Unit conversion (sisl.unit)

Generic conversion utility between different units.

All different codes unit conversion routines should adhere to the same routine names for consistency and readability. This package should supply a subpackage for each code where specific unit conversions are required. I.e. if the codes unit conversion are not the same as the sisl defaults.

Default unit conversion utilities

unit_group(unit[, tbl]) The group of units that unit belong to
unit_convert(fr, to[, opts, tbl]) Factor that takes ‘fr’ to the units of ‘to’.
unit_default(group[, tbl]) The default unit of the unit group group.

All subsequent subpackages also exposes the above 3 methods. If a subpackage method is used, the unit conversion corresponds to the units defined in the respective code.

Siesta units (sisl.unit.siesta)

This subpackage implements the unit conversions used in Siesta.

unit_convert(fr, to[, opts, tbl])
unit_default(group[, tbl])
unit_group(unit[, tbl])