
class sisl.physics.brillouinzone.MonkhorstPack(parent, nkpt, displacement=None, size=None, centered=True, trs=True)[source]

Create a Monkhorst-Pack grid for the Brillouin zone

parent : object or array_like

An object with associated parent.cell and parent.rcell or an array of floats which may be turned into a SuperCell

nktp : array_like of ints

a list of number of k-points along each cell direction

displacement : float or array_like of float, optional

the displacement of the evenly spaced grid, a single floating number is the displacement for the 3 directions, else they are the individual displacements

size : float or array_like of float, optional

the size of the Brillouin zone sampled. This reduces the boundaries of the Brillouin zone around the displacement to the fraction specified. I.e. size must be of values \(]0 ; 1]\). Defaults to the entire BZ. Note that this will also reduce the weights such that the weights are normalized to the entire BZ.

centered : bool, optional

whether the k-points are \(\Gamma\)-centered (for zero displacement)

trs : bool, optional

whether time-reversal symmetry exists in the Brillouin zone.


>>> sc = SuperCell(3.)
>>> MonkhorstPack(sc, 10) # 10 x 10 x 10 (with TRS)
>>> MonkhorstPack(sc, [10, 5, 5]) # 10 x 5 x 5 (with TRS)
>>> MonkhorstPack(sc, [10, 5, 5], trs=False) # 10 x 5 x 5 (without TRS)


k A list of all k-points (if available)
weight Weight of the k-points in the BrillouinZone object


__init__(parent, nkpt[, displacement, size, …]) Initialize self.
asarray() Return self with numpy.ndarray returned quantities
asaverage() Return self with k-averaged quantities
asgrid() Return self with Grid quantities
aslist() Return self with list returned quantities
asnone() Return self with None, this may be done for instance when wrapping the function calls.
assum() Return self with summed quantities
asyield() Return self with yielded quantities
copy() Create a copy of this object
grid(n[, displ, size, centered, trs]) Create a grid of n points with an offset of displ and sampling size around displ
in_primitive(k) Move the k-point into the primitive point(s) ]-0.5 ; 0.5]
iter([ret_weight]) An iterator for the k-points and (possibly) the weights
param_circle(sc, N_or_dk, kR, normal, origo) Create a parameterized k-point list where the k-points are generated on a circle around an origo
parametrize(sc, func, N, *args, **kwargs) Generate a new BrillouinZone object with k-points parameterized via the function func in N separations
replace(k, mp) Replace a k-point with a new set of k-points from a Monkhorst-Pack grid
set_parent(parent) Update the parent associated to this object
tocartesian(k) Transfer a k-point in reduced coordinates to the Cartesian coordinates
toreduced(k) Transfer a k-point in Cartesian coordinates to the reduced coordinates
write(sile, *args, **kwargs) Writes k-points to a tableSile.

Return self with numpy.ndarray returned quantities

This forces the __call__ routine to return a single array.

See also

all output returned through an iterator
take the average (with k-weights) of the Brillouin zone
return the sum of values in the Brillouin zone
all output returned as a Python list


All invocations of sub-methods are added these keyword-only arguments:

eta : bool, optional
if true a progress-bar is created, default false.
wrap : callable, optional
a function that accepts the output of the given routine and post-process it. Defaults to lambda x: x.


>>> obj = BrillouinZone(...) 
>>> obj.asarray().eigh(eta=True) 

Return self with k-averaged quantities

This forces the __call__ routine to return a single k-averaged value.

See also

all output as a single array
all output returned through an iterator
return the sum of values in the Brillouin zone
all output returned as a Python list


All invocations of sub-methods are added these keyword-only arguments:

eta : bool, optional
if true a progress-bar is created, default false.
wrap : callable, optional
a function that accepts the output of the given routine and post-process it. Defaults to lambda x: x.


>>> obj = BrillouinZone(Hamiltonian) 
>>> obj.asaverage().DOS(np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)) 
>>> obj = BrillouinZone(Hamiltonian) 
>>> obj.asaverage() 
>>> obj.DOS(np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)) 
>>> obj.PDOS(np.linspace(-2, 2, 100), eta=True) 

Return self with Grid quantities

This forces the __call__ routine to return all k-point values in a regular grid.

The calculation of values on a grid requires some careful thought before running the calculation as the returned grid may be somewhat difficult to comprehend.

