Source code for sisl.sparse

from __future__ import print_function, division

import warnings
from numbers import Integral
from collections import Iterable

# To speed up the extension algorithm we limit
# the lookup table
import numpy as np
from numpy import empty, zeros, asarray, arange
from numpy import insert, take, delete, copyto, split
from numpy import intersect1d, setdiff1d, unique
from numpy import diff, count_nonzero
from numpy import argsort
    isin = np.isin
except Exception:
    isin = np.in1d

from scipy.sparse import isspmatrix
from scipy.sparse import isspmatrix_coo
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, isspmatrix_csr
from scipy.sparse import isspmatrix_csc
from scipy.sparse import isspmatrix_lil

import sisl._array as _a
from ._help import array_fill_repeat, ensure_array, get_dtype
from ._help import _range as range, _zip as zip, _map as map
from .utils.ranges import array_arange

# Although this re-implements the CSR in scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
# we use it slightly differently and thus require this new sparse pattern.

__all__ = ['SparseCSR', 'ispmatrix', 'ispmatrixd']

def indices_single(col, value, offset=0):
    """ Return indices of values in col with a possible offset """
    w = (col == value).nonzero()[0]
    if len(w) == 0:
        return -1
        return offset + w[0]

# Vectorize the function,
# The return-type is always numpy.int32
# The column indices are passed "as-is" via the
# excluded keyword
indices = np.vectorize(indices_single, otypes=[np.int32],
                       excluded=[0, 'col'])

[docs]class SparseCSR(object): """ A compressed sparse row matrix, slightly different than ``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix``. This class holds all required information regarding the CSR matrix format. Note that this sparse matrix of data does not retain the number of columns in the matrix, i.e. it has no way of determining whether the input is correct. """ def __init__(self, arg1, dim=1, dtype=None, nnzpr=20, nnz=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize a new sparse CSR matrix This sparse matrix class tries to resemble the ``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`` as much as possible with the difference of this class being multi-dimensional. Creating a new sparse matrix is much similar to the ``scipy`` equivalent. `nnz` is only used if ``nnz > nr * nnzpr``. This class may be instantiated by verious means. - ``SparseCSR(S)`` where ``S`` is a ``scipy.sparse`` matrix - ``SparseCSR((M,N)[, dtype])`` the shape of the sparse matrix (equivalent to ``SparseCSR((M,N,1)[, dtype])``. - ``SparseCSR((M,N), dim=K, [, dtype])`` the shape of the sparse matrix (equivalent to ``SparseCSR((M,N,K)[, dtype])``. - ``SparseCSR((M,N,K)[, dtype])`` creating a sparse matrix with ``M`` rows, ``N`` columns and ``K`` elements per sparse element. Additionally these parameters control the creation of the sparse matrix Parameters ---------- arg1 : tuple various initialization methods as described above dim : int, optional number of elements stored per sparse element, only used if (M,N) is passed dtype : numpy.dtype, optional data type of the matrix, defaults to `numpy.float64` nnzpr : int, optional initial number of non-zero elements per row. Only used if `nnz` is not supplied nnz : int, optional initial total number of non-zero elements This quantity has precedence over `nnzpr` Attributes ---------- ncol: int-array, ``self.shape[0]`` number of entries per row ptr: int-array, ``self.shape[0]+1`` pointer index in the 1D column indices of the corresponding row col: int-array column indices of the sparse elements data: the data in the sparse matrix dim: int the extra dimension of the sparse matrix nnz: int number of contained sparse elements shape: tuple, 3*(,) size of contained matrix, M, N, K finalized: boolean whether the sparse matrix is finalized and non-set elements are removed """ # step size in sparse elements # If there isn't enough room for adding # a non-zero element, the # of elements # for the insert row is increased at least by this number self._ns = 10 if isspmatrix(arg1): # This is a sparse matrix # The data-type is infered from the # input sparse matrix. arg1 = arg1.tocsr() self.__init__((, arg1.indices, arg1.indptr), dim=dim, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) elif isinstance(arg1, (tuple, list)): if isinstance(arg1[0], Integral): self.__init_shape(arg1, dim=dim, dtype=dtype, nnzpr=nnzpr, nnz=nnz, **kwargs) elif len(arg1) != 3: raise ValueError(('The sparse array *must* be created ' 'with data, indices, indptr')) else: # Correct dimension according to passed array if len(arg1[0].shape) == 2: dim = max(dim, arg1[0].shape[1]) if dtype is None: # The first element is the data dtype = arg1[0].dtype # The first *must* be some sort of array if 'shape' in kwargs: shape = kwargs['shape'] else: M = len(arg1[2])-1 N = ((np.amax(arg1[1]) // M) + 1) * M shape = (M, N) self.