Source code for

from __future__ import print_function, division

import numpy as np

# Import sile objects
from ..sile import add_sile, sile_raise_write, SileWarning
from .sile import SileCDFTBtrans
from sisl.utils import *
import sisl._array as _a

# Import the geometry object
from sisl import Geometry, Atom, SuperCell
from sisl import SparseOrbitalBZSpin
from sisl.messages import warn
from sisl._help import _range as range
from sisl.unit.siesta import unit_convert

__all__ = ['deltancSileTBtrans']

Bohr2Ang = unit_convert('Bohr', 'Ang')
Ry2eV = unit_convert('Ry', 'eV')
eV2Ry = unit_convert('eV', 'Ry')

# The delta nc file
[docs]class deltancSileTBtrans(SileCDFTBtrans): r""" TBtrans :math:`\delta` file object The :math:`\delta` file object is an extension enabled in `TBtrans`_ which allows changing the Hamiltonian in transport problems. .. math:: \mathbf H'(\mathbf k) = \mathbf H(\mathbf k) + \delta\mathbf H(E, \mathbf k) + \delta\mathbf\Sigma(E, \mathbf k) This file may either be used directly as the :math:`\delta\mathbf H` or the :math:`\delta\mathbf\Sigma`. When writing :math:`\delta` terms using `write_delta` one may add ``k`` or ``E`` arguments to make the :math:`\delta` dependent on ``k`` and/or ``E``. Refer to the TBtrans manual on how to use this feature. Examples -------- >>> H = Hamiltonian(geom.graphene(), dtype=np.complex128) >>> H[0, 0] = 1j >>> dH = get_sile('', 'w') >>> dH.write_delta(H) >>> H[1, 1] = 1. >>> dH.write_delta(H, k=[0, 0, 0]) # Gamma only >>> H[0, 0] += 1. >>> dH.write_delta(H, E=1.) # only at 1 eV >>> H[1, 1] += 1.j >>> dH.write_delta(H, E=1., k=[0, 0, 0]) # only at 1 eV and Gamma-point """
[docs] def read_supercell(self): """ Returns the `SuperCell` object from this file """ cell = _a.arrayd(np.copy(self._value('cell'))) cell.shape = (3, 3) nsc = self._value('nsc') sc = SuperCell(cell, nsc=nsc) try: sc.sc_off = self._value('isc_off') except: # This is ok, we simply do not have the supercell offsets pass return sc
[docs] def read_geometry(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns the `Geometry` object from this file """ sc = self.read_supercell() xyz = _a.arrayd(np.copy(self._value('xa'))) xyz.shape = (-1, 3) # Create list with correct number of orbitals lasto = _a.arrayi(np.copy(self._value('lasto'))) nos = np.append([lasto[0]], np.diff(lasto)) nos = _a.arrayi(nos) if 'atom' in kwargs: # The user "knows" which atoms are present atms = kwargs['atom'] # Check that all atoms have the correct number of orbitals. # Otherwise we will correct them for i in range(len(atms)): if atms[i].no != nos[i]: atms[i] = Atom(atms[i].Z, [-1] * nos[i], tag=atms[i].tag) else: # Default to Hydrogen atom with nos[ia] orbitals # This may be counterintuitive but there is no storage of the # actual species atms = [Atom('H', [-1] * o) for o in nos] # Create and return geometry object geom = Geometry(xyz, atms, sc=sc) return geom
