SKIP >>> obj.average().eigh() # doctest: +SKIP >>> obj = BrillouinZone(Hamiltonian) # doctest: +SKIP >>> obj.average() # doctest: +SKIP >>> obj.eigh() # doctest: +SKIP >>> obj.eighs() # doctest: +SKIP See Also -------- array : all output as a single array yields : all output returned through an iterator """ def _call(self, *args, **kwargs): func = getattr(self.obj, self.__attr) w = self.weight[:] for i, k in enumerate(self): if i == 0: v = func(k, *args, **kwargs) * w[i] else: v += func(k, *args, **kwargs) * w[i] return v # Set instance __call__ self.__call__ = types.MethodType(_call, self) return self
mean = average def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls the given attribute of the internal object and returns the quantity Parameters ---------- *args : arguments passed to the attribute call, note that the first argument will *always* be `k` **kwargs : keyword arguments passed to the attribute call, note that the first argument will *always* be `k` Returns ------- getattr(self, attr)(k, *args, **kwargs) : whatever this returns """ try: call = getattr(self, '__call__') except Exception as e: raise NotImplementedError("Could not call the object it self") return call(*args, **kwargs) def __iter__(self): """ Returns all k-points associated with this Brillouin zone object The default `BrillouinZone` class only has the Gamma point. """ for k in self.k: yield k def __len__(self): return len(self._k)
[docs]class MonkhorstPackBZ(BrillouinZone): """ Create a Monkhorst-Pack grid for the Brillouin zone """ def __init__(self, obj, nkpt, symmetry=True, displacement=None, size=None): r""" Instantiate the `MonkhorstPackBZ` by a number of points in each direction Parameters ---------- obj : object or array_like An object with associated `obj.cell` and `obj.rcell` or an array of floats which may be turned into a `SuperCell` nktp : array_like of ints a list of number of k-points along each cell direction symmetry : bool, optional whether symmetry exists in the Brillouin zone. displacement : float or array_like of float, optional the displacement of the evenly spaced grid, a single floating number is the displacement for the 3 directions, else they are the individual displacements size : float or array_like of float, optional the size of the Brillouin zone sampled. This reduces the boundaries of the Brillouin zone to the fraction specified. I.e. `size` must be of values :math:`]0 ; 1]`. Default to the entire BZ. Note that this will also reduce the weights such that the weights are normalized to the entire BZ. """ super(MonkhorstPackBZ, self).__init__(obj) if isinstance(nkpt, Integral): nkpt = np.diag([nkpt] * 3) elif isinstance(nkpt[0], Integral): nkpt = np.diag(nkpt) # Now we have a matrix of k-points if np.any(nkpt - np.diag(np.diag(nkpt)) != 0): raise NotImplementedError("MonkhorstPackBZ with off-diagonal components is not implemented yet") if displacement is None: displacement = np.zeros(3, np.float64) elif isinstance(displacement, Real): displacement = np.zeros(3, np.float64) + displacement if size is None: size = np.ones(3, np.float64) elif isinstance(size, Real): size = np.zeros(3, np.float64) + size # Retrieve the diagonal number of values Dn = np.diag(nkpt) # Correct for 1's where it does not # make sense to reduce the BZ size = np.where(Dn == 1, 1., size) def link(n, d, s): return (np.arange(n) * 2 - n + 1) * s / (2 * n) + d # Now we are ready to create the list of k-points self._k = np.empty([, 3], np.float64) self._k.shape = (Dn[0], Dn[1], Dn[2], 3) self._k[..., 0] = link(Dn[0], displacement[0], size[0]).reshape(-1, 1, 1) self._k[..., 1] = link(Dn[1], displacement[1], size[1]).reshape(1, -1, 1) self._k[..., 2] = link(Dn[2], displacement[2], size[2]).reshape(1, 1, -1) # Return to original shape self._k.shape = (-1, 3) self._k = np.where(self._k > .5, self._k - 1, self._k) N = len(self._k) # We have to correct for the size of the Brillouin zone self._w = np.ones([N], np.float64) * / N def __iter__(self): """ Iterate through the Monkhorst pack-grid Yields ------ k, w : k-point and associated weight """ for i in range(len(self)): yield self._k[i], self._w[i]