__init_shape(shape, dim=dim, dtype=dtype, nnz=1, **kwargs) # Copy data to the arrays self.ptr = arg1[2].astype(np.int32, copy=False) self.ncol = diff(self.ptr) self.col = arg1[1].astype(np.int32, copy=False) self._nnz = len(self.col) self._D = empty([len(arg1[1]), self.shape[-1]], dtype=self.dtype) if len(arg1[0].shape) == 2: self._D[:, :] = arg1[0] else: self._D[:, 0] = arg1[0] def __init_shape(self, arg1, dim=1, dtype=None, nnzpr=20, nnz=None, **kwargs): # The shape of the data... if len(arg1) == 2: # extend to extra dimension arg1 = arg1 + (dim,) elif len(arg1) != 3: raise ValueError("unrecognized shape input, either a 2-tuple or 3-tuple is required") # Set default dtype if dtype is None: dtype = np.float64 # unpack size M, N, K = arg1 # Store shape self._shape = (M, N, K) # Check default construction of sparse matrix nnzpr = max(nnzpr, 1) # Re-create options if nnz is None: # number of non-zero elements is NOT given nnz = M * nnzpr else: # number of non-zero elements is give AND larger # than the provided non-zero elements per row nnzpr = nnz // M # Correct input in case very few elements are requested nnzpr = max(nnzpr, 1) nnz = max(nnz, nnzpr * M) # Store number of columns currently hold # in the sparsity pattern self.ncol = _a.zerosi([M]) # Create pointer array self.ptr = _a.cumsumi(_a.arrayi([nnzpr] * (M+1))) - nnzpr # Create column array self.col = _a.emptyi(nnz) # Store current number of non-zero elements self._nnz = 0 # Important that this is zero # For instance one may set one dimension at a time # thus automatically zeroing the other dimensions. self._D = zeros([nnz, K], dtype) # Denote that this sparsity pattern hasn't been finalized self._finalized = False
[docs] def diags(self, diagonals, offsets=0, dim=None, dtype=None): """ Create a `SparseCSR` with diagonal elements with the same shape as the routine Parameters ---------- diagonals : scalar or array_like the diagonal values, if scalar the `shape` *must* be present. offsets : scalar or array_like the offsets from the diagonal for each of the components (defaults to the diagonal) dim : int, optional the extra dimension of the new diagonal matrix (default to the current extra dimension) dtype : numpy.dtype, optional the data-type to create (default to `numpy.float64`) """ if dim is None: dim = self.shape[2] if dtype is None: dtype = self.dtype # Now create the sparse matrix shape = list(self.shape) shape[2] = dim shape = tuple(shape) # Delete the last entry, regardless of the size, the diagonal D = self.__class__(shape, dtype=dtype) diagonals = array_fill_repeat(diagonals, D.shape[0], cls=dtype) offsets = array_fill_repeat(offsets, D.shape[0], cls=dtype) # Create diagonal elements for i in range(D.shape[0]): D[i, i + offsets[i]] = diagonals[i] return D
[docs] def empty(self, keep_nnz=False): """ Delete all sparse information from the sparsity pattern Essentially this deletes all entries. Parameters ---------- keep_nnz: boolean, optional if ``True`` keeps the sparse elements *as is*. I.e. it will merely set the stored sparse elements to zero. This may be advantagegous when re-constructing a new sparse matrix from an old sparse matrix """ self._D[:, :] = 0. if not keep_nnz: self._finalized = False # The user does not wish to retain the # sparse pattern self.ncol[:] = 0 self._nnz = 0
# We do not mess with the other arrays # they may be obscure data any-way. @property def shape(self): """ The shape of the sparse matrix """ return self._shape @property def dim(self): """ The extra dimensionality of the sparse matrix (elements per matrix element) """ return self.shape[2] @property def data(self): """ Data contained in the sparse matrix (numpy array of elements) """ return self._D @property def dtype(self): """ The data-type in the sparse matrix """ return self._D.dtype @property def dkind(self): """ The data-type in the sparse matrix (in str) """ return np.dtype(self._D.dtype).kind @property def nnz(self): """ Number of non-zero elements in the sparse matrix """ return self._nnz def __len__(self): """ Number of rows in the sparse matrix """ return self.shape[0] @property def finalized(self): """ Whether the contained data is finalized and non-used elements have been removed """ return self._finalized
[docs] def finalize(self, sort=True): """ Finalizes the sparse matrix by removing all non-set elements One may still interact with the sparse matrix as one would previously. NOTE: This is mainly an internal used routine to ensure data structure when converting to ``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`` Parameters ---------- sort: bool, optional sort the column indices for each row """ if self.finalized: return # Create and index array to retain the indices we want ptr = self.ptr ncol = self.ncol idx = array_arange(ptr[:-1], n=ncol) self.col = take(self.col, idx) self._D = take(self._D, idx, 0) del idx self.ptr[0] = 0 _a.cumsumi(ncol, out=self.ptr[1:]) ptr = self.ptr.view() col = self.col.view() D = self._D.view() # We truncate all the connections if sort: def func(r): """ Sort and check whether there are double entries """ ptr1 = ptr[r] ptr2 = ptr[r+1] sl = slice(ptr1, ptr2) ccol = col[sl].view() DD = D[sl, :].view() if unique(ccol).shape[0] != ptr2 - ptr1: raise ValueError(('You cannot have two elements between the same ' + 'i,j index ({}), something has went terribly wrong.'.format(ptr1))) idx = argsort(ccol) # Do in-place sorting ccol[:] = ccol[idx] DD[:, :] = DD[idx, :] else: def func(r): ptr1 = ptr[r] ptr2 = ptr[r+1] if unique(col[ptr1:ptr2]).shape[0] != ptr2 - ptr1: raise ValueError(('You cannot have two elements between the same ' + 'i,j index ({}), something has went terribly wrong.'.format(ptr1))) # Since map puts it on the stack, we have to force the evaluation. list(map(func, range(self.shape[0]))) assert len(col) == self.nnz, ('Final size in the sparse matrix finalization ' 'went wrong.') # Check that all column indices are within the expected shape if np.any(self.shape[1] <= self.col): warnings.warn("Sparse matrix contains column indices outside the shape " "of the matrix. Data may not represent what you had expected") # Signal that we indeed have finalized the data self._finalized = True
