sisl (sisl)

sisl is an electronic structure package which may interact with tight-binding and DFT matrices alike.

The full sisl package consistent of a large variety of classes and methods which enables large-scale tight-binding calculations as well as post-processing DFT calculations.

Below a set of classes that are the basis of everything in sisl is present.

Generic classes


Periodic table for creating an Atom, or retrieval of atomic information via atomic numbers

Orbital(R[, q0, tag])

Base class for orbital information.

SphericalOrbital(l, rf_or_func[, q0, tag])

An arbitrary orbital class where \(\phi(\mathbf r)=f(|\mathbf r|)Y_l^m(\theta,\varphi)\)

AtomicOrbital(*args, **kwargs)

A projected atomic orbital consisting of real harmonics

Atom(Z[, orbital, mass, tag])

Atomic information, mass, name number of orbitals and ranges

Atoms([atom, na])

A list-like object to contain a list of different atoms with minimum data duplication.

Geometry(xyz[, atom, sc, names])

Holds atomic information, coordinates, species, lattice vectors

SuperCell(cell[, nsc, origo])

A cell class to retain lattice vectors and a supercell structure

Grid(shape[, bc, sc, dtype, geometry])

Real-space grid information with associated geometry.

Below are a group of advanced classes rarely needed. A lot of the sub-classes extend these classes, or use them intrinsically. However, they are not necessarily intended for users use.

Advanced classes

Quaternion([angle, v, rad])

Quaternion object to enable easy rotational quantities.

SparseCSR(arg1[, dim, dtype, nnzpr, nnz])

A compressed sparse row matrix, slightly different than csr_matrix.

SparseAtom(geometry[, dim, dtype, nnzpr])

Sparse object with number of rows equal to the total number of atoms in the Geometry

SparseOrbital(geometry[, dim, dtype, nnzpr])

Sparse object with number of rows equal to the total number of orbitals in the Geometry

Selector([routines, ordered])

Base class for implementing a selector of class routines