Source code for

from __future__ import print_function, division

from numbers import Integral

import numpy as np
from numpy import in1d

# Import sile objects
from ..sile import SileWarning
from .sile import SileCDFTBtrans
from sisl.messages import warn, info
from sisl.utils import *
import sisl._array as _a

# Import the geometry object
from sisl import Geometry, Atom, SuperCell
from sisl._help import _str
from sisl.unit.siesta import unit_convert

__all__ = ['_ncSileTBtrans', '_devncSileTBtrans']

Bohr2Ang = unit_convert('Bohr', 'Ang')
Ry2eV = unit_convert('Ry', 'eV')
Ry2K = unit_convert('Ry', 'K')
eV2Ry = unit_convert('eV', 'Ry')

class _ncSileTBtrans(SileCDFTBtrans):
    r""" Common TBtrans NetCDF file object due to a lot of the files having common entries

    This enables easy read of the Geometry and SuperCells etc.

    def _setup(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Setup the special object for data containing """
        self._data = dict()

        if self._access > 0:

            # Fake double calls
            access = self._access
            self._access = 0

            # There are certain elements which should
            # be minimal on memory but allow for
            # fast access by the object.
            for d in ['cell', 'xa', 'lasto', 'E']:
                self._data[d] = self._value(d)
            # tbtrans does not store the k-points and weights
            # if the Gamma-point is used.
                self._data['kpt'] = self._value('kpt')
                self._data['kpt'] = _a.zerosd([3])
                self._data['wkpt'] = self._value('wkpt')
                self._data['wkpt'] = _a.onesd([1])

            # Create the geometry in the data file
            self._data['_geom'] = self.read_geometry()

            # Reset the access pattern
            self._access = access

    def read_supercell(self):
        """ Returns `SuperCell` object from this file """
        cell = _a.arrayd(np.copy(self.cell))
        cell.shape = (3, 3)

            nsc = self._value('nsc')
            nsc = None

        sc = SuperCell(cell, nsc=nsc)
            sc.sc_off = self._value('isc_off')
            # This is ok, we simply do not have the supercell offsets

        return sc

    def read_geometry(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Returns `Geometry` object from this file """
        sc = self.read_supercell()

        xyz = _a.arrayd(np.copy(self.xa))
        xyz.shape = (-1, 3)

        # Create list with correct number of orbitals
        lasto = _a.arrayi(np.copy(self.lasto) + 1)
        nos = np.append([lasto[0]], np.diff(lasto))
        nos = _a.arrayi(nos)

        if 'atom' in kwargs:
            # The user "knows" which atoms are present
            atms = kwargs['atom']
            # Check that all atoms have the correct number of orbitals.
            # Otherwise we will correct them
            for i in range(len(atms)):
                if atms[i].no != nos[i]:
                    atms[i] = Atom(atms[i].Z, [-1] *nos[i], tag=atms[i].tag)

            # Default to Hydrogen atom with nos[ia] orbitals
            # This may be counterintuitive but there is no storage of the
            # actual species
            atms = [Atom('H', [-1] * o) for o in nos]

        # Create and return geometry object
        geom = Geometry(xyz, atms, sc=sc)

        return geom

    def write_geometry(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ This is not meant to be used """
        raise ValueError(self.__class__.__name__ + " can not write a geometry")

    # This class also contains all the important quantities elements of the
    # file.

    def geometry(self):
        """ The associated geometry from this file """
        return self.read_geometry()
    geom = geometry

    def cell(self):
        """ Unit cell in file """
        return self._value('cell') * Bohr2Ang

    def na(self):
        """ Returns number of atoms in the cell """
        return len(self._dimension('na_u'))
    na_u = na

    def no(self):
        """ Returns number of orbitals in the cell """
        return len(self._dimension('no_u'))
    no_u = no

    def xyz(self):
        """ Atomic coordinates in file """
        return self._value('xa') * Bohr2Ang
    xa = xyz

    def lasto(self):
        """ Last orbital of corresponding atom """
        return self._value('lasto') - 1

    def k(self):
        """ Sampled k-points in file """
        return self._value('kpt')
    kpt = k

    def wk(self):
        """ Weights of k-points in file """
        return self._value('wkpt')
    wkpt = wk

    def nk(self):
        """ Number of k-points in file """
        return len(self.dimensions['nkpt'])
    nkpt = nk

    def E(self):
        """ Sampled energy-points in file """
        return self._value('E') * Ry2eV

    def ne(self):
        """ Number of energy-points in file """
        return len(self._dimension('ne'))
    nE = ne

    def Eindex(self, E):
        """ Return the closest energy index corresponding to the energy ``E``

