
sisl.unit.unit_default(group, tbl={'energy': {'DEFAULT': 'eV', 'GHz': 6.62607015e-25, 'Ha': 4.3597447222071e-18, 'Hz': 6.62607015e-34, 'J': 1.0, 'K': 1.380649e-23, 'MHz': 6.62607015e-28, 'Ry': 2.1798723611035e-18, 'THz': 6.62607015e-22, 'cm**-1': 1.98644585714893e-23, 'cm^-1': 1.98644585714893e-23, 'eV': 1.602176634e-19, 'erg': 1e-07, 'invcm': 1.98644585714893e-23, 'kJ': 1000.0, 'mHa': 4.3597447222071e-21, 'mRy': 2.1798723611035e-21, 'meV': 1.6021766339999998e-22}, 'force': {'DEFAULT': 'eV/Ang', 'Ha/Bohr': 8.238723498254079e-08, 'N': 1.0, 'Ry/Bohr': 4.1193617491269446e-08, 'eV/Ang': 1.6021766339999998e-09}, 'length': {'Ang': 1e-10, 'Bohr': 5.29177210903e-11, 'DEFAULT': 'Ang', 'cm': 0.01, 'fm': 1e-15, 'm': 1.0, 'nm': 1e-09, 'pm': 1e-12}, 'mass': {'DEFAULT': 'amu', 'amu': 1.6605390666e-27, 'g': 0.001, 'kg': 1.0}, 'time': {'DEFAULT': 'fs', 'atu': 2.4188843265857e-17, 'day': 86400.0, 'fs': 1e-15, 'hour': 3600.0, 'min': 60.0, 'ns': 1e-09, 'ps': 1e-12, 's': 1.0}})

The default unit of the unit group group.

  • group (str) – look-up in the table for the default unit.

  • tbl (dict, optional) – dictionary of units (default to the global table)


>>> unit_default("energy")