[docs] def edges(self, row, exclude=None): """ Retrieve edges (connections) of a given `row` or list of `row`'s The returned edges are unique and sorted (see `numpy.unique`). Parameters ---------- row : int or list of int the edges are returned only for the given row exclude : int or list of int, optional remove edges which are in the `exclude` list. Default to `row`. """ row = unique(ensure_array(row)) if exclude is None: exclude = row.view() else: exclude = unique(ensure_array(exclude)) # Now get the edges ptr = self.ptr.view() ncol = self.ncol.view() # Create column indices edges = unique(self.col[array_arange(ptr[row], n=ncol[row])]) # Return the difference to the exclude region, we know both are unique return setdiff1d(edges, exclude, assume_unique=True)
[docs] def delete_columns(self, columns, keep_shape=False): """ Delete all columns in `columns` Parameters ---------- columns : int or array_like columns to delete from the sparse pattern keep_shape : bool, optional whether the ``shape`` of the object should be retained, if ``True`` all higher columns will be shifted according to the number of columns deleted below, if ``False``, only the elements will be deleted. """ # Shorthand function for retrieval cnz = count_nonzero # Sort the columns columns = unique(ensure_array(columns)) n_cols = cnz(columns < self.shape[1]) # Grab pointers ptr = self.ptr.view() ncol = self.ncol.view() col = self.col.view() # Get indices of deleted columns idx = array_arange(ptr[:-1], n=ncol) # Convert to boolean array where we have columns to be deleted lidx = isin(col[idx], columns) # Count number of deleted entries per row ndel = ensure_array(map(count_nonzero, split(lidx, _a.cumsumi(ncol[:-1])))) # Backconvert lidx to deleted indices lidx = idx[lidx] del idx if len(lidx) == 0: # Simply update the shape and return # We have nothing to delete! if not keep_shape: shape = list(self.shape) shape[1] -= n_cols self._shape = tuple(shape) return # Reduce the column indices and the data self.col = delete(self.col, lidx) self._D = delete(self._D, lidx, axis=0) del lidx # Update pointer # col col = self.col.view() # Figure out if it is necessary to update columns # This is only necessary when the deleted columns # are not the *last* columns update_col = not keep_shape if update_col: # Check that we really do have to update update_col = np.any(columns < self.shape[1] - n_cols) # Correct number of elements per column, and the pointers ncol[:] -= ndel ptr[1:] -= _a.cumsumi(ndel) if update_col: # Create a count array to subtract count = _a.zerosi(self.shape[1]) count[columns] = 1 count = _a.cumsumi(count) # Recreate pointers due to deleted indices idx = array_arange(ptr[:-1], n=ncol) col[idx] -= count[col[idx]] del idx # Update number of non-zeroes self._nnz = np.sum(ncol) if not keep_shape: shape = list(self.shape) shape[1] -= n_cols self._shape = tuple(shape)
def _clean_columns(self): """ Remove all intrinsic columns that are not defined in the sparse matrix """ # Grab pointers ptr = self.ptr.view() ncol = self.ncol.view() col = self.col.view() # Number of columns nc = self.shape[1] # Get indices of columns idx = array_arange(ptr[:-1], n=ncol) # Convert to boolean array where we have columns to be deleted lidx = col[idx] >= nc # Count number of deleted entries per row ndel = ensure_array(map(count_nonzero, split(lidx, _a.cumsumi(ncol[:-1])))) # Backconvert lidx to deleted indices lidx = idx[lidx] del idx # Reduce column indices and data self.col = delete(self.col, lidx) self._D = delete(self._D, lidx, axis=0) del lidx # Update number of entries per row, and pointers ncol[:] -= ndel ptr[1:] -= _a.cumsumi(ndel) # Update number of non-zeroes self._nnz = np.sum(ncol) # We are *only* deleting columns, so if it is finalized, # it will still be
[docs] def translate_columns(self, old, new): """ Takes all `old` columns and translates them to `new`. Parameters ---------- old : int or array_like old column indices new : int or array_like new column indices """ # Sort the columns old = ensure_array(old) new = ensure_array(new) if np.any(old >= self.shape[1]): raise ValueError(self.__class__.__name__+".translate_columns has non-existing old column values") end_clean = False if np.any(new >= self.shape[1]): end_clean = True # Now do the translation pvt = _a.arangei(self.shape[1]) pvt[old] = new # Get indices of valid column entries idx = array_arange(self.ptr[:-1], n=self.ncol) # Convert the old column indices to new ones col = self.col.view() col[idx] = pvt[col[idx]] # After translation, set to not finalized self._finalized = False if end_clean: self._clean_columns()