[docs] def write_supercell(self, sc): """ Creates the NetCDF file and writes the supercell information """ sile_raise_write(self) # Create initial dimensions self._crt_dim(self, 'one', 1) self._crt_dim(self, 'n_s', self._crt_dim(self, 'xyz', 3) # Create initial geometry v = self._crt_var(self, 'nsc', 'i4', ('xyz',)) = 'Number of supercells in each unit-cell direction' v[:] = sc.nsc[:] v = self._crt_var(self, 'isc_off', 'i4', ('n_s', 'xyz')) = "Index of supercell coordinates" v[:] = sc.sc_off[:, :] v = self._crt_var(self, 'cell', 'f8', ('xyz', 'xyz')) = 'Unit cell' v.unit = 'Bohr' v[:] = sc.cell[:, :] / Bohr2Ang # Create designation of the creation self.method = 'sisl'
[docs] def write_geometry(self, geometry): """ Creates the NetCDF file and writes the geometry information """ sile_raise_write(self) # Create initial dimensions self.write_supercell( self._crt_dim(self, 'no_s', * self._crt_dim(self, 'no_u', self._crt_dim(self, 'na_u', # Create initial geometry v = self._crt_var(self, 'lasto', 'i4', ('na_u',)) = 'Last orbital of equivalent atom' v = self._crt_var(self, 'xa', 'f8', ('na_u', 'xyz')) = 'Atomic coordinates' v.unit = 'Bohr' # Save stuff self.variables['xa'][:] = / Bohr2Ang bs = self._crt_grp(self, 'BASIS') b = self._crt_var(bs, 'basis', 'i4', ('na_u',)) = "Basis of each atom by ID" orbs = _a.emptyi([]) for ia, a, isp in geometry.iter_species(): b[ia] = isp + 1 orbs[ia] = if a.tag in bs.groups: # Assert the file sizes if bs.groups[a.tag].Number_of_orbitals != raise ValueError(('File {0}' ' has erroneous data in regards of ' 'of the alreay stored dimensions.').format(self.file)) else: ba = bs.createGroup(a.tag) ba.ID = np.int32(isp + 1) ba.Atomic_number = np.int32(a.Z) ba.Mass = a.mass ba.Label = a.tag ba.Element = a.symbol ba.Number_of_orbitals = np.int32( # Store the lasto variable as the remaining thing to do self.variables['lasto'][:] = _a.cumsumi(orbs)
def _get_lvl_k_E(self, **kwargs): """ Return level, k and E indices, in that order. The indices are negative if a new index needs to be created. """ # Determine the type of dH we are storing... k = kwargs.get('k', None) if k is not None: k = _a.asarrayd(k).flatten() E = kwargs.get('E', None) if (k is None) and (E is None): ilvl = 1 elif (k is not None) and (E is None): ilvl = 2 elif (k is None) and (E is not None): ilvl = 3 # Convert to Rydberg E = E * eV2Ry elif (k is not None) and (E is not None): ilvl = 4 # Convert to Rydberg E = E * eV2Ry try: lvl = self._get_lvl(ilvl) except: return ilvl, -1, -1 # Now determine the energy and k-indices iE = -1 if ilvl in [3, 4]: if lvl.variables['E'].size != 0: Es = _a.arrayd(lvl.variables['E'][:]) iE = np.argmin(np.abs(Es - E)) if abs(Es[iE] - E) > 0.0001: iE = -1 ik = -1 if ilvl in [2, 4]: if lvl.variables['kpt'].size != 0: kpt = _a.arrayd(lvl.variables['kpt'][:]) kpt.shape = (-1, 3) ik = np.argmin(np.abs(kpt - k[None, :]).sum(axis=1)) if not np.allclose(kpt[ik, :], k, atol=0.0001): ik = -1 return ilvl, ik, iE def _get_lvl(self, ilvl): slvl = 'LEVEL-'+str(ilvl) if slvl in self.groups: return self._crt_grp(self, slvl) raise ValueError("Level {0} does not exist in {1}.".format(ilvl, self.file)) def _add_lvl(self, ilvl): """ Simply adds and returns a group if it does not exist it will be created """ slvl = 'LEVEL-' + str(ilvl) if slvl in self.groups: lvl = self._crt_grp(self, slvl) else: lvl = self._crt_grp(self, slvl) if ilvl in [2, 4]: self._crt_dim(lvl, 'nkpt', None) self._crt_var(lvl, 'kpt', 'f8', ('nkpt', 'xyz'), attr = {'info': 'k-points for delta values', 'unit': 'b**-1'}) if ilvl in [3, 4]: self._crt_dim(lvl, 'ne', None) self._crt_var(lvl, 'E', 'f8', ('ne',), attr = {'info': 'Energy points for delta values', 'unit': 'Ry'}) return lvl
