Source code for sisl.physics.sparse

from __future__ import print_function, division

import warnings

from numpy import dot
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, diags, SparseEfficiencyWarning

import sisl._array as _a
import sisl.linalg as lin
from sisl._help import _range as range
from sisl.selector import TimeSelector
from sisl.sparse import isspmatrix
from sisl.sparse_geometry import SparseOrbital
from .spin import Spin
from .brillouinzone import BrillouinZone

__all__ = ['SparseOrbitalBZ', 'SparseOrbitalBZSpin']

# Filter warnings from the sparse library
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=SparseEfficiencyWarning)

[docs]class SparseOrbitalBZ(SparseOrbital): """ Sparse object containing the orbital connections in a Brillouin zone It contains an intrinsic sparse matrix of the physical elements. Assigning or changing elements is as easy as with standard `numpy` assignments: >>> S = SparseOrbitalBZ(...) # doctest: +SKIP >>> S[1,2] = 0.1 # doctest: +SKIP which assigns 0.1 as the element between orbital 2 and 3. (remember that Python is 0-based elements). """ def __init__(self, geom, dim=1, dtype=None, nnzpr=None, **kwargs): """Create SparseOrbitalB model from geometry Initializes an object using the ``geom`` object as the underlying geometry for the parameters that connects orbital elements. """ self._geom = geom self._orthogonal = kwargs.get('orthogonal', True) # Get true dimension if not self.orthogonal: dim = dim + 1 # Initialize the sparsity pattern self.reset(dim, dtype, nnzpr) if self.orthogonal: self.Sk = self._Sk_diagonal self.S_idx = -100 else: dim = dim - 1 self.S_idx = dim self.Sk = self._Sk self._Pk = TimeSelector([self._Pk_accummulate, self._Pk_dot, self._Pk_dense], True) self.Pk = self._Pk # Override to enable spin configuration and orthogonality def _cls_kwargs(self): return {'orthogonal': self.orthogonal} @property def orthogonal(self): """ True if the object is using an orthogonal basis """ return self._orthogonal @property def non_orthogonal(self): """ True if the object is using a non-orthogonal basis """ return not self._orthogonal def __len__(self): """ Returns number of rows in the basis (if non-colinear or spin-orbit, twice the number of orbitals) """ return def __repr__(self): """ Representation of the model """ s = self.__class__.__name__ + '{{dim: {0}, non-zero: {1}, orthogonal: {2}\n '.format(self.dim, self.nnz, self.orthogonal) s += repr(self.geom).replace('\n', '\n ') return s + '\n}' def _get_S(self): if self.orthogonal: return None self._def_dim = self.S_idx return self def _set_S(self, key, value): if self.orthogonal: return self._def_dim = self.S_idx self[key] = value S = property(_get_S, _set_S) @classmethod
[docs] def fromsp(cls, geom, P, S=None): """ Read and return the object with possible overlap """ # Calculate maximum number of connections per row nc = 0 # Ensure list of csr format (to get dimensions) if isspmatrix(P): P = [P] # Number of dimensions dim = len(P) # Sort all indices for the passed sparse matrices for i in range(dim): P[i] = P[i].tocsr() P[i].sort_indices() P[i].sum_duplicates() # Figure out the maximum connections per # row to reduce number of re-allocations to 0 for i in range(P[0].shape[0]): nc = max(nc, P[0][i, :].getnnz()) # Create the sparse object p = cls(geom, dim, P[0].dtype, nc, orthogonal=S is None) if p._size != P[0].shape[0]: raise ValueError(cls.__name__ + '.fromsp cannot create a new class, the geometry ' + \ 'and sparse matrices does not have coinciding dimensions size != sp.shape[0]') for i in range(dim): ptr = P[i].indptr col = P[i].indices D = P[i].data # loop and add elements for r in range(p.shape[0]): sl = slice(ptr[r], ptr[r+1], None) p[r, col[sl], i] = D[sl] if not S is None: S = S.tocsr() S.sort_indices() S.sum_duplicates() ptr = S.indptr col = S.indices D = # loop and add elements for r in range(p.shape[0]): sl = slice(ptr[r], ptr[r+1], None) p.S[r, col[sl]] = D[sl] return p