[docs] def spsame(self, other): """ Check whether two sparse matrices have the same non-zero elements Parameters ---------- other : SparseCSR Returns ------- True if the same non-zero elements are in the matrices (but not necessarily the same values) """ if self.shape[:2] != other.shape[:2]: return False sptr = self.ptr.view() sncol = self.ncol.view() scol = self.col.view() optr = other.ptr.view() oncol = other.ncol.view() ocol = other.col.view() # Easy check for non-equal number of elements if (sncol == oncol).sum() != self.shape[0]: return False llen = len lintersect1d = intersect1d for r in range(self.shape[0]): if llen(lintersect1d(scol[sptr[r]:sptr[r]+sncol[r]], ocol[optr[r]:optr[r]+oncol[r]])) != sncol[r]: return False return True
[docs] def align(self, other): """ Aligns this sparse matrix with the sparse elements of the other sparse matrix Routine for ensuring that all non-zero elements in `other` are also in this object. I.e. this will, possibly, change the sparse elements in-place. A ``ValueError`` will be raised if the shapes are not mergeable. Parameters ---------- other : SparseCSR the other sparse matrix to align. """ if self.shape[:2] != other.shape[:2]: raise ValueError('Aligning two sparse matrices requires same shapes') lsetdiff1d = setdiff1d sptr = self.ptr.view() sncol = self.ncol.view() scol = self.col.view() optr = other.ptr.view() oncol = other.ncol.view() ocol = other.col.view() for r in range(self.shape[0]): # pointers sp = sptr[r] sn = sncol[r] op = optr[r] on = oncol[r] adds = lsetdiff1d(ocol[op:op+on], scol[sp:sp+sn]) if len(adds) > 0: # simply extend the elements self._extend(r, adds)
[docs] def iter_nnz(self, row=None): """ Iterations of the non-zero elements, returns a tuple of row and column with non-zero elements An iterator returning the current row index and the corresponding column index. >>> for r, c in self: # doctest: +SKIP In the above case ``r`` and ``c`` are rows and columns such that >>> self[r, c] # doctest: +SKIP returns the non-zero element of the sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- row : int or array_like of int only loop on the given row(s) default to all rows """ if row is None: # loop on rows for r in range(self.shape[0]): n = self.ncol[r] ptr = self.ptr[r] for c in self.col[ptr:ptr+n]: yield r, c else: for r in ensure_array(row): n = self.ncol[r] ptr = self.ptr[r] for c in self.col[ptr:ptr+n]: yield r, c
# Define default iterator __iter__ = iter_nnz def _slice2list(self, slc, axis): """ Convert a slice to a list depending on the provided details """ if not isinstance(slc, slice): return slc # Do conversion N = self.shape[axis] # Get the indices idx = slc.indices(N) return range(idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]) def _extend(self, i, j): """ Extends the sparsity pattern to retain elements `j` in row `i` Parameters ---------- i : int the row of the matrix j : int or array_like columns belonging to row `i` where a non-zero element is stored. Returns ------- index : array_like the indicies of the existing/added elements """ # We skip this check and let sisl die if wrong input is given... #if not isinstance(i, Integral): # raise ValueError("Retrieving/Setting elements in a sparse matrix" # " must only be performed at one row-element at a time.\n" # "However, multiple columns at a time are allowed.") # Ensure flattened array... j = ensure_array(j) if len(j) == 0: return _a.arrayi([]) # fast reference ptr = self.ptr ncol = self.ncol col = self.col # To create the indices for the sparse elements # we first find which values are _not_ in the sparse # matrix if ncol[i] > 0: # Checks whether any non-zero elements are # already in the sparse pattern # If so we remove those from the j exists = intersect1d(j, col[ptr[i]:ptr[i]+ncol[i]], assume_unique=True) else: exists = _a.arrayi([]) # Get list of new elements to be added new_j = setdiff1d(j, exists, assume_unique=True) new_n = len(new_j) # Check how many elements cannot fit in the currently # allocated sparse matrix... new_nnz = ncol[i] + new_n - (ptr[i + 1] - ptr[i]) if new_nnz > 0: # Ensure that it is not-set as finalized # There is no need to set it all the time. # Simply because the first call to finalize # will reduce the sparsity pattern, which # on first expansion calls this part. self._finalized = False # Get how much larger we wish to create the sparse matrix... ns = max(self._ns, new_nnz) # ...expand size of the sparsity pattern... # Insert pointer of new data iptr = ptr[i] + ncol[i] # Insert new empty elements in the column index # after the column self.col = insert(self.col, iptr, empty(ns, self.col.dtype)) # update reference col = self.col # Insert zero data in the data array # We use `zeros` as then one may set each dimension # individually... self._D = insert(self._D, ptr[i+1], zeros([ns, self.shape[2]], self._D.dtype), axis=0) # Lastly, shift all pointers above this row to account for the # new non-zero elements ptr[i + 1:] += ns if new_n > 0: # Ensure that we write the new elements to the matrix... # new data begins from this index location old_ptr = ptr[i] + ncol[i] # assign the column indices for the new entries # NOTE that this may not assign them in the order # of entry as new_j is sorted and thus new_j != j col[old_ptr:old_ptr + new_n] = new_j[:] # Step the size of the stored non-zero elements ncol[i] += new_n # Step the number of non-zero elements self._nnz += new_n # Now we have extended the sparse matrix to hold all # information that is required... # ... retrieve the indices and return return indices(col[ptr[i]:ptr[i] + ncol[i]], j, ptr[i]) def _get(self, i, j): """ Retrieves the data pointer arrays of the elements, if it is non-existing, it will return ``-1`` Parameters ---------- i : int the row of the matrix j : int or array_like of int columns belonging to row `i` where a non-zero element is stored. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray : indicies of the existing elements """ # Ensure flattened array... j = _a.asarrayi(j).flatten() # Make it a little easier ptr = self.ptr[i] return indices(self.col[ptr:ptr+self.ncol[i]], j, ptr) def __delitem__(self, key): """ Remove items from the sparse patterns """ # Get indices of sparse data (-1 if non-existing) key = list(key) key[0] = self._slice2list(key[0], 0) if isinstance(key[0], Iterable): if len(key) == 2: for i in key[0]: del self[i, key[1]] elif len(key) == 3: for i in key[0]: del self[i, key[1], key[2]] return i = key[0] key[1] = self._slice2list(key[1], 1) index = self._get(i, key[1]) # First remove all negative indices. # The element isn't there anyway... index = index[index >= 0] index.sort() if len(index) == 0: # There are no elements to delete... return # Get short-hand ptr = self.ptr.view() ncol = self.ncol.view() # Get original values sl = slice(ptr[i], ptr[i] + ncol[i], None) oC = self.col[sl] oD = self._D[sl, :] # Now create the compressed data... index -= ptr[i] keep = isin(_a.arangei(ncol[i]), index, invert=True) # Update new count of the number of # non-zero elements ncol[i] -= len(index) # Now update the column indices and the data sl = slice(ptr[i], ptr[i] + ncol[i], None) self.col[sl] = oC[keep] self._D[sl, :] = oD[keep, :] # Once we remove some things, it is NOT # finalized... self._finalized = False self._nnz -= len(index) def __getitem__(self, key): """ Intrinsic sparse matrix retrieval of a non-zero element """ # Get indices of sparse data (-1 if non-existing) get_idx = self._get(key[0], key[1]) n = len(get_idx) # Indices of existing values in return array ret_idx = (get_idx >= 0).nonzero()[0] # Indices of existing values in get array get_idx = get_idx[ret_idx] # Check which data to retrieve if len(key) > 2: # user requests a specific element # get dimension retrieved r = np.zeros(n, dtype=self.dtype) r[ret_idx] = self._D[get_idx, key[2]] else: # user request all stored data s = self.shape[2] if s == 1: r = np.zeros(n, dtype=self.dtype) r[ret_idx] = self._D[get_idx, 0] else: r = np.zeros([n, s], dtype=self.dtype) r[ret_idx, :] = self._D[get_idx, :] return r def __setitem__(self, key, data): """ Intrinsic sparse matrix assignment of the item. It will only allow to set the data in the sparse matrix if the dimensions match. If the `data` parameter is ``None`` or an array only with `None` then the data will not be stored. """ # Ensure data type... possible casting... if data is None: return # Sadly, converting integers with None # will NOT produce nan's. # Hence, this will only work with floats, etc. # TODO we need some way to reduce these things # for integer stuff. data = asarray(data, self._D.dtype) isnan = np.isnan(data) if np.all(isnan): # If the entries are nan's # then we return without adding the # entry. return else: # Places where there are nan will be set # to zero data[isnan] = 0 del isnan # Retrieve indices in the 1D data-structure index = self._extend(key[0], key[1]) if len(key) > 2: # Explicit data of certain dimension self._D[index, key[2]] = data else: # Ensure correct shape if data.ndim == 0: data = np.array([data]) data.shape = (1, 1) else: data.shape = (-1, self.shape[2]) # Now there are two cases if data.shape[0] == 1: # we copy all elements self._D[index, :] = data[None, :] else: # each element have different data self._D[index, :] = data[:, :] def __contains__(self, key): """ Check whether a sparse index is non-zero """ # Get indices of sparse data (-1 if non-existing) return np.all(self._get(key[0], key[1]) >= 0)
[docs] def nonzero(self, row=None, only_col=False): """ Row and column indices where non-zero elements exists Parameters ---------- row : int or array_like of int, optional only return the tuples for the requested rows, default is all rows only_col : bool, optional only return then non-zero columns """ if row is None: idx = array_arange(self.ptr[:-1], n=self.ncol) if not only_col: rows = _a.emptyi([self.nnz]) j = 0 for r, N in enumerate(self.ncol): rows[j:j+N] = r j += N else: row = ensure_array(row) idx = array_arange(self.ptr[row], n=self.ncol[row]) if not only_col: N = _a.sumi(self.ncol[row]) rows = _a.emptyi([N]) j = 0 for r, N in zip(row, self.ncol[row]): rows[j:j+N] = r j += N if only_col: return self.col[idx] return rows, self.col[idx]
[docs] def eliminate_zeros(self): """ Remove all zero elememts from the sparse matrix This is an *in-place* operation """ ptr = self.ptr.view() ncol = self.ncol.view() col = self.col.view() D = self._D.view() # Get short-hand nsum = np.sum nabs = np.abs for i in range(self.shape[0]): # Create short-hand slice sl = slice(ptr[i], ptr[i] + ncol[i], None) # Get current column entries for the row C = col[sl] # Retrieve columns with zero values (summed over all elements) C0 = (nsum(nabs(D[sl, :]), axis=1) == 0).nonzero()[0] if len(C0) == 0: continue # Remove all entries with 0 values del self[i, C[C0]]
