
class, mode='r', lvl=0, access=1, *args, **kwargs)[source]

PHtrans file object


E Sampled energy-points in file
a_buf Atomic indices (0-based) of device atoms
a_dev Atomic indices (0-based) of device atoms
base_file File of the current Sile
cell Unit cell in file
elecs List of electrodes
file File of the current Sile
geom The associated geometry from this file
geometry The associated geometry from this file
k Sampled k-points in file
kpt Sampled k-points in file
lasto Last orbital of corresponding atom
nE Number of energy-points in file
na Returns number of atoms in the cell
na_b Number of atoms in the buffer region
na_buffer Number of atoms in the buffer region
na_d Number of atoms in the device region
na_dev Number of atoms in the device region
na_u Returns number of atoms in the cell
ne Number of energy-points in file
nk Number of k-points in file
nkpt Number of k-points in file
no Returns number of orbitals in the cell
no_d Number of orbitals in the device region
no_u Returns number of orbitals in the cell
o_dev Orbital indices (0-based) of device orbitals
wk Weights of k-points in file
wkpt Weights of k-points in file
xa Atomic coordinates in file
xyz Atomic coordinates in file


ADOS([elec, E, kavg, atom, orbital, sum, norm]) Spectral density of states (DOS) (1/eV).
Adensity_matrix(elec, E[, kavg, isc, geometry]) Spectral function density matrix at energy E (1/eV)
BDOS([elec, E, kavg, sum, norm]) Bulk density of states (DOS) (1/eV).
DOS([E, kavg, atom, orbital, sum, norm]) Green function density of states (DOS) (1/eV).
Eindex(E) Return the closest energy index corresponding to the energy E
__init__(filename[, mode, lvl, access]) Initialize self.
a2p(atom) Return the pivoting orbital indices (0-based) for the atoms
atom_ACOHP(elec, E[, kavg, isc, uc]) Atomic COHP curve of the spectral function
atom_ACOOP(elec, E[, kavg, isc, uc]) Atomic COOP curve of the spectral function
atom_COHP(E[, kavg, isc, uc]) Atomic COHP curve of the Green function
atom_COHP_from_orbital(COHP[, uc]) Calculate the atomic COHP curve from the orbital COHP
atom_COOP(E[, kavg, isc, uc]) Atomic COOP curve of the Green function
atom_COOP_from_orbital(COOP[, uc]) Calculate the atomic COOP curve from the orbital COOP
atom_current(elec, E[, kavg, activity]) Atomic current of atoms
atom_current_from_orbital(Jij[, activity]) Atomic current of atoms by passing the orbital current
bond_current(elec, E[, kavg, isc, only, uc]) Bond-current between atoms (sum of orbital currents)
bond_current_from_orbital(Jij[, only, uc]) Bond-current between atoms (sum of orbital currents) from an external orbital current
btd([elec]) Block-sizes for the BTD method
chemical_potential(elec) Return the chemical potential associated with the electrode elec
current([elec_from, elec_to, kavg]) Current from from to to using the k-weights and energy spacings in the file.
current_parameter(elec_from, mu_from, …[, …]) Current from from to to using the k-weights and energy spacings in the file.
density_matrix(E[, kavg, isc, geometry]) Density matrix from the Green function at energy E (1/eV)
dir_file([filename]) File of the current Sile
electronic_temperature(elec) Return temperature of the electrode electronic distribution in Kelvin
eta([elec]) The imaginary part used when calculating the self-energies in eV (or for the device
exist() Query whether the file exists
fano([elec_from, elec_to, kavg]) The Fano-factor for the calculation (requires calculated transmission eigenvalues)
info([elec]) Information about the calculated quantities available for extracting in this file
iter([group, dimension, variable, levels, root]) Iterator on all groups, variables and dimensions.
kT(elec) Return temperature of the electrode electronic distribution in eV
kindex(k) Return the index of the k-point that is closests to the queried k-point (in reduced coordinates)
mu(elec) Return the chemical potential associated with the electrode elec
n_btd([elec]) Number of blocks in the BTD partioning
norm([atom, orbital, norm]) Normalization factor depending on the input
o2p(orbital) Return the pivoting indices (0-based) for the orbitals
orbital_ACOHP(elec, E[, kavg, isc]) Orbital resolved COHP analysis of the spectral function
orbital_ACOOP(elec, E[, kavg, isc]) Orbital COOP analysis of the spectral function
orbital_COHP(E[, kavg, isc]) Orbital resolved COHP analysis of the Green function
orbital_COOP(E[, kavg, isc]) Orbital COOP analysis of the Green function
orbital_current(elec, E[, kavg, isc, only]) Orbital current originating from elec as a sparse matrix
pivot([in_device, sort]) Pivoting orbitals for the full system
read(*args, **kwargs) Generic read method which should be overloaded in child-classes
read_data(*args, **kwargs) Read specific type of data.
read_geometry(*args, **kwargs) Returns Geometry object from this file
read_supercell() Returns SuperCell object from this file
shot_noise([elec_from, elec_to, classical, kavg]) Shot-noise term from to to using the k-weights and energy spacings in the file.
transmission([elec_from, elec_to, kavg]) Transmission from elec_from to elec_to.
transmission_bulk([elec, kavg]) Bulk transmission for the elec electrode
transmission_eig([elec_from, elec_to, kavg]) Transmission eigenvalues from elec_from to elec_to.
vector_current(elec, E[, kavg, only]) Vector for each atom describing the mean path for the current travelling through the atom
vector_current_from_bond(Jab) Vector for each atom being the sum of bond-current times the normalized bond between the atoms
write(*args, **kwargs) Generic write method which should be overloaded in child-classes
write_geometry(*args, **kwargs) This is not meant to be used
write_tbtav(*args, **kwargs) Convert this to a file, i.e.
ADOS(elec=0, E=None, kavg=True, atom=None, orbital=None, sum=True, norm='none')

Spectral density of states (DOS) (1/eV).