# Create iterations on entire set of orbitals
[docs] def iter(self, local=False): """ Iterations of the orbital space in the geometry, two indices from loop An iterator returning the current atomic index and the corresponding orbital index. >>> for ia, io in self: # doctest: +SKIP In the above case `io` always belongs to atom `ia` and `ia` may be repeated according to the number of orbitals associated with the atom `ia`. Parameters ---------- local : bool, optional whether the orbital index is the global index, or the local index relative to the atom it resides on. """ for ia, io in self.geom.iter_orbitals(local=local): yield ia, io
__iter__ = iter def _Pk_accummulate(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr', _dim=0): """ Sparse matrix (``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``) at `k` for a polarized system Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.complex128 if gauge != 'R': raise ValueError('Only the cell vector gauge has been implemented') k = np.asarray(k, np.float64) k.shape = (-1,) if not np.allclose(k, 0.): if np.dtype(dtype).kind != 'c': raise ValueError(self.__class__.__name__ + " setup at k different from Gamma requires a complex matrix") no = # sparse matrix dimension ( V = csr_matrix((len(self), len(self)), dtype=dtype) # Calculate all phases phases = np.exp(-1j * dot(dot(dot(self.rcell, k), self.cell), v = self.tocsr(_dim) for si, phase in enumerate(phases): V[:, :] += v[:, si*no:(si+1)*no] * phase del v return V.asformat(format) def _Pk_dot(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr', _dim=0): """ Sparse matrix (``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``) at `k` for a polarized system Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.complex128 if gauge != 'R': raise ValueError('Only the cell vector gauge has been implemented') k = np.asarray(k, np.float64) k.shape = (-1,) if not np.allclose(k, 0.): if np.dtype(dtype).kind != 'c': raise ValueError(self.__class__.__name__ + " setup at k different from Gamma requires a complex matrix") # sparse matrix dimension ( V = csr_matrix((len(self), len(self)), dtype=dtype) # Calculate all phases phases = np.exp(-1j * dot(dot(dot(self.rcell, k), self.cell), # Now create offsets offsets = - _a.arangei(0, len(phases) *, # Do not cast to dtype, that is done below, then we retain precision diag = diags(phases, offsets, shape=(self.shape[1], self.shape[0])) V[:, :] = self.tocsr(_dim).dot(diag) return V.asformat(format) def _Pk_dense(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr', _dim=0): """ Sparse matrix (``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``) at `k` for a polarized system Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.complex128 if gauge != 'R': raise ValueError('Only the cell vector gauge has been implemented') k = np.asarray(k, np.float64) k.shape = (-1,) if not np.allclose(k, 0.): if np.dtype(dtype).kind != 'c': raise ValueError(self.__class__.__name__ + " setup at k different from Gamma requires a complex matrix") # sparse matrix dimension ( V = np.empty((len(self), len(self)), dtype=dtype) # Calculate all phases phases = np.exp(-1j * dot(dot(dot(self.rcell, k), self.cell), # Now create offsets offsets = - _a.arangei(0, len(phases) *, # Do not cast to dtype, that is done below, then we retain precision diag = diags(phases, offsets, shape=(self.shape[1], self.shape[0])).toarray() V[:, :] = dot(self.tocsr(_dim).toarray(), diag) if format == 'array': return V elif format == 'dense': return np.asmatrix(V) # It must be a sparse matrix we inquire return csr_matrix(V).asformat(format)
[docs] def Sk(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr', *args, **kwargs): r""" Setup the overlap matrix for a given k-point Creation and return of the overlap matrix for a given k-point (default to Gamma). Notes ----- Currently the implemented gauge for the k-point is the cell vector gauge: .. math:: S(k) = S_{ij} e^{i k R} where :math:`R` is an integer times the cell vector and :math:`i`, :math:`j` are orbital indices. Another possible gauge is the orbital distance which can be written as .. math:: S(k) = S_{ij} e^{i k r} where :math:`r` is the distance between the orbitals :math:`i` and :math:`j`. Currently the second gauge is not implemented (yet). Parameters ---------- k : array_like, optional the k-point to setup the overlap at (default Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype, optional the data type of the returned matrix. Do NOT request non-complex data-type for non-Gamma k. The default data-type is `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} the chosen gauge, `R` for cell vector gauge, and `r` for orbital distance gauge. format : {'csr', 'array', 'dense', 'coo', ...