Source code for

from __future__ import print_function, division

import numpy as np
from numpy import in1d, argsort

# Import sile objects
from sisl._indices import indices
from sisl.utils import *
import sisl._array as _a
from ..sile import add_sile
from ._cdf import _devncSileTBtrans

# Import the geometry object
from sisl.unit.siesta import unit_convert

__all__ = ['tbtsencSileTBtrans', 'phtsencSilePHtrans']

Bohr2Ang = unit_convert('Bohr', 'Ang')
Ry2eV = unit_convert('Ry', 'eV')

[docs]class tbtsencSileTBtrans(_devncSileTBtrans): r""" TBtrans self-energy file object with downfolded self-energies to the device region The :math:`\Sigma` object contains all self-energies on the specified k- and energy grid projected into the device region. This is mainly an output file object from TBtrans and can be used as a post-processing utility for testing various things in Python. Note that *anything* returned from this object are the self-energies in eV. Examples -------- >>> H = Hamiltonian(device) >>> se = tbtsencSileTBtrans(...) >>> # Return the self-energy for the left electrode (unsorted) >>> se_unsorted = se.self_energy('Left', 0.1, [0, 0, 0]) >>> # Return the self-energy for the left electrode (sorted) >>> se_sorted = se.self_energy('Left', 0.1, [0, 0, 0], sort=True) >>> # >>> # Query the indices in the full Hamiltonian >>> pvt_unsorted = se.pivot('Left').reshape(-1, 1) >>> pvt_sorted = se.pivot('Left', sort=True).reshape(-1, 1) >>> # The following two lines are equivalent >>> Hfull[pvt_unsorted, pvt_unsorted.T] -= se_unsorted[:, :] >>> Hfull[pvt_sorted, pvt_sorted.T] -= se_sorted[:, :] >>> # Query the indices in the device Hamiltonian >>> dpvt_unsorted = se.pivot('Left', in_device=True).reshape(-1, 1) >>> dpvt_sorted = se.pivot('Left', in_device=True, sort=True).reshape(-1, 1) >>> # Following inserts are equivalent >>> Hdev[dpvt_unsorted, dpvt_unsorted.T] -= se_unsorted[:, :] >>> Hdev[dpvt_sorted, dpvt_sorted.T] -= se_sorted[:, :] """ _trans_type = 'TBT' _E2eV = Ry2eV def _elec(self, elec): """ Converts a string or integer to the corresponding electrode name Parameters ---------- elec : str or int if `str` it is the *exact* electrode name, if `int` it is the electrode index Returns ------- str : the electrode name """ try: elec = int(elec) return self.elecs[elec] except: return elec @property def elecs(self): """ List of electrodes """ return list(self.groups.keys())
[docs] def chemical_potential(self, elec): """ Return the chemical potential associated with the electrode `elec` """ return self._value('mu', self._elec(elec))[0] * Ry2eV
mu = chemical_potential
[docs] def eta(self, elec): """ The imaginary part used when calculating the self-energies in eV """ try: return self._value('eta', self._elec(elec))[0] * self._E2eV except: return 0.
[docs] def pivot(self, elec=None, in_device=False, sort=False): """ Return the pivoting indices for a specific electrode Parameters ---------- elec : str or int the corresponding electrode to return the self-energy from in_device : bool, optional If ``True`` the pivoting table will be translated to the device region orbitals sort : bool, optional Whether the returned indices are sorted. Mostly useful if the self-energies are returned sorted as well. Examples -------- >>> se = tbtsencSileTBtrans(...) >>> se.pivot() [3, 4, 6, 5, 2] >>> se.pivot(sort=True) [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> se.pivot(0) [2, 3] >>> se.pivot(0, in_device=True) [4, 0] >>> se.pivot(0, in_device=True, sort=True) [0, 1] >>> se.pivot(0, sort=True) [2, 3] """ if elec is None: if in_device and sort: return _a.arangei(self.no_d) pvt = self._value('pivot') - 1 if in_device: # Count number of elements that we need to subtract from each orbital subn = _a.onesi( subn[pvt] = 0 pvt -= _a.cumsumi(subn)[pvt] elif sort: pvt = np.sort(pvt) return pvt # Get electrode pivoting elements se_pvt = self._value('pivot', tree=self._elec(elec)) - 1 if sort: # Sort pivoting indices # Since we know that pvt is also sorted, then # the resulting in_device would also return sorted # indices se_pvt = np.sort(se_pvt) if in_device: pvt = self._value('pivot') - 1 if sort: pvt = np.sort(pvt) # translate to the device indices se_pvt = indices(pvt, se_pvt, 0) return se_pvt