Extract the spectral DOS from electrode elec on a selected subset of atoms/orbitals in the device region

\[\mathrm{ADOS}_\mathfrak{el}(E) = \frac{1}{2\pi N} \sum_{\nu\in \mathrm{atom}/\mathrm{orbital}} [\mathbf{G}(E)\Gamma_\mathfrak{el}\mathbf{G}^\dagger]_{\nu\nu}(E)\]

The normalization constant (\(N\)) is defined in the routine norm and depends on the arguments.

elec: str, int, optional

electrode originating spectral function

E : float or int, optional

optionally only return the DOS of atoms at a given energy point

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned DOS is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

atom : array_like of int or bool, optional

only return for a given set of atoms (default to all). NOT allowed with orbital keyword

orbital : array_like of int or bool, optional

only return for a given set of orbitals (default to all) NOT allowed with atom keyword

sum : bool, optional

whether the returned quantities are summed or returned as is, i.e. resolved per atom/orbital.

norm : {‘none’, ‘atom’, ‘orbital’, ‘all’}

how the normalization of the summed DOS is performed (see norm routine).

See also

the total density of states (including bound states)
the bulk density of states in an electrode
Adensity_matrix(elec, E, kavg=True, isc=None, geometry=None)

Spectral function density matrix at energy E (1/eV)

The density matrix can be used to calculate the LDOS in real-space.

The \(\mathrm{LDOS}(E, \mathbf r)\) may be calculated using the density routine. Basically the LDOS in real-space may be calculated as

\[\rho_{\mathbf A_{\mathfrak{el}}}(E, \mathbf r) = \frac{1}{2\pi}\sum_{\nu\mu}\phi_\nu(\mathbf r)\phi_\mu(\mathbf r) \Re[\mathbf A_{\mathfrak{el}, \nu\mu}(E)]\]

where \(\phi\) are the orbitals. Note that the broadening used in the TBtrans calculations ensures the broadening of the density, i.e. it should not be necessary to perform energy averages over the density matrices.

elec: str or int

the electrode of originating electrons

E : float or int

the energy or the energy index of density matrix. If an integer is passed it is the index, otherwise the index corresponding to Eindex(E) is used.

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned density matrix is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

isc: array_like, optional

the returned density matrix from unit-cell ([None, None, None]) to the given supercell, the default is all density matrix elements for the supercell. To only get unit cell orbital currents, pass [0, 0, 0].

geometry: Geometry, optional

geometry that will be associated with the density matrix. By default the geometry contained in this file will be used. However, then the atomic species are probably incorrect, nor will the orbitals contain the basis-set information required to generate the required density in real-space.

DensityMatrix: the object containing the Geometry and the density matrix elements

See also

Green function density matrix
BDOS(elec=0, E=None, kavg=True, sum=True, norm='none')

Bulk density of states (DOS) (1/eV).

Extract the bulk DOS from electrode elec on a selected subset of atoms/orbitals in the device region

\[\mathrm{BDOS}_\mathfrak{el}(E) = -\frac{1}{\pi} \Im\mathbf{G}(E)\]
elec: str, int, optional

electrode where the bulk DOS is returned

E : float or int, optional

optionally only return the DOS of atoms at a given energy point

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned DOS is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

sum : bool, optional

whether the returned quantities are summed or returned as is, i.e. resolved per atom/orbital.

norm : {‘none’, ‘atom’, ‘orbital’, ‘all’}

whether the returned quantities are summed or normed by total number of orbitals. Currently one cannot extract DOS per atom/orbital.

See also

the total density of states (including bound states)
the spectral density of states from an electrode
DOS(E=None, kavg=True, atom=None, orbital=None, sum=True, norm='none')

Green function density of states (DOS) (1/eV).

Extract the DOS on a selected subset of atoms/orbitals in the device region

\[\mathrm{DOS}(E) = -\frac{1}{\pi N} \sum_{\nu\in \mathrm{atom}/\mathrm{orbital}} \Im \mathbf{G}_{\nu\nu}(E)\]

The normalization constant (\(N\)) is defined in the routine norm and depends on the arguments.

E : float or int, optional

optionally only return the DOS of atoms at a given energy point

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned DOS is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

atom : array_like of int or bool, optional

only return for a given set of atoms (default to all). NOT allowed with orbital keyword

orbital : array_like of int or bool, optional

only return for a given set of orbitals (default to all) NOT allowed with atom keyword

sum : bool, optional

whether the returned quantities are summed or returned as is, i.e. resolved per atom/orbital.

norm : {‘none’, ‘atom’, ‘orbital’, ‘all’}

how the normalization of the summed DOS is performed (see norm routine)

See also

the spectral density of states from an electrode
the bulk density of states in an electrode

Sampled energy-points in file


Return the closest energy index corresponding to the energy E

E : float or int

if int, return it-self, else return the energy index which is closests to the energy.


