Source code for sisl.physics.overlap

import numpy as np

from sisl._internal import set_module
from .sparse import SparseOrbitalBZ

__all__ = ['Overlap']

class Overlap(SparseOrbitalBZ):
    r""" Sparse overlap matrix object

    The Overlap object contains orbital overlaps. It should be used when the overlaps are not associated with
    another physical object such as a Hamiltonian, as is the case with eg. Siesta onlyS outputs.
    When the overlap is associated with a Hamiltonian, then this object should not be used as the overlap is stored
    in the Hamiltonian itself.

    geometry : Geometry
      parent geometry to create an overlap matrix from. The overlap matrix will
      have size equivalent to the number of orbitals in the geometry.
    dim : int, optional
      number of dimensions used to store the overlap matrix
    dtype : np.dtype, optional
      data type contained in the matrix.
    nnzpr : int, optional
      number of initially allocated memory per orbital in the matrix.
      For best performance this should be larger or equal to the actual number of entries
      per orbital.

[docs] def __init__(self, geometry, dim=1, dtype=None, nnzpr=None, **kwargs): r""" Initialize Overlap """ # Since this *is* the overlap matrix, we should never use the # orthogonal keyword kwargs["orthogonal"] = True super().__init__(geometry, dim, np.float64, nnzpr, **kwargs) self._reset()
def _reset(self): super()._reset() self.Sk = self._Pk self.dSk = self._dPk self.ddSk = self._ddPk @property def S(self): r""" Access the overlap elements """ self._def_dim = 0 return self
[docs] @classmethod def fromsp(cls, geometry, P, **kwargs): r""" Create an Overlap object from a preset `Geometry` and a sparse matrix The passed sparse matrix is in one of `scipy.sparse` formats. Note that the method for creating Overlap objects is (nearly) identical to eg. Hamiltonians, but may only be passed a single matrix. Parameters ---------- geometry : Geometry geometry to describe the new sparse geometry P : list of scipy.sparse or scipy.sparse the new sparse matrices that are to be populated in the sparse matrix **kwargs : optional any arguments that are directly passed to the ``__init__`` method of the class. Returns ------- Overlap a new Overlap object """ # Using S explicitly in the argument ensures users will not pass it through # kwargs, if they do, an error will be raised. return super().fromsp(geometry, P=P, S=None, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(sile, *args, **kwargs): """ Reads Overlap from `Sile` using `read_overlap`. Parameters ---------- sile : Sile, str or pathlib.Path a `Sile` object which will be used to read the Overlap and the overlap matrix (if any) if it is a string it will create a new sile using `get_sile`. * : args passed directly to ``read_overlap(,**)`` """ from import get_sile, BaseSile if isinstance(sile, BaseSile): return sile.read_overlap(*args, **kwargs) else: with get_sile(sile) as fh: return fh.read_overlap(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def write(self, sile, *args, **kwargs): """ Writes the Overlap to the `Sile` as implemented in the :code:`Sile.write_overlap` method """ from import get_sile, BaseSile if isinstance(sile, BaseSile): sile.write_overlap(self, *args, **kwargs) else: with get_sile(sile, 'w') as fh: fh.write_overlap(self, *args, **kwargs)