        E : float or int
           if ``int``, return it-self, else return the energy index which is
           closests to the energy.
        if isinstance(E, Integral):
            return E
        elif isinstance(E, _str):
            # This will always be converted to a float
            E = float(E)
        idxE = np.abs(self.E - E).argmin()
        ret_E = self.E[idxE]
        if abs(ret_E - E) > 5e-3:
            warn(self.__class__.__name__ + " requesting energy " +
                 "{0:.5f} eV, found {1:.5f} eV as the closest energy!".format(E, ret_E))
        elif abs(ret_E - E) > 1e-3:
            info(self.__class__.__name__ + " requesting energy " +
                 "{0:.5f} eV, found {1:.5f} eV as the closest energy!".format(E, ret_E))
        return idxE

    def kindex(self, k):
        """ Return the index of the k-point that is closests to the queried k-point (in reduced coordinates)

        k : array_like of float
           the queried k-point in reduced coordinates :math:`]-0.5;0.5]`.
        if isinstance(k, Integral):
            return k
        elif isinstance(k, _str):
            # This will always be converted to an integer (single index)
            return int(k)
        ik = np.sum(np.abs(self.k - _a.asarrayd(k)[None, :]), axis=1).argmin()
        ret_k = self.k[ik, :]
        if not np.allclose(ret_k, k, atol=0.0001):
            warn(SileWarning(self.__class__.__name__ + " requesting k-point " +
                             "[{0:.3f}, {1:.3f}, {2:.3f}]".format(*k) +
                             " found " +
                             "[{0:.3f}, {1:.3f}, {2:.3f}]".format(*ret_k)))
        return ik

class _devncSileTBtrans(_ncSileTBtrans):
    r""" Common TBtrans NetCDF file object due to a lot of the files having common entries

    This one also enables device region atoms and pivoting tables.

    def _setup(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Setup the special object for data containing """
        super(_devncSileTBtrans, self)._setup(*args, **kwargs)

        if self._access > 0:

            # Fake double calls
            access = self._access
            self._access = 0

            # There are certain elements which should
            # be minimal on memory but allow for
            # fast access by the object.
            for d in ['a_dev', 'pivot']:
                self._data[d] = self._value(d)

            # Reset the access pattern
            self._access = access

    def read_geometry(self, *args, **kwargs):
        g = super(_devncSileTBtrans, self).read_geometry(*args, **kwargs)
            g['Buffer'] = self.a_buf[:]
            # Then no buffer atoms
        g['Device'] = self.a_dev[:]
            for elec in self.elecs:
                g[elec] = self._value('a', [elec]) - 1
                g[elec + '+'] = self._value('a_down', [elec]) - 1
        return g

    def na_b(self):
        """ Number of atoms in the buffer region """
        return len(self._dimension('na_b'))
    na_buffer = na_b

    def a_buf(self):
        """ Atomic indices (0-based) of device atoms """
        return self._value('a_buf') - 1

    # Device atoms and other quantities
    def na_d(self):
        """ Number of atoms in the device region """
        return len(self._dimension('na_d'))
    na_dev = na_d

    def a_dev(self):
        """ Atomic indices (0-based) of device atoms """
        return self._value('a_dev') - 1

    def o_dev(self):
        """ Orbital indices (0-based) of device orbitals """
        return self.pivot(sort=True)

    def no_d(self):
        """ Number of orbitals in the device region """
        return len(self.dimensions['no_d'])

    def n_btd(self):
        """ Number of blocks in the BTD partioning in the device region """
        return len(self.dimensions['n_btd'])

    def btd(self):
        """ Block-sizes for the BTD method in the device region """
        return self._value('btd')

    def pivot(self, in_device=False, sort=False):
        """ Pivoting orbitals for the full system

        in_device : bool, optional
           whether the pivoting elements are with respect to the device region
        sort : bool, optional
           whether the pivoting elements are sorted
        if in_device and sort:
            return _a.arangei(self.no_d)
        pvt = self._value('pivot') - 1
        if in_device:
            subn = _a.onesi(
            subn[pvt] = 0
            pvt -= _a.cumsumi(subn)[pvt]
        elif sort:
            pvt = np.sort(pvt)
        return pvt

    def a2p(self, atom):
        """ Return the pivoting orbital indices (0-based) for the atoms

        This is equivalent to:

        >>> p = self.o2p(self.geom.a2o(atom, True)) # doctest: +SKIP

        atom : array_like or int
           atomic indices (0-based)
        orbs = self.geom.a2o(atom, True)
        return self.o2p(orbs)

    def o2p(self, orbital):
        """ Return the pivoting indices (0-based) for the orbitals

        orbital : array_like or int
           orbital indices (0-based)
        return in1d(self.pivot(), orbital).nonzero()[0]