Return the pivoting orbital indices (0-based) for the atoms

This is equivalent to:

>>> p = self.o2p(self.geom.a2o(atom, True)) 
atom : array_like or int

atomic indices (0-based)


Atomic indices (0-based) of device atoms


Atomic indices (0-based) of device atoms

atom_ACOHP(elec, E, kavg=True, isc=None, uc=False)

Atomic COHP curve of the spectral function

elec: str or int

the electrode of the spectral function

E: float or int

the energy or the energy index of COHP. If an integer is passed it is the index, otherwise the index corresponding to Eindex(E) is used.

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned COHP is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

isc: array_like, optional

the returned COHP from unit-cell ([None, None, None]) to the given supercell, the default is all COHP for the supercell. To only get unit cell orbital currents, pass [0, 0, 0].

uc : bool, optional

whether the returned COHP are only in the unit-cell. If True this will return a sparse matrix of shape = (,, else, it will return a sparse matrix of shape = (, * self.n_s). One may figure out the connections via sc_index.

See also

orbital resolved COHP analysis of the Green function
transfer an orbital COHP to atomic COHP
atomic COHP analysis of the Green function
atomic COOP analysis of the spectral function
atom_ACOOP(elec, E, kavg=True, isc=None, uc=False)

Atomic COOP curve of the spectral function

elec: str or int

the electrode of the spectral function

E: float or int

the energy or the energy index of COOP. If an integer is passed it is the index, otherwise the index corresponding to Eindex(E) is used.

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned COOP is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

isc: array_like, optional

the returned COOP from unit-cell ([None, None, None]) to the given supercell, the default is all COOP for the supercell. To only get unit cell orbital currents, pass [0, 0, 0].

uc : bool, optional

whether the returned COOP are only in the unit-cell. If True this will return a sparse matrix of shape = (,, else, it will return a sparse matrix of shape = (, * self.n_s). One may figure out the connections via sc_index.

See also

orbital resolved COOP analysis of the Green function
transfer an orbital COOP to atomic COOP
atomic COOP analysis of the Green function
atomic COHP analysis of the spectral function
atom_COHP(E, kavg=True, isc=None, uc=False)

Atomic COHP curve of the Green function

E: float or int

the energy or the energy index of COHP. If an integer is passed it is the index, otherwise the index corresponding to Eindex(E) is used.

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned COHP is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

isc: array_like, optional

the returned COHP from unit-cell ([None, None, None]) to the given supercell, the default is all COHP for the supercell. To only get unit cell orbital currents, pass [0, 0, 0].

uc : bool, optional

whether the returned COHP are only in the unit-cell. If True this will return a sparse matrix of shape = (,, else, it will return a sparse matrix of shape = (, * self.n_s). One may figure out the connections via sc_index.

See also

orbital resolved COHP analysis of the Green function
transfer an orbital COHP to atomic COHP
atomic COHP analysis of the spectral function
atomic COOP analysis of the Green function
atom_COHP_from_orbital(COHP, uc=False)

Calculate the atomic COHP curve from the orbital COHP

The atomic COHP are a sum over all orbital COHP:

\[\mathrm{COHP}_{\alpha\beta} = \sum_{\nu\in\alpha}\sum_{\mu\in\beta} \mathrm{COHP}_{\nu\mu}\]
COHP : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix

the orbital COHP as retrieved from orbital_COHP or orbital_ACOHP

uc : bool, optional

whether the returned COHP are only in the unit-cell. If True this will return a sparse matrix of shape = (,, else, it will return a sparse matrix of shape = (, * self.n_s). One may figure out the connections via sc_index.

See also

orbital resolved COHP analysis of the Green function
orbital resolved COHP analysis of the spectral function
atomic COHP analysis of the Green function
atom_COOP(E, kavg=True, isc=None, uc=False)

Atomic COOP curve of the Green function

E: float or int

the energy or the energy index of COOP. If an integer is passed it is the index, otherwise the index corresponding to Eindex(E) is used.

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned COOP is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

isc: array_like, optional

the returned COOP from unit-cell ([None, None, None]) to the given supercell, the default is all COOP for the supercell. To only get unit cell orbital currents, pass [0, 0, 0].

uc : bool, optional

whether the returned COOP are only in the unit-cell. If True this will return a sparse matrix of shape = (,, else, it will return a sparse matrix of shape = (, * self.n_s). One may figure out the connections via sc_index.

See also

orbital resolved COOP analysis of the Green function
transfer an orbital COOP to atomic COOP
atomic COOP analysis of the spectral function
atomic COHP analysis of the Green function
atom_COOP_from_orbital(COOP, uc=False)

Calculate the atomic COOP curve from the orbital COOP

The atomic COOP are a sum over all orbital COOP:

\[\mathrm{COOP}_{\alpha\beta} = \sum_{\nu\in\alpha}\sum_{\mu\in\beta} \mathrm{COOP}_{\nu\mu}\]
COOP : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix

the orbital COOP as retrieved from orbital_COOP or orbital_ACOOP

uc : bool, optional

whether the returned COOP are only in the unit-cell. If True this will return a sparse matrix of shape = (,, else, it will return a sparse matrix of shape = (, * self.n_s). One may figure out the connections via sc_index.