[docs] def write_delta(self, delta, **kwargs): r""" Writes a :math:`\delta` Hamiltonian to the file This term may be of - level-1: no E or k dependence - level-2: k-dependent - level-3: E-dependent - level-4: k- and E-dependent Parameters ---------- delta : SparseOrbitalBZSpin the model to be saved in the NC file k : array_like, optional a specific k-point :math:`\delta` term. I.e. only save the :math:`\delta` term for the given k-point. May be combined with `E` for a specific k and energy point. E : float, optional an energy dependent :math:`\delta` term. I.e. only save the :math:`\delta` term for the given energy. May be combined with `k` for a specific k and energy point. """ # Ensure finalization delta.finalize() # Ensure that the geometry is written self.write_geometry(delta.geom) self._crt_dim(self, 'spin', len(delta.spin)) # Determine the type of delta we are storing... k = kwargs.get('k', None) E = kwargs.get('E', None) ilvl, ik, iE = self._get_lvl_k_E(**kwargs) lvl = self._add_lvl(ilvl) # Append the sparsity pattern # Create basis group if 'n_col' in lvl.variables: if len(lvl.dimensions['nnzs']) != delta.nnz: raise ValueError("The sparsity pattern stored in delta *MUST* be equivalent for " "all delta entries [nnz].") if np.any(lvl.variables['n_col'][:] != delta._csr.ncol[:]): raise ValueError("The sparsity pattern stored in delta *MUST* be equivalent for " "all delta entries [n_col].") if np.any(lvl.variables['list_col'][:] != delta._csr.col[:]+1): raise ValueError("The sparsity pattern stored in delta *MUST* be equivalent for " "all delta entries [list_col].") if np.any(lvl.variables['isc_off'][:] != raise ValueError("The sparsity pattern stored in delta *MUST* be equivalent for " "all delta entries [sc_off].") else: self._crt_dim(lvl, 'nnzs', delta.nnz) v = self._crt_var(lvl, 'n_col', 'i4', ('no_u',)) = "Number of non-zero elements per row" v[:] = delta._csr.ncol[:] v = self._crt_var(lvl, 'list_col', 'i4', ('nnzs',), chunksizes=(delta.nnz,), **self._cmp_args) = "Supercell column indices in the sparse format" v[:] = delta._csr.col[:] + 1 # correct for fortran indices v = self._crt_var(lvl, 'isc_off', 'i4', ('n_s', 'xyz')) = "Index of supercell coordinates" v[:] =[:, :] warn_E = True if ilvl in [3, 4]: if iE < 0: # We need to add the new value iE = lvl.variables['E'].shape[0] lvl.variables['E'][iE] = E * eV2Ry warn_E = False warn_k = True if ilvl in [2, 4]: if ik < 0: ik = lvl.variables['kpt'].shape[0] lvl.variables['kpt'][ik, :] = k warn_k = False if ilvl == 4 and warn_k and warn_E and False: # As soon as we have put the second k-point and the first energy # point, this warning will proceed... # I.e. even though the variable has not been set, it will WARN # Hence we out-comment this for now... warn(SileWarning('Overwriting k-point {0} and energy point {1} correction.'.format(ik, iE))) elif ilvl == 3 and warn_E: warn(SileWarning('Overwriting energy point {0} correction.'