Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

from .sile import SileSiesta
from ..sile import *

from sisl import Geometry, Atom, Atoms, SuperCell
from sisl.unit.siesta import unit_convert

Bohr2Ang = unit_convert('Bohr', 'Ang')

__all__ = ['xvSileSiesta']

[docs]class xvSileSiesta(SileSiesta): """ Geometry file """
[docs] @sile_fh_open() def write_geometry(self, geom, fmt='.9f', velocity=None): """ Writes the geometry to the contained file Parameters ---------- geom : Geometry geometry to write in the XV file fmt : str, optional the precision used for writing the XV file velocity : numpy.ndarray, optional velocities to write in the XV file (will be zero if not specified). Units input must be in Ang/fs. """ # Check that we can write to the file sile_raise_write(self) if velocity is None: velocity = np.zeros([, 3], np.float32) if != velocity.shape: raise SislError(str(self) + '.write_geometry requires the input' 'velocity to have equal length to the input geometry.') # Write unit-cell tmp = np.zeros(6, np.float64) # Create format string for the cell-parameters fmt_str = (' ' + ('{:' + fmt + '} ') * 3) * 2 + '\n' for i in range(3): tmp[0:3] = geom.cell[i, :] / Bohr2Ang self._write(fmt_str.format(*tmp)) self._write('{:12d}\n'.format( # Create format string for the atomic coordinates fmt_str = '{:3d}{:6d} ' fmt_str += ('{:' + fmt + '} ') * 3 + ' ' fmt_str += ('{:' + fmt + '} ') * 3 + '\n' for ia, a, ips in geom.iter_species(): tmp[0:3] =[ia, :] / Bohr2Ang tmp[3:] = velocity[ia, :] / Bohr2Ang self._write(fmt_str.format(ips + 1, a.Z, *tmp))
[docs] @sile_fh_open() def read_supercell(self): """ Returns `SuperCell` object from the XV file """ cell = np.empty([3, 3], np.float64) for i in range(3): cell[i, :] = list(map(float, self.readline().split()[:3])) cell *= Bohr2Ang return SuperCell(cell)
[docs] @sile_fh_open() def read_geometry(self, velocity=False, species_Z=False): """ Returns a `Geometry` object from the XV file Parameters ---------- species_Z : bool, optional if ``True`` the atomic numbers are the species indices (useful when reading the ChemicalSpeciesLabel block simultaneously). velocity : bool, optional also return the velocities in the file Returns ------- Geometry velocity : only if `velocity` is true. """ sc = self.read_supercell() # Read number of atoms na = int(self.readline()) xyz = np.empty([na, 3], np.float64) vel = np.empty([na, 3], np.float64) atms = [None] * na sp = np.empty([na], np.int32) for ia in range(na): line = list(map(float, self.readline().split()[:8])) sp[ia] = int(line[0]) if species_Z: atms[ia] = Atom(sp[ia]) else: atms[ia] = Atom(int(line[1])) xyz[ia, :] = line[2:5] vel[ia, :] = line[5:8] xyz *= Bohr2Ang vel *= Bohr2Ang # Ensure correct sorting max_s = sp.max() sp -= 1 # Ensure we can remove the atom after having aligned them atms2 = Atoms(Atom(-150), na=na) for i in range(max_s): idx = (sp[:] == i).nonzero()[0] if len(idx) == 0: # Always ensure we have "something" for the unoccupied places atms2[idx] = Atom(-150 - i) else: atms2[idx] = atms[idx[0]] geom = Geometry(xyz, atms2.reduce(), sc=sc) if velocity: return geom, vel return geom
[docs] @sile_fh_open() def read_velocity(self): """ Returns an array with the velocities from the XV file Returns ------- velocity : """ self.read_supercell() na = int(self.readline()) vel = np.empty([na, 3], np.float64) for ia in range(na): line = list(map(float, self.readline().split()[:8])) vel[ia, :] = line[5:8] vel *= Bohr2Ang return vel
read_data = read_velocity def ArgumentParser(self, p=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns the arguments that is available for this Sile """ newkw = Geometry._ArgumentParser_args_single() newkw.update(kwargs) return self.read_geometry().ArgumentParser(p, *args, **newkw)
add_sile('XV', xvSileSiesta, gzip=True)