See also

orbital resolved COOP analysis of the Green function
orbital resolved COOP analysis of the spectral function
atomic COOP analysis of the Green function
atom_current(elec, E, kavg=True, activity=True)

Atomic current of atoms

Short hand function for calling orbital_current and atom_current_from_orbital.

elec: str, int

the electrode of originating electrons

E: float or int

the energy or energy index of the atom current.

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned atomic current is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

activity: bool, optional

whether the activity current is returned, see atom_current_from_orbital for details.

See also

the orbital current between individual orbitals
transfer the orbital current to bond current
the bond current (orbital current summed over orbitals)
an atomic field current for each atom (Cartesian representation of bond-currents)
atom_current_from_orbital(Jij, activity=True)

Atomic current of atoms by passing the orbital current

The atomic current is a single number specifying a figure of the magnitude current flowing through each atom. It is thus not a quantity that can be related to the physical current flowing in/out of atoms but is merely a number that provides an idea of how much current this atom is redistributing.

The atomic current may have two meanings based on these two equations

\[\begin{split}J_\alpha^{|a|} &=\frac{1}{2} \sum_\beta \Big| \sum_{\nu\in \alpha}\sum_{\mu\in \beta} J_{\nu\mu} \Big| \\ J_\alpha^{|o|} &=\frac{1}{2} \sum_\beta \sum_{\nu\in \alpha}\sum_{\mu\in \beta} \big| J_{\nu\mu} \big|\end{split}\]

If the activity current is requested (activity=True) \(J_\alpha^{\mathcal A} = \sqrt{ J_\alpha^{|a|} J_\alpha^{|o|} }\) is returned.

If activity=False \(J_\alpha^{|a|}\) is returned.

For geometries with all atoms only having 1-orbital, they are equivalent.

Generally the activity current is a more rigorous figure of merit for the current flowing through an atom. More so than than the summed absolute atomic current due to the following reasoning. The activity current is a geometric mean of the absolute bond current and the absolute orbital current. This means that if there is an atom with a large orbital current it will have a larger activity current.

Jij: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix

the orbital currents as retrieved from orbital_current

activity: bool, optional

True to return the activity current, see explanation above


>>> Jij = tbt.orbital_current(0, -1.03) # orbital current @ E = -1 eV originating from electrode ``0`` 
>>> Ja = tbt.atom_current_from_orbital(Jij) 

File of the current Sile

bond_current(elec, E, kavg=True, isc=None, only='+', uc=False)

Bond-current between atoms (sum of orbital currents)

Short hand function for calling orbital_current and bond_current_from_orbital.

elec : str, int

the electrode of originating electrons

E : float or int

A float for energy in eV, int for explicit energy index Unlike orbital_current this may not be None as the down-scaling of the orbital currents may not be equivalent for all energy points.

kavg : bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned bond current is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

isc : array_like, optional

the returned bond currents from the unit-cell ([None, None, None]) (default) to the given supercell. If [None, None, None] is passed all bond currents are returned.

only : {‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘all’}

If “+” is supplied only the positive orbital currents are used, for “-“, only the negative orbital currents are used, else return the sum of both. Please see discussion in orbital_current.

uc : bool, optional

whether the returned bond-currents are only in the unit-cell. If True this will return a sparse matrix of shape = (,, else, it will return a sparse matrix of shape = (, * self.n_s). One may figure out the connections via sc_index.

See also

the orbital current between individual orbitals
transfer the orbital current to bond current
the atomic current for each atom (scalar representation of bond-currents)
an atomic field current for each atom (Cartesian representation of bond-currents)


>>> Jij = tbt.orbital_current(0, -1.0, only='+') # orbital current @ E = -1 eV originating from electrode ``0`` 
>>> Jab1 = tbt.bond_current_from_orbital(Jij) 
>>> Jab2 = tbt.bond_current(0, -1.0) 
>>> Jab1 == Jab2 
bond_current_from_orbital(Jij, only='+', uc=False)

Bond-current between atoms (sum of orbital currents) from an external orbital current

Conversion routine from orbital currents into bond currents.

The bond currents are a sum over all orbital currents:

\[J_{\alpha\beta} = \sum_{\nu\in\alpha}\sum_{\mu\in\beta} J_{\nu\mu}\]

where if

  • only='+': only \(J_{\nu\mu} > 0\) are summed onto the corresponding atom,
  • only='-': only \(J_{\nu\mu} < 0\) are summed onto the corresponding atom,
  • only='all': all \(J_{\nu\mu}\) are summed onto the corresponding atom.
Jij : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix

the orbital currents as retrieved from orbital_current

only : {‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘all’}

If “+” is supplied only the positive orbital currents are used, for “-“, only the negative orbital currents are used, else return both.

uc : bool, optional

whether the returned bond-currents are only in the unit-cell. If True this will return a sparse matrix of shape = (,, else, it will return a sparse matrix of shape = (, * self.n_s). One may figure out the connections via sc_index.

See also

the orbital current between individual orbitals
the bond current (orbital current summed over orbitals)
the atomic current for each atom (scalar representation of bond-currents)
an atomic field current for each atom (Cartesian representation of bond-currents)


>>> Jij = tbt.orbital_current(0, -1.0) # orbital current @ E = -1 eV originating from electrode ``0`` 
>>> Jab = tbt.bond_current_from_orbital(Jij) 
>>> Jab[2,3] # bond current between atom 3 and 4 

Block-sizes for the BTD method

elec : str or int, optional

if None the number of blocks in the device region BTD matrix. Else the number of BTD blocks in the electrode down-folding.