See also

all output as a single array
all output returned through an iterator
take the average (with k-weights) of the Brillouin zone
all output returned as a Python list


All invocations of sub-methods are added these keyword-only arguments:

eta : bool, optional
if true a progress-bar is created, default false.
wrap : callable, optional
a function that accepts the output of the given routine and post-process it. Defaults to lambda x: x.
data_axis : int, optional
the Grid axis to put in the data values in. Has to be specified if the subsequent routine calls return more than 1 data-point per k-point.
grid_unit : {‘b’, ‘Ang’, ‘Bohr’}, optional
for ‘b’ the returned grid will be a cube, otherwise the grid will be the reciprocal lattice vectors (for any other value) and in the given reciprocal unit (‘Ang’ => 1/Ang)


>>> obj = MonkhorstPack(Hamiltonian, [10, 1, 10]) 
>>> grid = obj.asgrid().eigh(data_axis=1) 

Return self with list returned quantities

This forces the __call__ routine to return a list with returned values.

See also

all output as a single array
all output returned through an iterator
return the sum of values in the Brillouin zone
take the average (with k-weights) of the Brillouin zone


All invocations of sub-methods are added these keyword-only arguments:

eta : bool, optional
if true a progress-bar is created, default false.
wrap : callable, optional
a function that accepts the output of the given routine and post-process it. Defaults to lambda x: x.


>>> obj = BrillouinZone(...) 
>>> def first_ten(es):
...    return es.sub(range(10))
>>> obj.aslist().eigenstate(eta=True, wrap=first_ten) 

Return self with None, this may be done for instance when wrapping the function calls.

This forces the __call__ routine to return None. This usage is mainly intended when creating custom wrap function calls.

See also

all output returned through an iterator
take the average (with k-weights) of the Brillouin zone
return the sum of values in the Brillouin zone
all output returned as a Python list


All invocations of sub-methods are added these keyword-only arguments:

eta : bool, optional
if true a progress-bar is created, default false.
wrap : callable, optional
a function that accepts the output of the given routine and post-process it. Defaults to lambda x: x.


>>> obj = BrillouinZone(...) 
>>> obj.asnone().eigh(eta=True) 

Return self with summed quantities

This forces the __call__ routine to return all k-point values summed.

See also

all output as a single array
all output returned through an iterator
take the average (with k-weights) of the Brillouin zone
all output returned as a Python list


All invocations of sub-methods are added these keyword-only arguments:

eta : bool, optional
if true a progress-bar is created, default false.
wrap : callable, optional
a function that accepts the output of the given routine and post-process it. Defaults to lambda x: x.


>>> obj = BrillouinZone(Hamiltonian) 
>>> obj.assum().DOS(np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)) 
>>> obj = BrillouinZone(Hamiltonian) 
>>> obj.assum() 
>>> obj.DOS(np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)) 
>>> obj.PDOS(np.linspace(-2, 2, 100), eta=True) 

Return self with yielded quantities

This forces the __call__ routine to return a an iterator which may yield the quantities calculated.

See also

all output as a single array
take the average (with k-weights) of the Brillouin zone
return the sum of values in the Brillouin zone
all output returned as a Python list


All invocations of sub-methods are added these keyword-only arguments:

eta : bool, optional
if true a progress-bar is created, default false.
wrap : callable, optional
a function that accepts the output of the given routine and post-process it. Defaults to lambda x: x.


>>> obj = BrillouinZone(Hamiltonian) 
>>> obj.asyield().eigh(eta=True) 

Create a copy of this object

classmethod grid(n, displ=0.0, size=1.0, centered=True, trs=False)[source]

Create a grid of n points with an offset of displ and sampling size around displ

The \(k\)-points are \(\Gamma\) centered.

n : int

number of points in the grid. If trs is True this may be smaller than n

displ : float, optional

the displacement of the grid

size : float, optional

the total size of the Brillouin zone to sample

centered : bool, optional

if the points are centered

trs : bool, optional

whether time-reversal-symmetry is applied

k : np.ndarray

the list of k-points in the Brillouin zone to be sampled

w : np.ndarray

weights for the k-points

static in_primitive(k)

Move the k-point into the primitive point(s) ]-0.5 ; 0.5]

k : array_like

k-point(s) to move into the primitive cell

k : all k-points moved into the primitive cell

An iterator for the k-points and (possibly) the weights

ret_weight : bool, optional

if true, also yield the weight for the respective k-point

kpt : k-point
weight : weight of k-point, only if ret_weight is true.