[docs] def copy(self, dims=None, dtype=None): """ Returns an exact copy of the sparse matrix Parameters ---------- dims: array-like, optional which dimensions to store in the copy, defaults to all. dtype : `numpy.dtype` this defaults to the dtype of the object, but one may change it if supplied. """ # Create sparse matrix (with only one entry per # row, we overwrite it immediately afterward) if dims is None: dim = self.dim else: dim = len(dims) if dtype is None: dtype = self.dtype # Create correct input shape = list(self.shape[:]) shape[2] = dim new = self.__class__(shape, dtype=dtype, nnz=1) # The default sizes are not passed # Hence we *must* copy the arrays # directly copyto(new.ptr, self.ptr, casting='no') copyto(new.ncol, self.ncol, casting='no') new.col = self.col.copy() new._nnz = self.nnz if dims is None: new._D = self._D.astype(dtype) else: new._D = empty([len(self.col), dim], dtype) for i, dim in enumerate(dims): new._D[:, i] = self._D[:, dim] # Mark it as the same state as the other one new._finalized = self._finalized return new
[docs] def tocsr(self, dim=0, **kwargs): """ Return the data in ``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`` format Parameters ---------- dim: int, optional the dimension of the data to create the sparse matrix **kwargs: arguments passed to the ``scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`` routine """ # We finalize because we do not expect the sparse pattern to change once # we request a csr matrix in another format. # Otherwise we *could* do array_arange self.finalize() shape = self.shape[:2] return csr_matrix((self._D[:, dim], self.col.astype(np.int32, copy=False), self.ptr.astype(np.int32, copy=False)), shape=shape, **kwargs)
[docs] def remove(self, indices): """ Return a new sparse CSR matrix with all the indices removed Parameters ---------- indices : array_like the indices of the rows *and* columns that are removed in the sparse pattern """ indices = ensure_array(indices) # Check if we have a square matrix or a rectangular one if self.shape[0] >= self.shape[1]: rindices = delete(_a.arangei(self.shape[0]), indices) else: rindices = delete(_a.arangei(self.shape[1]), indices) return self.sub(rindices)
[docs] def sub(self, indices): """ Return a new sparse CSR matrix with the data only for the given indices Parameters ---------- indices : array_like the indices of the rows *and* columns that are retained in the sparse pattern """ indices = ensure_array(indices) # Check if we have a square matrix or a rectangular one if self.shape[0] == self.shape[1]: ridx = indices.view() elif self.shape[0] < self.shape[1]: ridx = indices[indices < self.shape[0]] elif self.shape[0] > self.shape[1]: ridx = indices.view() # Number of rows, columns nr = len(ridx) nc = count_nonzero(indices < self.shape[1]) # Fix the pivoting indices with the new indices pvt = _a.fulli([max(self.shape[0], self.shape[1])], -1) pvt[indices] = _a.arangei(len(indices)) # Create the new SparseCSR # We use nnzpr = 1 because we will overwrite all quantities afterwards. csr = self.__class__((nr, nc, self.shape[2]), dtype=self.dtype, nnz=1) # Limit memory csr._D = empty([1]) # Get views ptr1 = csr.ptr.view() ncol1 = csr.ncol.view() # Create the sub data take(self.ptr, ridx, out=ptr1[1:]) # Place directly where it should be (i.e. re-use space) take(self.ncol, ridx, out=ncol1) # Create a 2D array to contain # [0, :] the column indices to keep # [1, :] the new column data # We do this because we can then use take on this array # and not two arrays. col_data = _a.emptyi([2, ncol1.sum()]) # Create a list of ndarrays with indices of elements per row # and transfer to a linear index col_data[0, :] = array_arange(ptr1[1:], n=ncol1) # Reduce the column indices (note this also ensures that # it will work on non-finalized sparse matrices) col_data[1, :] = pvt[take(self.col, col_data[0, :])] # Count the number of items that are left in the sparse pattern # First recreate the new (temporary) pointer ptr1[0] = 0 # Place it directly where it should be _a.cumsumi(ncol1, out=ptr1[1:]) # Count number of entries idx_take = col_data[1, :] >= 0 ncol1[:] = ensure_array(map(count_nonzero, split(idx_take, ptr1[1:-1]))) # Convert to indices idx_take = idx_take.nonzero()[0] # Decrease column data and also extract the data col_data = take(col_data, idx_take, axis=1) del idx_take csr._D = take(self._D, col_data[0, :], axis=0) csr.col = col_data[1, :].copy() del col_data # Set the data for the new sparse csr csr.ptr[0] = 0 _a.cumsumi(ncol1, out=csr.ptr[1:]) csr._nnz = len(csr.col) return csr
[docs] def sum(self, axis=None): """ Calculate the sum, if `axis` is ``None`` the sum of all elements are returned, else a new sparse matrix is returned Parameters ---------- axis : int, optional which axis to perform the sum of. If ``None`` the element sum is returned, if either ``0`` or ``1`` is passed a vector is returned, and for ``2`` it returns a new sparse matrix with the last dimension reduced to 1 (summed). Raises ------ NotImplementedError : when ``axis = 1`` """ if axis is None: return np.sum(self._D) if axis == -1 or axis == 2: # We simply create a new sparse matrix with only one entry ret = self.copy([0]) ret._D[:, 0] = self._D.sum(1) elif axis == -2 or axis == 1: ret = zeros(self.shape[1], dtype=self.dtype) raise NotImplementedError('Currently performing a sum on the columns is not implemented') elif axis == 0: ret = empty([self.shape[0], self.shape[2]], dtype=self.dtype) ptr = self.ptr.view() ncol = self.ncol.view() col = self.col.view() for r in range(self.shape[0]): ret[r, :] = self._D[ptr[r]:ptr[r]+ncol[r], :].sum(0) return ret