Unit cell in file


Return the chemical potential associated with the electrode elec

current(elec_from=0, elec_to=1, kavg=True)

Current from from to to using the k-weights and energy spacings in the file.

Calculates the current as:

\[I(\mu_t - \mu_f) = \frac{e}{h}\int\!\mathrm{d}E\, T(E) [n_F(\mu_t, k_B T_t) - n_F(\mu_f, k_B T_f)]\]

The chemical potential and the temperature are taken from this object.

elec_from: str, int, optional

the originating electrode

elec_to: str, int, optional

the absorbing electrode (different from elec_from)

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned current is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

See also

to explicitly set the electronic temperature and chemical potentials
routine that defines the chemical potential of the queried electrodes
routine that defines the electronic temperature of the queried electrodes
current_parameter(elec_from, mu_from, kt_from, elec_to, mu_to, kt_to, kavg=True)

Current from from to to using the k-weights and energy spacings in the file.

Calculates the current as:

\[I(\mu_t - \mu_f) = \frac{e}{h}\int\!\mathrm{d}E\, T(E) [n_F(\mu_t, k_B T_t) - n_F(\mu_f, k_B T_f)]\]

The chemical potential and the temperature are passed as arguments to this routine.

elec_from: str, int

the originating electrode

mu_from: float

the chemical potential of the electrode (in eV)

kt_from: float

the electronic temperature of the electrode (in eV)

elec_to: str, int

the absorbing electrode (different from elec_from)

mu_to: float

the chemical potential of the electrode (in eV)

kt_to: float

the electronic temperature of the electrode (in eV)

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned current is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

See also

which calculates the current with the chemical potentials and temperatures set in the TBtrans calculation
density_matrix(E, kavg=True, isc=None, geometry=None)

Density matrix from the Green function at energy E (1/eV)

The density matrix can be used to calculate the LDOS in real-space.

The \(\mathrm{LDOS}(E, \mathbf r)\) may be calculated using the density routine. Basically the LDOS in real-space may be calculated as

\[\rho_{\mathbf G}(E, \mathbf r) = -\frac{1}{\pi}\sum_{\nu\mu}\phi_\nu(\mathbf r)\phi_\mu(\mathbf r) \Im[\mathbf G_{\nu\mu}(E)]\]

where \(\phi\) are the orbitals. Note that the broadening used in the TBtrans calculations ensures the broadening of the density, i.e. it should not be necessary to perform energy averages over the density matrices.

E : float or int

the energy or the energy index of density matrix. If an integer is passed it is the index, otherwise the index corresponding to Eindex(E) is used.

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned density matrix is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

isc: array_like, optional

the returned density matrix from unit-cell ([None, None, None]) to the given supercell, the default is all density matrix elements for the supercell. To only get unit cell orbital currents, pass [0, 0, 0].

geometry: Geometry, optional

geometry that will be associated with the density matrix. By default the geometry contained in this file will be used. However, then the atomic species are probably incorrect, nor will the orbitals contain the basis-set information required to generate the required density in real-space.

DensityMatrix: the object containing the Geometry and the density matrix elements

See also

spectral function density matrix

File of the current Sile


List of electrodes


Return temperature of the electrode electronic distribution in Kelvin


The imaginary part used when calculating the self-energies in eV (or for the device

elec : str, int, optional

electrode to extract the eta value from. If not specified (or None) the device region eta will be returned.


Query whether the file exists

fano(elec_from=0, elec_to=1, kavg=True)

The Fano-factor for the calculation (requires calculated transmission eigenvalues)

Calculate the Fano factor defined as:

\[F(E) = \frac{\sum_n T_n(1 - T_n)}{\sum_n T_n}\]
elec_from: str, int, optional

the originating electrode

elec_to: str, int, optional

the absorbing electrode (different from elec_from)

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned Fano factor is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

See also

routine to calculate the shot-noise

File of the current Sile


The associated geometry from this file


The associated geometry from this file


Information about the calculated quantities available for extracting in this file

elec : str or int

the electrode to request information from

iter(group=True, dimension=True, variable=True, levels=-1, root=None)

Iterator on all groups, variables and dimensions.

This iterator iterates through all groups, variables and dimensions in the Dataset

The generator sequence will _always_ be:

  1. Group
  2. Dimensions in group
  3. Variables in group

As the dimensions are generated before the variables it is possible to copy groups, dimensions, and then variables such that one always ensures correct dependencies in the generation of a new SileCDF.

group : bool (True)

whether the iterator yields Group instances

dimension : bool (True)

whether the iterator yields Dimension instances

variable : bool (True)

whether the iterator yields Variable instances

levels : int (-1)

number of levels to traverse, with respect to root variable, i.e. number of sub-groups this iterator will return.

root : str (None)

the base root to start iterating from.


Script for looping and checking each instance.

>>> for gv in self.iter(): 
...     if self.isGroup(gv): 
...         # is group 
...     elif self.isDimension(gv): 
...         # is dimension 
...     elif self.isVariable(gv): 
...         # is variable 

Sampled k-points in file


Return temperature of the electrode electronic distribution in eV


Return the index of the k-point that is closests to the queried k-point (in reduced coordinates)

k : array_like of float

the queried k-point in reduced coordinates \(]-0.5;0.5]\).


