sisl.physics.phonon.DOS(E, hw, distribution='gaussian')[source]

Calculate the density of modes (DOS) for a set of energies, E, with a distribution function

The \(\mathrm{DOS}(E)\) is calculated as:

\[\mathrm{DOS}(E) = \sum_i D(E-\hbar\omega_i) \approx\delta(E-\hbar\omega_i)\]

where \(D(\Delta E)\) is the distribution function used. Note that the distribution function used may be a user-defined function. Alternatively a distribution function may be retrieved from distribution.

E : array_like

energies to calculate the DOS at

hw : array_like

phonon eigenvalues

distribution : func or str, optional

a function that accepts \(E\) as argument and calculates the distribution function.

numpy.ndarray : DOS calculated at energies, has same length as E

See also

a selected set of implemented distribution functions
projected DOS (same as this, but projected onto each direction)