} the returned format of the matrix, defaulting to the ``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``, however if one always requires operations on dense matrices, one can always return in `numpy.ndarray` (`'array'`) or `numpy.matrix` (`'dense'`). """ pass
def _Sk_diagonal(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr', *args, **kwargs): """ For an orthogonal case we always return the identity matrix """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.float64 S = csr_matrix((len(self), len(self)), dtype=dtype) S.setdiag(1.) return S.asformat(format) def _Sk(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr'): """ Overlap matrix in a ``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`` at `k`. Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ return self._Pk(k, dtype=dtype, gauge=gauge, format=format, _dim=self.S_idx)
[docs] def eigh(self, k=(0, 0, 0), atoms=None, gauge='R', eigvals_only=True, **kwargs): """ Returns the eigenvalues of the physical quantity Setup the system and overlap matrix with respect to the given k-point, then reduce the space to the specified atoms and calculate the eigenvalues. All subsequent arguments gets passed directly to :code:`scipy.linalg.eigh` """ # First we check if the k-point is a BrillouinZone object if isinstance(k, BrillouinZone): # Pre-allocate the eigenvalue spectrum eig = np.empty([len(k), len(self)], np.float64) for i, k_ in enumerate(k): eig[i, :] = self.eigh(k_, atoms=atoms, gauge=gauge, eigvals_only=eigvals_only, **kwargs) return eig if atoms is None: P = self.Pk(k=k, gauge=gauge, format='array') if not self.orthogonal: S = self.Sk(k=k, gauge=gauge, format='array') else: P = self.Pk(k=k, gauge=gauge) if not self.orthogonal: S = self.Sk(k=k, gauge=gauge) # Reduce sparsity pattern orbs = self.a2o(atoms, all=True) P = P[orbs, orbs].toarray() if not self.orthogonal: S = S[orbs, orbs].toarray() if self.orthogonal: return lin.eigh_destroy(P, eigvals_only=eigvals_only, **kwargs) return lin.eigh_destroy(P, S, eigvals_only=eigvals_only, **kwargs)
[docs] def eigsh(self, k=(0, 0, 0), n=10, atoms=None, gauge='R', eigvals_only=True, **kwargs): """ Calculates a subset of eigenvalues of the physical quantity (default 10) Setup the quantity and overlap matrix with respect to the given k-point, then reduce the space to the specified atoms and calculate a subset of the eigenvalues using the sparse algorithms. All subsequent arguments gets passed directly to :code:`scipy.linalg.eigsh` """ # First we check if the k-point is a BrillouinZone object if isinstance(k, BrillouinZone): # Pre-allocate the eigenvalue spectrum eig = np.empty([len(k), n], np.float64) for i, k_ in enumerate(k): eig[i, :] = self.eigsh(k_, n=n, atoms=atoms, gauge=gauge, eigvals_only=eigvals_only, **kwargs) return eig # We always request the smallest eigenvalues... kwargs.update({'which': kwargs.get('which', 'SM')}) P = self.Pk(k=k, gauge=gauge) if not self.orthogonal: raise ValueError("The sparsity pattern is non-orthogonal, you cannot use the Arnoldi procedure with scipy") # Reduce sparsity pattern if not atoms is None: orbs = self.a2o(atoms, all=True) # Reduce space P = P[orbs, orbs] return lin.eigsh(P, k=n, return_eigenvectors=not eigvals_only, **kwargs)