Sampled k-points in file


Last orbital of corresponding atom


Return the chemical potential associated with the electrode elec


Number of energy-points in file


Number of blocks in the BTD partioning

elec : str or int, optional

if None the number of blocks in the device region BTD matrix. Else the number of BTD blocks in the electrode down-folding.


Returns number of atoms in the cell


Number of atoms in the buffer region


Number of atoms in the buffer region


Number of atoms in the device region


Number of atoms in the device region


Returns number of atoms in the cell


Number of energy-points in file


Number of k-points in file


Number of k-points in file


Returns number of orbitals in the cell


Number of orbitals in the device region


Returns number of orbitals in the cell

norm(atom=None, orbital=None, norm='none')

Normalization factor depending on the input

The normalization can be performed in one of the below methods. In the following \(N\) refers to the normalization constant that is to be used (i.e. the divisor):

\(N\) equals the number of orbitals in the total device region.
\(N\) equals the total number of orbitals in the selected atoms. If orbital is an argument a conversion of orbital to the equivalent unique atoms is performed, and subsequently the total number of orbitals on the atoms is used. This makes it possible to compare the fraction of orbital DOS easier.
\(N\) is the sum of selected orbitals, if atom is specified, this is equivalent to the ‘atom’ option.
atom : array_like of int or bool, optional

only return for a given set of atoms (default to all). NOT allowed with orbital keyword

orbital : array_like of int or bool, optional

only return for a given set of orbitals (default to all) NOT allowed with atom keyword

norm : {‘none’, ‘atom’, ‘orbital’, ‘all’}

how the normalization of the summed DOS is performed (see norm routine)


Return the pivoting indices (0-based) for the orbitals

orbital : array_like or int

orbital indices (0-based)


Orbital indices (0-based) of device orbitals

orbital_ACOHP(elec, E, kavg=True, isc=None)

Orbital resolved COHP analysis of the spectral function

This will return a sparse matrix, see scipy.sparse.csr_matrix for details. Each matrix element of the sparse matrix corresponds to the COHP of the underlying geometry.

The COHP analysis can be written as:

\[\mathrm{COHP}^{\mathbf A}_{\nu\mu} = \frac{1}{2\pi} \Re\big[\mathbf A_{\nu\mu} \mathbf H_{\nu\mu} \big]\]
elec: str or int

the electrode of the spectral function

E: float or int

the energy or the energy index of COHP. If an integer is passed it is the index, otherwise the index corresponding to Eindex(E) is used.

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned COHP is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

isc: array_like, optional

the returned COHP from unit-cell ([None, None, None]) to the given supercell, the default is all COHP for the supercell. To only get unit cell orbital currents, pass [0, 0, 0].

See also

orbital resolved COHP analysis of the Green function
atomic COHP analysis from an orbital COHP
atomic COHP analysis of the Green function
atomic COHP analysis of the spectral function
orbital resolved COOP analysis of the Green function
transfer an orbital COOP to atomic COOP
atomic COOP analysis of the Green function
orbital resolved COOP analysis of the spectral function
atomic COOP analysis of the spectral function
orbital_ACOOP(elec, E, kavg=True, isc=None)

Orbital COOP analysis of the spectral function

This will return a sparse matrix, see scipy.sparse.csr_matrix for details. Each matrix element of the sparse matrix corresponds to the COOP of the underlying geometry.

The COOP analysis can be written as:

\[\mathrm{COOP}^{\mathbf A}_{\nu\mu} = \frac{1}{2\pi} \Re\big[\mathbf A_{\nu\mu} \mathbf S_{\mu\nu} \big]\]

The sum of the COOP DOS is equal to the DOS:

\[\mathrm{ADOS}_{\nu} = \sum_\mu \mathrm{COOP}^{\mathbf A}_{\nu\mu}\]

One can calculate the (diagonal) balanced COOP analysis, see JPCM 15 (2003), 7751-7761 for details. The DBCOOP is given by:

\[\begin{split}D &= \sum_\nu \mathrm{COOP}^{\mathbf A}_{\nu\nu} \\ \mathrm{DBCOOP}^{\mathbf A}_{\nu\mu} &= \mathrm{COOP}^{\mathbf A}_{\nu\mu} / D\end{split}\]

The BCOOP can be looked up in the reference above.

elec: str or int

the electrode of the spectral function

E: float or int

the energy or the energy index of COOP. If an integer is passed it is the index, otherwise the index corresponding to Eindex(E) is used.

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned COOP is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

isc: array_like, optional

the returned COOP from unit-cell ([None, None, None]) to the given supercell, the default is all COOP for the supercell. To only get unit cell orbital currents, pass [0, 0, 0].

See also

orbital resolved COOP analysis of the Green function
transfer an orbital COOP to atomic COOP
atomic COOP analysis of the Green function
atomic COOP analysis of the spectral function
orbital resolved COHP analysis of the Green function
atomic COHP analysis from an orbital COHP
atomic COHP analysis of the Green function
orbital resolved COHP analysis of the spectral function
atomic COHP analysis of the spectral function


>>> ACOOP = tbt.orbital_ACOOP(0, -1.0) # COOP @ E = -1 eV from ``0`` spectral function 
>>> ACOOP[10, 11] # COOP value between the 11th and 12th orbital 
>>> ACOOP.sum(1).A[tbt.o_dev, 0] == tbt.ADOS(0, sum=False)[tbt.Eindex(-1.0)] 
>>> D = ACOOP.diagonal().sum() 
orbital_COHP(E, kavg=True, isc=None)

Orbital resolved COHP analysis of the Green function

This will return a sparse matrix, see scipy.sparse.csr_matrix for details. Each matrix element of the sparse matrix corresponds to the COHP of the underlying geometry.