[docs]class PathBZ(BrillouinZone): """ Create a path in the Brillouin zone for plotting band-structures etc. """ def __init__(self, obj, point, division, name=None): """ Instantiate the `PathBZ` by a set of special `points` separated in `divisions` Parameters ---------- obj : object or array_like An object with associated `obj.cell` and `obj.rcell` or an array of floats which may be turned into a `SuperCell` point : array_like of float a list of points that are the *corners* of the path division : int or array_like of int number of divisions in each segment. If a single integer is passed it is the total number of points on the path (equally separated). If it is an array_like input it must have length one less than `point`. name : array_like of str the associated names of the points on the Brillouin Zone path """ super(PathBZ, self).__init__(obj) # Copy over points self.point = np.array(point, dtype=np.float64) # If the array has fewer points we try and determine if self.point.shape[1] < 3: if self.point.shape[1] != np.sum(self.obj.nsc > 1): raise ValueError('Could not determine the non-periodic direction') # fix the points where there are no periodicity for i in [0, 1, 2]: if self.obj.nsc[i] == 1: self.point = np.insert(self.point, i, 0., axis=1) # Ensure the shape is correct self.point.shape = (-1, 3) # Now figure out what to do with the divisions if isinstance(division, Integral): # Calculate points (we need correct units for distance) kpts = [self.tocartesian(pnt) for pnt in self.point] if len(kpts) == 2: dists = [sum(np.diff(kpts, axis=0) ** 2) ** .5] else: dists = sum(np.diff(kpts, axis=0)**2, axis=1) ** .5 dist = sum(dists) div = np.array(np.floor(dists / dist * division), np.int32) n = sum(div) if n < division: div[-1] +=1 n = sum(div) while n < division: # Get the separation of k-points delta = dist / n idx = np.argmin(dists - delta * div) div[idx] += 1 n = sum(div) division = div[:] self.division = np.array(division, np.int32) self.division.shape = (-1,) if name is None: = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ'[:len(self.point)] else: = name def __iter__(self): """ Iterate through the path """ # Calculate points dk = np.diff(self.point, axis=0) for i in range(len(dk)): # Calculate this delta if i == len(dk) - 1: # to get end-point delta = dk[i, :] / (self.division[i] - 1) else: delta = dk[i, :] / self.division[i] for j in range(self.division[i]): yield self.point[i] + j * delta
[docs] def lineartick(self): """ The tick-marks corresponding to the linear-k values """ return self.lineark(True)[0:2]
[docs] def lineark(self, ticks=False): """ A 1D array which corresponds to the delta-k values of the path This is meant for plotting Examples -------- >>> p = PathBZ(...) # doctest: +SKIP >>> eigs = Hamiltonian.eigh(p) # doctest: +SKIP >>> for i in range(len(Hamiltonian)): # doctest: +SKIP >>> pyplot.plot(p.lineark(), eigs[:, i]) # doctest: +SKIP Parameters ---------- ticks : bool if `True` the ticks for the points are also returned xticks, label_ticks, lk = PathBZ.lineark(True) """ # Calculate points k = [self.tocartesian(pnt) for pnt in self.point] dk = np.diff(k, axis=0) xtick = [None] * len(k) # Prepare output array dK = np.empty(len(self), np.float64) ii, add = 0, 0. for i in range(len(dk)): xtick[i] = ii n = self.division[i] # Calculate the delta along this segment delta = sum(dk[i, :] ** 2) ** .5 if i == len(dk) - 1: # to get end-point correctly delta /= n - 1 else: delta /= n dK[ii:ii+n] = np.linspace(add, add + delta * n, n, dtype=np.float64) ii += n # Calculate the next separation # The addition is the latest delta point plus the # missing delta to reach the starting point for the # next point in the BZ add = dK[ii-1] + delta # Final tick-mark xtick[len(dk)] = ii - 1 # Get label tick label_tick = [a for a in] if ticks: return dK[xtick], label_tick, dK return dK
def __len__(self): return sum(self.division)