[docs]class SparseOrbitalBZSpin(SparseOrbitalBZ): """ Sparse object containing the orbital connections in a Brillouin zone with possible spin-components It contains an intrinsic sparse matrix of the physical elements. Assigning or changing elements is as easy as with standard `numpy` assignments:: >>> S = SparseOrbitalBZSpin(...) # doctest: +SKIP >>> S[1,2] = 0.1 # doctest: +SKIP which assigns 0.1 as the element between orbital 2 and 3. (remember that Python is 0-based elements). """ def __init__(self, geom, dim=1, dtype=None, nnzpr=None, **kwargs): """Create SparseOrbitalBZSpin model from geometry Initializes an object using the ``geom`` object as the underlying geometry for the parameters that connects orbital elements. """ # Check that the passed parameters are correct if 'spin' not in kwargs: if isinstance(dim, Spin): spin = dim else: spin = {1: Spin.UNPOLARIZED, 2: Spin.POLARIZED, 4: Spin.NONCOLINEAR, 8: Spin.SPINORBIT}.get(dim) else: spin = kwargs.get('spin') self._spin = Spin(spin, dtype) super(SparseOrbitalBZSpin, self).__init__(geom, len(self.spin), self.spin.dtype, nnzpr, **kwargs) # _Pk is already created in the SparseOrbitalBZ __init__ self._Pk_non_colinear = TimeSelector([self._Pk_non_colinear_accummulate, self._Pk_non_colinear_dot, self._Pk_non_colinear_dense], True) self._Sk_non_colinear = TimeSelector([self._Sk_non_colinear_accummulate, self._Sk_non_colinear_dot, self._Sk_non_colinear_dense], True) self._Pk_spin_orbit = TimeSelector([self._Pk_spin_orbit_accummulate, self._Pk_spin_orbit_dot, self._Pk_spin_orbit_dense], True) if self.spin.is_unpolarized: self.UP = 0 self.DOWN = 0 self.Pk = self._Pk_unpolarized self.Sk = self._Sk elif self.spin.is_polarized: self.UP = 0 self.DOWN = 1 self.Pk = self._Pk_polarized self.Sk = self._Sk elif self.spin.is_noncolinear: if self.spin.dkind == 'f': self.M11 = 0 self.M22 = 1 self.M12r = 2 self.M12i = 3 else: self.M11 = 0 self.M22 = 1 self.M12 = 2 raise ValueError('Currently not implemented') self.Pk = self._Pk_non_colinear self.Sk = self._Sk_non_colinear elif self.spin.is_spinorbit: if self.spin.dkind == 'f': self.M11r = 0 self.M22r = 1 self.M21r = 2 self.M21_i = 3 self.M11i = 4 self.M22i = 5 self.M12r = 6 self.M12i = 7 else: self.M11 = 0 self.M22 = 1 self.M12 = 2 self.M21 = 3 raise ValueError('Currently not implemented') # The overlap is the same as non-colinear self.Pk = self._Pk_spin_orbit self.Sk = self._Sk_non_colinear if self.orthogonal: self.Sk = self._Sk_diagonal # Override to enable spin configuration and orthogonality def _cls_kwargs(self): return {'spin': self.spin.kind, 'orthogonal': self.orthogonal} @property def spin(self): """ Associated spin class """ return self._spin def __len__(self): """ Returns number of rows in the basis (if non-colinear or spin-orbit, twice the number of orbitals) """ if self.spin.spins > 2: return * 2 return def __repr__(self): """ Representation of the model """ s = self.__class__.__name__ + '{{non-zero: {0}, orthogonal: {1},\n '.format(self.nnz, self.orthogonal) s += repr(self.spin).replace('\n', '\n ') + ',\n ' s += repr(self.geom).replace('\n', '\n ') return s + '\n}' def _Pk_unpolarized(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr'): """ Sparse matrix (``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``) at `k` Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ return self._Pk(k, dtype=dtype, gauge=gauge, format=format) def _Pk_polarized(self, k=(0, 0, 0), spin=0, dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr'): """ Sparse matrix (``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``) at `k` for a polarized system Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) spin: int, optional the spin-index of the quantity dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ return self._Pk(k, dtype=dtype, gauge=gauge, format=format, _dim=spin) def _Pk_non_colinear_accummulate(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr'): """ Sparse matrix (``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``) at `k` for a non-colinear system Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.complex128 if np.dtype(dtype).kind != 'c': raise ValueError("Non-colinear quantity setup requires a complex matrix") if gauge != 'R': raise ValueError('Only the cell vector gauge