The COHP analysis can be written as:

\[\mathrm{COHP}^{\mathbf G}_{\nu\mu} = \frac{-1}{2\pi} \Im\big[(\mathbf G - \mathbf G^\dagger)_{\nu\mu} \mathbf H_{\mu\nu} \big]\]
E: float or int

the energy or the energy index of COHP. If an integer is passed it is the index, otherwise the index corresponding to Eindex(E) is used.

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned COHP is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

isc: array_like, optional

the returned COHP from unit-cell ([None, None, None]) to the given supercell, the default is all COHP for the supercell. To only get unit cell orbital currents, pass [0, 0, 0].

See also

atomic COHP analysis from an orbital COHP
atomic COHP analysis of the Green function
orbital resolved COHP analysis of the spectral function
atomic COHP analysis of the spectral function
orbital resolved COOP analysis of the Green function
transfer an orbital COOP to atomic COOP
atomic COOP analysis of the Green function
orbital resolved COOP analysis of the spectral function
atomic COOP analysis of the spectral function


>>> COHP = tbt.orbital_COHP(-1.0) # COHP @ E = -1 eV  
>>> COHP[10, 11] # COHP value between the 11th and 12th orbital 
orbital_COOP(E, kavg=True, isc=None)

Orbital COOP analysis of the Green function

This will return a sparse matrix, see scipy.sparse.csr_matrix for details. Each matrix element of the sparse matrix corresponds to the COOP of the underlying geometry.

The COOP analysis can be written as:

\[\mathrm{COOP}^{\mathbf G}_{\nu\mu} = \frac{-1}{2\pi} \Im\big[(\mathbf G - \mathbf G^\dagger)_{\nu\mu} \mathbf S_{\mu\nu} \big]\]

The sum of the COOP DOS is equal to the DOS:

\[\mathrm{DOS}_{\nu} = \sum_\mu \mathrm{COOP}^{\mathbf G}_{\nu\mu}\]

One can calculate the (diagonal) balanced COOP analysis, see JPCM 15 (2003), 7751-7761 for details. The DBCOOP is given by:

\[\begin{split}D &= \sum_\nu \mathrm{COOP}^{\mathbf G}_{\nu\nu} \\ \mathrm{DBCOOP}^{\mathbf G}_{\nu\mu} &= \mathrm{COOP}^{\mathbf G}_{\nu\mu} / D\end{split}\]

The BCOOP can be looked up in the reference above.

E: float or int

the energy or the energy index of COOP. If an integer is passed it is the index, otherwise the index corresponding to Eindex(E) is used.

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned COOP is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

isc: array_like, optional

the returned COOP from unit-cell ([None, None, None]) to the given supercell, the default is all COOP for the supercell. To only get unit cell orbital currents, pass [0, 0, 0].

See also

transfer an orbital COOP to atomic COOP
atomic COOP analysis of the Green function
orbital resolved COOP analysis of the spectral function
atomic COOP analysis of the spectral function
orbital resolved COHP analysis of the Green function
atomic COHP analysis from an orbital COHP
atomic COHP analysis of the Green function
orbital resolved COHP analysis of the spectral function
atomic COHP analysis of the spectral function


>>> COOP = tbt.orbital_COOP(-1.0) # COOP @ E = -1 eV  
>>> COOP[10, 11] # COOP value between the 11th and 12th orbital 
>>> COOP.sum(1).A[tbt.o_dev, 0] == tbt.DOS(sum=False)[tbt.Eindex(-1.0)] 
>>> D = COOP.diagonal().sum() 
>>> DBCOOP = COOP / D 
orbital_current(elec, E, kavg=True, isc=None, only='all')

Orbital current originating from elec as a sparse matrix

This will return a sparse matrix, see scipy.sparse.csr_matrix for details. Each matrix element of the sparse matrix corresponds to the orbital indices of the underlying geometry.

When requesting orbital-currents it is vital to consider how the data needs to be analysed before extracting the data. For instance, if only local currents are interesting one should use only='+'. While if one is interested in the transmission between subset of orbitals, only='all' is the correct method.

For inexperienced users it is adviced to try out all three values of only to ensure the correct physics is obtained.

This becomes even more important when the orbital currents are calculated with magnetic fields. With \(\mathbf B\) fields local current loops may form and current does not necessarily flow along the transport direction.

elec: str, int

the electrode of originating electrons

E: float or int

the energy or the energy index of the orbital current. If an integer is passed it is the index, otherwise the index corresponding to Eindex(E) is used.

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned orbital current is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

isc: array_like, optional

the returned bond currents from the unit-cell ([None, None, None]) to the given supercell, the default is all orbital currents for the supercell. To only get unit cell orbital currents, pass [0, 0, 0].

only : {‘all’, ‘+’, ‘-‘}

which orbital currents to return, all, positive or negative values only. Default to 'all' because it can then be used in the subsequent default arguments for bond_current_from_orbital and atom_current_from_orbital.