def __repr__(self): """ Representation of the sparse matrix model """ ints = self.shape[:] + (self.nnz,) return self.__class__.__name__ + '{{dim={2}, kind={kind},\n rows: {0}, columns: {1},\n non-zero: {3}\n}}'.format(*ints, kind=self.dkind) ############################### # Overload of math operations # ############################### def __add__(a, b): c = a.copy(dtype=get_dtype(b, other=a.dtype)) c += b return c __radd__ = __add__ def __iadd__(a, b): if isinstance(b, SparseCSR): if a.shape != b.shape: raise ValueError('Adding two sparse matrices requires the same shape') # Ensure that a is aligned with b a.align(b) # loop and add elements for r in range(a.shape[0]): # pointers bptr = b.ptr[r] bn = b.ncol[r] sl = slice(bptr, bptr+bn, None) # Get positions of b-elements in a: in_a = a._get(r, b.col[sl]) a._D[in_a, :] += b._D[sl, :] else: a._D += b return a def __sub__(a, b): c = a.copy(dtype=get_dtype(b, other=a.dtype)) c -= b return c def __rsub__(a, b): if isinstance(b, SparseCSR): c = b.copy(dtype=get_dtype(a, other=b.dtype)) c += -1 * a else: c = b + (-1) * a return c def __isub__(a, b): if isinstance(b, SparseCSR): if a.shape != b.shape: raise ValueError('Subtracting two sparse matrices requires the same shape') # Ensure that a is aligned with b a.align(b) # loop and add elements for r in range(a.shape[0]): # pointers bptr = b.ptr[r] bn = b.ncol[r] sl = slice(bptr, bptr+bn, None) # Get positions of b-elements in a: in_a = a._get(r, b.col[sl]) a._D[in_a, :] -= b._D[sl, :] else: a._D -= b return a def __mul__(a, b): c = a.copy(dtype=get_dtype(b, other=a.dtype)) c *= b return c __rmul__ = __mul__ def __imul__(a, b): if isinstance(b, SparseCSR): if a.shape != b.shape: raise ValueError('Multiplication of two sparse matrices requires the same shape') # Note that for multiplication of these two matrices # it is not required that they are aligned... # 0 * float == 0 # Hence aligning is superfluous # loop and add elements for r in range(a.shape[0]): # pointers aptr = a.ptr[r] an = a.ncol[r] bptr = b.ptr[r] bn = b.ncol[r] acol = a.col[aptr:aptr+an] bcol = b.col[bptr:bptr+bn] # Get positions of b-elements in a: in_a = a._get(r, bcol) # remove all -1's in_a = in_a[in_a > -1] # Everything else *must* be zeroes! :) a._D[in_a, :] *= b._D[bptr:bptr+bn, :] # Now set everything *not* in b but in a, to zero not_in_b = isin(acol, bcol, invert=True).nonzero()[0] a._D[aptr+not_in_b, :] = 0 else: a._D *= b return a def __div__(a, b): c = a.copy(dtype=get_dtype(b, other=a.dtype)) c /= b return c def __rdiv__(a, b): c = b.copy(dtype=get_dtype(a, other=b.dtype)) c /= a return c def __idiv__(a, b): if isinstance(b, SparseCSR): if a.shape != b.shape: raise ValueError('Division of two sparse matrices requires the same shape') # Ensure that a is aligned with b a.align(b) # loop and add elements for r in range(a.shape[0]): # pointers bptr = b.ptr[r] bn = b.ncol[r] # Get positions of b-elements in a: in_a = a._get(r, b.col[bptr:bptr+bn]) a._D[in_a, :] /= b._D[bptr:bptr+bn, :] else: a._D /= b return a def __floordiv__(a, b): c = a.copy(dtype=get_dtype(b, other=a.dtype)) c //= b return c def __ifloordiv__(a, b): if isinstance(b, SparseCSR): if a.shape != b.shape: raise ValueError('Floor-division of two sparse matrices requires the same shape') # Ensure that a is aligned with b a.align(b) # loop and add elements for r in range(a.shape[0]): # pointers bptr = b.ptr[r] bn = b.ncol[r] # Get positions of b-elements in a: in_a = a._get(r, b.col[bptr:bptr+bn]) a._D[in_a, :] //= b._D[bptr:bptr+bn, :] else: a._D //= b return a def __truediv__(a, b): c = a.copy(dtype=get_dtype(b, other=a.dtype)) c /= b return c def __itruediv__(a, b): if isinstance(b, SparseCSR): if a.shape != b.shape: raise ValueError('True-division of two sparse matrices requires the same shape') # Ensure that a is aligned with b a.align(b) # loop and add elements for r in range(a.shape[0]): # pointers bptr = b.ptr[r] bn = b.ncol[r] # Get positions of b-elements in a: in_a = a._get(r, b.col[bptr:bptr+bn]) a._D[in_a, :].__itruediv__(b._D[bptr:bptr+bn, :]) else: a._D /= b return a def __pow__(a, b): c = a.copy(dtype=get_dtype(b, other=a.dtype)) c **= b return c def __rpow__(a, b): if isinstance(b, SparseCSR): raise NotImplementedError c = a.copy(dtype=get_dtype(b, other=a.dtype)) c._D[...] = b ** c._D[...] return c def __ipow__(a, b): if isinstance(b, SparseCSR): if a.shape != b.shape: raise ValueError('True-division of two sparse matrices requires the same shape') # Ensure that a is aligned with b # 0 ** float == 1. a.align(b) # loop and add elements for r in range(a.shape[0]): # pointers aptr = a.ptr[r] an = a.ncol[r] bptr = b.ptr[r] bn = b.ncol[r] acol = a.col[aptr:aptr+an] bcol = b.col[bptr:bptr+bn] # Get positions of b-elements in a: in_a = a._get(r, bcol) a._D[in_a, :] **= b._D[bptr:bptr+bn, :] # Now set everything *not* in b but in a, to 1 # float ** 0 == 1 not_in_b = isin(acol, bcol, invert=True).nonzero()[0] a._D[aptr+not_in_b, :] = 1 else: a._D **= b return a
