Source code for

    from StringIO import StringIO
except Exception:
    from io import StringIO

import numpy as np
from numpy import in1d, argsort

from ..sile import add_sile
from sisl._internal import set_module
from sisl._indices import indices
from sisl.utils import *
import sisl._array as _a
from ._cdf import _devncSileTBtrans

# Import the geometry object
from sisl.unit.siesta import unit_convert

__all__ = ['tbtsencSileTBtrans', 'phtsencSilePHtrans']

Bohr2Ang = unit_convert('Bohr', 'Ang')
Ry2eV = unit_convert('Ry', 'eV')

class tbtsencSileTBtrans(_devncSileTBtrans):
    r""" TBtrans self-energy file object with downfolded self-energies to the device region

    The :math:`\Sigma` object contains all self-energies on the specified k- and energy grid projected
    into the device region.

    This is mainly an output file object from TBtrans and can be used as a post-processing utility for
    testing various things in Python.

    Note that *anything* returned from this object are the self-energies in eV.

    >>> H = Hamiltonian(device)
    >>> se = tbtsencSileTBtrans(...)
    >>> # Return the self-energy for the left electrode (unsorted)
    >>> se_unsorted = se.self_energy('Left', 0.1, [0, 0, 0])
    >>> # Return the self-energy for the left electrode (sorted)
    >>> se_sorted = se.self_energy('Left', 0.1, [0, 0, 0], sort=True)
    >>> # Query the indices in the full Hamiltonian
    >>> pvt_unsorted = se.pivot('Left').reshape(-1, 1)
    >>> pvt_sorted = se.pivot('Left', sort=True).reshape(-1, 1)
    >>> # The following two lines are equivalent
    >>> Hfull1[pvt_unsorted, pvt_unsorted.T] -= se_unsorted[:, :]
    >>> Hfull2[pvt_sorted, pvt_sorted.T] -= se_sorted[:, :]
    >>> np.allclose(Hfull1, Hfull2)
    >>> # Query the indices in the device Hamiltonian
    >>> dev_pvt = se.pivot('Left', in_device=True).reshape(-1, 1)
    >>> dev_unpvt = se.pivot('Left', in_device=True, sort=True).reshape(-1, 1)
    >>> Hdev_pvt[dev_pvt, dev_pvt.T] -= se_unsorted[:, :]
    >>> Hdev[dpvt_sorted, dpvt_sorted.T] -= se_sorted[:, :]
    >>> pvt_dev = se.pivot(in_device=True).reshape(-1, 1)
    >>> np.allclose(Hdev_pvt, Hdev[pvt_dev, pvt_dev.T])
    _trans_type = 'TBT'
    _E2eV = Ry2eV