See also

transfer the orbital current to bond current
the bond current (orbital current summed over orbitals)
transfer the orbital current to atomic current
the atomic current for each atom (scalar representation of bond-currents)
an atomic field current for each atom (Cartesian representation of bond-currents)


>>> Jij = tbt.orbital_current(0, -1.0) # orbital current @ E = -1 eV originating from electrode ``0`` 
>>> Jij[10, 11] # orbital current from the 11th to the 12th orbital 
pivot(in_device=False, sort=False)

Pivoting orbitals for the full system

in_device : bool, optional

whether the pivoting elements are with respect to the device region

sort : bool, optional

whether the pivoting elements are sorted

read(*args, **kwargs)

Generic read method which should be overloaded in child-classes

kwargs :

keyword arguments will try and search for the attribute read_<> and call it with the remaining **kwargs as arguments.

read_data(*args, **kwargs)

Read specific type of data.

This is a generic routine for reading different parts of the data-file.

geom: bool, optional

return the geometry

atom_current: bool, optional

return the atomic current flowing through an atom (the activity current)

vector_current: bool, optional

return the orbital currents as vectors

read_geometry(*args, **kwargs)

Returns Geometry object from this file


Returns SuperCell object from this file

shot_noise(elec_from=0, elec_to=1, classical=False, kavg=True)

Shot-noise term from to to using the k-weights and energy spacings in the file.

Calculates the shot-noise term according to classical (also known as the Poisson value). If classical is True the shot-noise calculated is:

\[S_P(E, V) = \frac{2e^2}{h}|V|\sum_n T_n(E) = \frac{2e^3}{h}|V|T(E)\]

while for classical False the Fermi-Dirac statistics is taken into account:

\[S(E, V) = \frac{2e^2}{h}|V|\sum_n T_n(E) (1 - T_n(E))\]
elec_from: str, int, optional

the originating electrode

elec_to: str, int, optional

the absorbing electrode (different from elec_from)

classical: bool, optional

which shot-noise to calculate

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned shot-noise is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

SislInfo: If *all* of the calculated :math:`T_n(E)` values in the file are above 0.001.

See also

the ratio between the quantum mechanial and the classical shot noise.
transmission(elec_from=0, elec_to=1, kavg=True)

Transmission from elec_from to elec_to.

The transmission between two electrodes may be retrieved from the Sile.

elec_from: str, int, optional

the originating electrode

elec_to: str, int, optional

the absorbing electrode (different from elec_from)

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned transmission is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

See also

the transmission decomposed in eigenchannels
the total transmission in a periodic lead
transmission_bulk(elec=0, kavg=True)

Bulk transmission for the elec electrode

The bulk transmission is equivalent to creating a 2 terminal device with electrode elec tiled 3 times.

elec: str, int, optional

the bulk electrode

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned transmission is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

See also

the total transmission
the transmission decomposed in eigenchannels
transmission_eig(elec_from=0, elec_to=1, kavg=True)

Transmission eigenvalues from elec_from to elec_to.

elec_from: str, int, optional

the originating electrode

elec_to: str, int, optional

the absorbing electrode (different from elec_from)

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned transmission is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

See also

the total transmission
the total transmission in a periodic lead
vector_current(elec, E, kavg=True, only='+')

Vector for each atom describing the mean path for the current travelling through the atom

See vector_current_from_bond for details.

elec: str or int

the electrode of originating electrons

E: float or int

the energy or energy index of the vector current. Unlike orbital_current this may not be None as the down-scaling of the orbital currents may not be equivalent for all energy points.

kavg: bool, int or array_like, optional

whether the returned vector current is k-averaged, an explicit k-point or a selection of k-points

only : {‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘all’}

By default only sum outgoing vector currents ('+'). The incoming vector currents may be retrieved by '-', while the average incoming and outgoing direction can be obtained with 'all'. In the last case the vector currents are divided by 2 to ensure the length of the vector is compatibile with the other options given a pristine system.

numpy.ndarray : an array of vectors per atom in the Geometry (only non-zero for device atoms)

See also

the orbital current between individual orbitals
transfer the orbital current to bond current
the bond current (orbital current summed over orbitals)
the atomic current for each atom (scalar representation of bond-currents)

Vector for each atom being the sum of bond-current times the normalized bond between the atoms

The vector current is defined as:

\[\mathbf J_\alpha = \sum_\beta \frac{r_\beta - r_\alpha}{|r_\beta - r_\alpha|} \cdot J_{\alpha\beta}\]

Where \(J_{\alpha\beta}\) is the bond current between atom \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) and \(r_\alpha\) are the atomic coordinates.

Jab: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix

the bond currents as retrieved from bond_current

numpy.ndarray : an array of vectors per atom in the Geometry (only non-zero for device atoms)

See also

the orbital current between individual orbitals
transfer the orbital current to bond current
the bond current (orbital current summed over orbitals)
the atomic current for each atom (scalar representation of bond-currents)

Weights of k-points in file


Weights of k-points in file

write(*args, **kwargs)

Generic write method which should be overloaded in child-classes

**kwargs :

keyword arguments will try and search for the attribute write_ and call it with the remaining **kwargs as arguments.

write_geometry(*args, **kwargs)

This is not meant to be used

write_tbtav(*args, **kwargs)

Convert this to a file, i.e. all k dependent quantites are averaged out.

This command will overwrite any previous file with the ending and thus will not take notice of any older files.

file : str

output filename


Atomic coordinates in file


Atomic coordinates in file