has been implemented') k = np.asarray(k, np.float64) k.shape = (-1,) no = # sparse matrix dimension (2 * V = csr_matrix((len(self), len(self)), dtype=dtype) v = [self.tocsr(i) for i in range(len(self.spin))] # Calculate all phases phases = np.exp(-1j * dot(dot(dot(self.rcell, k), self.cell), # Now accummulate the matrix for si, phase in enumerate(phases): sl = slice(si*no, (si+1) * no, None) # diagonal elements V[::2, ::2] += v[0][:, sl] * phase V[1::2, 1::2] += v[1][:, sl] * phase # off-diagonal elements V[1::2, ::2] += (v[2][:, sl] - 1j * v[3][:, sl]) * phase V[::2, 1::2] += (v[2][:, sl] + 1j * v[3][:, sl]) * phase del v return V.asformat(format) def _Pk_non_colinear_dot(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr'): """ Sparse matrix (``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``) at `k` for a non-colinear system Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.complex128 if np.dtype(dtype).kind != 'c': raise ValueError("Non-colinear quantity setup requires a complex matrix") if gauge != 'R': raise ValueError('Only the cell vector gauge has been implemented') k = np.asarray(k, np.float64) k.shape = (-1,) # sparse matrix dimension (2 * V = csr_matrix((len(self), len(self)), dtype=dtype) # Calculate all phases phases = np.exp(-1j * dot(dot(dot(self.rcell, k), self.cell), # Now create offsets offsets = - np.arange(0, len(phases) *, diag = diags(phases, offsets, shape=(self.shape[1], self.shape[0]), dtype=dtype) V[::2, ::2] = self.tocsr(0).dot(diag) V[1::2, 1::2] = self.tocsr(1).dot(diag) v = self.tocsr(2) - 1j * self.tocsr(3) V[1::2, ::2] = V[::2, 1::2] = v.conj().dot(diag) del v return V.asformat(format) def _Pk_non_colinear_dense(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr'): """ Dense at `k` for a non-colinear system Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.complex128 if np.dtype(dtype).kind != 'c': raise ValueError("Non-colinear quantity setup requires a complex matrix") if gauge != 'R': raise ValueError('Only the cell vector gauge has been implemented') k = np.asarray(k, np.float64) k.shape = (-1,) # sparse matrix dimension (2 * V = np.empty((len(self), len(self)), dtype=dtype) # Calculate all phases phases = np.exp(-1j * dot(dot(dot(self.rcell, k), self.cell), # Now create offsets offsets = - np.arange(0, len(phases) *, diag = diags(phases, offsets, shape=(self.shape[1], self.shape[0]), dtype=dtype).toarray() V[::2, ::2] = dot(self.tocsr(0).toarray(), diag) V[1::2, 1::2] = dot(self.tocsr(1).toarray(), diag) v = (self.tocsr(2) - 1j * self.tocsr(3)).toarray() V[1::2, ::2] = dot(v, diag) V[::2, 1::2] = dot(v.conj(), diag) del v if format == 'array': return V elif format == 'dense': return np.asmatrix(V) # It must be a sparse matrix we inquire return csr_matrix(V).asformat(format) def _Pk_spin_orbit_accummulate(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr'): """ Sparse matrix (``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``) at `k` for a spin-orbit system Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.complex128 if np.dtype(dtype).kind != 'c': raise ValueError("Spin orbit quantity setup requires a complex matrix") if gauge != 'R': raise ValueError('Only the cell vector gauge has been implemented') k = np.asarray(k, np.float64) k.shape = (-1,) no = # sparse matrix dimension (2 * V = csr_matrix((len(self), len(self)), dtype=dtype) v = [self.tocsr(i) for i in range(len(self.spin))] # Calculate all phases phases = np.exp(-1j * dot(dot(dot(self.rcell, k), self.cell), # Now accummulate the matrix for si, phase in enumerate(phases): sl = slice(si*no, (si+1) * no, None) # diagonal elements V[::2, ::2] += (v[0][:, sl] + 1j * v[4][:, sl]) * phase V[1::2, 1::2] = (v[1][:, sl] + 1j * v[5][:, sl]) * phase # off-diagonal elements V[1::2, ::2] = (v[2][:, sl] - 1j * v[3][:, sl]) * phase V[::2, 1::2] = (v[6][:, sl] + 1j * v[7][:, sl]) * phase del v return V.asformat(format) def _Pk_spin_orbit_dot(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr'): """ Sparse matrix (``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``) at `k` for a spin-orbit system Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.complex128 if np.dtype(dtype).kind != 'c': raise ValueError("Spin orbit quantity setup requires a complex matrix") if gauge != 'R': raise ValueError('Only the cell vector gauge has been implemented') k = np.asarray(k, np.float64) k.shape = (-1,) # sparse matrix dimension (2 * V = csr_matrix((len(self), len(self)), dtype=dtype) # Calculate all phases phases = np.exp(-1j * dot(dot(dot(self.rcell, k), self.cell), # Now create offsets offsets = - np.arange(len(phases)) * diag = diags(phases, offsets, shape=(self.shape[1], self.shape[0]), dtype=dtype) V[::2, ::2] = (self.tocsr(0) + 1j * self.tocsr(4)).dot(diag) V[1::2, 1::2] = (self.tocsr(1) + 1j * self.tocsr(5)).dot(diag) V[1::2, ::2] = (self.tocsr(2) - 1j * self.tocsr(3)).dot(diag) V[::2, 1::2] = (self.tocsr(6) + 1j * self.tocsr(7)).dot(diag) return V.asformat(format) def _Pk_spin_orbit_dense(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr'): """ Dense matrix at `k` for a spin-orbit system Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.complex128 if np.dtype(dtype).kind != 'c': raise ValueError("Spin orbit quantity setup requires a complex matrix") if gauge != 'R': raise ValueError('Only the cell vector gauge has been implemented') k = np.asarray(k, np.float64) k.shape = (-1,) # sparse matrix dimension (2 * V = np.empty((len(self), len(self)), dtype=dtype) # Calculate all phases phases = np.exp(-1j * dot(dot(dot(self.rcell, k), self.cell), # Now create offsets offsets = - np.arange(len(phases)) * diag = diags(phases, offsets, shape=(self.shape[1], self.shape[0]), dtype=dtype).toarray() V[::2, ::2] = dot((self.tocsr(0) + 1j * self.tocsr(4)).toarray(), diag) V[1::2, 1::2] = dot((self.tocsr(1) + 1j * self.tocsr(5)).toarray(), diag) V[1::2, ::2] = dot((self.tocsr(2) - 1j * self.tocsr(3)).toarray(), diag) V[::2, 1::2] = dot((self.tocsr(6) + 1j * self.tocsr(7)).toarray(), diag) if format == 'array': return V elif format == 'dense': return np.asmatrix(V) # It must be a sparse matrix we inquire return csr_matrix(V).asformat(format) def _Sk(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr'): """ Overlap matrix in a ``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`` at `k`. Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ return self._Pk(k, dtype=dtype, gauge=gauge, format=format, _dim=self.S_idx) def _Sk_non_colinear_accummulate(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr'): """ Overlap matrix (``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``) at `k` for a non-colinear system Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.complex128 if np.dtype(dtype).kind != 'c': raise ValueError("Non-colinear quantity setup requires a complex matrix") if gauge != 'R': raise ValueError('Only the cell vector gauge has been implemented') k = np.asarray(k, np.float64) k.shape = (-1,) no = # sparse matrix dimension (2 * S = csr_matrix((len(self), len(self)), dtype=dtype) s = self.tocsr(self.S_idx) # Calculate all phases phases = np.exp(-1j * dot(dot(dot(self.rcell, k), self.cell), # Now accummulate the matrix for si, phase in enumerate(phases): sl = slice(si*no, (si+1) * no, None) S[::2, ::2] += s[:, sl] * phase S[1::2, 1::2] += s[:, sl] * phase del s return S.asformat(format) def _Sk_non_colinear_dot(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr'): """ Overlap matrix (``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``) at `k` for a non-colinear system Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.complex128 if np.dtype(dtype).kind != 'c': raise ValueError("Non-colinear quantity setup requires a complex matrix") if gauge != 'R': raise ValueError('Only the cell vector gauge has been implemented') k = np.asarray(k, np.float64) k.shape = (-1,) # sparse matrix dimension (2 * S = csr_matrix((len(self), len(self)), dtype=dtype) # Calculate all phases phases = np.exp(-1j * dot(dot(dot(self.rcell, k), self.cell), # Now create offsets offsets = - np.arange(0, len(phases) *, diag = diags(phases, offsets, shape=(self.shape[1], self.shape[0]), dtype=dtype) S11 = self.tocsr(self.S_idx).dot(diag) S[::2, ::2] = S11 S[1::2, 1::2] = S11 del S11 return S.asformat(format) def _Sk_non_colinear_dense(self, k=(0, 0, 0), dtype=None, gauge='R', format='csr'): """ Overlap matrix (``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``) at `k` for a non-colinear system Parameters ---------- k: array_like, optional k-point (default is Gamma point) dtype : numpy.dtype default to `numpy.complex128` gauge : {'R', 'r'} chosen gauge """ if dtype is None: dtype = np.complex128 if np.dtype(dtype).kind != 'c': raise ValueError("Non-colinear quantity setup requires a complex matrix") if gauge != 'R': raise ValueError('Only the cell vector gauge has been implemented') k = np.asarray(k, np.float64) k.shape = (-1,) # sparse matrix dimension (2 * S = np.zeros((len(self), len(self)), dtype=dtype) # Calculate all phases phases = np.exp(-1j * dot(dot(dot(self.rcell, k), self.cell), # Now create offsets offsets = - np.arange(0, len(phases) *, diag = diags(phases, offsets, shape=(self.shape[1], self.shape[0]), dtype=dtype).toarray() S11 = dot(self.tocsr(self.S_idx).todense(), diag) S[::2, ::2] = S11 S[1::2, 1::2] = S11 del S11 if format == 'array': return S elif format == 'dense': return np.asmatrix(S) # It must be a sparse matrix we inquire return csr_matrix(S).asformat(format)
[docs] def eigh(self, k=(0, 0, 0), atoms=None, gauge='R', eigvals_only=True, **kwargs): """ Returns the eigenvalues of the physical quantity Setup the system and overlap matrix with respect to the given k-point, then reduce the space to the specified atoms and calculate the eigenvalues. All subsequent arguments gets passed directly to :code:`scipy.linalg.eigh` """ # First we check if the k-point is a BrillouinZone object if isinstance(k, BrillouinZone): # Pre-allocate the eigenvalue spectrum eig = np.empty([len(k), len(self)], np.float64) for i, k_ in enumerate(k): eig[i, :] = self.eigh(k_, atoms=atoms, gauge=gauge, eigvals_only=eigvals_only, **kwargs) return eig if atoms is None: if self.spin.kind == Spin.POLARIZED: P = self.Pk(k=k, gauge=gauge, spin=kwargs.pop('spin', 0), format='array') else: P = self.Pk(k=k, gauge=gauge, format='array') if not self.orthogonal: S = self.Sk(k=k, gauge=gauge, format='array') else: # Reduce sparsity pattern if self.spin.kind == Spin.POLARIZED: P = self.Pk(k=k, gauge=gauge, spin=kwargs.pop('spin', 0)) else: P = self.Pk(k=k, gauge=gauge) # Reduce space orbs = self.a2o(atoms, all=True) P = P[orbs, orbs].toarray() if not self.orthogonal: S = self.Sk(k=k, gauge=gauge)[orbs, orbs].toarray() if self.orthogonal: return lin.eigh_destroy(P, eigvals_only=eigvals_only, **kwargs) return lin.eigh_destroy(P, S, eigvals_only=eigvals_only, **kwargs)
[docs] def eigsh(self, k=(0, 0, 0), n=10, atoms=None, gauge='R', eigvals_only=True, **kwargs): """ Calculates a subset of eigenvalues of the physical quantity (default 10) Setup the quantity and overlap matrix with respect to the given k-point, then reduce the space to the specified atoms and calculate a subset of the eigenvalues using the sparse algorithms. All subsequent arguments gets passed directly to :code:`scipy.linalg.eigsh` """ # First we check if the k-point is a BrillouinZone object if isinstance(k, BrillouinZone): # Pre-allocate the eigenvalue spectrum eig = np.empty([len(k), n], np.float64) for i, k_ in enumerate(k): eig[i, :] = self.eigsh(k_, n=n, atoms=atoms, gauge=gauge, eigvals_only=eigvals_only, **kwargs) return eig # We always request the smallest eigenvalues... kwargs.update({'which': kwargs.get('which', 'SM')}) if self.spin.kind == Spin.POLARIZED: P = self.Pk(k=k, spin=kwargs.pop('spin', 0), gauge=gauge) else: P = self.Pk(k=k, gauge=gauge) if not self.orthogonal: raise ValueError("The sparsity pattern is non-orthogonal, you cannot use the Arnoldi procedure with scipy") # Reduce sparsity pattern if not atoms is None: orbs = self.a2o(atoms, all=True) # Reduce space P = P[orbs, orbs] return lin.eigsh(P, k=n, return_eigenvectors=not eigvals_only, **kwargs)