[docs] def self_energy(self, elec, E, k=0, sort=False): """ Return the self-energy from the electrode `elec` Parameters ---------- elec : str or int the corresponding electrode to return the self-energy from E : float or int energy to retrieve the self-energy at, if a floating point the closest energy value will be found and returned, if an integer it will correspond to the exact index k : array_like or int k-point to retrieve, if an integer it is the k-index in the file sort : bool, optional if ``True`` the returned self-energy will be sorted according to the order of the orbitals in the non-pivoted geometry, otherwise the self-energy will be returned according to the pivoted orbitals in the device region. """ tree = self._elec(elec) ik = self.kindex(k) iE = self.Eindex(E) re = self._variable('ReSelfEnergy', tree=tree) im = self._variable('ImSelfEnergy', tree=tree) SE = self._E2eV * re[ik, iE, :, :] + (1j * self._E2eV) * im[ik, iE, :, :] if sort: pvt = self.pivot(elec) idx = argsort(pvt).reshape(-1, 1) # pivot for sorted device region return SE[idx, idx.T] return SE
[docs] def scattering_matrix(self, elec, E, k=0, sort=False): r""" Return the scattering matrix from the electrode `elec` The scattering matrix is calculated as: .. math:: \Gamma(E) = i [\Sigma(E) - \Sigma^\dagger(E)] Parameters ---------- elec : str or int the corresponding electrode to return the scattering matrix from E : float or int energy to retrieve the scattering matrix at, if a floating point the closest energy value will be found and returned, if an integer it will correspond to the exact index k : array_like or int k-point to retrieve, if an integer it is the k-index in the file sort : bool, optional if ``True`` the returned scattering matrix will be sorted according to the order of the orbitals in the non-pivoted geometry, otherwise the scattering matrix will be returned according to the pivoted orbitals in the device region. """ tree = self._elec(elec) ik = self.kindex(k) iE = self.Eindex(E) re = self._variable('ReSelfEnergy', tree=tree)[ik, iE, :, :] im = self._variable('ImSelfEnergy', tree=tree)[ik, iE, :, :] G = - self._E2eV * (im + im.T) + (1j * self._E2eV) * (re - re.T) if sort: pvt = self.pivot(elec) idx = argsort(pvt) idx.shape = (-1, 1) # pivot for sorted device region return G[idx, idx.T] return G
[docs] def self_energy_average(self, elec, E, sort=False): """ Return the k-averaged average self-energy from the electrode `elec` Parameters ---------- elec : str or int the corresponding electrode to return the self-energy from E : float or int energy to retrieve the self-energy at, if a floating point the closest energy value will be found and returned, if an integer it will correspond to the exact index sort : bool, optional if ``True`` the returned self-energy will be sorted according to the order of the orbitals in the non-pivoted geometry, otherwise the self-energy will be returned according to the pivoted orbitals in the device region. """ tree = self._elec(elec) iE = self.Eindex(E) re = self._variable('ReSelfEnergyMean', tree=tree) im = self._variable('ImSelfEnergyMean', tree=tree) SE = self._E2eV * re[ik, iE, :, :] + (1j * self._E2eV) * im[ik, iE, :, :] if sort: pvt = self.pivot(elec) idx = argsort(pvt) idx.shape = (-1, 1) # pivot for sorted device region return SE[idx, idx.T] return SE
[docs] def info(self, elec=None): """ Information about the self-energy file available for extracting in this file Parameters ---------- elec : str or int the electrode to request information from """ if not elec is None: elec = self._elec(elec) # Create a StringIO object to retain the information out = StringIO() # Create wrapper function def prnt(*args, **kwargs): option = kwargs.pop('option', None) if option is None: print(*args, file=out) else: print('{:60s}[{}]'.format(' '.join(args), ', '.join(option)), file=out) def truefalse(bol, string, fdf=None): if bol: prnt(" + " + string + ": true") else: prnt(" - " + string + ": false", option=fdf) # Retrieve the device atoms prnt("Device information:") # Print out some more information related to the # k-point sampling. # However, we still do not know whether TRS is # applied. kpt = self.k nA = len(np.unique(kpt[:, 0])) nB = len(np.unique(kpt[:, 1])) nC = len(np.unique(kpt[:, 2])) prnt((" - number of kpoints: {} <- " "[ A = {} , B = {} , C = {} ] (time-reversal unknown)").format(self.nk, nA, nB, nC)) prnt(" - energy range:") E = self.E Em, EM = np.amin(E), np.amax(E) dE = np.diff(E) dEm, dEM = np.amin(dE) * 1000, np.amax(dE) * 1000 # convert to meV if (dEM - dEm) < 1e-3: # 0.001 meV prnt(f" {Em:.5f} -- {EM:.5f} eV [{dEm:.3f} meV]") else: prnt(f" {Em:.5f} -- {EM:.5f} eV [{dEm:.3f} -- {dEM:.3f} meV]") prnt(" - imaginary part (eta): {:.4f} meV".format(self.eta() * 1e3)) prnt(" - atoms with DOS (fortran indices):") prnt(" " + list2str(self.a_dev + 1)) prnt(" - number of BTD blocks: {}".format(self.n_btd())) if elec is None: elecs = self.elecs else: elecs = [elec] # Print out information for each electrode for elec in elecs: if not elec in self.groups: prnt(" * no information available") continue try: bloch = self.bloch(elec) except: bloch = [1] * 3 try: n_btd = self.n_btd(elec) except: n_btd = 'unknown' prnt() prnt(f"Electrode: {elec}") prnt(f" - number of BTD blocks: {n_btd}") prnt(" - Bloch: [{}, {}, {}]".format(*bloch)) gelec = self.groups[elec] if 'TBT' in self._trans_type: prnt(" - chemical potential: {:.4f} eV".format(self.chemical_potential(elec))) prnt(" - electron temperature: {:.2f} K".format(self.electron_temperature(elec))) else: prnt(" - phonon temperature: {:.4f} K".format(self.phonon_temperature(elec))) prnt(" - imaginary part (eta): {:.4f} meV".format(self.eta(elec) * 1e3)) prnt(" - atoms in down-folding region (not in device):") prnt(" " + list2str(self.a_down(elec) + 1)) prnt(" - orbitals in down-folded device region:") prnt(" " + list2str(np.sort(self.pivot(elec)) + 1)) s = out.getvalue() out.close() return s
@default_ArgumentParser(description="Show information about data in a file") def ArgumentParser(self, p=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns the arguments that is available for this Sile """ # We limit the import to occur here import argparse namespace = default_namespace(_tbtse=self, _geometry=self.geom) class Info(argparse.Action): """ Action to print information contained in the file, helpful before performing actions """ def __call__(self, parser, ns, value, option_string=None): # First short-hand the file print( p.add_argument('--info', '-i', action=Info, nargs='?', metavar='ELEC', help='Print out what information is contained in the file, optionally only for one of the electrodes.') return p, namespace add_sile('', tbtsencSileTBtrans) # Add spin-dependent files add_sile('', tbtsencSileTBtrans) add_sile('', tbtsencSileTBtrans) @set_module("") class phtsencSilePHtrans(tbtsencSileTBtrans): """ PHtrans file object """ _trans_type = 'PHT' _E2eV = Ry2eV ** 2 add_sile('', phtsencSilePHtrans)