FDF-input file |
Output file from Siesta |
Geometry file |
Bandstructure information |
Eigenvalues as calculated in the SCF loop, easy plots using sdata |
Projected DOS file with orbital information |
Binary real-space grid file |
NetCDF real-space grid file |
Geometry and overlap matrix |
Density matrix file |
Hamiltonian and overlap matrix file |
Binary WFSX file reader for Siesta |
Generic NetCDF output file containing a large variety of information |
Basis set information in xml format |
Basis set information in NetCDF files |
Orbital information file |
Forces file |
Force constant file |
k-points file in 1/Bohr units |
Special k-point file with units in reciprocal lattice vectors |
Geometry file |
Time information from the Siesta run |
Geometry, Hamiltonian and overlap matrix file |
Non-equilibrium density matrix and energy density matrix file |
Surface Green function file containing, Hamiltonian, overlap matrix and self-energies |
TranSiesta potential input Grid file object |