A list of all k-points (if available)

classmethod param_circle(sc, N_or_dk, kR, normal, origo, loop=False)

Create a parameterized k-point list where the k-points are generated on a circle around an origo

The generated circle is a perfect circle in the reciprocal space (Cartesian coordinates). To generate a perfect circle in units of the reciprocal lattice vectors one can generate the circle for a diagonal supercell with side-length \(2\pi\), see example below.

sc : SuperCell, or SuperCellChild

the supercell used to construct the k-points

N_or_dk : int

number of k-points generated using the parameterization (if an integer), otherwise it specifies the discretization length on the circle (in 1/Ang), If the latter case will use less than 4 points a warning will be raised and the number of points increased to 4.

kR : float

radius of the k-point. In 1/Ang

normal : array_like of float

normal vector to determine the circle plane

origo : array_like of float

origo of the circle used to generate the circular parameterization

loop : bool, optional

whether the first and last point are equal

BrillouinZone : with the parameterized k-points.


>>> sc = SuperCell([1, 1, 10, 90, 90, 60])
>>> bz = BrillouinZone.param_circle(sc, 10, 0.05, [0, 0, 1], [1./3, 2./3, 0])

To generate a circular set of k-points in reduced coordinates (reciprocal

>>> sc = SuperCell([1, 1, 10, 90, 90, 60])
>>> bz = BrillouinZone.param_circle(sc, 10, 0.05, [0, 0, 1], [1./3, 2./3, 0])
>>> bz_rec = BrillouinZone.param_circle(2*np.pi, 10, 0.05, [0, 0, 1], [1./3, 2./3, 0])
>>> bz.k[:, :] = bz_rec.k[:, :]
classmethod parametrize(sc, func, N, *args, **kwargs)

Generate a new BrillouinZone object with k-points parameterized via the function func in N separations

Generator of a parameterized Brillouin zone object that contains a parameterized k-point list.

Basically this generates a new BrillouinZone object as:

>>> def func(sc, frac):
...    return [frac, 0, 0]
>>> bz = BrillouinZone.parametrize(1, func, 10)
>>> len(bz) == 10
>>> np.allclose(bz.k[-1, :], [9./10, 0, 0])
sc : SuperCell, or SuperCellChild

the supercell used to construct the k-points

func : callable

method that parameterizes the k-points, must at least accept two arguments, sc (super-cell object containing the unit-cell and reciprocal cell) and frac (current parametrization fraction, between 0 and (N-1)/N. It must return a k-point in 3 dimensions.

N : int

number of k-points generated using the parameterization

args: list of arguments

arguments passed directly to func

kwargs: dictionary of arguments

keyword arguments passed directly to func

replace(k, mp)[source]

Replace a k-point with a new set of k-points from a Monkhorst-Pack grid

This method tries to replace an area corresponding to mp.size around the k-point k such that the k-points are replaced. This enables one to zoom in on specific points in the Brillouin zone for detailed analysis.

k : array_like

k-point in this object to replace

mp : MonkhorstPack

object containing the replacement k-points.

SislError : if the size of the replacement MonkhorstPack grid is not compatible with the

k-point spacing in this object.


This example creates a zoomed-in view of the \(\Gamma\)-point by replacing it with a 3x3x3 Monkhorst-Pack grid.

>>> sc = SuperCell(1.)
>>> mp = MonkhorstPack(sc, [3, 3, 3])
>>> mp.replace([0, 0, 0], MonkhorstPack(sc, [3, 3, 3], size=1./3))

This example creates a zoomed-in view of the \(\Gamma\)-point by replacing it with a 4x4x4 Monkhorst-Pack grid.

>>> sc = SuperCell(1.)
>>> mp = MonkhorstPack(sc, [3, 3, 3])
>>> mp.replace([0, 0, 0], MonkhorstPack(sc, [4, 4, 4], size=1./3))

This example creates a zoomed-in view of the \(\Gamma\)-point by replacing it with a 4x4x1 Monkhorst-Pack grid.

>>> sc = SuperCell(1.)
>>> mp = MonkhorstPack(sc, [3, 3, 3])
>>> mp.replace([0, 0, 0], MonkhorstPack(sc, [4, 4, 1], size=1./3))

Update the parent associated to this object

parent : object or array_like

an object containing cell vectors


Transfer a k-point in reduced coordinates to the Cartesian coordinates

k : list of float

k-point in reduced coordinates

k : in units of 1/Ang

Transfer a k-point in Cartesian coordinates to the reduced coordinates

k : list of float

k-point in Cartesian coordinates

k : in units of reciprocal lattice vectors ]-0.5 ; 0.5] (if k is in the primitive cell)

Weight of the k-points in the BrillouinZone object

write(sile, *args, **kwargs)

Writes k-points to a tableSile.

This allows one to pass a tableSile or a file-name.