def ispmatrix(matrix, map_row=None, map_col=None): """ Iterator for iterating rows and columns for non-zero elements in a `scipy.sparse.*_matrix` (or `SparseCSR`) If either `map_row` or `map_col` are not None the generator will only yield the unique values. Parameters ---------- matrix : scipy.sparse.sp_matrix the sparse matrix to iterate non-zero elements map_row : func, optional map each row entry through the function `map_row`, defaults to ``None`` which is equivalent to no mapping. map_col : func, optional map each column entry through the function `map_col`, defaults to ``None`` which is equivalent to no mapping. Yields ------ int, int the row, column indices of the non-zero elements """ if map_row is None and map_col is None: # Skip unique checks for r, c in _ispmatrix_all(matrix): yield r, c return if map_row is None: map_row = lambda x: x if map_col is None: map_col = lambda x: x map_row = np.vectorize(map_row) map_col = np.vectorize(map_col) nrow = len(unique(map_row(arange(matrix.shape[0], dtype=np.int32)))) ncol = len(unique(map_col(arange(matrix.shape[1], dtype=np.int32)))) rows = zeros(nrow, dtype=np.bool_) cols = zeros(ncol, dtype=np.bool_) # Initialize the unique arrays rows[:] = False # Consider using the numpy nditer function for buffered iterations #it = np.nditer([geom.o2a(tmp.row), geom.o2a(tmp.col %,], # flags=['buffered'], op_flags=['readonly']) if isspmatrix_csr(matrix): for r in range(matrix.shape[0]): rr = map_row(r) if rows[rr]: continue rows[rr] = True cols[:] = False for ind in range(matrix.indptr[r], matrix.indptr[r+1]): c = map_col(matrix.indices[ind]) if cols[c]: continue cols[c] = True yield rr, c elif isspmatrix_lil(matrix): for r in range(matrix.shape[0]): rr = map_row(r) if rows[rr]: continue rows[rr] = True cols[:] = False if len(matrix.rows[r]) == 0: continue for c in map_col(matrix.rows[r]): if cols[c]: continue cols[c] = True yield rr, c elif isspmatrix_coo(matrix): raise ValueError("mapping and unique returns are not implemented for COO matrix") elif isspmatrix_csc(matrix): raise ValueError("mapping and unique returns are not implemented for CSC matrix") elif isinstance(matrix, SparseCSR): for r in range(matrix.shape[0]): rr = map_row(r) if rows[rr]: continue rows[rr] = True cols[:] = False n = matrix.ncol[r] if n == 0: continue ptr = matrix.ptr[r] for c in map_col(matrix.col[ptr:ptr+n]): if cols[c]: continue cols[c] = True yield rr, c else: raise NotImplementedError("The iterator for this sparse matrix has not been implemented") def _ispmatrix_all(matrix): """ Iterator for iterating rows and columns for non-zero elements in a ``scipy.sparse.*_matrix`` (or `SparseCSR`) Parameters ---------- matrix : ``scipy.sparse.*_matrix`` the sparse matrix to iterate non-zero elements Yields ------ int, int the row, column indices of the non-zero elements """ if isspmatrix_csr(matrix): for r in range(matrix.shape[0]): for ind in range(matrix.indptr[r], matrix.indptr[r+1]): yield r, matrix.indices[ind] elif isspmatrix_lil(matrix): for r in range(matrix.shape[0]): for c in matrix.rows[r]: yield r, c elif isspmatrix_coo(matrix): for r, c in zip(matrix.row, matrix.col): yield r, c elif isspmatrix_csc(matrix): for c in range(matrix.shape[1]): for ind in range(matrix.indptr[c], matrix.indptr[c+1]): yield matrix.indices[ind], c elif isinstance(matrix, SparseCSR): for r in range(matrix.shape[0]): n = matrix.ncol[r] ptr = matrix.ptr[r] for c in matrix.col[ptr:ptr+n]: yield r, c else: raise NotImplementedError("The iterator for this sparse matrix has not been implemented") def ispmatrixd(matrix, map_row=None, map_col=None): """ Iterator for iterating rows, columns and data for non-zero elements in a ``scipy.sparse.*_matrix`` (or `SparseCSR`) Parameters ---------- matrix : scipy.sparse.sp_matrix the sparse matrix to iterate non-zero elements map_row : func, optional map each row entry through the function `map_row`, defaults to ``None`` which is equivalent to no mapping. map_col : func, optional map each column entry through the function `map_col`, defaults to ``None`` which is equivalent to no mapping. Yields ------ int, int, <> the row, column and data of the non-zero elements """ if map_row is None: map_row = lambda x: x if map_col is None: map_col = lambda x: x # Consider using the numpy nditer function for buffered iterations #it = np.nditer([geom.o2a(tmp.row), geom.o2a(tmp.col %,], # flags=['buffered'], op_flags=['readonly']) if isspmatrix_csr(matrix): for r in range(matrix.shape[0]): rr = map_row(r) for ind in range(matrix.indptr[r], matrix.indptr[r+1]): yield rr, map_col(matrix.indices[ind]),[ind] elif isspmatrix_lil(matrix): for r in range(matrix.shape[0]): rr = map_row(r) for c, m in zip(map_col(matrix.rows[r]),[r]): yield rr, c, m elif isspmatrix_coo(matrix): for r, c, m in zip(map_row(matrix.row), map_col(matrix.col), yield r, c, m elif isspmatrix_csc(matrix): for c in range(matrix.shape[1]): cc = map_col(c) for ind in range(matrix.indptr[c], matrix.indptr[c+1]): yield map_row(matrix.indices[ind]), cc,[ind] elif isinstance(matrix, SparseCSR): for r in range(matrix.shape[0]): rr = map_row(r) n = matrix.ncol[r] if n == 0: continue ptr = matrix.ptr[r] sl = slice(ptr, ptr+n, None) for c, d in zip(map_col(matrix.col[sl]), matrix._D[sl, :]): yield rr, c, d else: raise NotImplementedError("The iterator for this sparse matrix has not been implemented")