Physical quantites

Physical quantities such as Hamiltonian and density matrices are representated through specific classes enabling various handlings.


Spin([kind, dtype])

Spin class to determine configurations and spin components.


EnergyDensityMatrix(geometry[, dim, dtype, …])

Sparse energy density matrix object

DensityMatrix(geometry[, dim, dtype, nnzpr])

Sparse density matrix object

Hamiltonian(geometry[, dim, dtype, nnzpr])

Sparse Hamiltonian matrix object

DynamicalMatrix(geometry[, dim, dtype, nnzpr])

Dynamical matrix of a geometry

Overlap(geometry[, dim, dtype, nnzpr])

Sparse overlap matrix object

Self energies

Self-energies are specific physical quantities that enables integrating out semi-infinite regions.

SelfEnergy(*args, **kwargs)

Self-energy object able to calculate the dense self-energy for a given sparse matrix

WideBandSE(spgeom, eta)

Self-energy object with a wide-band electronic structure

SemiInfinite(spgeom, infinite[, eta])

Self-energy object able to calculate the dense self-energy for a given SparseGeometry in a semi-infinite chain.

RecursiveSI(spgeom, infinite[, eta])

Self-energy object using the Lopez-Sancho Lopez-Sancho algorithm

RealSpaceSE(parent, semi_axis, k_axes[, unfold])

Bulk real-space self-energy (or Green function) for a given physical object with periodicity

RealSpaceSI(semi, surface, k_axes[, unfold])

Surface real-space self-energy (or Green function) for a given physical object with limited periodicity

Bloch’s theorem

Bloch’s theorem is a very powerful proceduce that enables one to utilize the periodicity of a given direction to describe the complete system.


Bloch’s theorem object containing unfolding factors and unfolding algorithms