[docs] def a2p(self, atom, elec=None): """ Return the pivoting orbital indices (0-based) for the atoms, possibly on an electrode This is equivalent to: >>> p = self.o2p(self.geom.a2o(atom, True)) Parameters ---------- atom : array_like or int atomic indices (0-based) elec : str or int or None electrode to return pivoting indices of (if None it is the device pivoting indices). """ orbs = self.geom.a2o(atom, True) return self.o2p(orbs, elec=elec)
[docs] def o2p(self, orbital, elec=None): """ Return the pivoting indices (0-based) for the orbitals, possibly on an electrode Parameters ---------- orbital : array_like or int orbital indices (0-based) elec : str or int or None electrode to return pivoting indices of (if None it is the device pivoting indices). """ return in1d(self.pivot(elec=elec), orbital).nonzero()[0]
[docs] def self_energy(self, elec, E, k=0, sort=False): """ Return the self-energy from the electrode `elec` Parameters ---------- elec : str or int the corresponding electrode to return the self-energy from E : float or int energy to retrieve the self-energy at, if a floating point the closest energy value will be found and returned, if an integer it will correspond to the exact index k : array_like or int k-point to retrieve, if an integer it is the k-index in the file sort : bool, optional if ``True`` the returned self-energy will be sorted (equivalent to pivoting the self-energy) """ tree = self._elec(elec) ik = self.kindex(k) iE = self.Eindex(E) re = self._variable('ReSelfEnergy', tree=tree) im = self._variable('ImSelfEnergy', tree=tree) SE = (re[ik, iE, :, :] + 1j * im[ik, iE, :, :]) if sort: pvt = self.pivot(elec) idx = argsort(pvt).reshape(-1, 1) # pivot for sorted device region return SE[idx, idx.T] * self._E2eV return SE * self._E2eV
[docs] def scattering_matrix(self, elec, E, k=0, sort=False): r""" Return the scattering matrix from the electrode `elec` The scattering matrix is calculated as: .. math:: \Gamma(E) = i [\Sigma(E) - \Sigma^\dagger(E)] Parameters ---------- elec : str or int the corresponding electrode to return the scattering matrix from E : float or int energy to retrieve the scattering matrix at, if a floating point the closest energy value will be found and returned, if an integer it will correspond to the exact index k : array_like or int k-point to retrieve, if an integer it is the k-index in the file sort : bool, optional if ``True`` the returned scattering matrix will be sorted (equivalent to pivoting the scattering matrix) """ tree = self._elec(elec) ik = self.kindex(k) iE = self.Eindex(E) re = self._variable('ReSelfEnergy', tree=tree)[ik, iE, :, :] im = self._variable('ImSelfEnergy', tree=tree)[ik, iE, :, :] G = - (im + im.T) + 1j * (re - re.T) if sort: pvt = self.pivot(elec) idx = argsort(pvt) idx.shape = (-1, 1) # pivot for sorted device region return G[idx, idx.T] * self._E2eV return G * self._E2eV
[docs] def self_energy_average(self, elec, E, sort=False): """ Return the k-averaged average self-energy from the electrode `elec` Parameters ---------- elec : str or int the corresponding electrode to return the self-energy from E : float or int energy to retrieve the self-energy at, if a floating point the closest energy value will be found and returned, if an integer it will correspond to the exact index sort : bool, optional if ``True`` the returned self-energy will be sorted but not necessarily consecutive in the device region. """ tree = self._elec(elec) iE = self.Eindex(E) re = self._variable('ReSelfEnergyMean', tree=tree) im = self._variable('ImSelfEnergyMean', tree=tree) SE = (re[ik, iE, :, :] + 1j * im[ik, iE, :, :]) if sort: pvt = self.pivot(elec) idx = argsort(pvt) idx.shape = (-1, 1) # pivot for sorted device region return SE[idx, idx.T] * self._E2eV return SE * self._E2eV
add_sile('', tbtsencSileTBtrans) # Add spin-dependent files add_sile('', tbtsencSileTBtrans) add_sile('', tbtsencSileTBtrans)
[docs]class phtsencSilePHtrans(tbtsencSileTBtrans): """ PHtrans file object """ _trans_type = 'PHT' _E2eV = Ry2eV ** 2
add_sile('', phtsencSilePHtrans)