
class sisl.io.xsf.xsfSile(filename, mode='r', comment=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

XSF file for XCrySDen


base_file File of the current Sile
file File of the current Sile


__init__(filename[, mode, comment]) Initialize self.
dir_file([filename]) File of the current Sile
exist() Query whether the file exists
read(*args, **kwargs) Generic read method which should be overloaded in child-classes
read_geometry([data]) Returns Geometry object from the XSF file
write(*args, **kwargs) Generic write method which should be overloaded in child-classes
write_geometry(geometry[, fmt, data]) Writes the geometry to the contained file
write_grid(*args, **kwargs) Store grid(s) data to an XSF file
write_supercell(sc[, fmt]) Writes the supercell to the contained file

File of the current Sile


File of the current Sile


Query whether the file exists


File of the current Sile

read(*args, **kwargs)

Generic read method which should be overloaded in child-classes

kwargs :

keyword arguments will try and search for the attribute read_<> and call it with the remaining **kwargs as arguments.


Returns Geometry object from the XSF file

data: bool, optional

in case the XSF file has auxiliary data, return that as well.

write(*args, **kwargs)

Generic write method which should be overloaded in child-classes

**kwargs :

keyword arguments will try and search for the attribute write_ and call it with the remaining **kwargs as arguments.

write_geometry(geometry, fmt='.8f', data=None)[source]

Writes the geometry to the contained file

geometry : Geometry

the geometry to be written

fmt : str, optional

used format for the precision of the data

data : (geometry.na, 3), optional

auxiliary data associated with the geometry to be saved along side. Internally in XCrySDen this data is named Forces

write_grid(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Store grid(s) data to an XSF file

*args : Grid

a list of data-grids to be written to the XSF file. Each argument gets the field name ?grid_<> where <> starts with the integer 0, and ? is real_/imag_ for complex valued grids.

geometry : Geometry, optional

the geometry stored in the file, defaults to args[0].geometry

fmt : str, optional

floating point format for data (.5e)

buffersize : int, optional

size of the buffer while writing the data, (6144)


>>> g1 = Grid(0.1, sc=2.) 
>>> g2 = Grid(0.1, sc=2.) 
>>> get_sile('output.xsf', 'w').write_grid(g1, g2) 
write_supercell(sc, fmt='.8f')[source]

Writes the supercell to the contained file

sc : SuperCell

the supercell to be written

fmt : str, optional

used format for the precision of the data