.format(iE))) elif ilvl == 2 and warn_k: warn(SileWarning('Overwriting k-point {0} correction.'.format(ik))) if ilvl == 1: dim = ('spin', 'nnzs') sl = [slice(None)] * 2 csize = [1] * 2 elif ilvl == 2: dim = ('nkpt', 'spin', 'nnzs') sl = [slice(None)] * 3 sl[0] = ik csize = [1] * 3 elif ilvl == 3: dim = ('ne', 'spin', 'nnzs') sl = [slice(None)] * 3 sl[0] = iE csize = [1] * 3 elif ilvl == 4: dim = ('nkpt', 'ne', 'spin', 'nnzs') sl = [slice(None)] * 4 sl[0] = ik sl[1] = iE csize = [1] * 4 # Number of non-zero elements csize[-1] = delta.nnz if delta.dtype.kind == 'c': v1 = self._crt_var(lvl, 'Redelta', 'f8', dim, chunksizes=csize, attr = {'info': "Real part of delta", 'unit': "Ry"}, **self._cmp_args) v2 = self._crt_var(lvl, 'Imdelta', 'f8', dim, chunksizes=csize, attr = {'info': "Imaginary part of delta", 'unit': "Ry"}, **self._cmp_args) for i in range(len(delta.spin)): sl[-2] = i v1[sl] = delta._csr._D[:, i].real * eV2Ry v2[sl] = delta._csr._D[:, i].imag * eV2Ry else: v = self._crt_var(lvl, 'delta', 'f8', dim, chunksizes=csize, attr = {'info': "delta", 'unit': "Ry"}, **self._cmp_args) for i in range(len(delta.spin)): sl[-2] = i v[sl] = delta._csr._D[:, i] * eV2Ry
def _read_class(self, cls, **kwargs): """ Reads a class model from a file """ # Ensure that the geometry is written geom = self.read_geometry() # Determine the type of delta we are storing... E = kwargs.get('E', None) ilvl, ik, iE = self._get_lvl_k_E(**kwargs) # Get the level lvl = self._get_lvl(ilvl) if iE < 0 and ilvl in [3, 4]: raise ValueError("Energy {0} eV does not exist in the file.".format(E)) if ik < 0 and ilvl in [2, 4]: raise ValueError("k-point requested does not exist in the file.") if ilvl == 1: sl = [slice(None)] * 2 elif ilvl == 2: sl = [slice(None)] * 3 sl[0] = ik elif ilvl == 3: sl = [slice(None)] * 3 sl[0] = iE elif ilvl == 4: sl = [slice(None)] * 4 sl[0] = ik sl[1] = iE # Now figure out what data-type the delta is. if 'Redelta' in lvl.variables: # It *must* be a complex valued Hamiltonian is_complex = True dtype = np.complex128 elif 'delta' in lvl.variables: is_complex = False dtype = np.float64 # Get number of spins nspin = len(self.dimensions['spin']) # Now create the sparse matrix stuff (we re-create the # array, hence just allocate the smallest amount possible) C = cls(geom, nspin, nnzpr=1, dtype=dtype, orthogonal=True) C._csr.ncol = _a.arrayi(lvl.variables['n_col'][:]) # Update maximum number of connections (in case future stuff happens) C._csr.ptr = np.insert(_a.cumsumi(C._csr.ncol), 0, 0) C._csr.col = _a.arrayi(lvl.variables['list_col'][:]) - 1 # Copy information over C._csr._nnz = len(C._csr.col) C._csr._D = np.empty([C._csr.ptr[-1], nspin], dtype) if is_complex: for ispin in range(nspin): sl[-2] = ispin C._csr._D[:, ispin].real = lvl.variables['Redelta'][sl] * Ry2eV C._csr._D[:, ispin].imag = lvl.variables['Imdelta'][sl] * Ry2eV else: for ispin in range(nspin): sl[-2] = ispin C._csr._D[:, ispin] = lvl.variables['delta'][sl] * Ry2eV return C
[docs] def read_delta(self, **kwargs): """ Reads a delta model from the file """ return self._read_class(SparseOrbitalBZSpin, **kwargs)
add_sile('', deltancSileTBtrans) add_sile('', deltancSileTBtrans) add_sile('', deltancSileTBtrans)